// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping -dump-coverage-mapping -emit-llvm-only -main-file-name macroparams2.c %s | FileCheck %s // A test case for when the first macro parameter is used after the second // macro parameter. struct S { int i, j; }; #define MACRO(REFS, CALLS) (4 * (CALLS) < (REFS)) int main() { // CHECK: File 0, [[@LINE]]:12 -> [[@LINE+7]]:2 = #0 (HasCodeBefore = 0) struct S arr[32] = { 0 }; // CHECK-NEXT: Expansion,File 0, [[@LINE+2]]:7 -> [[@LINE+2]]:12 = #0 (HasCodeBefore = 0, Expanded file = 1) int n = 0; // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE+1]]:13 -> [[@LINE+1]]:21 = #0 (HasCodeBefore = 0) if (MACRO(arr[n].j, arr[n].i)) { // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE]]:23 -> [[@LINE]]:31 = #0 (HasCodeBefore = 0) n = 1; // CHECK-NEXT: File 0, [[@LINE-1]]:34 -> [[@LINE+1]]:4 = #1 (HasCodeBefore = 0) } return n; } // CHECK-NEXT: File 1, [[@LINE-9]]:29 -> [[@LINE-9]]:51 = #0 (HasCodeBefore = 0