#pragma clang system_header typedef struct _FILE FILE; extern FILE *stdin; extern FILE *stdout; extern FILE *stderr; // Include a variant of standard streams that occur in the pre-processed file. extern FILE *__stdinp; extern FILE *__stdoutp; extern FILE *__stderrp; int fscanf(FILE *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); // Note, on some platforms errno macro gets replaced with a function call. extern int errno; typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t; size_t strlen(const char *); char *strcpy(char *restrict, const char *restrict); typedef unsigned long __darwin_pthread_key_t; typedef __darwin_pthread_key_t pthread_key_t; int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t, const void *); typedef long long __int64_t; typedef __int64_t __darwin_off_t; typedef __darwin_off_t fpos_t; void setbuf(FILE * restrict, char * restrict); int setvbuf(FILE * restrict, char * restrict, int, size_t); FILE *funopen(const void *, int (*)(void *, char *, int), int (*)(void *, const char *, int), fpos_t (*)(void *, fpos_t, int), int (*)(void *)); int sqlite3_bind_text_my(int, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*)); typedef void (*freeCallback) (void*); typedef struct { int i; freeCallback fc; } StWithCallback; int dealocateMemWhenDoneByVal(void*, StWithCallback); int dealocateMemWhenDoneByRef(StWithCallback*, const void*); typedef struct CGContext *CGContextRef; CGContextRef CGBitmapContextCreate(void *data/*, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bitsPerComponent, size_t bytesPerRow, CGColorSpaceRef space, CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo*/); void *CGBitmapContextGetData(CGContextRef context); // Include xpc. typedef struct _xpc_connection_s * xpc_connection_t; typedef void (*xpc_finalizer_t)(void *value); void xpc_connection_set_context(xpc_connection_t connection, void *context); void xpc_connection_set_finalizer_f(xpc_connection_t connection, xpc_finalizer_t finalizer); void xpc_connection_resume(xpc_connection_t connection);