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It is used to setup the minimal bootloader * runtime environment (stack, but no heap, global data ptr) that is needed * by the non-boot cores to setup the environment for the applications. * The boot_info_addr is the address of a boot_info_block_t structure * which contains more core-specific information. * * The Linux kernel and the Linux bootoct utility access this structure for * implementing CPU hotplug functionality and booting of idle cores with SE * apps respectively. * */ typedef struct { /* First stage address - in ram instead of flash */ uint64_t code_addr; /* Setup code for application, NOT application entry point */ uint32_t app_start_func_addr; /* k0 is used for global data - needs to be passed to other cores */ uint32_t k0_val; /* Address of boot info block structure */ uint64_t boot_info_addr; uint32_t flags; /* flags */ uint32_t pad; } boot_init_vector_t; #if defined(__ASM_GBL_DATA_H) /* defined above */ /* * Definition of a data structure to mimic the old u-boot gd_t data structure. */ #undef GD_TMP_STR_SIZE #define GD_TMP_STR_SIZE 32 #define LINUX_APP_GLOBAL_DATA_MAGIC 0x221eb111476f410full #define LINUX_APP_GLOBAL_DATA_VERSION 2 struct linux_app_global_data { bd_t *bd; unsigned long flags; unsigned long baudrate; unsigned long have_console; /* serial_init() was called */ uint64_t ram_size; /* RAM size */ uint64_t reloc_off; /* Relocation Offset */ unsigned long env_addr; /* Address of Environment struct */ unsigned long env_valid; /* Checksum of Environment valid? */ unsigned long cpu_clock_mhz; /* CPU clock speed in MHz */ unsigned long ddr_clock_mhz; /* DDR clock (not data rate!) in MHz */ unsigned long ddr_ref_hertz; /* DDR Ref clock Hertz */ int mcu_rev_maj; int mcu_rev_min; int console_uart; /* EEPROM data structures as read from EEPROM or populated by other * means on boards without an EEPROM */ octeon_eeprom_board_desc_t board_desc; octeon_eeprom_clock_desc_t clock_desc; octeon_eeprom_mac_addr_t mac_desc; void **jt; /* jump table, not used */ char *err_msg; /* pointer to error message to save * until console is up. Not used. */ union { struct { /* Keep under 32 bytes! */ uint64_t magic; uint32_t version; uint32_t fdt_addr; }; char tmp_str[GD_TMP_STR_SIZE]; }; unsigned long uboot_flash_address; /* Address of normal bootloader * in flash */ unsigned long uboot_flash_size; /* Size of normal bootloader */ uint64_t dfm_ram_size; /* DFM RAM size */ }; typedef struct linux_app_global_data linux_app_global_data_t; /* Flags for linux_app_global_data */ #define LA_GD_FLG_RELOC 0x0001 /* Code was relocated to RAM */ #define LA_GD_FLG_DEVINIT 0x0002 /* Devices have been initialized */ #define LA_GD_FLG_SILENT 0x0004 /* Silent mode */ #define LA_GD_FLG_CLOCK_DESC_MISSING 0x0008 #define LA_GD_FLG_BOARD_DESC_MISSING 0x0010 #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR_VERBOSE 0x0020 #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR0_CLK_INITIALIZED 0x0040 #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR1_CLK_INITIALIZED 0x0080 #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR2_CLK_INITIALIZED 0x0100 #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR3_CLK_INITIALIZED 0x0200 #define LA_GD_FLG_FAILSAFE_MODE 0x0400 /* Use failsafe mode */ #define LA_GD_FLG_DDR_TRACE_INIT 0x0800 #define LA_GD_FLG_DFM_CLK_INITIALIZED 0x1000 #define LA_GD_FLG_DFM_VERBOSE 0x2000 #define LA_GD_FLG_DFM_TRACE_INIT 0x4000 #define LA_GD_FLG_MEMORY_PRESERVED 0x8000 #define LA_GD_FLG_RAM_RESIDENT 0x10000 /* RAM boot detected */ #endif /* __ASM_GBL_DATA_H */ /* * Definition of a data structure setup by the bootloader to enable Linux to * launch SE apps on idle cores. */ struct linux_app_boot_info { uint32_t labi_signature; uint32_t start_core0_addr; uint32_t avail_coremask; uint32_t pci_console_active; uint32_t icache_prefetch_disable; uint64_t InitTLBStart_addr; uint32_t start_app_addr; uint32_t cur_exception_base; uint32_t no_mark_private_data; uint32_t compact_flash_common_base_addr; uint32_t compact_flash_attribute_base_addr; uint32_t led_display_base_addr; #if defined(__ASM_GBL_DATA_H) /* defined above */ linux_app_global_data_t gd; #endif }; typedef struct linux_app_boot_info linux_app_boot_info_t; #endif /* If not to copy a lot of bootloader's structures here is only offset of requested member */ #define AVAIL_COREMASK_OFFSET_IN_LINUX_APP_BOOT_BLOCK 0x765c /* hardcoded in bootloader */ #define LABI_ADDR_IN_BOOTLOADER 0x700 #define LINUX_APP_BOOT_BLOCK_NAME "linux-app-boot" #define LABI_SIGNATURE 0xAABBCC01 /* from uboot-headers/octeon_mem_map.h */ #if defined(CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL) || defined(CVMX_BUILD_FOR_TOOLCHAIN) #define EXCEPTION_BASE_INCR (4 * 1024) #endif /* Increment size for exception base addresses (4k minimum) */ #define EXCEPTION_BASE_BASE 0 #define BOOTLOADER_PRIV_DATA_BASE (EXCEPTION_BASE_BASE + 0x800) #define BOOTLOADER_BOOT_VECTOR (BOOTLOADER_PRIV_DATA_BASE) #define BOOTLOADER_DEBUG_TRAMPOLINE (BOOTLOADER_BOOT_VECTOR + BOOT_VECTOR_SIZE) /* WORD */ #define BOOTLOADER_DEBUG_TRAMPOLINE_CORE (BOOTLOADER_DEBUG_TRAMPOLINE + 4) /* WORD */ #define OCTEON_EXCEPTION_VECTOR_BLOCK_SIZE (CVMX_MAX_CORES*EXCEPTION_BASE_INCR) /* 32 4k blocks */ #define BOOTLOADER_DEBUG_REG_SAVE_BASE (EXCEPTION_BASE_BASE + OCTEON_EXCEPTION_VECTOR_BLOCK_SIZE) #define BOOT_VECTOR_NUM_WORDS (8) #define BOOT_VECTOR_SIZE ((CVMX_MAX_CORES*4)*BOOT_VECTOR_NUM_WORDS) #endif /* __OCTEON_BOOT_INFO_H__ */