// RUN: clang-cc -analyze -checker-simple -analyzer-store=region -verify %s && // RUN: clang-cc -analyze -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -verify -triple x86_64-apple-darwin9 %s && // RUN: clang-cc -analyze -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -verify -triple i686-apple-darwin9 %s void f1() { int a[10]; int *p = a; ++p; } char* foo(); void f2() { char *p = foo(); ++p; } // This test case checks if we get the right rvalue type of a TypedViewRegion. // The ElementRegion's type depends on the array region's rvalue type. If it was // a pointer type, we would get a loc::SymbolVal for '*p'. char* memchr(); static int domain_port (const char *domain_b, const char *domain_e, const char **domain_e_ptr) { int port = 0; const char *p; const char *colon = memchr (domain_b, ':', domain_e - domain_b); for (p = colon + 1; p < domain_e ; p++) port = 10 * port + (*p - '0'); return port; }