// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-mingw32 -fsyntax-only -Wno-missing-declarations -verify -fms-extensions %s __stdcall int func0(void); int __stdcall func(void); typedef int (__cdecl *tptr)(void); void (*__fastcall fastpfunc)(void); extern __declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall VarR4FromDec(void); __declspec(deprecated) __declspec(deprecated) char * __cdecl ltoa( long _Val, char * _DstBuf, int _Radix); __declspec(safebuffers) __declspec(noalias) __declspec(restrict) void * __cdecl xxx(void *_Memory); /* expected-warning{{__declspec attribute 'safebuffers' is not supported}} expected-warning{{__declspec attribute 'noalias' is not supported}} */ typedef __w64 unsigned long ULONG_PTR, *PULONG_PTR; void * __ptr64 PtrToPtr64(const void *p) { return((void * __ptr64) (unsigned __int64) (ULONG_PTR)p ); } void * __ptr32 PtrToPtr32(const void *p) { return((void * __ptr32) (unsigned __int32) (ULONG_PTR)p ); } /* Both inline and __forceinline is OK. */ inline void __forceinline pr8264(void) {} __forceinline void inline pr8264_1(void) {} void inline __forceinline pr8264_2(void) {} void __forceinline inline pr8264_3(void) {} /* But duplicate __forceinline causes warning. */ void __forceinline __forceinline pr8264_4(void) { /* expected-warning{{duplicate '__forceinline' declaration specifier}} */ } _inline int foo99(void) { return 99; } void test_ms_alignof_alias(void) { unsigned int s = _alignof(int); s = __builtin_alignof(int); } /* Charify extension. */ #define FOO(x) #@x char x = FOO(a); typedef enum E { e1 }; enum __declspec(deprecated) E2 { i, j, k }; /* expected-note {{'E2' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} */ __declspec(deprecated) enum E3 { a, b, c } e; /* expected-note {{'e' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} */ void deprecated_enum_test(void) { /* Test to make sure the deprecated warning follows the right thing */ enum E2 e1; /* expected-warning {{'E2' is deprecated}} */ enum E3 e2; /* No warning expected, the deprecation follows the variable */ enum E3 e3 = e; /* expected-warning {{'e' is deprecated}} */ } /* Microsoft attribute tests */ [returnvalue:SA_Post( attr=1)] int foo1([SA_Post(attr=1)] void *param); [unbalanced(attribute) /* expected-note {{to match this '['}} */ void f(void); /* expected-error {{expected ']'}} */ [] __interface I {}; /* expected-error {{Microsoft attribute block cannot be empty}} */ void ms_intrinsics(int a) { __noop(); __assume(a); __debugbreak(); } struct __declspec(frobble) S1 {}; /* expected-warning {{__declspec attribute 'frobble' is not supported}} */ struct __declspec(12) S2 {}; /* expected-error {{__declspec attributes must be an identifier or string literal}} */ struct __declspec("testing") S3 {}; /* expected-warning {{__declspec attribute '"testing"' is not supported}} */ /* declspecs with arguments cannot have an empty argument list, even if the arguments are optional. */ __declspec(deprecated()) void dep_func_test(void); /* expected-error {{parentheses must be omitted if 'deprecated' attribute's argument list is empty}} */ __declspec(deprecated) void dep_func_test2(void); __declspec(deprecated("")) void dep_func_test3(void); /* Ensure multiple declspec attributes are supported */ struct __declspec(align(8) deprecated) S4 {}; /* But multiple declspecs must still be legal */ struct __declspec(deprecated frobble "testing") S5 {}; /* expected-warning {{__declspec attribute 'frobble' is not supported}} expected-warning {{__declspec attribute '"testing"' is not supported}} */ struct __declspec(unknown(12) deprecated) S6 {}; /* expected-warning {{__declspec attribute 'unknown' is not supported}}*/ int * __sptr psp; int * __uptr pup; /* Either ordering is acceptable */ int * __ptr32 __sptr psp32; int * __ptr32 __uptr pup32; int * __sptr __ptr64 psp64; int * __uptr __ptr64 pup64; /* Legal to have nested pointer attributes */ int * __sptr * __ptr32 ppsp32; // Ignored type qualifiers after comma in declarator lists typedef int ignored_quals_dummy1, const volatile __ptr32 __ptr64 __w64 __unaligned __sptr __uptr ignored_quals1; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} typedef void(*ignored_quals_dummy2)(), __fastcall ignored_quals2; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} typedef void(*ignored_quals_dummy3)(), __stdcall ignored_quals3; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} typedef void(*ignored_quals_dummy4)(), __thiscall ignored_quals4; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} typedef void(*ignored_quals_dummy5)(), __cdecl ignored_quals5; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} typedef void(*ignored_quals_dummy6)(), __vectorcall ignored_quals6; // expected-warning {{qualifiers after comma in declarator list are ignored}} __declspec(align(16)) struct align_before_key1 {}; __declspec(align(16)) struct align_before_key2 {} align_before_key2_var; __declspec(align(16)) struct align_before_key3 {} *align_before_key3_var; _Static_assert(__alignof(struct align_before_key1) == 16, ""); _Static_assert(__alignof(struct align_before_key2) == 16, ""); _Static_assert(__alignof(struct align_before_key3) == 16, "");