// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify -fms-extensions %s // Straight from the standard: // Plain function with spec void f() throw(int); // Pointer to function with spec void (*fp)() throw (int); // Function taking reference to function with spec void g(void pfa() throw(int)); // Typedef for pointer to function with spec typedef int (*pf)() throw(int); // expected-error {{specifications are not allowed in typedefs}} // Some more: // Function returning function with spec void (*h())() throw(int); // Ultimate parser thrill: function with spec returning function with spec and // taking pointer to function with spec. // The actual function throws int, the return type double, the argument float. void (*i() throw(int))(void (*)() throw(float)) throw(double); // Pointer to pointer to function taking function with spec void (**k)(void pfa() throw(int)); // no-error // Pointer to pointer to function with spec void (**j)() throw(int); // expected-error {{not allowed beyond a single}} // Pointer to function returning pointer to pointer to function with spec void (**(*h())())() throw(int); // expected-error {{not allowed beyond a single}} struct Incomplete; // expected-note 3 {{forward declaration}} // Exception spec must not have incomplete types, or pointers to them, except // void. void ic1() throw(void); // expected-error {{incomplete type 'void' is not allowed in exception specification}} void ic2() throw(Incomplete); // expected-error {{incomplete type 'struct Incomplete' is not allowed in exception specification}} void ic3() throw(void*); void ic4() throw(Incomplete*); // expected-error {{pointer to incomplete type 'struct Incomplete' is not allowed in exception specification}} void ic5() throw(Incomplete&); // expected-error {{reference to incomplete type 'struct Incomplete' is not allowed in exception specification}} // Redeclarations typedef int INT; void r1() throw(int); void r1() throw(int); void r2() throw(int); void r2() throw(INT); // throw-any spec and no spec at all are semantically equivalent void r3(); void r3() throw(...); void r4() throw(int, float); void r4() throw(float, int); void r5() throw(int); // expected-note {{previous declaration}} void r5(); // expected-error {{exception specification in declaration does not match}} void r6() throw(...); // expected-note {{previous declaration}} void r6() throw(int); // expected-error {{exception specification in declaration does not match}} void r7() throw(int); // expected-note {{previous declaration}} void r7() throw(float); // expected-error {{exception specification in declaration does not match}} // Top-level const doesn't matter. void r8() throw(int); void r8() throw(const int); // Multiple appearances don't matter. void r9() throw(int, int); void r9() throw(int, int); struct A { }; struct B1 : A { }; struct B2 : A { }; struct D : B1, B2 { }; struct P : private A { }; struct Base { virtual void f1() throw(); virtual void f2(); virtual void f3() throw(...); virtual void f4() throw(int, float); virtual void f5() throw(int, float); virtual void f6() throw(A); virtual void f7() throw(A, int, float); virtual void f8(); virtual void g1() throw(); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}} virtual void g2() throw(int); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}} virtual void g3() throw(A); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}} virtual void g4() throw(B1); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}} virtual void g5() throw(A); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}} }; struct Derived : Base { virtual void f1() throw(); virtual void f2() throw(...); virtual void f3(); virtual void f4() throw(float, int); virtual void f5() throw(float); virtual void f6() throw(B1); virtual void f7() throw(B1, B2, int); virtual void f8() throw(B2, B2, int, float, char, double, bool); virtual void g1() throw(int); // expected-error {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax}} virtual void g2(); // expected-error {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax}} virtual void g3() throw(D); // expected-error {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax}} virtual void g4() throw(A); // expected-error {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax}} virtual void g5() throw(P); // expected-error {{exception specification of overriding function is more lax}} }; // Some functions to play with below. void s1() throw(); void s2() throw(int); void s3() throw(A); void s4() throw(B1); void s5() throw(D); void s6(); void s7() throw(int, float); void (*s8())() throw(B1); // s8 returns a pointer to function with spec void s9(void (*)() throw(B1)); // s9 takes pointer to function with spec void fnptrs() { // Assignment and initialization of function pointers. void (*t1)() throw() = &s1; // valid t1 = &s2; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} t1 = &s3; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} void (&t2)() throw() = s2; // expected-error {{not superset}} void (*t3)() throw(int) = &s2; // valid void (*t4)() throw(A) = &s1; // valid t4 = &s3; // valid t4 = &s4; // valid t4 = &s5; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} void (*t5)() = &s1; // valid t5 = &s2; // valid t5 = &s6; // valid t5 = &s7; // valid t1 = t3; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} t3 = t1; // valid void (*t6)() throw(B1); t6 = t4; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} t4 = t6; // valid t5 = t1; // valid t1 = t5; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} // return types and arguments must match exactly, no inheritance allowed void (*(*t7)())() throw(B1) = &s8; // valid void (*(*t8)())() throw(A) = &s8; // expected-error {{return types differ}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} void (*(*t9)())() throw(D) = &s8; // expected-error {{return types differ}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} void (*t10)(void (*)() throw(B1)) = &s9; // valid expected-warning{{disambiguated}} void (*t11)(void (*)() throw(A)) = &s9; // expected-error {{argument types differ}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} expected-warning{{disambiguated}} void (*t12)(void (*)() throw(D)) = &s9; // expected-error {{argument types differ}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} expected-warning{{disambiguated}} } // Member function stuff struct Str1 { void f() throw(int); }; // expected-note {{previous declaration}} void Str1::f() // expected-error {{does not match previous declaration}} { } void mfnptr() { void (Str1::*pfn1)() throw(int) = &Str1::f; // valid void (Str1::*pfn2)() = &Str1::f; // valid void (Str1::*pfn3)() throw() = &Str1::f; // expected-error {{not superset}} expected-error {{incompatible type}} } // Don't suppress errors in template instantiation. template struct TEx; // expected-note {{template is declared here}} void tf() throw(TEx); // expected-error {{implicit instantiation of undefined template}} // DR 437, class throws itself. struct DR437 { void f() throw(DR437); void g() throw(DR437*); void h() throw(DR437&); }; // DR 437 within a nested class struct DR437_out { struct DR437_in { void f() throw(DR437_out); void g() throw(DR437_out*); void h() throw(DR437_out&); }; };