// RUN: rm -rf %t // RUN: mkdir %t // RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -comments-xml-schema=%S/../../bindings/xml/comment-xml-schema.rng %s > %t/out // RUN: FileCheck %s < %t/out // Test to search overridden methods for documentation when overriding method has none. rdar://12378793 // Ensure that XML we generate is not invalid. // RUN: FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WRONG < %t/out // WRONG-NOT: CommentXMLInvalid @protocol P - (void)METH:(id)PPP; @end @interface Root

/** * \param[in] AAA ZZZ */ - (void)METH:(id)AAA; @end @interface Sub : Root @end @interface Sub (CAT) - (void)METH:(id)BBB; @end @implementation Sub(CAT) - (void)METH:(id)III {} @end @interface Redec : Root @end @interface Redec() /** * \param[in] AAA input value * \param[out] CCC output value is int * \param[in] BBB 2nd input value is double */ - (void)EXT_METH:(id)AAA : (double)BBB : (int)CCC; @end @implementation Redec - (void)EXT_METH:(id)PPP : (double)QQQ : (int)RRR {} @end struct Base { /// \brief Does something. /// \param AAA argument to foo_pure. virtual void foo_pure(int AAA) = 0; /// \brief Does something. /// \param BBB argument to defined virtual. virtual void foo_inline(int BBB) {} /// \brief Does something. /// \param CCC argument to undefined virtual. virtual void foo_outofline(int CCC); }; void Base::foo_outofline(int RRR) {} struct Derived : public Base { virtual void foo_pure(int PPP); virtual void foo_inline(int QQQ) {} }; /// \brief Does something. /// \param DDD a value. void foo(int DDD); void foo(int SSS) {} /// \brief Does something. /// \param EEE argument to function decl. void foo1(int EEE); void foo1(int TTT); /// \brief Documentation /// \tparam BBB The type, silly. /// \tparam AAA The type, silly as well. template void foo(AAA, BBB); template void foo(PPP, QQQ); // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[METH:c:objc(cs)Root(im)METH:- (void) METH:(id)AAAAAA0in ZZZ ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[METH:c:objc(cs)Root(im)METH:- (void) METH:(id)BBBBBB0in ZZZ ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[METH:c:objc(cs)Root(im)METH:- (void) METH:(id)IIIIII0in ZZZ ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[EXT_METH:::c:objc(cs)Redec(im)EXT_METH:::- (void) EXT_METH:(id)AAA :(double)BBB :(int)CCCAAA0in input value BBB1in 2nd input value is double CCC2out output value is int ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[EXT_METH:::c:objc(cs)Redec(im)EXT_METH:::- (void) EXT_METH:(id)PPP :(double)QQQ :(int)RRRPPP0in input value QQQ1in 2nd input value is double RRR2out output value is int ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_purec:@S@Base@F@foo_pure#I#virtual void foo_pure(int AAA) = 0 Does something. AAA0in argument to foo_pure.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_inlinec:@S@Base@F@foo_inline#I#virtual void foo_inline(int BBB) Does something. BBB0in argument to defined virtual.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_outoflinec:@S@Base@F@foo_outofline#I#virtual void foo_outofline(int CCC) Does something. CCC0in argument to undefined virtual.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_outoflinec:@S@Base@F@foo_outofline#I#void foo_outofline(int RRR) Does something. RRR0in argument to undefined virtual.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_purec:@S@Base@F@foo_pure#I#virtual void foo_pure(int PPP) Does something. PPP0in argument to foo_pure.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo_inlinec:@S@Base@F@foo_inline#I#virtual void foo_inline(int QQQ) Does something. QQQ0in argument to defined virtual.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[fooc:@F@foo#I#void foo(int DDD) Does something. DDD0in a value.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[fooc:@F@foo#I#void foo(int SSS) Does something. SSS0in a value.] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo1c:@F@foo1#I#void foo1(int EEE) Does something. EEE0in argument to function decl. ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[foo1c:@F@foo1#I#void foo1(int TTT) Does something. TTT0in argument to function decl. ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[fooc:@FT@>2#T#Tfoo#t0.0#t0.1#template <typename AAA, typename BBB> void foo(AAA, BBB) Documentation AAA0 The type, silly as well.BBB1 The type, silly. ] // CHECK: FullCommentAsXML=[fooc:@FT@>2#T#Tfoo#t0.0#t0.1#template <typename PPP, typename QQQ> void foo(PPP, QQQ) Documentation PPP0 The type, silly as well.QQQ1 The type, silly. ]