// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wformat-nonliteral %s typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t; typedef struct _FILE FILE; typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t; int fscanf(FILE * restrict, const char * restrict, ...) ; int scanf(const char * restrict, ...) ; int sscanf(const char * restrict, const char * restrict, ...) ; void test(const char *s, int *i) { scanf(s, i); // expected-warning{{ormat string is not a string literal}} scanf("%0d", i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}} scanf("%00d", i); // expected-warning{{zero field width in scanf format string is unused}} scanf("%d%[asdfasdfd", i, s); // expected-warning{{no closing ']' for '%[' in scanf format string}} unsigned short s_x; scanf ("%" "hu" "\n", &s_x); // no-warning scanf("%y", i); // expected-warning{{invalid conversion specifier 'y'}} scanf("%%"); // no-warning scanf("%%%1$d", i); // no-warning scanf("%1$d%%", i); // no-warning scanf("%d", i, i); // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}} scanf("%*d", i); // // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}} scanf("%*d", i); // // expected-warning{{data argument not used by format string}} scanf("%*d%1$d", i); // no-warning } void bad_length_modifiers(char *s, void *p, wchar_t *ws, long double *ld) { scanf("%hhs", "foo"); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'hh' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 's' conversion specifier}} scanf("%1$zp", p); // expected-warning{{length modifier 'z' results in undefined behavior or no effect with 'p' conversion specifier}} scanf("%ls", ws); // no-warning scanf("%#.2Lf", ld); // expected-warning{{invalid conversion specifier '#'}} }