# $FreeBSD$

#include <sys/bus.h>

# Needed for ifreq/ifmediareq
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>

#include <dev/etherswitch/etherswitch.h>

INTERFACE etherswitch;

# Default implementation
	static void
	null_etherswitch_lock(device_t dev)

	static void
	null_etherswitch_unlock(device_t dev)

	static int
	null_etherswitch_getconf(device_t dev, etherswitch_conf_t *conf)
		return (0);

	static int
	null_etherswitch_setconf(device_t dev, etherswitch_conf_t *conf)
		return (0);

# Return device info
METHOD etherswitch_info_t* getinfo {
	device_t	dev;

# Lock access to switch registers
METHOD void lock {
	device_t	dev;
} DEFAULT null_etherswitch_lock;

# Unlock access to switch registers
METHOD void unlock {
	device_t	dev;
} DEFAULT null_etherswitch_unlock;

# Read switch register
METHOD int readreg {
	device_t	dev;
	int		reg;

# Write switch register
METHOD int writereg {
	device_t	dev;
	int		reg;
	int		value;

# Read PHY register
METHOD int readphyreg {
	device_t	dev;
	int		phy;
	int		reg;

# Write PHY register
METHOD int writephyreg {
	device_t	dev;
	int		phy;
	int		reg;
	int		value;

# Get port configuration
METHOD int getport {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_port_t *vg;

# Set port configuration
METHOD int setport {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_port_t *vg;

# Get VLAN group configuration
METHOD int getvgroup {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_vlangroup_t *vg;

# Set VLAN group configuration
METHOD int setvgroup {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_vlangroup_t *vg;

# Get the Switch configuration
METHOD int getconf {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_conf_t	*conf;
} DEFAULT null_etherswitch_getconf;

# Set the Switch configuration
METHOD int setconf {
	device_t	dev;
	etherswitch_conf_t	*conf;
} DEFAULT null_etherswitch_setconf;