// RUN: clang-cc %s -fsyntax-only -verify #define _AS1 __attribute__((address_space(1))) #define _AS2 __attribute__((address_space(2))) #define _AS3 __attribute__((address_space(3))) void foo(_AS3 float *a) { _AS2 *x;// expected-warning {{type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'}} _AS1 float * _AS2 *B; int _AS1 _AS2 *Y; // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}} int *_AS1 _AS2 *Z; // expected-error {{multiple address spaces specified for type}} _AS1 int local; // expected-error {{automatic variable qualified with an address space}} _AS1 int array[5]; // expected-error {{automatic variable qualified with an address space}} _AS1 int arrarr[5][5]; // expected-error {{automatic variable qualified with an address space}} *a = 5.0f; } struct _st { int x, y; } s __attribute ((address_space(1))) = {1, 1}; // rdar://6774906 __attribute__((address_space(256))) void * * const base = 0; void * get_0(void) { return base[0]; // expected-error {{illegal implicit cast between two pointers with different address spaces}} \ expected-warning {{returning 'void __attribute__((address_space(256)))*' discards qualifiers, expected 'void *'}} }