/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2011 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). 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THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ************************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Interface to event profiler. * */ #include "cvmx-config.h" #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-interrupt.h" #include "cvmx-sysinfo.h" #include "cvmx-coremask.h" #include "cvmx-spinlock.h" #include "cvmx-atomic.h" #if !defined(CVMX_BUILD_FOR_FREEBSD_KERNEL) #include "cvmx-error.h" #endif #include "cvmx-asm.h" #include "cvmx-bootmem.h" #include "cvmx-profiler.h" #ifdef PROFILER_DEBUG #define PRINTF(fmt, args...) cvmx_safe_printf(fmt, ##args) #else #define PRINTF(fmt, args...) #endif CVMX_SHARED static event_counter_control_block_t eccb; cvmx_config_block_t *pcpu_cfg_blk; int read_percpu_block = 1; /** * Set Interrupt IRQ line for Performance Counter * */ void cvmx_update_perfcnt_irq(void) { uint64_t cvmctl; /* Clear CvmCtl[IPPCI] bit and move the Performance Counter * interrupt to IRQ 6 */ CVMX_MF_COP0(cvmctl, COP0_CVMCTL); cvmctl &= ~(7 << 7); cvmctl |= 6 << 7; CVMX_MT_COP0(cvmctl, COP0_CVMCTL); } /** * @INTERNAL * Return the baseaddress of the namedblock * @param buf_name Name of Namedblock * * @return baseaddress of block on Success, NULL on failure. */ static void *cvmx_get_memory_addr(const char* buf_name) { void *buffer_ptr = NULL; const struct cvmx_bootmem_named_block_desc *block_desc = cvmx_bootmem_find_named_block(buf_name); if (block_desc) buffer_ptr = cvmx_phys_to_ptr(block_desc->base_addr); assert (buffer_ptr != NULL); return buffer_ptr; } /** * @INTERNAL * Initialize the cpu block metadata. * * @param cpu core no * @param size size of per cpu memory in named block * */ static void cvmx_init_pcpu_block(int cpu, int size) { eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu] = (char *)cvmx_get_memory_addr(EVENT_BUFFER_BLOCK) + (size * cpu); assert (eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu] != NULL); cvmx_ringbuf_t *cpu_buf = (cvmx_ringbuf_t *) eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu]; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.size = size; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.max_samples = ((size - sizeof(cvmx_cpu_event_block_t)) / sizeof(cvmx_sample_entry_t)); cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.sample_count = 0; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.sample_read = 0; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data = eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu] + sizeof(cvmx_cpu_event_block_t) + PADBYTES; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.head = cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.tail = \ cpu_buf->pcpu_data = cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.end = eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu] + size; cvmx_atomic_set32(&read_percpu_block, 0); /* * Write per cpu mem base address info in to 'event config' named block, * This info is needed by oct-remote-profile to get Per cpu memory * base address of each core of the named block. */ pcpu_cfg_blk = (cvmx_config_block_t *) eccb.config_blk_base_addr; pcpu_cfg_blk->pcpu_base_addr[cpu] = eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu]; } /** * @INTERNAL * Retrieve the info from the 'event_config' named block. * * Here events value is read(as passed to oct-remote-profile) to reset perf * counters on every Perf counter overflow. * */ static void cvmx_read_config_blk(void) { eccb.config_blk_base_addr = (char *)cvmx_get_memory_addr(EVENT_BUFFER_CONFIG_BLOCK); memcpy(&(eccb.cfg_blk.events), eccb.config_blk_base_addr + \ offsetof(cvmx_config_block_t, events), sizeof(int64_t)); cvmx_atomic_set32(&eccb.read_cfg_blk,1); PRINTF("cfg_blk.events=%lu, sample_count=%ld\n", eccb.cfg_blk.events, eccb.cfg_blk.sample_count); } /** * @INTERNAL * Add new sample to the buffer and increment the head pointer and * global sample count(i.e sum total of samples collected on all cores) * */ static void cvmx_add_sample_to_buffer(void) { uint32_t epc; int cpu = cvmx_get_core_num(); CVMX_MF_COP0(epc, COP0_EPC); cvmx_ringbuf_t *cpu_buf = (cvmx_ringbuf_t *) eccb.cfg_blk.pcpu_base_addr[cpu]; /* * head/tail pointer can be NULL, and this case arises when oct-remote-profile is * invoked afresh. To keep memory sane for current instance, we clear namedblock off * previous data and this is accomplished by octeon_remote_write_mem from host. */ if (cvmx_unlikely(!cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.head && !cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.end)) { /* Reread the event count as a different threshold val could be * passed with profiler alongside --events flag */ cvmx_read_config_blk(); cvmx_init_pcpu_block(cpu, EVENT_PERCPU_BUFFER_SIZE); } /* In case of hitting end of buffer, reset head,data ptr to start */ if (cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.head == cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.end) cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.head = cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data = cpu_buf->pcpu_data; /* Store the pc, respective core no.*/ cvmx_sample_entry_t *sample = (cvmx_sample_entry_t *) cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data; sample->pc = epc; sample->core = cpu; /* Update Per CPU stats */ cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.sample_count++; cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data += sizeof(cvmx_sample_entry_t); cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.head = cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.data; /* Increment the global sample count i.e sum total of samples on all cores*/ cvmx_atomic_add64(&(pcpu_cfg_blk->sample_count), 1); PRINTF("the core%d:pc 0x%016lx, sample_count=%ld\n", cpu, sample->pc, cpu_buf->pcpu_blk_info.sample_count); } /** * @INTERNAL * Reset performance counters * * @param pf The performance counter Number (0, 1) * @param events The threshold value for which interrupt has to be asserted */ static void cvmx_reset_perf_counter(int pf, uint64_t events) { uint64_t pfc; pfc = (1ull << 63) - events; if (!pf) { CVMX_MT_COP0(pfc, COP0_PERFVALUE0); } else CVMX_MT_COP0(pfc, COP0_PERFVALUE1); } void cvmx_collect_sample(void) { if (!eccb.read_cfg_blk) cvmx_read_config_blk(); if (read_percpu_block) cvmx_init_pcpu_block(cvmx_get_core_num(), EVENT_PERCPU_BUFFER_SIZE); cvmx_add_sample_to_buffer(); cvmx_reset_perf_counter(0, eccb.cfg_blk.events); }