/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * cvmx-endor-defs.h * * Configuration and status register (CSR) type definitions for * Octeon endor. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * *
$Revision: 69515 $
* */ #ifndef __CVMX_ENDOR_DEFS_H__ #define __CVMX_ENDOR_DEFS_H__ #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AUTO_CLK_GATE CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AUTO_CLK_GATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AUTO_CLK_GATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AUTO_CLK_GATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844004ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AUTO_CLK_GATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844004ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXIERR_INTR CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXIERR_INTR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXIERR_INTR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXIERR_INTR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844044ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXIERR_INTR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844044ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_RSPCODE CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_RSPCODE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_RSPCODE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_RSPCODE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844050ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_RSPCODE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844050ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_SIGNAL CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_SIGNAL_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_SIGNAL_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_SIGNAL not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844084ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_AXI_SIGNAL (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844084ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMADONE_INTR CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMADONE_INTR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMADONE_INTR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMADONE_INTR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844040ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMADONE_INTR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844040ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_HI(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_HI(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084410Cull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_HI(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084410Cull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_LO(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_LO(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844108ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_ADDR_LO(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844108ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_CFG(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_CFG(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844100ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_CFG(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844100ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_SIZE(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_SIZE(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844104ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMAX_SIZE(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844104ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 16) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_PRIORITY CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_PRIORITY_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_PRIORITY_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_PRIORITY not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844080ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_PRIORITY (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844080ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_RESET CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_RESET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_RESET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_RESET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844008ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_DMA_RESET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844008ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_DIS CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_DIS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_DIS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_DIS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084404Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_DIS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084404Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_ENB CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_ENB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_ENB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_ENB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844048ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_INTR_ENB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844048ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_MODULE_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_MODULE_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_MODULE_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_MODULE_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844000ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_ADMA_MODULE_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844000ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201E4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201E4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201E0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201E0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201A4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201A4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201A0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201A0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820134ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820134ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820114ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820114ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820034ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820034ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820014ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820014ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820194ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820194ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200B4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200B4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820094ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820094ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082012Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082012Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082010Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082010Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082002Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082002Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082000Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082000Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082018Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082018Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200ACull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200ACull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082008Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000082008Cull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820124ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820124ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820104ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820104ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820024ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820024ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820004ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820004ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820184ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820184ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820084ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820084ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201C4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201C4ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201C0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_STAT_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008201C0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820204ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820204ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWSET CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWSET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWSET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWSET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820200ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SWSET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820200ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820130ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820130ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820110ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820110ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820030ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820030ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820010ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820010ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820190ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820190ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200B0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200B0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820090ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820090ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820128ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820128ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820108ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820108ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820028ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820028ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820008ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820008ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820188ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820188ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A8ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A8ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820088ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820088ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820120ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820120ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820100ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820100ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820020ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820020ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820000ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820000ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820180ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820180ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_HIX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_HIX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_HIX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008200A0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_LOX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_LOX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820080ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_LOX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000820080ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 64) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR0 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832054ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832054ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR1 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083205Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083205Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR2 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832064ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832064ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR3 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR3_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR3_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR3 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083206Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_END_ADDR3 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083206Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR0 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832050ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832050ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR1 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832058ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832058ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR2 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832060ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832060ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR3 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR3_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR3_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR3 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832068ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_CBUF_START_ADDR3 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832068ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_CLEAR CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_CLEAR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_CLEAR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_CLEAR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832018ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_CLEAR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832018ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_ENB CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_ENB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_ENB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_ENB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083201Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_ENB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083201Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_RSTATUS CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_RSTATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_RSTATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_RSTATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832014ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_RSTATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832014ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832010ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832010ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_TEST CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_TEST_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_TEST_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_TEST not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832020ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_INTR_TEST (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832020ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_MODE CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_MODE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_MODE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_MODE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832004ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_MODE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832004ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR0 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832030ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832030ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR1 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832034ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832034ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR2 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832038ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832038ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR3 CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR3_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR3_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR3 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083203Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_START_ADDR3 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083203Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832000ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832000ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_CNT CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_CNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_CNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_CNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083202Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_CNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083202Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_Q_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_Q_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_Q_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_Q_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083200Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_Q_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000083200Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_START CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_START_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_START_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_START not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832028ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_OFS_HMM_XFER_START (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000832028ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_GEN_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_GEN_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_GEN_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_GEN_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680CCull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_GEN_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680CCull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_SAMPLE_CNT_OFFSET CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_SAMPLE_CNT_OFFSET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_SAMPLE_CNT_OFFSET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_SAMPLE_CNT_OFFSET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868104ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_SAMPLE_CNT_OFFSET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868104ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_GEN_EN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_GEN_EN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_GEN_EN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_GEN_EN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868110ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_GEN_EN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868110ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_SCNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_SCNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_SCNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_SCNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868114ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_1PPS_VERIF_SCNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868114ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868010ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868010ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF2 CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF2_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF2_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF2 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086801Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_CONF2 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086801Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP1_GPIO CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP1_GPIO_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP1_GPIO_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP1_GPIO not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008684C0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP1_GPIO (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008684C0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_HIS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_HIS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_HIS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_HIS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086840Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_HIS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086840Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_ISM CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_ISM_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_ISM_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_ISM not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868400ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_DSP_RX_ISM (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868400ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FIRS_ENABLE CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FIRS_ENABLE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FIRS_ENABLE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FIRS_ENABLE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008684C4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FIRS_ENABLE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008684C4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_CNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_CNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_CNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_CNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868030ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_CNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868030ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_L CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_L_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_L_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_L not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868014ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_FRAME_L (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868014ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_GPIO_X(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 3))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_GPIO_X(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868418ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_GPIO_X(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868418ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680DCull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680DCull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_NUM_RX_WIN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_NUM_RX_WIN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_NUM_RX_WIN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_NUM_RX_WIN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868018ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_NUM_RX_WIN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868018ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_ENABLE CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_ENABLE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_ENABLE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_ENABLE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868180ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_ENABLE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868180ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_HIGH_TIME CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_HIGH_TIME_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_HIGH_TIME_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_HIGH_TIME not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868184ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_HIGH_TIME (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868184ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_LOW_TIME CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_LOW_TIME_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_LOW_TIME_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_LOW_TIME not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868188ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_PWM_LOW_TIME (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868188ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_LSB CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_LSB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_LSB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_LSB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681ACull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_LSB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681ACull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_MSB CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_MSB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_MSB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_MSB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681B0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RD_TIMER64_MSB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681B0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_REAL_TIME_TIMER CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_REAL_TIME_TIMER_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_REAL_TIME_TIMER_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_REAL_TIME_TIMER not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C8ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_REAL_TIME_TIMER (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868194ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868194ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_EN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_EN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_EN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_EN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868198ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RF_CLK_TIMER_EN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868198ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_CORRECT_ADJ CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_CORRECT_ADJ_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_CORRECT_ADJ_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_CORRECT_ADJ not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E8ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_CORRECT_ADJ (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_DIV_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_DIV_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_DIV_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_DIV_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868004ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_DIV_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868004ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_FIFO_CNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_FIFO_CNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_FIFO_CNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_FIFO_CNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868500ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_FIFO_CNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868500ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_IF_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_IF_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_IF_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_IF_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868038ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_IF_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868038ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LEAD_LAG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LEAD_LAG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LEAD_LAG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LEAD_LAG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868020ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LEAD_LAG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868020ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LOAD_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LOAD_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LOAD_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LOAD_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868508ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_LOAD_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868508ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680D4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680D4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868108ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868108ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868000ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868000ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_SCNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_SCNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_SCNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_SCNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_SCNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_VALUE CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_VALUE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_VALUE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_VALUE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_SYNC_VALUE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680C0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TH CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TH_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TH_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TH not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868410ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TH (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868410ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TRANSFER_SIZE CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TRANSFER_SIZE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TRANSFER_SIZE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TRANSFER_SIZE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086850Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_TRANSFER_SIZE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086850Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_EX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 3))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_EX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868084ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_EX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868084ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_SX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 3))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_SX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868044ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_RX_W_SX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868044ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680E4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_ERROR CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_ERROR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_ERROR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_ERROR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868100ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_ADJ_ERROR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868100ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_CNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_CNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_CNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_CNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868028ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SAMPLE_CNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868028ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SKIP_FRM_CNT_BITS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SKIP_FRM_CNT_BITS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SKIP_FRM_CNT_BITS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SKIP_FRM_CNT_BITS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868444ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SKIP_FRM_CNT_BITS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868444ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMDSX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 63))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMDSX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868800ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMDSX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868800ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMD_ATTRX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 63))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMD_ATTRX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868A00ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CMD_ATTRX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868A00ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF0 CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF0_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF0_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF0 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868428ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF0 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868428ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF1 CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF1_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF1_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF1 not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086842Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CONF1 (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086842Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CTRL CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CTRL_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CTRL_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CTRL not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866008ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_CTRL (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866008ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_DINX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 63))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_DINX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868900ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_DINX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868900ull) + ((offset) & 63) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_RX_DATA CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_RX_DATA_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_RX_DATA_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_RX_DATA not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866000ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_RX_DATA (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866000ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866010ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866010ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_TX_DATA CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_TX_DATA_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_TX_DATA_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_TX_DATA not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866004ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_TX_DATA (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000866004ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_X_LL(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 3))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_X_LL(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868430ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_SPI_X_LL(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868430ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_EN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_EN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_EN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_EN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086819Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TIMER64_EN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086819Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INTX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INTX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868140ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INTX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868140ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868118ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868118ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_EN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_EN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_EN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_EN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868124ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_EN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868124ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_MAP CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_MAP_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_MAP_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_MAP not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868120ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_MAP (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868120ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086811Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086811Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_DIV_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_DIV_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_DIV_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_DIV_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086800Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_DIV_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086800Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_IF_CFG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_IF_CFG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_IF_CFG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_IF_CFG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868034ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_IF_CFG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868034ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_LEAD_LAG CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_LEAD_LAG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_LEAD_LAG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_LEAD_LAG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868024ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_LEAD_LAG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868024ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680D8ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008680D8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086810Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_OFFSET_ADJ_SCNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086810Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868008ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868008ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_TH CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_TH_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_TH_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_TH not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868414ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_TX_TH (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868414ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_EN CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_EN_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_EN_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_EN not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868040ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_EN (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000868040ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_UPD_SCNT CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_UPD_SCNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_UPD_SCNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_UPD_SCNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086803Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WIN_UPD_SCNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000086803Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_LSB CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_LSB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_LSB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_LSB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_LSB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_MSB CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_MSB_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_MSB_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_MSB not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A8ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RFIF_WR_TIMER64_MSB (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008681A8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844428ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844428ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844424ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844424ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_STATE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_STATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_STATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_STATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844420ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB0_STATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844420ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844438ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844438ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844434ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844434ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_STATE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_STATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_STATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_STATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844430ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_CLKENB1_STATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844430ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844448ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844448ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844444ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844444ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_STATE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_STATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_STATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_STATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844440ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_DSPSTALL_STATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844440ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_CLRMASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_CLRMASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_CLRMASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_CLRMASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844598ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_CLRMASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844598ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_MASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_MASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_MASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_MASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844590ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_MASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844590ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_SETMASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_SETMASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_SETMASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_SETMASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844594ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_SETMASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844594ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084459Cull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR0_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F000084459Cull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_CLRMASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_CLRMASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_CLRMASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_CLRMASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A8ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_CLRMASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_MASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_MASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_MASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_MASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_MASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_SETMASK CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_SETMASK_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_SETMASK_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_SETMASK not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_SETMASK (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445A4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445ACull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_INTR1_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445ACull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PHY_CONFIG CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PHY_CONFIG_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PHY_CONFIG_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PHY_CONFIG not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844450ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PHY_CONFIG (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844450ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445B0ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445B0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_COUNT CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_COUNT_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_COUNT_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_COUNT not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445B4ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_PROC_MON_COUNT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F00008445B4ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844408ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844408ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844404ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844404ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_STATE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_STATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_STATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_STATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844400ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET0_STATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844400ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844418ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844418ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844414ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844414ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_STATE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_STATE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_STATE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_STATE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844410ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_RESET1_STATE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844410ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844588ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844588ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_SET CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_SET_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_SET_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_SET not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844584ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844584ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844580ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_SW_INTR_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844580ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_CTL CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_CTL_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_CTL_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_CTL not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844500ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_CTL (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844500ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_CLR CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_CLR_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_CLR_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_CLR not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844534ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844534ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_STATUS CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_STATUS_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_STATUS_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_STATUS not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844530ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_INTR_STATUS (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844530ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_MAX CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_MAX_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_MAX_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_MAX not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844508ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_MAX (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844508ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_VALUE CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_VALUE_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_VALUE_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_VALUE not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844504ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMER_VALUE (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844504ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMEX_THRD(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 7))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMEX_THRD(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844510ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 4; } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_TIMEX_THRD(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844510ull) + ((offset) & 7) * 4) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_VERSION CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_VERSION_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_VERSION_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_VERSION not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844570ull); } #else #define CVMX_ENDOR_RSTCLK_VERSION (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010F0000844570ull)) #endif /** * cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate */ union cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t auto_gate : 1; /**< 1==enable auto-clock-gating */ #else uint32_t auto_gate : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate cvmx_endor_adma_auto_clk_gate_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode */ union cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t ch7_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#7 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch6_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#6 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch5_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#5 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch4_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#4 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch3_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#3 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch2_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#2 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch1_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#1 AXI response code */ uint32_t ch0_axi_rspcode : 2; /**< dma \#0 AXI response code */ #else uint32_t ch0_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch1_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch2_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch3_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch4_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch5_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch6_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t ch7_axi_rspcode : 2; uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode cvmx_endor_adma_axi_rspcode_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal */ union cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; uint32_t awcobuf : 1; /**< ADMA_COBUF */ uint32_t reserved_10_23 : 14; uint32_t awlock : 2; /**< ADMA_AWLOCK */ uint32_t reserved_2_7 : 6; uint32_t arlock : 2; /**< ADMA_ARLOCK */ #else uint32_t arlock : 2; uint32_t reserved_2_7 : 6; uint32_t awlock : 2; uint32_t reserved_10_23 : 14; uint32_t awcobuf : 1; uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal cvmx_endor_adma_axi_signal_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr */ union cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t axi_err_int : 1; /**< AXI Error interrupt */ #else uint32_t axi_err_int : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr cvmx_endor_adma_axierr_intr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma#_addr_hi */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_hi { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_hi_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t hi_addr : 8; /**< dma low address[63:32] */ #else uint32_t hi_addr : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_hi_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_hi cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_hi_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma#_addr_lo */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_lo { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_lo_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t lo_addr : 32; /**< dma low address[31:0] */ #else uint32_t lo_addr : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_lo_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_lo cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_addr_lo_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma#_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; uint32_t endian : 1; /**< 0==byte-swap, 1==word */ uint32_t reserved_18_23 : 6; uint32_t hmm_ofs : 2; /**< HMM memory byte offset */ uint32_t reserved_13_15 : 3; uint32_t awcache_lbm : 1; /**< AWCACHE last burst mode, 1==force 0 on the last write data */ uint32_t awcache : 4; /**< ADMA_AWCACHE */ uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t bst_bound : 1; /**< burst boundary (0==4kB, 1==128 byte) */ uint32_t max_bstlen : 1; /**< maximum burst length(0==8 dword) */ uint32_t reserved_1_3 : 3; uint32_t enable : 1; /**< 1 == dma enable */ #else uint32_t enable : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_3 : 3; uint32_t max_bstlen : 1; uint32_t bst_bound : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t awcache : 4; uint32_t awcache_lbm : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_15 : 3; uint32_t hmm_ofs : 2; uint32_t reserved_18_23 : 6; uint32_t endian : 1; uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_cfg cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma#_size */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_size { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_size_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; uint32_t dma_size : 18; /**< dma transfer byte size */ #else uint32_t dma_size : 18; uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_size_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_size cvmx_endor_adma_dmax_size_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t rdma_rr_prty : 1; /**< 1 == round-robin for DMA read channel */ uint32_t wdma_rr_prty : 1; /**< 1 == round-robin for DMA write channel */ uint32_t wdma_fix_prty : 4; /**< dma fixed priority */ #else uint32_t wdma_fix_prty : 4; uint32_t wdma_rr_prty : 1; uint32_t rdma_rr_prty : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority cvmx_endor_adma_dma_priority_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t dma_ch_reset : 8; /**< dma channel reset */ #else uint32_t dma_ch_reset : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset cvmx_endor_adma_dma_reset_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr */ union cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t dma_ch_done : 8; /**< done-interrupt status of the DMA channel */ #else uint32_t dma_ch_done : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr cvmx_endor_adma_dmadone_intr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis */ union cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_17_31 : 15; uint32_t axierr_intr_dis : 1; /**< AXI Error interrupt disable (1==enable) */ uint32_t dmadone_intr_dis : 16; /**< dma done interrupt disable (1==enable) */ #else uint32_t dmadone_intr_dis : 16; uint32_t axierr_intr_dis : 1; uint32_t reserved_17_31 : 15; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis cvmx_endor_adma_intr_dis_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb */ union cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_17_31 : 15; uint32_t axierr_intr_enb : 1; /**< AXI Error interrupt enable (1==enable) */ uint32_t dmadone_intr_enb : 16; /**< dma done interrupt enable (1==enable) */ #else uint32_t dmadone_intr_enb : 16; uint32_t axierr_intr_enb : 1; uint32_t reserved_17_31 : 15; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb cvmx_endor_adma_intr_enb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_adma_module_status */ union cvmx_endor_adma_module_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_adma_module_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t non_dmardch_stt : 1; /**< non-DMA read channel status */ uint32_t non_dmawrch_stt : 1; /**< non-DMA write channel status (1==transfer in progress) */ uint32_t dma_ch_stt : 14; /**< dma channel status (1==transfer in progress) blah, blah */ #else uint32_t dma_ch_stt : 14; uint32_t non_dmawrch_stt : 1; uint32_t non_dmardch_stt : 1; uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_adma_module_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_adma_module_status cvmx_endor_adma_module_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_HI - Interrupt Enable HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t enab : 1; /**< Interrupt Enable */ #else uint32_t enab : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hix cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_CNTL_LO - Interrupt Enable LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t enab : 1; /**< Interrupt Enable */ #else uint32_t enab : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lox cvmx_endor_intc_cntl_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_index_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_HI - Overall Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_index_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_index_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; uint32_t index : 9; /**< Overall Interrup Index */ #else uint32_t index : 9; uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_index_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_index_hix cvmx_endor_intc_index_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_index_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_INDEX_LO - Overall Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_index_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_index_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; uint32_t index : 9; /**< Overall Interrup Index */ #else uint32_t index : 9; uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_index_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_index_lox cvmx_endor_intc_index_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_HI - Misc Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Misc Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_IDX_LO - Misc Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Misc Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_misc_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_HI = Interrupt MISC Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; /**< RX PPS Sync Done */ uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; /**< RX SPI Event Skipped */ uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 3 */ uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 2 */ uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 1 */ uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 0 */ uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; /**< RX Start RX */ uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; /**< RX Start Frame */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; /**< RX FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t tti_timer : 8; /**< TTI Timer Interrupt */ uint32_t axi_berr : 1; /**< AXI Bus Error */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< RFSPI Interrupt */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t h3genc : 1; /**< 3G Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< LTE Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_done : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t dftdmp : 1; /**< DFTDMP HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t rach : 1; /**< RACH HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE HAB Interrupt */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rach : 1; uint32_t dftdmp : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_done : 1; uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t h3genc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t axi_berr : 1; uint32_t tti_timer : 8; uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_MASK_LO = Interrupt MISC Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; /**< RX PPS Sync Done */ uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; /**< RX SPI Event Skipped */ uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 3 */ uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 2 */ uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 1 */ uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 0 */ uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; /**< RX Start RX */ uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; /**< RX Start Frame */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; /**< RX FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t tti_timer : 8; /**< TTI Timer Interrupt */ uint32_t axi_berr : 1; /**< AXI Bus Error */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< RFSPI Interrupt */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t h3genc : 1; /**< 3G Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< LTE Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_done : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t dftdmp : 1; /**< DFTDMP HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t rach : 1; /**< RACH HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE HAB Interrupt */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rach : 1; uint32_t dftdmp : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_done : 1; uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t h3genc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t axi_berr : 1; uint32_t tti_timer : 8; uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_misc_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_RINT - MISC Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; /**< RX PPS Sync Done */ uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; /**< RX SPI Event Skipped */ uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 3 */ uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 2 */ uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 1 */ uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 0 */ uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; /**< RX Start RX */ uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; /**< RX Start Frame */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; /**< RX FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t tti_timer : 8; /**< TTI Timer Interrupt */ uint32_t axi_berr : 1; /**< AXI Bus Error */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< RFSPI Interrupt */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t h3genc : 1; /**< 3G Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< LTE Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_done : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t dftdmp : 1; /**< DFTDMP HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t rach : 1; /**< RACH HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE HAB Interrupt */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rach : 1; uint32_t dftdmp : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_done : 1; uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t h3genc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t axi_berr : 1; uint32_t tti_timer : 8; uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint cvmx_endor_intc_misc_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_HI = Interrupt MISC Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; /**< RX PPS Sync Done */ uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; /**< RX SPI Event Skipped */ uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 3 */ uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 2 */ uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 1 */ uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 0 */ uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; /**< RX Start RX */ uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; /**< RX Start Frame */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; /**< RX FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t tti_timer : 8; /**< TTI Timer Interrupt */ uint32_t axi_berr : 1; /**< AXI Bus Error */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< RFSPI Interrupt */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t h3genc : 1; /**< 3G Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< LTE Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_done : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t dftdmp : 1; /**< DFTDMP HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t rach : 1; /**< RACH HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE HAB Interrupt */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rach : 1; uint32_t dftdmp : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_done : 1; uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t h3genc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t axi_berr : 1; uint32_t tti_timer : 8; uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_MISC_STATUS_LO = Interrupt MISC Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; /**< RX PPS Sync Done */ uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; /**< RX SPI Event Skipped */ uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 3 */ uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 2 */ uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 1 */ uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; /**< SPI Transfer Done Event 0 */ uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; /**< RX Start RX */ uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; /**< RX Start Frame */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX DIV FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; /**< RX FIFO flags asserted */ uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; /**< RX FIFO Threshhold reached */ uint32_t tti_timer : 8; /**< TTI Timer Interrupt */ uint32_t axi_berr : 1; /**< AXI Bus Error */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< RFSPI Interrupt */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t h3genc : 1; /**< 3G Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< LTE Encoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_done : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< TURBO Decoder HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t dftdmp : 1; /**< DFTDMP HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t rach : 1; /**< RACH HAB Interrupt */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE HAB Interrupt */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rach : 1; uint32_t dftdmp : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_done : 1; uint32_t turbo_rddone : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t h3genc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t axi_berr : 1; uint32_t tti_timer : 8; uint32_t rf_rx_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffthresh : 1; uint32_t rf_rxd_ffflag : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_stframe : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_strx : 1; uint32_t rf_spi0 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi1 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi2 : 1; uint32_t rf_spi3 : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_spiskip : 1; uint32_t rf_rx_ppssync : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_misc_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_HI - Read Done Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Read Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_IDX_LO - Read Done Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Read Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rd_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_HI = Interrupt Read Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_MASK_LO = Interrupt Read Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rd_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_RINT - Read Done Group Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint cvmx_endor_intc_rd_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_HI = Interrupt Read Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RD_STATUS_LO = Interrupt Read Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rd_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_HI - Read Queue Done Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Read Queue Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_IDX_LO - Read Queue Done Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Read Queue Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_HI = Interrupt Read Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_MASK_LO = Interrupt Read Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_RINT - Read Queue Done Group Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_HI = Interrupt Read Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_RDQ_STATUS_LO = Interrupt Read Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Read Done */ uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< TX to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< TX to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< RX1 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< RX0 to PHY Read Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_RM Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Read Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Read Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Read Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Read Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Read Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Read Done */ uint32_t rachsnif : 1; /**< RACH Read Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_rm : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t3_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_rdq_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_STAT_HI - Grouped Interrupt Status HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t misc : 1; /**< Misc Group Interrupt */ uint32_t sw : 1; /**< SW Group Interrupt */ uint32_t wrqdone : 1; /**< Write Queue Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t rdqdone : 1; /**< Read Queue Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t rddone : 1; /**< Read Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t wrdone : 1; /**< Write Done Group Interrupt */ #else uint32_t wrdone : 1; uint32_t rddone : 1; uint32_t rdqdone : 1; uint32_t wrqdone : 1; uint32_t sw : 1; uint32_t misc : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hix cvmx_endor_intc_stat_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_STAT_LO - Grouped Interrupt Status LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t misc : 1; /**< Misc Group Interrupt */ uint32_t sw : 1; /**< SW Group Interrupt */ uint32_t wrqdone : 1; /**< Write Queue Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t rdqdone : 1; /**< Read Queue Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t rddone : 1; /**< Read Done Group Interrupt */ uint32_t wrdone : 1; /**< Write Done Group Interrupt */ #else uint32_t wrdone : 1; uint32_t rddone : 1; uint32_t rdqdone : 1; uint32_t wrqdone : 1; uint32_t sw : 1; uint32_t misc : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lox cvmx_endor_intc_stat_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_HI - SW Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< SW Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_IDX_LO - SW Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< SW Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_sw_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_HI = Interrupt SW Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t swint : 32; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t swint : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_MASK_LO = Interrupt SW Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t swint : 32; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t swint : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_sw_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_RINT - SW Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t swint : 32; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t swint : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint cvmx_endor_intc_sw_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_HI = Interrupt SW Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t swint : 32; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t swint : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_SW_STATUS_LO = Interrupt SW Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t swint : 32; /**< ULFE Read Done */ #else uint32_t swint : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_sw_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_swclr * * ENDOR_INTC_SWCLR- SW Interrupt Clear * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_swclr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_swclr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t clr : 32; /**< Clear SW Interrupt bit */ #else uint32_t clr : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_swclr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_swclr cvmx_endor_intc_swclr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_swset * * ENDOR_INTC_SWSET - SW Interrupt Set * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_swset { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_swset_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t set : 32; /**< Set SW Interrupt bit */ #else uint32_t set : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_swset_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_swset cvmx_endor_intc_swset_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_HI - Write Done Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Write Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_IDX_LO - Write Done Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Write Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wr_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_HI = Interrupt Write Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Write Done */ uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_MASK_LO = Interrupt Write Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Write Done */ uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wr_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_RINT - Write Done Group Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Write Done */ uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint cvmx_endor_intc_wr_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_HI = Interrupt Write Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Write Done */ uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WR_STATUS_LO = Interrupt Write Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; /**< RFIF_1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; /**< RFIF_0 Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; /**< HARQ to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; /**< RX1 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; /**< RX0 to Host Write Done */ uint32_t axi_tx : 1; /**< TX to Host Write Done */ uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t axi_tx : 1; uint32_t axi_rx0 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1 : 1; uint32_t axi_rx1_harq : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_0 : 1; uint32_t t1_rfif_1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wr_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_HI - Write Queue Done Group Index HI * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Write Queue Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_IDX_LO - Write Queue Done Group Index LO * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t grpidx : 6; /**< Write Queue Done Group Interrupt Index */ #else uint32_t grpidx : 6; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_idx_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_HI = Interrupt Write Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_MASK_LO = Interrupt Write Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_mask_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_RINT - Write Queue Done Group Raw Interrupt Status * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_rint_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hi# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_HI = Interrupt Write Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hix { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hix_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hix_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hix cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_hix_t; /** * cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lo# * * ENDOR_INTC_WRQ_STATUS_LO = Interrupt Write Queue Done Group Mask * */ union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lox { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lox_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; /**< TX Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t3_int : 1; /**< PHY to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t3_ext : 1; /**< Host to TX Write Done */ uint32_t t2_instr : 1; /**< RX1 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t2_harq : 1; /**< Host to HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t t2_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t2_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX1 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_instr : 1; /**< RX0 Instr Write Done */ uint32_t t1_int : 1; /**< PHY to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t t1_ext : 1; /**< Host to RX0 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_1 Write Done */ uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; /**< IFFTPAPR_0 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; /**< LTE Encoder CCH Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB1 Write Done */ uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; /**< LTE Encoder TB0 Write Done */ uint32_t vitbdec : 1; /**< Viterbi Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder HARQ Write Done */ uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Soft Bits Write Done */ uint32_t turbo : 1; /**< Turbo Decoder Write Done */ uint32_t dftdm : 1; /**< DFT/Demapper Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; /**< RACH_1 Write Done */ uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; /**< RACH_0 Write Done */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< ULFE Write Done */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_0 : 1; uint32_t rachsnif_1 : 1; uint32_t dftdm : 1; uint32_t turbo : 1; uint32_t turbo_sb : 1; uint32_t turbo_hq : 1; uint32_t vitbdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb0 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_tb1 : 1; uint32_t lteenc_cch : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_0 : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr_1 : 1; uint32_t t1_ext : 1; uint32_t t1_int : 1; uint32_t t1_instr : 1; uint32_t t2_ext : 1; uint32_t t2_int : 1; uint32_t t2_harq : 1; uint32_t t2_instr : 1; uint32_t t3_ext : 1; uint32_t t3_int : 1; uint32_t t3_instr : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lox_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lox cvmx_endor_intc_wrq_status_lox_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr0_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr1_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr2_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_end_addr3_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr0_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr1_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr2_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_cbuf_start_addr3_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_clear_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_enb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_rstatus_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t xfer_complete : 1; uint32_t xfer_q_empty : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_intr_test_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t itlv_bufmode : 2; /**< interleave buffer : 0==1:1, 1==2:1, 2==4:1 */ uint32_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint32_t mem_clr_enb : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t auto_clk_enb : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t auto_clk_enb : 1; uint32_t mem_clr_enb : 1; uint32_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint32_t itlv_bufmode : 2; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_mode_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr0_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr1_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr2_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3 */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t addr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t addr : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3 cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_start_addr3_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_0_31 : 32; #else uint32_t reserved_0_31 : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t xfer_comp_intr : 1; /**< transfer complete interrupt. */ uint32_t slice_mode : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t cbuf_mode : 1; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t reserved_16_28 : 13; uint32_t wordcnt : 16; /**< word count. */ #else uint32_t wordcnt : 16; uint32_t reserved_16_28 : 13; uint32_t cbuf_mode : 1; uint32_t slice_mode : 1; uint32_t xfer_comp_intr : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_cnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t status : 32; /**< number of slots to queue buffer transaction. */ #else uint32_t status : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_q_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start */ union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t start : 1; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t start : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start cvmx_endor_ofs_hmm_xfer_start_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t ena : 1; /**< Enable 1PPS Generation and Tracking - 0: 1PPS signal not tracked or generated - 1: 1PPS signal generated and tracked */ #else uint32_t ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_gen_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t offset : 20; /**< This register holds the sample count at which the 1PPS was received. Upon reset, the sample counter starts at 0 when the first 1PPS is received and then increments to wrap around at FRAME_L-1. At each subsequent 1PPS, a snapshot of the sample counter is taken and the count is made available via this register. This enables software to monitor the RF clock drift relative to the 1PPS. */ #else uint32_t offset : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_sample_cnt_offset_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t ena : 1; /**< 1PPS generation for verification purposes - 0: Disabled (default) - 1: Enabled Note the external 1PPS is not considered, when this bit is set to 1. */ #else uint32_t ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_gen_en_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Sample count at which the 1PPS is generated for verification purposes. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt cvmx_endor_rfif_1pps_verif_scnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_conf */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_conf { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_conf_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; uint32_t loopback : 1; /**< FDD loop back mode - 0: Not in loopback mode(default) - 1: loops back the tx ouput to the rx input inside the rf_if */ uint32_t mol : 1; /**< Manual Override Lock */ uint32_t upd_style : 1; /**< TX and RX Windows parameters update style (default:0) - 0: updated as written to the register (on the fly) (not fully verified but kept in case limitations are found with the other update scheme.) - 1: updated at the specified time by registers 00F and 90F. Note the frame length is updated after the last TX window. - 1: eNB, enables using 1PPS synchronization scheme. */ uint32_t diversity : 1; /**< RX diversity disable (Used to support FDD SISO with CLK 4X) - 0: Data gets written to the diversity FIFO in MIMO mode (default). - 1: No data written to the diversity FIFO in MIMO mode. */ uint32_t duplex : 1; /**< Division Duplex Mode - 0: TDD (default) - 1: FDD */ uint32_t prod_type : 1; /**< Product Type - 0: UE (default), enables using sync and timing advance synchronization schemes. */ uint32_t txnrx_ctrl : 1; /**< RFIC IF TXnRX signal pulse control. Changing the value of this bit generates a pulse on the TXNRX signal of the RFIC interface. This feature is enabled when bit 9 has already been asserted. */ uint32_t ena_ctrl : 1; /**< RFIC IF ENABLE signal pulse control. Changing the value of this bit generates a pulse on the ENABLE signal of the RFIC interface. This feature is enabled when bit 9 has already been asserted. */ uint32_t man_ctrl : 1; /**< RF IC Manual Control Enable. Setting this bit to 1 enables manual control of the TXNRX and ENABLE signals. When set to 0 (default), the TXNRX and ENABLE signals are automatically controlled when opening and closing RX/TX windows. The manual mode is used to initialize the RFIC in alert mode. */ uint32_t dsp_rx_int_en : 1; /**< DSP RX interrupt mask enable - 0: DSP RX receives interrupts - 1: DSP RX doesn't receive interrupts, needs to poll ISRs */ uint32_t adi_en : 1; /**< ADI enable signal pulsed or leveled behavior - 0: pulsed - 1: leveled */ uint32_t clr_fifo_of : 1; /**< Clear RX FIFO overflow flag. */ uint32_t clr_fifo_ur : 1; /**< Clear RX FIFO under run flag. */ uint32_t wavesat_mode : 1; /**< AD9361 wavesat mode, where enable becomes rx_control and txnrx becomes tx_control. The wavesat mode permits an independent control of the rx and tx data flows. - 0: wavesat mode - 1: regular mode */ uint32_t flush : 1; /**< Flush RX FIFO auto clear register. */ uint32_t inv : 1; /**< Data inversion (bit 0 becomes bit 11, bit 1 becomes 10) */ uint32_t mode : 1; /**< 0: SISO 1: MIMO */ uint32_t enable : 1; /**< 1=enable, 0=disabled */ #else uint32_t enable : 1; uint32_t mode : 1; uint32_t inv : 1; uint32_t flush : 1; uint32_t wavesat_mode : 1; uint32_t clr_fifo_ur : 1; uint32_t clr_fifo_of : 1; uint32_t adi_en : 1; uint32_t dsp_rx_int_en : 1; uint32_t man_ctrl : 1; uint32_t ena_ctrl : 1; uint32_t txnrx_ctrl : 1; uint32_t prod_type : 1; uint32_t duplex : 1; uint32_t diversity : 1; uint32_t upd_style : 1; uint32_t mol : 1; uint32_t loopback : 1; uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_conf_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_conf cvmx_endor_rfif_conf_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2 */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_3_31 : 29; uint32_t latency : 1; /**< RF DATA variable latency - 0: fixed latency (prior to AD9163) - 1: variable latency (starting with the AD9361) */ uint32_t iq_cfg : 1; /**< IQ port configuration - 0: Single port (10Mhz BW and less) - 1: Dual ports (more then 10Mhz BW) */ uint32_t behavior : 1; /**< RX and TX FRAME signals behavior: - 0: Pulsed every frame - 1: Leveled during the whole RX and TX periods */ #else uint32_t behavior : 1; uint32_t iq_cfg : 1; uint32_t latency : 1; uint32_t reserved_3_31 : 29; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2 cvmx_endor_rfif_conf2_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t val : 4; /**< Values to output to the DSP1_GPIO ports */ #else uint32_t val : 4; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp1_gpio_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_0_31 : 32; #else uint32_t reserved_0_31 : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_his_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t ena : 8; /**< Enable interrupt bits. Set to each bit to 1 to enable the interrupts listed in the table below. The default value is 0x0. */ uint32_t reserved_0_15 : 16; #else uint32_t reserved_0_15 : 16; uint32_t ena : 8; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism cvmx_endor_rfif_dsp_rx_ism_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t tx_div_fil : 1; /**< TX DIV filtering control bit - 0: TX DIV filtering disabled - 1: TX DIV filtering enabled */ uint32_t tx_fil : 1; /**< TX filtering control bit - 0: TX filtering disabled - 1: TX filtering enabled */ uint32_t rx_dif_fil : 1; /**< RX DIV filtering control bit - 0: RX DIV filtering disabled - 1: RX DIV filtering enabled */ uint32_t rx_fil : 1; /**< RX filtering control bit - 0: RX filtering disabled - 1: RX filtering enabled */ #else uint32_t rx_fil : 1; uint32_t rx_dif_fil : 1; uint32_t tx_fil : 1; uint32_t tx_div_fil : 1; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable cvmx_endor_rfif_firs_enable_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Frame count (value wraps around 2**16) */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_cnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t length : 20; /**< Frame length in terms of RF clock cycles: RFIC in single port modes TDD SISO ? FRAME_L = num_samples TDD MIMO ? FRAME_L = num_samples * 2 FDD SISO ? FRAME_L = num_samples * 2 FDD MIMO ? FRAME_L = num_samples * 4 RFIC in dual ports modes TDD SISO ? FRAME_L = num_samples * 0.5 TDD MIMO ? FRAME_L = num_samples FDD SISO ? FRAME_L = num_samples FDD MIMO ? FRAME_L = num_samples * 2 */ #else uint32_t length : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l cvmx_endor_rfif_frame_l_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_x { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_x_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t fall_val : 11; /**< Signed value (lead/lag) on falling edge of level signal */ uint32_t rise_val : 11; /**< Signed value (lead/lag) on rising edge of level signal */ uint32_t src : 2; /**< Signal active high source: - 00: idle - 01: RX - 10: TX - 11: idle */ #else uint32_t src : 2; uint32_t rise_val : 11; uint32_t fall_val : 11; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_x_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_x cvmx_endor_rfif_gpio_x_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; uint32_t num : 10; /**< Indicates the maximum number of samples that can be adjusted per frame. Note the value to be programmed varies with the mode of operation as follow: MAX_SAMPLE_ADJ = num_samples*MIMO*FDD*DP Where: MIMO = 2 in MIMO mode and 1 otherwise. FDD = 2 in FDD mode and 1 otherwise. DP = 0.5 in RF IF Dual Port mode, 1 otherwise. */ #else uint32_t num : 10; uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj cvmx_endor_rfif_max_sample_adj_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; uint32_t num : 10; /**< Indicates the minimum number of samples that can be adjusted per frame. Note the value to be programmed varies with the mode of operation as follow: MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ = num_samples*MIMO*FDD*DP Where: MIMO = 2 in MIMO mode and 1 otherwise. FDD = 2 in FDD mode and 1 otherwise. DP = 0.5 in RF IF Dual Port mode, 1 otherwise. */ #else uint32_t num : 10; uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj cvmx_endor_rfif_min_sample_adj_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_3_31 : 29; uint32_t num : 3; /**< Number of RX windows - 0: No RX window - 1: One RX window - ... - 4: Four RX windows Other: Not defined */ #else uint32_t num : 3; uint32_t reserved_3_31 : 29; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win cvmx_endor_rfif_num_rx_win_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t ena : 1; /**< PWM signal generation enable: - 1: PWM enabled - 0: PWM disabled (default) */ #else uint32_t ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_enable_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t hi_time : 24; /**< PWM high time. The default is 0h00FFFF cycles. Program to n for n+1 high cycles. */ #else uint32_t hi_time : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_high_time_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t lo_time : 24; /**< PWM low time. The default is 0h00FFFF cycles. Program to n for n+1 low cycles. */ #else uint32_t lo_time : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time cvmx_endor_rfif_pwm_low_time_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t val : 32; /**< 64-bit timer initial value of the 32 LSB. Note the value written in WR_TIMER64_LSB is not propagating until the timer64 is enabled. */ #else uint32_t val : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_lsb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t val : 32; /**< 64-bit timer initial value of the 32 MSB. Note the value written in WR_TIMER64_MSB is not propagating until the timer64 is enabled. */ #else uint32_t val : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb cvmx_endor_rfif_rd_timer64_msb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer : 32; /**< The full 32 bits of the real time timer fed from a core clock based counter. */ #else uint32_t timer : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer cvmx_endor_rfif_real_time_timer_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer : 32; /**< Timer running off the RF CLK. 1- The counter is disabled by default; 2- The counter is enabled by writing 1 to register 066; 3- The counter waits for the 1PPS to start incrementing 4- The 1PPS is received and the counter starts incrementing; 5- The counter is reset after receiving the 30th 1PPS (after 30 seconds); 6- The counter keeps incrementing and is reset as in 5, unless it is disabled. */ #else uint32_t timer : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t ena : 1; /**< RF CLK based timer enable - 0: Disabled - 1: Enabled */ #else uint32_t ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en cvmx_endor_rfif_rf_clk_timer_en_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t offset : 4; /**< Indicates the sample counter offset for the last sample flag insertion, which determines when the rx samples are dropped or added. This register can take values from 0 to 15 and should be configured as follow: 4, when MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ = 1 5 , when MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ = 2 6 , when MIN_SAMPLE_ADJ = 4 */ #else uint32_t offset : 4; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_correct_adj_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status * * Notes: * In TDD Mode, bits 15:12 are DDR state machine status. * */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; /**< RFIC enabled (in alert state) */ uint32_t sync_late : 1; /**< Sync late (Used for UE products). */ uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; /**< Threshold Reached (RX/RX_div/TX) */ uint32_t fifo_of : 1; /**< FIFO overflow */ uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; /**< FIFO underrun */ uint32_t tx_sm : 2; /**< TX state machine status */ uint32_t rx_sm : 2; /**< RX state machine status */ uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; /**< HAB request manager SM - 0: idle - 1: wait_cs - 2: Term - 3: rd_fifo(RX)/ write fifo(TX) - 4: wait_th Others: not used */ uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; uint32_t rx_sm : 2; uint32_t tx_sm : 2; uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; uint32_t fifo_of : 1; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t sync_late : 1; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_div_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t cnt : 13; /**< RX FIFO fill level. This register can take values between 0 and 5136. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 13; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_fifo_cnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t eorl : 1; /**< Early or Late TX_FRAME - 0: The TX_FRAME asserts after the tx_lead and deasserts before the tx_lag - 1: The TX_FRAME asserts (3:0) cycles after the TX_ON/ENABLE and deasserts (3:0) cycles after the TX_ON/ENABLE signal. */ uint32_t half_lat : 1; /**< Half cycle latency - 0: Captures I and Q on the falling and rising edge of the clock respectively. - 1: Captures I and Q on the rising and falling edge of the clock respectively. */ uint32_t cap_lat : 4; /**< Enable to capture latency The data from the RF IC starts and stops being captured a number of cycles after the enable pulse. - 0: Invalid - 1: One cycle latency - 2: Two cycles of latency - 3: Three cycles of latency - ... - 15: Seven cycles of latency */ #else uint32_t cap_lat : 4; uint32_t half_lat : 1; uint32_t eorl : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_if_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t lag : 12; /**< unsigned value (lag) on end of window */ uint32_t lead : 12; /**< unsigned value (lead) on beginning of window */ #else uint32_t lead : 12; uint32_t lag : 12; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_lead_lag_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t hidden : 1; /**< Hidden bit set to 1 during synthesis (set_case_analysis) if only one destination can be programmed at a time. In this case there is no need to gate the VLD with the RDYs, to ease timing closure. */ uint32_t reserved_9_11 : 3; uint32_t alt_ant : 1; /**< Send data alternating antenna 0 (first) and antenna 1 (second) data on the RX HMI interface when set to 1. By default, only the data from antenna 0 is sent on this interface. */ uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t exe3 : 1; /**< Setting this bit to 1 indicates the RF_IF to load and execute the programmed DMA transfer size (register RX_TRANSFER_SIZE) from the FIFO to destination 3. */ uint32_t exe2 : 1; /**< Setting this bit to 1 indicates the RF_IF to load and execute the programmed DMA transfer size (register RX_TRANSFER_SIZE) from the FIFO to destination 2. */ uint32_t exe1 : 1; /**< Setting this bit to 1 indicates the RF_IF to load and execute the programmed DMA transfer size (register RX_TRANSFER_SIZE) from the FIFO to destination 1. */ #else uint32_t exe1 : 1; uint32_t exe2 : 1; uint32_t exe3 : 1; uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t alt_ant : 1; uint32_t reserved_9_11 : 3; uint32_t hidden : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_load_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t offset : 20; /**< Indicates the number of RF clock cycles after the GPS/ETH 1PPS is received before the start of the RX frame. See description Figure 44. */ #else uint32_t offset : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Indicates the RX sample count at which the 1PPS incremental adjustments will be applied. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_offset_adj_scnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status * * Notes: * In TDD Mode, bits 15:12 are DDR state machine status. * */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; /**< RFIC enabled (in alert state) */ uint32_t sync_late : 1; /**< Sync late (Used for UE products). */ uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; /**< Threshold Reached (RX/RX_div/TX) */ uint32_t fifo_of : 1; /**< FIFO overflow */ uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; /**< FIFO underrun */ uint32_t tx_sm : 2; /**< TX state machine status */ uint32_t rx_sm : 2; /**< RX state machine status */ uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; /**< HAB request manager SM - 0: idle - 1: wait_cs - 2: Term - 3: rd_fifo(RX)/ write fifo(TX) - 4: wait_th Others: not used */ uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; uint32_t rx_sm : 2; uint32_t tx_sm : 2; uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; uint32_t fifo_of : 1; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t sync_late : 1; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Sample count at which the start of frame reference will be modified as described with register 0x30. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_scnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t val : 20; /**< RX Synchronization offset value. This register indicates the sample number at which the start of frame must be moved to. This value must be smaller than FRAME_L, but it cannot be negative. See below how the sample count gets updated based on registers 0x30 and 0x31 at sample count RX_SYNC_VALUE. If RX_SYNC_SCNT >= RX_SYNC_VALUE sample_count = RX_SYNC_SCNT ? RX_SYNC_VALUE + 1 Else sample_count = RX_SYNC_SCNT + FRAME_L ? RX_SYNC_VALUE + 1 Note this is not used for eNB products, only for UE products. Note this register is cleared after the correction is applied. */ #else uint32_t val : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_sync_value_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; uint32_t thr : 12; /**< FIFO level reached before granting a RX DMA request. This RX FIFO fill level threshold can be used in two ways: 1- When the FIFO fill level reaches the threshold, there is enough data in the FIFO to start the data transfer, so it grants a DMA transfer from the RX FIFO to the HAB's memory. 2- It can also be used to generate an interrupt to the DSP when the FIFO threshold is reached. */ #else uint32_t thr : 12; uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_th_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t size : 13; /**< Indicates the size of the DMA data transfer from the rf_if RX FIFO out via the HMI IF. The DMA transfers to the HAB1 and HAB2 */ #else uint32_t size : 13; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_transfer_size_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_e# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_ex { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_ex_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t end_cnt : 20; /**< End count for each of the 4 RX windows. The maximum value should be FRAME_L, unless the window must stay opened for ever. */ #else uint32_t end_cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_ex_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_ex cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_ex_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_s# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_sx { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_sx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t start_pnt : 20; /**< Start points for each of the 4 RX windows Some restrictions applies to the start and end values: 1- The first RX window must always start at the sample count 0. 2- The other start point must be greater than rx_lead, refer to 0x008. 3- All start point values must be smaller than the endpoints in TDD mode. 4- RX windows have priorities over TX windows in TDD mode. 5- There must be a minimum of 7 samples between closing a window and opening a new one. However, it is recommended to leave a 10 samples gap. Note that this number could increase with different RF ICs used. */ #else uint32_t start_pnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_sx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_sx cvmx_endor_rfif_rx_w_sx_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t adj : 1; /**< Indicates whether samples must be removed from the beginning or the end of the frame. - 1: add/remove samples from the beginning of the frame - 0: add/remove samples from the end of the frame (default) */ #else uint32_t adj : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t offset : 32; /**< Count of the number of times the TX FIFO did not have enough IQ samples to be dropped for a TX timing adjustment. 0-7 = TX FIFO sample adjustment error - 16:23 = TX DIV sample adjustment error */ #else uint32_t offset : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_adj_error_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Sample count modulo FRAME_L. The start of frame is aligned with count 0. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt cvmx_endor_rfif_sample_cnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t bits : 2; /**< Indicates the number of sample count bits to skip, in order to reduce the sample count update frequency and permit a reliable clock crossing from the RF to the HAB clock domain. - 0: No bits are skipped - ... - 3: 3 bits are skipped */ #else uint32_t bits : 2; uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits cvmx_endor_rfif_skip_frm_cnt_bits_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_#_ll */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_x_ll { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_x_ll_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t num : 20; /**< SPI event X start sample count */ #else uint32_t num : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_x_ll_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_x_ll cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_x_ll_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attr# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attrx { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attrx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t slave : 1; /**< Slave select (in case there are 2 ADI chips) - 0: slave 1 - 1: slave 2 */ uint32_t bytes : 1; /**< Number of data bytes transfer - 0: 1 byte transfer mode - 1: 2 bytes transfer mode */ uint32_t gen_int : 1; /**< Generate an interrupt upon the SPI event completion: - 0: no interrupt generated 1: interrupt generated */ uint32_t rw : 1; /**< r/w: r:0 ; w:1. */ #else uint32_t rw : 1; uint32_t gen_int : 1; uint32_t bytes : 1; uint32_t slave : 1; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attrx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attrx cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmd_attrx_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmds# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmdsx { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmdsx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t word : 24; /**< Spi command word. */ #else uint32_t word : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmdsx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmdsx cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_cmdsx_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0 */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t num_cmds3 : 6; /**< Number of SPI cmds to transfer for event 3 */ uint32_t num_cmds2 : 6; /**< Number of SPI cmds to transfer for event 2 */ uint32_t num_cmds1 : 6; /**< Number of SPI cmds to transfer for event 1 */ uint32_t num_cmds0 : 6; /**< Number of SPI cmds to transfer for event 0 */ #else uint32_t num_cmds0 : 6; uint32_t num_cmds1 : 6; uint32_t num_cmds2 : 6; uint32_t num_cmds3 : 6; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0 cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf0_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1 */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1 { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t start3 : 6; /**< SPI commands start address for event 3 */ uint32_t start2 : 6; /**< SPI commands start address for event 2 */ uint32_t start1 : 6; /**< SPI commands start address for event 1 */ uint32_t start0 : 6; /**< SPI commands start address for event 0 */ #else uint32_t start0 : 6; uint32_t start1 : 6; uint32_t start2 : 6; uint32_t start3 : 6; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1 cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_conf1_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t ctrl : 32; /**< Control */ #else uint32_t ctrl : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_ctrl_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_din# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_dinx { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_dinx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t data : 16; /**< Data read back from spi commands. */ #else uint32_t data : 16; uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_dinx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_dinx cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_dinx_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t rd_data : 32; /**< SPI Read Data */ #else uint32_t rd_data : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_rx_data_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; uint32_t sr_state : 4; /**< SPI State Machine 1 : INIT 2 : IDLE 3 : WAIT_FIFO 4 : READ_FIFO 5 : LOAD_SR 6 : SHIFT_SR 7 : WAIT_CLK 8 : WAIT_FOR_SS */ uint32_t rx_fifo_lvl : 4; /**< Level of RX FIFO */ uint32_t tx_fifo_lvl : 4; /**< Level of TX FIFO */ #else uint32_t tx_fifo_lvl : 4; uint32_t rx_fifo_lvl : 4; uint32_t sr_state : 4; uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t write : 1; /**< When set, execute write. Otherwise, read. */ uint32_t reserved_25_30 : 6; uint32_t addr : 9; /**< SPI Address */ uint32_t data : 8; /**< SPI Data */ uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint32_t data : 8; uint32_t addr : 9; uint32_t reserved_25_30 : 6; uint32_t write : 1; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data cvmx_endor_rfif_spi_tx_data_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t clks : 8; /**< 7-0: Number of rf clock cycles per 64-bit timer increment. Set to n for n+1 cycles (default=0x7F for 128 cycles). The valid range for the register is 3 to 255. */ #else uint32_t clks : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en * * Notes: * This is how the 64-bit timer works: * 1- Configuration * - Write counter LSB (reg:0x69) * - Write counter MSB (reg:0x6A) * - Write config (reg:0x68) * 2- Enable the counter * 3- Wait for the 1PPS * 4- Start incrementing the counter every n+1 rf clock cycles * 5- Read the MSB and LSB registers (reg:0x6B and 0x6C) * * 6- There is no 64-bit snapshot mechanism. Software has to consider the * 32 LSB might rollover and increment the 32 MSB between the LSB and the * MSB reads. You may want to use the following concatenation recipe: * * a) Read the 32 MSB (MSB1) * b) Read the 32 LSB * c) Read the 32 MSB again (MSB2) * d) Concatenate the 32 MSB an 32 LSB * -If both 32 MSB are equal or LSB(31)=1, concatenate MSB1 and LSB * -Else concatenate the MSB2 and LSB */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t ena : 1; /**< Enable for the 64-bit rf clock based timer. - 0: Disabled - 1: Enabled */ #else uint32_t ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en cvmx_endor_rfif_timer64_en_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int# */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_intx { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_intx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t intr : 20; /**< TTI Sample Count Interrupt: Indicates the sample count of the selected reference counter at which to generate an interrupt. */ #else uint32_t intr : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_intx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_intx cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_intx_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t cnt : 8; /**< TTI Sample Count Interrupt Status register: Writing 0x1 to clear the TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT(0), writing 0x2 to clear the TTI_SCNT_INT_STAT(1) and so on. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t ena : 8; /**< TTI Sample Counter Interrupt Enable: Bit 0: 1 Enables TTI_SCNT_INT_0 Bit 1: 1 Enables TTI_SCNT_INT_1 - ... Bit 7: 1 Enables TTI_SCNT_INT_7 Note these interrupts are disabled by default (=0x00). */ #else uint32_t ena : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_en_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t map : 8; /**< TTI Sample Count Interrupt Mapping to a Reference Counter: Indicates the reference counter the TTI Sample Count Interrupts must be generated from. A value of 0 indicates the RX reference counter (default) and a value of 1 indicates the TX reference counter. The bit 0 is associated with TTI_SCNT_INT_0, the bit 1 is associated with TTI_SCNT_INT_1 and so on. Note that This register has not effect in TDD mode, only in FDD mode. */ #else uint32_t map : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_map_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t cnt : 8; /**< TTI Sample Count Interrupt Status register: Indicates if a TTI_SCNT_INT_X occurred (1) or not (0). The bit 0 is associated with TTI_SCNT_INT_0 and so on incrementally. Writing a 1 will clear the interrupt bit. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat cvmx_endor_rfif_tti_scnt_int_stat_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status * * Notes: * In TDD Mode, bits 15:12 are DDR state machine status. * */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; /**< RFIC enabled (in alert state) */ uint32_t sync_late : 1; /**< Sync late (Used for UE products). */ uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; /**< Threshold Reached (RX/RX_div/TX) */ uint32_t fifo_of : 1; /**< FIFO overflow */ uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; /**< FIFO underrun */ uint32_t tx_sm : 2; /**< TX state machine status */ uint32_t rx_sm : 2; /**< RX state machine status */ uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; /**< HAB request manager SM - 0: idle - 1: wait_cs - 2: Term - 3: rd_fifo(RX)/ write fifo(TX) - 4: wait_th Others: not used */ uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; uint32_t rx_sm : 2; uint32_t tx_sm : 2; uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; uint32_t fifo_of : 1; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t sync_late : 1; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_div_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t mode : 1; /**< TX communication mode - 0: TX SISO (default) - 1: TX MIMO */ uint32_t dis_sch : 1; /**< Disabled antenna driving scheme (TX SISO/RX MIMO feature only) - 0: Constant 0 for debugging (default) - 1: Same as previous cycle to minimize IO switching */ uint32_t antenna : 2; /**< Transmit on antenna A and/or B (TX SISO/RX MIMO feature only) - 0: Transmit on antenna A (default) - 1: Transmit on antenna B - 2: Transmit on A and B - 3: Reserved */ #else uint32_t antenna : 2; uint32_t dis_sch : 1; uint32_t mode : 1; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_if_cfg_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t lag : 12; /**< unsigned value (lag) on end of window */ uint32_t lead : 12; /**< unsigned value (lead) on beginning of window */ #else uint32_t lead : 12; uint32_t lag : 12; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_lead_lag_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t offset : 20; /**< Indicates the number of RF clock cycles after the GPS/ETH 1PPS is received before the start of the RX frame. See description Figure 44. */ #else uint32_t offset : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t cnt : 20; /**< Indicates the TX sample count at which the 1PPS incremental adjustments will be applied. */ #else uint32_t cnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_offset_adj_scnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status * * Notes: * In TDD Mode, bits 15:12 are DDR state machine status. * */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; /**< RFIC enabled (in alert state) */ uint32_t sync_late : 1; /**< Sync late (Used for UE products). */ uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; /**< Threshold Reached (RX/RX_div/TX) */ uint32_t fifo_of : 1; /**< FIFO overflow */ uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; /**< FIFO underrun */ uint32_t tx_sm : 2; /**< TX state machine status */ uint32_t rx_sm : 2; /**< RX state machine status */ uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; /**< HAB request manager SM - 0: idle - 1: wait_cs - 2: Term - 3: rd_fifo(RX)/ write fifo(TX) - 4: wait_th Others: not used */ uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint32_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint32_t hab_req_sm : 4; uint32_t rx_sm : 2; uint32_t tx_sm : 2; uint32_t fifo_ur : 1; uint32_t fifo_of : 1; uint32_t thresh_rch : 1; uint32_t reserved_19_20 : 2; uint32_t sync_late : 1; uint32_t rfic_ena : 1; uint32_t reserved_23_31 : 9; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; uint32_t thr : 12; /**< FIFO level reached before granting a TX DMA request. This TX FIFO fill level threshold can be used in two ways: 1- When the FIFO fill level reaches the threshold, there is enough data in the FIFO to start the data transfer, so it grants a DMA transfer from the TX FIFO to the HAB's memory. 2- It can also be used to generate an interrupt to the DSP when the FIFO threshold is reached. */ #else uint32_t thr : 12; uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th cvmx_endor_rfif_tx_th_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; uint32_t enable : 4; /**< Receive windows enable (all enabled by default) Bit 0: 1 window 1 enabled, 0 window 1 disabled - ... Bit 3: 1 window 3 enabled, 0 window 3 disabled. Bits 23-4: not used */ #else uint32_t enable : 4; uint32_t reserved_4_31 : 28; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en cvmx_endor_rfif_win_en_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t scnt : 20; /**< Receive window update sample count. This is the count at which the following registers newly programmed value will take effect. RX_WIN_EN(3-0), RX_W_S (19-0), RX_W_E(19-0), NUM_RX_WIN(3-0), FRAME_L(19-0), RX_LEAD_LAG(23-0) */ #else uint32_t scnt : 20; uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt cvmx_endor_rfif_win_upd_scnt_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t val : 32; /**< 64-bit timer initial value of the 32 LSB. */ #else uint32_t val : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_lsb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb */ union cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t val : 32; /**< 64-bit timer initial value of the 32 MSB. */ #else uint32_t val : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb cvmx_endor_rfif_wr_timer64_msb_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb0_state_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state cvmx_endor_rstclk_clkenb1_state_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rx0dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx0dsp1 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp0 : 1; uint32_t rx1dsp1 : 1; uint32_t txdsp0 : 1; uint32_t txdsp1 : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state cvmx_endor_rstclk_dspstall_state_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_clrmask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_mask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_setmask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr0_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_clrmask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_mask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_setmask_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status cvmx_endor_rstclk_intr1_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t t3smem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t t3imem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t t2smem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t t2imem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t t1smem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t t1imem_initenb : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t t1imem_initenb : 1; uint32_t t1smem_initenb : 1; uint32_t t2imem_initenb : 1; uint32_t t2smem_initenb : 1; uint32_t t3imem_initenb : 1; uint32_t t3smem_initenb : 1; uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config cvmx_endor_rstclk_phy_config_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; uint32_t transistor_sel : 2; /**< 01==RVT, 10==HVT. */ uint32_t ringosc_count : 16; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t ringosc_count : 16; uint32_t transistor_sel : 2; uint32_t reserved_18_31 : 14; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t count : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t count : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count cvmx_endor_rstclk_proc_mon_count_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; uint32_t axidma : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t txseq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t v3genc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t lteenc : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t vdec : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbodsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t turbophy : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx1seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t dftdmap : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rx0seq : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rachfe : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t ulfe : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t ulfe : 1; uint32_t rachfe : 1; uint32_t rx0seq : 1; uint32_t dftdmap : 1; uint32_t rx1seq : 1; uint32_t turbophy : 1; uint32_t turbodsp : 1; uint32_t vdec : 1; uint32_t lteenc : 1; uint32_t ifftpapr : 1; uint32_t v3genc : 1; uint32_t txseq : 1; uint32_t axidma : 1; uint32_t reserved_13_31 : 19; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset0_state_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; uint32_t token : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfspi : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t rfif_rf : 1; uint32_t rfif_hab : 1; uint32_t rfspi : 1; uint32_t tile1dsp : 1; uint32_t tile2dsp : 1; uint32_t tile3dsp : 1; uint32_t token : 1; uint32_t reserved_7_31 : 25; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state cvmx_endor_rstclk_reset1_state_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_set_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t timer_intr : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t sw_intr : 24; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t sw_intr : 24; uint32_t timer_intr : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status cvmx_endor_rstclk_sw_intr_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_time#_thrd */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timex_thrd { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timex_thrd_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t value : 24; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t value : 24; uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timex_thrd_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timex_thrd cvmx_endor_rstclk_timex_thrd_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t intr_enb : 8; /**< abc */ uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t enb : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t cont : 1; /**< abc */ uint32_t clr : 1; /**< abc */ #else uint32_t clr : 1; uint32_t cont : 1; uint32_t enb : 1; uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t intr_enb : 8; uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_ctl_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t clr : 8; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t clr : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_clr_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t status : 8; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t status : 8; uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_intr_status_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_max_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t value : 32; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t value : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value cvmx_endor_rstclk_timer_value_t; /** * cvmx_endor_rstclk_version */ union cvmx_endor_rstclk_version { uint32_t u32; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_version_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t major : 8; /**< reserved. */ uint32_t minor : 8; /**< reserved. */ #else uint32_t minor : 8; uint32_t major : 8; uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif } s; struct cvmx_endor_rstclk_version_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_endor_rstclk_version cvmx_endor_rstclk_version_t; #endif