$FreeBSD$ ; Copyright (c) 2016 Nuxi (https://nuxi.nl/) and contributors. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ; ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ; OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ; LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ; OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ; SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; This file is automatically generated. Do not edit. ; ; Source: https://github.com/NuxiNL/cloudabi #include #include #include #include 0 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_timestamp_t \ cloudabi_sys_clock_res_get( \ cloudabi_clockid_t clock_id); } 1 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_timestamp_t \ cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get( \ cloudabi_clockid_t clock_id, \ cloudabi_timestamp_t precision); } 2 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_condvar_signal( \ cloudabi_condvar_t *condvar, \ cloudabi_scope_t scope, \ cloudabi_nthreads_t nwaiters); } 3 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_close( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd); } 4 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_fd_create1( \ cloudabi_filetype_t type); } 5 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_create2( \ cloudabi_filetype_t type); } 6 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_datasync( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd); } 7 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_fd_dup( \ cloudabi_fd_t from); } 8 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_fd_pread( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi32_iovec_t *iovs, \ size_t iovs_len, \ cloudabi_filesize_t offset); } 9 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_fd_pwrite( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi32_ciovec_t *iovs, \ size_t iovs_len, \ cloudabi_filesize_t offset); } 10 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_fd_read( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi32_iovec_t *iovs, \ size_t iovs_len); } 11 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_replace( \ cloudabi_fd_t from, \ cloudabi_fd_t to); } 12 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_filesize_t \ cloudabi_sys_fd_seek( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_filedelta_t offset, \ cloudabi_whence_t whence); } 13 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_get( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf); } 14 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_put( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf, \ cloudabi_fdsflags_t flags); } 15 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_sync( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd); } 16 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_fd_write( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi32_ciovec_t *iovs, \ size_t iovs_len); } 17 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_advise( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_filesize_t offset, \ cloudabi_filesize_t len, \ cloudabi_advice_t advice); } 18 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_allocate( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_filesize_t offset, \ cloudabi_filesize_t len); } 19 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_create( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ cloudabi_filetype_t type); } 20 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_link( \ cloudabi_lookup_t fd1, \ const char *path1, \ size_t path1_len, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd2, \ const char *path2, \ size_t path2_len); } 21 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_file_open( \ cloudabi_lookup_t dirfd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ cloudabi_oflags_t oflags, \ const cloudabi_fdstat_t *fds); } 22 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi_sys_file_readdir( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ void *buf, \ size_t buf_len, \ cloudabi_dircookie_t cookie); } 23 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi_sys_file_readlink( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ char *buf, \ size_t buf_len); } 24 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_rename( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd1, \ const char *path1, \ size_t path1_len, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd2, \ const char *path2, \ size_t path2_len); } 25 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fget( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_filestat_t *buf); } 26 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fput( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf, \ cloudabi_fsflags_t flags); } 27 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_get( \ cloudabi_lookup_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ cloudabi_filestat_t *buf); } 28 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_put( \ cloudabi_lookup_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf, \ cloudabi_fsflags_t flags); } 29 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_symlink( \ const char *path1, \ size_t path1_len, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path2, \ size_t path2_len); } 30 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_unlink( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len, \ cloudabi_ulflags_t flags); } 31 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_lock_unlock( \ cloudabi_lock_t *lock, \ cloudabi_scope_t scope); } 32 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_advise( \ void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len, \ cloudabi_advice_t advice); } 33 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_lock( \ const void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len); } 34 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_map( \ void *addr, \ size_t len, \ cloudabi_mprot_t prot, \ cloudabi_mflags_t flags, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ cloudabi_filesize_t off); } 35 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_protect( \ void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len, \ cloudabi_mprot_t prot); } 36 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_sync( \ void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len, \ cloudabi_msflags_t flags); } 37 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_unlock( \ const void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len); } 38 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_unmap( \ void *mapping, \ size_t mapping_len); } 39 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_poll( \ const cloudabi32_subscription_t *in, \ cloudabi32_event_t *out, \ size_t nsubscriptions); } 40 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi32_sys_poll_fd( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const cloudabi32_subscription_t *in, \ size_t in_len, \ cloudabi32_event_t *out, \ size_t out_len, \ const cloudabi32_subscription_t *timeout); } 41 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_exec( \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const void *data, \ size_t data_len, \ const cloudabi_fd_t *fds, \ size_t fds_len); } 42 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_exit( \ cloudabi_exitcode_t rval); } 43 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_fork(); } 44 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_raise( \ cloudabi_signal_t sig); } 45 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_random_get( \ void *buf, \ size_t buf_len); } 46 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_sock_accept( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_sockstat_t *buf); } 47 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_bind( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len); } 48 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_connect( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_fd_t fd, \ const char *path, \ size_t path_len); } 49 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_listen( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_backlog_t backlog); } 50 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi32_sys_sock_recv( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ const cloudabi32_recv_in_t *in, \ cloudabi32_recv_out_t *out); } 51 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi32_sys_sock_send( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ const cloudabi32_send_in_t *in, \ cloudabi32_send_out_t *out); } 52 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_shutdown( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_sdflags_t how); } 53 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_stat_get( \ cloudabi_fd_t sock, \ cloudabi_sockstat_t *buf, \ cloudabi_ssflags_t flags); } 54 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_tid_t cloudabi32_sys_thread_create( \ cloudabi32_threadattr_t *attr); } 55 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_thread_exit( \ cloudabi_lock_t *lock, \ cloudabi_scope_t scope); } 56 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_thread_yield(); }