/* RUN: clang-cc -E -trigraphs %s | grep bar && RUN: clang-cc -E -trigraphs %s | grep foo && RUN: clang-cc -E -trigraphs %s | not grep abc && RUN: clang-cc -E -trigraphs %s | not grep xyz && RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -trigraphs -verify %s */ // This is a simple comment, /*/ does not end a comment, the trailing */ does. int i = /*/ */ 1; /* abc next comment ends with normal escaped newline: */ /* expected-warning {{escaped newline}} expected-warning {{backslash and newline}} *\ / int bar /* xyz next comment ends with a trigraph escaped newline: */ /* expected-warning {{escaped newline between}} expected-warning {{backslash and newline separated by space}} expected-warning {{trigraph ends block comment}} *??/ / foo /* expected-error {{invalid token after top level declarator}} */ // rdar://6060752 - We should not get warnings about trigraphs in comments: // '????' /* ???? */