// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -fobjc-arc -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -O0 -emit-llvm %s -o %t-64.s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix LP64 --input-file=%t-64.s %s // rdar://12184410 void x(id y) {} void y(int a) {} extern id opaque_id(); void f() { __weak id wid; __block int byref_int = 0; char ch = 'a'; char ch1 = 'b'; char ch2 = 'c'; short sh = 2; const id bar = (id) opaque_id(); id baz = 0; __strong id strong_void_sta; __block id byref_bab = (id)0; __block id bl_var1; int i; double dob; // The patterns here are a sequence of bytes, each saying first how // many sizeof(void*) chunks to skip (high nibble) and then how many // to scan (low nibble). A zero byte says that we've reached the end // of the pattern. // // All of these patterns start with 01 3x because the block header on // LP64 consists of an isa pointer (which we're supposed to scan for // some reason) followed by three words (2 ints, a function pointer, // and a descriptor pointer). // Test 1 // block variable layout: BL_BYREF:1, BL_STRONG:3, BL_BYREF:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [4 x i8] c"@2@\00" void (^b)() = ^{ byref_int = sh + ch+ch1+ch2 ; x(bar); x(baz); x((id)strong_void_sta); x(byref_bab); }; b(); // Test 2 // block variable layout: BL_BYREF:1, BL_STRONG:3, BL_WEAK:1, BL_BYREF:2, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [5 x i8] c"@2PA\00" void (^c)() = ^{ byref_int = sh + ch+ch1+ch2 ; x(bar); x(baz); x((id)strong_void_sta); x(wid); bl_var1 = 0; x(byref_bab); }; } @class NSString, NSNumber; void g() { NSString *foo; NSNumber *bar; unsigned int bletch; __weak id weak_delegate; unsigned int i; NSString *y; NSString *z; // block variable layout: BL_STRONG:2, BL_WEAK:1, BL_STRONG:2, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [4 x i8] c"1P1\00" void (^c)() = ^{ int j = i + bletch; x(foo); x(bar); x(weak_delegate); x(y); x(z); }; c(); } // Test 5 (unions/structs and their nesting): void h() { struct S5 { int i1; __unsafe_unretained id o1; struct V { int i2; __unsafe_unretained id o2; } v1; int i3; union UI { void * i1; __unsafe_unretained id o1; int i3; __unsafe_unretained id o3; }ui; }; union U { void * i1; __unsafe_unretained id o1; int i3; __unsafe_unretained id o3; }ui; struct S5 s2; union U u2; __block id block_id; /** block variable layout: BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:3, BL_BYREF:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 */ // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [7 x i8] c" ` `\22@\00" void (^c)() = ^{ x(s2.ui.o1); x(u2.o1); block_id = 0; }; c(); } // Test for array of stuff. void arr1() { struct S { __unsafe_unretained id unsafe_unretained_var[4]; } imported_s; // block variable layout: BL_UNRETAINE:4, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [2 x i8] c"c\00" void (^c)() = ^{ x(imported_s.unsafe_unretained_var[2]); }; c(); } // Test2 for array of stuff. void arr2() { struct S { int a; __unsafe_unretained id unsafe_unretained_var[4]; } imported_s; // block variable layout: BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:4, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [3 x i8] c" c\00" void (^c)() = ^{ x(imported_s.unsafe_unretained_var[2]); }; c(); } // Test3 for array of stuff. void arr3() { struct S { int a; __unsafe_unretained id unsafe_unretained_var[0]; } imported_s; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer void (^c)() = ^{ int i = imported_s.a; }; c(); } // Test4 for array of stuff. @class B; void arr4() { struct S { struct s0 { __unsafe_unretained id s_f0; __unsafe_unretained id s_f1; } f0; __unsafe_unretained id f1; struct s1 { int *f0; __unsafe_unretained B *f1; } f4[2][2]; } captured_s; /** block variable layout: BL_UNRETAINE:3, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_NON_OBJECT_WORD:1, BL_UNRETAINE:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 */ // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [10 x i8] void (^c)() = ^{ id i = captured_s.f0.s_f1; }; c(); } // Test1 bitfield in cpatured aggregate. void bf1() { struct S { int flag : 25; int flag1: 7; int flag2 :1; int flag3: 7; int flag4: 24; } s; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer int (^c)() = ^{ return s.flag; }; c(); } // Test2 bitfield in cpatured aggregate. void bf2() { struct S { int flag : 1; } s; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer int (^c)() = ^{ return s.flag; }; c(); } // Test3 bitfield in cpatured aggregate. void bf3() { struct { unsigned short _reserved : 16; unsigned char _draggedNodesAreDeletable: 1; unsigned char _draggedOutsideOutlineView : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_addRootPaths : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_moveDataNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_removeRootDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_doubleClickDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_selectDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_textDidEndEditing : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_updateAndSaveRoots : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_askToDeleteRootNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_contextMenuForSelectedNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_pasteboardFilenamesForNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_writeItemsToPasteboard : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_writeItemsToPasteboardXXXX : 1; unsigned int _filler : 32; } _flags; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer unsigned char (^c)() = ^{ return _flags._draggedNodesAreDeletable; }; c(); } // Test4 unnamed bitfield void bf4() { struct { unsigned short _reserved : 16; unsigned char _draggedNodesAreDeletable: 1; unsigned char _draggedOutsideOutlineView : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_addRootPaths : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_moveDataNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_removeRootDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_doubleClickDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_selectDataNode : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_textDidEndEditing : 1; unsigned long long : 64; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_updateAndSaveRoots : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_askToDeleteRootNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_contextMenuForSelectedNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_pasteboardFilenamesForNodes : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_writeItemsToPasteboard : 1; unsigned char _adapterRespondsTo_writeItemsToPasteboardXXXX : 1; unsigned int _filler : 32; } _flags; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer unsigned char (^c)() = ^{ return _flags._draggedNodesAreDeletable; }; c(); } // Test5 unnamed bitfield. void bf5() { struct { unsigned char flag : 1; unsigned int : 32; unsigned char flag1 : 1; } _flags; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer unsigned char (^c)() = ^{ return _flags.flag; }; c(); } // Test6 0 length bitfield. void bf6() { struct { unsigned char flag : 1; unsigned int : 0; unsigned char flag1 : 1; } _flags; // block variable layout: BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer unsigned char (^c)() = ^{ return _flags.flag; }; c(); } // Test7 large number of captured variables. void Test7() { __weak id wid; __weak id wid1, wid2, wid3, wid4; __weak id wid5, wid6, wid7, wid8; __weak id wid9, wid10, wid11, wid12; __weak id wid13, wid14, wid15, wid16; const id bar = (id) opaque_id(); //block variable layout: BL_STRONG:1, BL_WEAK:16, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [3 x i8] c"0_\00" void (^b)() = ^{ x(bar); x(wid1); x(wid2); x(wid3); x(wid4); x(wid5); x(wid6); x(wid7); x(wid8); x(wid9); x(wid10); x(wid11); x(wid12); x(wid13); x(wid14); x(wid15); x(wid16); }; } // Test 8 very large number of captured variables. void Test8() { __weak id wid; __weak id wid1, wid2, wid3, wid4; __weak id wid5, wid6, wid7, wid8; __weak id wid9, wid10, wid11, wid12; __weak id wid13, wid14, wid15, wid16; __weak id w1, w2, w3, w4; __weak id w5, w6, w7, w8; __weak id w9, w10, w11, w12; __weak id w13, w14, w15, w16; const id bar = (id) opaque_id(); // block variable layout: BL_STRONG:1, BL_WEAK:16, BL_WEAK:16, BL_WEAK:1, BL_OPERATOR:0 // CHECK-LP64: @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_{{.*}}" = internal global [5 x i8] void (^b)() = ^{ x(bar); x(wid1); x(wid2); x(wid3); x(wid4); x(wid5); x(wid6); x(wid7); x(wid8); x(wid9); x(wid10); x(wid11); x(wid12); x(wid13); x(wid14); x(wid15); x(wid16); x(w1); x(w2); x(w3); x(w4); x(w5); x(w6); x(w7); x(w8); x(w9); x(w10); x(w11); x(w12); x(w13); x(w14); x(w15); x(w16); x(wid); }; }