/*- * Copyright (c) 1998 Doug Rabson * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include #include .text /**************************************************************************/ /* * fu{byte,word} : fetch a byte (word) from user memory */ ENTRY(suword, 2) movl r14=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS;; // make sure address is ok cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,r14 (p6) br.dpnt.few fusufault movl r14=fusufault // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [r15]=r14 ;; st8.rel [in0]=in1 // try the store ;; st8 [r15]=r0 // clean up mov ret0=r0 br.ret.sptk.few rp END(suword) ENTRY(subyte, 2) movl r14=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS;; // make sure address is ok cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,r14 (p6) br.dpnt.few fusufault movl r14=fusufault // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [r15]=r14 ;; st1.rel [in0]=in1 // try the store ;; st8 [r15]=r0 // clean up mov ret0=r0 br.ret.sptk.few rp END(subyte) ENTRY(fuword, 1) movl r14=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS;; // make sure address is ok cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,r14 (p6) br.dpnt.few fusufault movl r14=fusufault // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [r15]=r14 ;; ld8.acq ret0=[in0] // try the fetch ;; st8 [r15]=r0 // clean up br.ret.sptk.few rp END(fuword) ENTRY(fubyte, 1) movl r14=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS;; // make sure address is ok cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,r14 (p6) br.dpnt.few fusufault movl r14=fusufault // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [r15]=r14 ;; ld1.acq ret0=[in0] // try the fetch ;; st8 [r15]=r0 // clean up br.ret.sptk.few rp END(fubyte) ENTRY(suibyte, 2) mov ret0=-1 br.ret.sptk.few rp END(suibyte) ENTRY(fusufault, 0) st8 [r15]=r0 ;; // r15 points at onfault mov ret0=r0 br.ret.sptk.few rp END(fusufault) ENTRY(fswintrberr, 0) XENTRY(fuswintr) /* XXX what is a 'word'? */ XENTRY(suswintr) /* XXX what is a 'word'? */ mov ret0=-1 br.ret.sptk.few rp END(fswintrberr) /**************************************************************************/ /* * Copy a null-terminated string within the kernel's address space. * If lenp is not NULL, store the number of chars copied in *lenp * * int copystr(char *from, char *to, size_t len, size_t *lenp); */ ENTRY(copystr, 4) mov r14=in2 // r14 = i = len cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,in2 (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 2f // if (len == 0), bail out 1: ld1 r15=[in0],1 // read one byte ;; st1 [in1]=r15,1 // write that byte add in2=-1,in2 // len-- ;; cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,r15 cmp.ne p7,p0=r0,in2 ;; (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 2f // if (*from == 0), bail out (p7) br.cond.sptk.few 1b // if (len != 0) copy more 2: cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,in3 (p6) br.cond.dpnt.few 3f // if (lenp != NULL) sub r14=r14,in2 // *lenp = (i - len) ;; st8 [in3]=r14 3: cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,r15 (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 4f // *from == '\0'; leave quietly mov ret0=ENAMETOOLONG // *from != '\0'; error. br.ret.sptk.few rp 4: mov ret0=0 // return 0. br.ret.sptk.few rp END(copystr) ENTRY(copyinstr, 4) alloc loc0=ar.pfs,4,3,4,0 mov loc1=rp movl loc2=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS // make sure that src addr ;; cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,loc2 // is in user space. ;; (p6) br.cond.spnt.few copyerr // if it's not, error out. movl r14=copyerr // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add loc2=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [loc2]=r14 ;; mov out0=in0 mov out1=in1 mov out2=in2 mov out3=in3 ;; br.call.sptk.few rp=copystr // do the copy. st8 [loc2]=r0 // kill the fault handler. mov ar.pfs=loc0 // restore ar.pfs mov rp=loc1 // restore ra. br.ret.sptk.few rp // ret0 left over from copystr END(copyinstr) ENTRY(copyoutstr, 4) alloc loc0=ar.pfs,4,3,4,0 mov loc1=rp movl loc2=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS // make sure that dest addr ;; cmp.geu p6,p0=in1,loc2 // is in user space. ;; (p6) br.cond.spnt.few copyerr // if it's not, error out. movl r14=copyerr // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add loc2=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [loc2]=r14 ;; mov out0=in0 mov out1=in1 mov out2=in2 mov out3=in3 ;; br.call.sptk.few rp=copystr // do the copy. st8 [loc2]=r0 // kill the fault handler. mov ar.pfs=loc0 // restore ar.pfs mov rp=loc1 // restore ra. br.ret.sptk.few rp // ret0 left over from copystr END(copyoutstr) /* * Not the fastest bcopy in the world. */ ENTRY(bcopy, 3) XENTRY(ovbcopy) mov ret0=r0 // return zero for copy{in,out} ;; cmp.le p6,p0=in2,r0 // bail if len <= 0 (p6) br.ret.spnt.few rp sub r14=in1,in0 ;; // check for overlap cmp.ltu p6,p0=r14,in2 // dst-src < len (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 5f extr.u r14=in0,0,3 // src & 7 extr.u r15=in1,0,3 ;; // dst & 7 cmp.eq p6,p0=r14,r15 // different alignment? (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 2f // branch if same alignment 1: ld1 r14=[in0],1 ;; // copy bytewise st1 [in1]=r14,1 add in2=-1,in2 ;; // len-- cmp.ne p6,p0=r0,in2 (p6) br.cond.dptk.few 1b // loop br.ret.sptk.few rp // done 2: cmp.eq p6,p0=r14,r0 // aligned? (p6) br.cond.sptk.few 4f 3: ld1 r14=[in0],1 ;; // copy bytewise st1 [in1]=r14,1 extr.u r15=in0,0,3 // src & 7 add in2=-1,in2 ;; // len-- cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,in2 // done? cmp.eq p7,p0=r0,r15 ;; // aligned now? (p6) br.ret.spnt.few rp // return if done (p7) br.cond.spnt.few 4f // go to main copy br.cond.sptk.few 3b // more bytes to copy // At this point, in2 is non-zero 4: mov r14=8 ;; cmp.ltu p6,p0=in2,r14 ;; // len < 8? (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 1b // byte copy the end ld8 r15=[in0],8 ;; // copy word st8 [in1]=r15,8 add in2=-8,in2 ;; // len -= 8 cmp.ne p6,p0=r0,in2 // done? (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 4b // again br.ret.sptk.few rp // return // Don't bother optimising overlap case 5: add in0=in0,in2 add in1=in1,in2 ;; add in0=-1,in0 add in1=-1,in1 ;; 6: ld1 r14=[in0],-1 ;; st1 [in1]=r14,-1 add in2=-1,in2 ;; cmp.ne p6,p0=r0,in2 (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 6b br.ret.sptk.few rp END(bcopy) ENTRY(memcpy,3) mov r14=in0 ;; mov in0=in1 ;; mov in1=r14 br.cond.sptk.few bcopy END(memcpy) ENTRY(copyin, 3) alloc loc0=ar.pfs,3,3,3,0 mov loc1=rp movl loc2=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS // make sure that src addr ;; cmp.geu p6,p0=in0,loc2 // is in user space. ;; (p6) br.cond.spnt.few copyerr // if it's not, error out. movl r14=copyerr // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add loc2=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [loc2]=r14 ;; mov out0=in0 mov out1=in1 mov out2=in2 ;; br.call.sptk.few rp=bcopy // do the copy. st8 [loc2]=r0 // kill the fault handler. mov ar.pfs=loc0 // restore ar.pfs mov rp=loc1 // restore ra. br.ret.sptk.few rp // ret0 left over from bcopy END(copyin) ENTRY(copyout, 3) alloc loc0=ar.pfs,3,3,3,0 mov loc1=rp movl loc2=VM_MAXUSER_ADDRESS // make sure that dest addr ;; cmp.geu p6,p0=in1,loc2 // is in user space. ;; (p6) br.cond.spnt.few copyerr // if it's not, error out. movl r14=copyerr // set up fault handler. add r15=GD_CURPROC,r13 // find curproc ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add r15=P_ADDR,r15 // find pcb ;; ld8 r15=[r15] ;; add loc2=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r15 ;; st8 [loc2]=r14 ;; mov out0=in0 mov out1=in1 mov out2=in2 ;; br.call.sptk.few rp=bcopy // do the copy. st8 [loc2]=r0 // kill the fault handler. mov ar.pfs=loc0 // restore ar.pfs mov rp=loc1 // restore ra. br.ret.sptk.few rp // ret0 left over from bcopy END(copyout) ENTRY(copyerr, 0) add r14=GD_CURPROC,r13 ;; // find curproc ld8 r14=[r14] ;; add r14=P_ADDR,r14 ;; // curproc->p_addr ld8 r14=[r14] ;; add r14=U_PCB_ONFAULT,r14 ;; // &curproc->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_onfault st8 [r14]=r0 // reset fault handler mov ret0=EFAULT // return EFAULT br.ret.sptk.few rp END(copyerr) /**************************************************************************/ /* * Kernel setjmp and longjmp. Rather minimalist. * * longjmp(label_t *a) * will generate a "return (1)" from the last call to * setjmp(label_t *a) * by restoring registers from the stack, */ ENTRY(setjmp, 1) #if 0 LDGP(pv) stq ra, (0 * 8)(a0) /* return address */ stq s0, (1 * 8)(a0) /* callee-saved registers */ stq s1, (2 * 8)(a0) stq s2, (3 * 8)(a0) stq s3, (4 * 8)(a0) stq s4, (5 * 8)(a0) stq s5, (6 * 8)(a0) stq s6, (7 * 8)(a0) stq sp, (8 * 8)(a0) ldiq t0, 0xbeeffedadeadbabe /* set magic number */ stq t0, (9 * 8)(a0) mov zero, v0 /* return zero */ RET #endif END(setjmp) ENTRY(longjmp, 1) #if 0 LDGP(pv) ldiq t0, 0xbeeffedadeadbabe /* check magic number */ ldq t1, (9 * 8)(a0) cmpeq t0, t1, t0 beq t0, longjmp_botch /* if bad, punt */ ldq ra, (0 * 8)(a0) /* return address */ ldq s0, (1 * 8)(a0) /* callee-saved registers */ ldq s1, (2 * 8)(a0) ldq s2, (3 * 8)(a0) ldq s3, (4 * 8)(a0) ldq s4, (5 * 8)(a0) ldq s5, (6 * 8)(a0) ldq s6, (7 * 8)(a0) ldq sp, (8 * 8)(a0) ldiq v0, 1 RET longjmp_botch: lda a0, longjmp_botchmsg mov ra, a1 CALL(panic) call_pal PAL_bugchk .data longjmp_botchmsg: .asciz "longjmp botch from %p" .text #endif END(longjmp)