// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -std=c++0x -emit-llvm %s -o %t.ll // RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t.ll %s struct test1_D { double d; } d1; void test1() { throw d1; } // CHECK: define void @_Z5test1v() // CHECK: [[FREEVAR:%.*]] = alloca i1 // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJ:%.*]] = call i8* @__cxa_allocate_exception(i64 8) // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8** [[EXNOBJVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 true, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[EXNOBJ]] to [[DSTAR:%[^*]*\*]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXN2:%.*]] = bitcast [[DSTAR]] [[EXN]] to i8* // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* [[EXN2]], i8* bitcast ([[DSTAR]] @d1 to i8*), i64 8, i32 8, i1 false) // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_throw(i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8* bitcast (%0* @_ZTI7test1_D to i8*), i8* null) noreturn // CHECK-NEXT: unreachable struct test2_D { test2_D(const test2_D&o); test2_D(); virtual void bar() { } int i; int j; } d2; void test2() { throw d2; } // CHECK: define void @_Z5test2v() // CHECK: [[FREEVAR:%.*]] = alloca i1 // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNSLOTVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJ:%.*]] = call i8* @__cxa_allocate_exception(i64 16) // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8** [[EXNOBJVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 true, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[EXNOBJ]] to [[DSTAR:%[^*]*\*]] // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN7test2_DC1ERKS_([[DSTAR]] [[EXN]], [[DSTAR]] @d2) // CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[CONT:.*]] unwind label %{{.*}} // : [[CONT]]: (can't check this in Release-Asserts builds) // CHECK: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_throw(i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8* bitcast (%{{.*}}* @_ZTI7test2_D to i8*), i8* null) noreturn // CHECK-NEXT: unreachable struct test3_D { test3_D() { } test3_D(volatile test3_D&o); virtual void bar(); }; void test3() { throw (volatile test3_D *)0; } // CHECK: define void @_Z5test3v() // CHECK: [[FREEVAR:%.*]] = alloca i1 // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNOBJ:%.*]] = call i8* @__cxa_allocate_exception(i64 8) // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8** [[EXNOBJVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 true, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[EXNOBJ]] to [[DSS:%[^*]*\*]]* // CHECK-NEXT: store [[DSS]] null, [[DSS]]* [[EXN]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_throw(i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTIPV7test3_D to i8*), i8* null) noreturn // CHECK-NEXT: unreachable void test4() { throw; } // CHECK: define void @_Z5test4v() // CHECK: call void @__cxa_rethrow() noreturn // CHECK-NEXT: unreachable // rdar://problem/7696549 namespace test5 { struct A { A(); A(const A&); ~A(); }; void test() { try { throw A(); } catch (A &x) {} } // CHECK: define void @_ZN5test54testEv() // CHECK: [[EXNOBJ:%.*]] = call i8* @__cxa_allocate_exception(i64 1) // CHECK: [[EXNCAST:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[EXNOBJ]] to [[A:%[^*]*]]* // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN5test51AC1Ev([[A]]* [[EXNCAST]]) // CHECK: invoke void @__cxa_throw(i8* [[EXNOBJ]], i8* bitcast ({{%.*}}* @_ZTIN5test51AE to i8*), i8* bitcast (void ([[A]]*)* @_ZN5test51AD1Ev to i8*)) noreturn // CHECK-NEXT: to label {{%.*}} unwind label %[[HANDLER:[^ ]*]] // : [[HANDLER]]: (can't check this in Release-Asserts builds) // CHECK: {{%.*}} = call i32 @llvm.eh.typeid.for(i8* bitcast ({{%.*}}* @_ZTIN5test51AE to i8*)) } namespace test6 { template struct allocator { ~allocator() throw() { } }; void foo() { allocator a; } } // PR7127 namespace test7 { // CHECK: define i32 @_ZN5test73fooEv() int foo() { // CHECK: [[FREEEXNOBJ:%.*]] = alloca i1 // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNALLOCVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: [[CAUGHTEXNVAR:%.*]] = alloca i8* // CHECK-NEXT: [[INTCATCHVAR:%.*]] = alloca i32 // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEEXNOBJ]] try { try { // CHECK-NEXT: [[EXNALLOC:%.*]] = call i8* @__cxa_allocate_exception // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[EXNALLOC]], i8** [[EXNALLOCVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 true, i1* [[FREEEXNOBJ]] // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i8* [[EXNALLOC]] to i32* // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* // CHECK-NEXT: store i1 false, i1* [[FREEEXNOBJ]] // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @__cxa_throw(i8* [[EXNALLOC]], i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), i8* null throw 1; } // CHECK: [[CAUGHTEXN:%.*]] = call i8* @llvm.eh.exception() // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[CAUGHTEXN]], i8** [[CAUGHTEXNVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call i32 (i8*, i8*, ...)* @llvm.eh.selector(i8* [[CAUGHTEXN]], i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), i8* null) // CHECK-NEXT: call i32 @llvm.eh.typeid.for(i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*)) // CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 // CHECK: load i8** [[CAUGHTEXNVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK: invoke void @__cxa_rethrow catch (int) { throw; } } // CHECK: [[CAUGHTEXN:%.*]] = call i8* @llvm.eh.exception() // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[CAUGHTEXN]], i8** [[CAUGHTEXNVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call i32 (i8*, i8*, ...)* @llvm.eh.selector(i8* [[CAUGHTEXN]], i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*), i8* null) // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_end_catch() // CHECK-NEXT: br label // CHECK: load i8** [[CAUGHTEXNVAR]] // CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_end_catch catch (...) { } // CHECK: ret i32 0 return 0; } } // Ordering of destructors in a catch handler. namespace test8 { struct A { A(const A&); ~A(); }; void bar(); // CHECK: define void @_ZN5test83fooEv() void foo() { try { // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5test83barEv() bar(); } catch (A a) { // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_get_exception_ptr // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN5test81AC1ERKS0_( // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @_ZN5test81AD1Ev( // CHECK: call void @__cxa_end_catch() // CHECK: ret void } } } // Constructor function-try-block must rethrow on fallthrough. // rdar://problem/7696603 namespace test9 { void opaque(); struct A { A(); }; // CHECK: define void @_ZN5test91AC1Ev // CHECK: call void @_ZN5test91AC2Ev // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK: define void @_ZN5test91AC2Ev( A::A() try { // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5test96opaqueEv() opaque(); } catch (int x) { // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN5test96opaqueEv() // CHECK: invoke void @__cxa_rethrow() opaque(); } // landing pad from first call to invoke // CHECK: call i8* @llvm.eh.exception // CHECK: call i32 (i8*, i8*, ...)* @llvm.eh.selector(i8* {{.*}}, i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** @_ZTIi to i8*), i8* null) } // __cxa_end_catch can throw for some kinds of caught exceptions. namespace test10 { void opaque(); struct A { ~A(); }; struct B { int x; }; // CHECK: define void @_ZN6test103fooEv() void foo() { A a; // force a cleanup context try { // CHECK: invoke void @_ZN6test106opaqueEv() opaque(); } catch (int i) { // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast // CHECK-NEXT: load i32* // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 // CHECK-NEXT: call void @__cxa_end_catch() nounwind } catch (B a) { // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast // CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.memcpy // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @__cxa_end_catch() } catch (...) { // CHECK: call i8* @__cxa_begin_catch // CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @__cxa_end_catch() } // CHECK: call void @_ZN6test101AD1Ev( } }