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$Revision: 70030 $
* */ #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-asm.h" #include "cvmx-coremask.h" #include "cvmx-power-throttle.h" #define CVMX_PTH_GET_MASK(len, pos) \ ((((uint64_t)1 << (len)) - 1) << (pos)) #define CVMX_PTH_AVAILABLE \ (cvmx_power_throttle_get_register(0) != (uint64_t)-1) /** * a field of the POWTHROTTLE register */ static struct cvmx_power_throttle_rfield_t { char name[16]; /* the field's name */ int32_t pos; /* position of the field's LSb */ int32_t len; /* the field's length */ int present; /* 1 for present */ } cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[] = { {"MAXPOW", 56, 8, 0}, {"POWER" , 48, 8, 0}, {"THROTT", 40, 8, 0}, {"Reserved", 28, 12, 0}, {"DISTAG", 27, 1, 0}, {"PERIOD", 24, 3, 0}, {"POWLIM", 16, 8, 0}, {"MAXTHR", 8, 8, 0}, {"MINTHR", 0, 8, 0}, {"HRMPOWADJ",32, 8, 0}, {"OVRRD", 28, 1, 0} }; static uint64_t cvmx_power_throttle_csr_addr(int ppid); static int cvmx_power_throttle_initialized; /** * @INTERNAL * Initialize cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[] based on model. */ static void cvmx_power_throttle_init(void) { /* * Turn on the fields for a model */ if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { int i; struct cvmx_power_throttle_rfield_t *p; for (i = 0; i < CVMX_PTH_INDEX_MAX; i++) cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[i].present = 1; if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX)) { /* * These fields do not come with o63 */ p = &cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[CVMX_PTH_INDEX_HRMPOWADJ]; p->present = 0; p = &cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[CVMX_PTH_INDEX_OVRRD]; p->present = 0; } else { /* * The reserved field shrinks in models newer than o63 */ p = &cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[CVMX_PTH_INDEX_RESERVED]; p->pos = 29; p->len = 3; } } } uint64_t cvmx_power_throttle_get_field(uint64_t r, cvmx_power_throttle_field_index_t i) { uint64_t m; struct cvmx_power_throttle_rfield_t *p; assert(i < CVMX_PTH_INDEX_MAX); p = &cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[i]; if (!p->present) return (uint64_t) -1; m = CVMX_PTH_GET_MASK(p->len, p->pos); return((r & m) >> p->pos); } /** * @INTERNAL * Set the i'th field of power-throttle register r to v. */ static int cvmx_power_throttle_set_field(int i, uint64_t r, uint64_t v) { if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { uint64_t m; struct cvmx_power_throttle_rfield_t *p; assert(i < CVMX_PTH_INDEX_MAX); p = &cvmx_power_throttle_rfield[i]; m = CVMX_PTH_GET_MASK(p->len, p->pos); return((~m & r) | ((v << p->pos) & m)); } return 0; } /** * @INTERNAL * Set the POWLIM field as percentage% of the MAXPOW field in r. */ static uint64_t cvmx_power_throttle_set_powlim(int ppid, uint8_t percentage) { if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { uint64_t t, csr_addr, r; assert(percentage < 101); csr_addr = cvmx_power_throttle_csr_addr(ppid); r = cvmx_read_csr(csr_addr); t = cvmx_power_throttle_get_field(r, CVMX_PTH_INDEX_MAXPOW); if (!OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX)) { uint64_t s; s = cvmx_power_throttle_get_field(r, CVMX_PTH_INDEX_HRMPOWADJ); assert(t > s); t = t - s; } t = percentage * t / 100; r = cvmx_power_throttle_set_field(CVMX_PTH_INDEX_POWLIM, r, t); cvmx_write_csr(csr_addr, r); return r; } return 0; } /** * @INTERNAL * Given ppid, calculate its PowThrottle register's L2C_COP0_MAP CSR * address. (ppid == PTH_PPID_BCAST is for broadcasting) */ static uint64_t cvmx_power_throttle_csr_addr(int ppid) { if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { uint64_t csr_addr, reg_num, reg_reg, reg_sel; assert(ppid < CVMX_MAX_CORES); /* * register 11 selection 6 */ reg_reg = 11; reg_sel = 6; reg_num = (ppid << 8) + (reg_reg << 3) + reg_sel; csr_addr = CVMX_L2C_COP0_MAPX(0) + ((reg_num) << 3); return csr_addr; } return 0; } int cvmx_power_throttle_self(uint8_t percentage) { if (!CVMX_PTH_AVAILABLE) return -1; if (cvmx_power_throttle_set_powlim(cvmx_get_core_num(), percentage) == 0) return -1; return 0; } int cvmx_power_throttle(uint8_t percentage, uint64_t coremask) { int ppid; int ret; if (!CVMX_PTH_AVAILABLE) return -1; ret = 0; for (ppid = 0; ppid < CVMX_MAX_CORES; ppid++) { if ((((uint64_t) 1) << ppid) & coremask) { if (cvmx_power_throttle_set_powlim(ppid, percentage) == 0) ret = -2; } } return ret; } int cvmx_power_throttle_bmp(uint8_t percentage, struct cvmx_coremask *pcm) { int ppid; int ret; if (!CVMX_PTH_AVAILABLE) return -1; ret = 0; CVMX_COREMASK_FOR_EACH_CORE_BEGIN(pcm, ppid) { if (cvmx_power_throttle_set_powlim(ppid, percentage) == 0) ret = -2; } CVMX_COREMASK_FOR_EACH_CORE_END; return ret; } uint64_t cvmx_power_throttle_get_register(int ppid) { uint64_t csr_addr; if (!cvmx_power_throttle_initialized) { cvmx_power_throttle_init(); cvmx_power_throttle_initialized = 1; } csr_addr = cvmx_power_throttle_csr_addr(ppid); if (csr_addr == 0) return -1; return cvmx_read_csr(csr_addr); }