// RUN: clang-cc -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -S %s -o %t-64.s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix LP64 --input-file=%t-64.s %s // RUN: clang-cc -triple i386-apple-darwin -S %s -o %t-32.s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix LP32 --input-file=%t-32.s %s extern "C" int printf(...); int init = 100; struct M { int iM; M() : iM(init++) {} }; struct N { int iN; N() : iN(200) {} N(N const & arg){this->iN = arg.iN; } }; struct P { int iP; P() : iP(init++) {} }; struct X : M, N, P { // ... X() : f1(1.0), d1(2.0), i1(3), name("HELLO"), bf1(0xff), bf2(0xabcd), au_i1(1234), au1_4("MASKED") {} P p0; void pr() { printf("iM = %d iN = %d, m1.iM = %d\n", iM, iN, m1.iM); printf("im = %d p0.iP = %d, p1.iP = %d\n", iP, p0.iP, p1.iP); printf("f1 = %f d1 = %f i1 = %d name(%s) \n", f1, d1, i1, name); printf("bf1 = %x bf2 = %x\n", bf1, bf2); printf("au_i2 = %d\n", au_i2); printf("au1_1 = %s\n", au1_1); } M m1; P p1; float f1; double d1; int i1; const char *name; unsigned bf1 : 8; unsigned bf2 : 16; int arr[2]; _Complex float complex; union { int au_i1; int au_i2; }; union { const char * au1_1; float au1_2; int au1_3; const char * au1_4; }; }; static int ix = 1; // class with user-defined copy constructor. struct S { S() : iS(ix++) { } S(const S& arg) { *this = arg; } int iS; }; // class with trivial copy constructor. struct I { I() : iI(ix++) { } int iI; }; struct XM { XM() { } double dXM; S ARR_S[3][4][2]; void pr() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++) for (unsigned k = 0; k < 2; k++) printf("ARR_S[%d][%d][%d] = %d\n", i,j,k, ARR_S[i][j][k].iS); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (unsigned k = 0; k < 2; k++) printf("ARR_I[%d][%d] = %d\n", i,k, ARR_I[i][k].iI); } I ARR_I[3][2]; }; int main() { X a; X b(a); b.pr(); X x; X c(x); c.pr(); XM m0; XM m1 = m0; m1.pr(); } struct A { }; struct B : A { A &a; }; void f(const B &b1) { B b2(b1); } // CHECK-LP64: .globl __ZN1XC1ERKS_ // CHECK-LP64: .weak_definition __ZN1XC1ERKS_ // CHECK-LP64: __ZN1XC1ERKS_: // CHECK-LP32: .globl __ZN1XC1ERKS_ // CHECK-LP32: .weak_definition __ZN1XC1ERKS_ // CHECK-LP32: __ZN1XC1ERKS_: