/* $FreeBSD$ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 by LSI Logic Corporation * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification, * this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Name: MPI_FC.H * Title: MPI Fibre Channel messages and structures * Creation Date: June 12, 2000 * * MPI Version: 01.02.02 * * Version History * --------------- * * Date Version Description * -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------ * 05-08-00 00.10.01 Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000. * 06-06-00 01.00.01 Update version number for 1.0 release. * 06-12-00 01.00.02 Added _MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY structure. * 11-02-00 01.01.01 Original release for post 1.0 work * 12-04-00 01.01.02 Added messages for Common Transport Send and * Primitive Send. * 01-09-01 01.01.03 Modifed some of the new flags to have an MPI prefix * and modified the FcPrimitiveSend flags. * 01-25-01 01.01.04 Move InitiatorIndex in LinkServiceRsp reply to a larger * field. * Added FC_ABORT_TYPE_CT_SEND_REQUEST and * FC_ABORT_TYPE_EXLINKSEND_REQUEST for FcAbort request. * Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_STOP_SEND. * 02-20-01 01.01.05 Started using MPI_POINTER. * 03-27-01 01.01.06 Added Flags field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY * and defined MPI_LS_BUF_POST_REPLY_FLAG_NO_RSP_NEEDED. * Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_RESET_LINK define. * Added structure offset comments. * 04-09-01 01.01.07 Added RspLength field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST. * 08-08-01 01.02.01 Original release for v1.2 work. * 09-28-01 01.02.02 Change name of reserved field in * MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef MPI_FC_H #define MPI_FC_H /***************************************************************************** * * F C T a r g e t M o d e M e s s a g e s * *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /* Link Service Buffer Post messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST { U8 BufferPostFlags; /* 00h */ U8 BufferCount; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved1; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ SGE_TRANS_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; } MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REQUEST, LinkServiceBufferPostRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pLinkServiceBufferPostRequest_t; #define LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_FLAGS_PORT_MASK (0x01) typedef struct _WWNFORMAT { U32 PortNameHigh; /* 00h */ U32 PortNameLow; /* 04h */ U32 NodeNameHigh; /* 08h */ U32 NodeNameLow; /* 0Ch */ } WWNFORMAT, WwnFormat_t; /* Link Service Buffer Post Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY { U8 Flags; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 PortNumber; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved2; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ U32 TransferLength; /* 14h */ U32 TransactionContext; /* 18h */ U32 Rctl_Did; /* 1Ch */ U32 Csctl_Sid; /* 20h */ U32 Type_Fctl; /* 24h */ U16 SeqCnt; /* 28h */ U8 Dfctl; /* 2Ah */ U8 SeqId; /* 2Bh */ U16 Rxid; /* 2Ch */ U16 Oxid; /* 2Eh */ U32 Parameter; /* 30h */ WWNFORMAT Wwn; /* 34h */ } MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY, LinkServiceBufferPostReply_t, MPI_POINTER pLinkServiceBufferPostReply_t; #define MPI_LS_BUF_POST_REPLY_FLAG_NO_RSP_NEEDED (0x80) #define MPI_FC_DID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define MPI_FC_DID_SHIFT (0) #define MPI_FC_RCTL_MASK (0xFF000000) #define MPI_FC_RCTL_SHIFT (24) #define MPI_FC_SID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define MPI_FC_SID_SHIFT (0) #define MPI_FC_CSCTL_MASK (0xFF000000) #define MPI_FC_CSCTL_SHIFT (24) #define MPI_FC_FCTL_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define MPI_FC_FCTL_SHIFT (0) #define MPI_FC_TYPE_MASK (0xFF000000) #define MPI_FC_TYPE_SHIFT (24) /* obsolete name for the above */ #define FCP_TARGET_DID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define FCP_TARGET_DID_SHIFT (0) #define FCP_TARGET_RCTL_MASK (0xFF000000) #define FCP_TARGET_RCTL_SHIFT (24) #define FCP_TARGET_SID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define FCP_TARGET_SID_SHIFT (0) #define FCP_TARGET_CSCTL_MASK (0xFF000000) #define FCP_TARGET_CSCTL_SHIFT (24) #define FCP_TARGET_FCTL_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define FCP_TARGET_FCTL_SHIFT (0) #define FCP_TARGET_TYPE_MASK (0xFF000000) #define FCP_TARGET_TYPE_SHIFT (24) /****************************************************************************/ /* Link Service Response messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST { U8 RspFlags; /* 00h */ U8 RspLength; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 Rctl_Did; /* 0Ch */ U32 Csctl_Sid; /* 10h */ U32 Type_Fctl; /* 14h */ U16 SeqCnt; /* 18h */ U8 Dfctl; /* 1Ah */ U8 SeqId; /* 1Bh */ U16 Rxid; /* 1Ch */ U16 Oxid; /* 1Eh */ U32 Parameter; /* 20h */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 24h */ } MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST, LinkServiceRspRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pLinkServiceRspRequest_t; #define LINK_SERVICE_RSP_FLAGS_IMMEDIATE (0x80) #define LINK_SERVICE_RSP_FLAGS_PORT_MASK (0x01) /* Link Service Response Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY { U16 Reserved; /* 00h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved_0100_InitiatorIndex; /* 06h */ /* obsolete InitiatorIndex */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ U32 InitiatorIndex; /* 14h */ } MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY, LinkServiceRspReply_t, MPI_POINTER pLinkServiceRspReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* Extended Link Service Send messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REQUEST { U8 SendFlags; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U32 MsgFlags_Did; /* 04h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 ElsCommandCode; /* 0Ch */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 10h */ } MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REQUEST, ExLinkServiceSendRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pExLinkServiceSendRequest_t; #define EX_LINK_SERVICE_SEND_DID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define EX_LINK_SERVICE_SEND_DID_SHIFT (0) #define EX_LINK_SERVICE_SEND_MSGFLAGS_MASK (0xFF000000) #define EX_LINK_SERVICE_SEND_MSGFLAGS_SHIFT (24) /* Extended Link Service Send Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REPLY { U16 Reserved; /* 00h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ U32 ResponseLength; /* 14h */ } MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_EXLINK_SERVICE_SEND_REPLY, ExLinkServiceSendReply_t, MPI_POINTER pExLinkServiceSendReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* FC Abort messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_FC_ABORT_REQUEST { U8 AbortFlags; /* 00h */ U8 AbortType; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U32 TransactionContextToAbort; /* 0Ch */ } MSG_FC_ABORT_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_ABORT_REQUEST, FcAbortRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pFcAbortRequest_t; #define FC_ABORT_FLAG_PORT_MASK (0x01) #define FC_ABORT_TYPE_ALL_FC_BUFFERS (0x00) #define FC_ABORT_TYPE_EXACT_FC_BUFFER (0x01) #define FC_ABORT_TYPE_CT_SEND_REQUEST (0x02) #define FC_ABORT_TYPE_EXLINKSEND_REQUEST (0x03) /* FC Abort Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY { U16 Reserved; /* 00h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ } MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY, FcAbortReply_t, MPI_POINTER pFcAbortReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* FC Common Transport Send messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REQUEST { U8 SendFlags; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U32 MsgFlags_Did; /* 04h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 CTCommandCode; /* 0Ch */ U8 FsType; /* 0Eh */ U8 Reserved1; /* 0Fh */ SGE_SIMPLE_UNION SGL; /* 10h */ } MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REQUEST, FcCommonTransportSendRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pFcCommonTransportSendRequest_t; #define MPI_FC_CT_SEND_DID_MASK (0x00FFFFFF) #define MPI_FC_CT_SEND_DID_SHIFT (0) #define MPI_FC_CT_SEND_MSGFLAGS_MASK (0xFF000000) #define MPI_FC_CT_SEND_MSGFLAGS_SHIFT (24) /* FC Common Transport Send Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REPLY { U16 Reserved; /* 00h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ U32 ResponseLength; /* 14h */ } MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_COMMON_TRANSPORT_SEND_REPLY, FcCommonTransportSendReply_t, MPI_POINTER pFcCommonTransportSendReply_t; /****************************************************************************/ /* FC Primitive Send messages */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef struct _MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REQUEST { U8 SendFlags; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 ChainOffset; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U8 FcPrimitive[4]; /* 0Ch */ } MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REQUEST, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REQUEST, FcPrimitiveSendRequest_t, MPI_POINTER pFcPrimitiveSendRequest_t; #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_PORT_MASK (0x01) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_RESET_LINK (0x04) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_STOP_SEND (0x08) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_SEND_ONCE (0x10) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_SEND_AROUND (0x20) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_UNTIL_FULL (0x40) #define MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_FOREVER (0x80) /* FC Primitive Send Reply */ typedef struct _MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REPLY { U8 SendFlags; /* 00h */ U8 Reserved; /* 01h */ U8 MsgLength; /* 02h */ U8 Function; /* 03h */ U16 Reserved1; /* 04h */ U8 Reserved2; /* 06h */ U8 MsgFlags; /* 07h */ U32 MsgContext; /* 08h */ U16 Reserved3; /* 0Ch */ U16 IOCStatus; /* 0Eh */ U32 IOCLogInfo; /* 10h */ } MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REPLY, MPI_POINTER PTR_MSG_FC_PRIMITIVE_SEND_REPLY, FcPrimitiveSendReply_t, MPI_POINTER pFcPrimitiveSendReply_t; #endif