/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). 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THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /* * File version info: $Id: cvmx-resources.config 70030 2012-02-16 04:23:43Z cchavva $ * */ #ifndef __CVMX_RESOURCES_CONFIG__ #define __CVMX_RESOURCES_CONFIG__ #if (CVMX_HELPER_FIRST_MBUFF_SKIP > 256) #error CVMX_HELPER_FIRST_MBUFF_SKIP is greater than the maximum of 256 #endif #if (CVMX_HELPER_NOT_FIRST_MBUFF_SKIP > 256) #error CVMX_HELPER_NOT_FIRST_MBUFF_SKIP is greater than the maximum of 256 #endif /* Content below this point is only used by the cvmx-config tool, and is ** not used by any C files as CAVIUM_COMPONENT_REQUIREMENT is never defined. */ #ifdef CAVIUM_COMPONENT_REQUIREMENT /* Define the number of LLM ports (interfaces), can be 1 or 2 */ cvmxconfig { #if CVMX_LLM_CONFIG_NUM_PORTS == 2 define CVMX_LLM_NUM_PORTS value = 2; #else define CVMX_LLM_NUM_PORTS value = 1; #endif } /* Control the setting of Null pointer detection, default to enabled */ cvmxconfig { #ifdef CVMX_CONFIG_NULL_POINTER_PROTECT define CVMX_NULL_POINTER_PROTECT value = CVMX_CONFIG_NULL_POINTER_PROTECT; #else define CVMX_NULL_POINTER_PROTECT value = 1; #endif } /* Control Debug prints, default to enabled */ cvmxconfig { #ifdef CVMX_CONFIG_ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTS define CVMX_ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTS value = CVMX_CONFIG_ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTS; #else define CVMX_ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINTS value = 1; #endif } /* Define CVMX_ENABLE_DFA_FUNCTIONS to allocate resources for the DFA functions */ #ifdef CVMX_ENABLE_DFA_FUNCTIONS cvmxconfig { fpa CVMX_FPA_DFA_POOL size = 2 protected = 1 description = "DFA command buffers"; fau CVMX_FAU_DFA_STATE size = 8 count = 1 description = "FAU registers for the state of the DFA command queue"; } #endif /* Define CVMX_ENABLE_PKO_FUNCTIONS to allocate resources for the PKO functions */ #ifdef CVMX_ENABLE_PKO_FUNCTIONS cvmxconfig { define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE0 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE0 description = "PKO queues per port for interface 0 (ports 0-15)"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE1 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE1 description = "PKO queues per port for interface 1 (ports 16-31)"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE2 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE2 description = "PKO queues per port for interface 2"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE3 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE3 description = "PKO queues per port for interface 3"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE4 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_INTERFACE4 description = "PKO queues per port for interface 4"; define CVMX_PKO_MAX_PORTS_INTERFACE0 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_MAX_PORTS_INTERFACE0 description = "Limit on the number of PKO ports enabled for interface 0"; define CVMX_PKO_MAX_PORTS_INTERFACE1 value = CVMX_HELPER_PKO_MAX_PORTS_INTERFACE1 description = "Limit on the number of PKO ports enabled for interface 1"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_PCI value = 1 description = "PKO queues per port for PCI (ports 32-35)"; define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_LOOP value = 1 description = "PKO queues per port for Loop devices (ports 36-39)"; /* We use two queues per port for SRIO0. Having two queues per port with two ports gives us four queues, one for each mailbox */ define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_SRIO0 value = 2 description = "PKO queues per port for SRIO0 devices (ports 40-41)"; /* We use two queues per port for SRIO1. Having two queues per port with two ports gives us four queues, one for each mailbox */ define CVMX_PKO_QUEUES_PER_PORT_SRIO1 value = 2 description = "PKO queues per port for SRIO1 devices (ports 42-43)"; /* Set the IPD cache mode, select from cvmx_ipd_mode_t. */ define CVMX_IPD_DRAM_MODE value = CVMX_HELPER_IPD_DRAM_MODE description = "set the IPD cache mode to CVMX_IPD_OPC_MODE_STT"; fpa CVMX_FPA_PACKET_POOL pool = 0 size = 16 priority = 1 protected = 1 description = "Packet buffers"; fpa CVMX_FPA_OUTPUT_BUFFER_POOL size = 8 protected = 1 description = "PKO queue command buffers"; scratch CVMX_SCR_SCRATCH size = 8 iobdma = true permanent = false description = "Generic scratch iobdma area"; } #endif /* Define CVMX_ENABLE_HELPER_FUNCTIONS to allocate resources for the helper functions */ #ifdef CVMX_ENABLE_HELPER_FUNCTIONS cvmxconfig { fpa CVMX_FPA_WQE_POOL size = 1 priority = 1 protected = 1 description = "Work queue entrys"; } #endif /* Define CVMX_ENABLE_TIMER_FUNCTIONS to allocate resources for the timer functions */ #ifdef CVMX_ENABLE_TIMER_FUNCTIONS cvmxconfig { fpa CVMX_FPA_TIMER_POOL size = 8 protected = 1 description = "TIM command buffers"; } #endif #endif #endif /* __CVMX_RESOURCES_CONFIG__ */