/* * Copyright (c) 1999, Stefan Esser * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ * */ #ifndef _ARC_TYPES_H_ #define _ARC_TYPES_H_ #define ESUCCESS 0 typedef u_int8_t BOOLEAN; typedef u_int16_t WCHAR; typedef int64_t fpos_t; /* XXX the following types are defined in ARC but are not currently used */ #if 0 typedef void VOID; typedef int8_t CHAR; typedef int16_t SHORT; typedef int32_t LONG; typedef int64_t LONGLONG; typedef u_int8_t UCHAR; typedef u_int16_t USHORT; typedef u_int32_t ULONG; typedef u_int64_t ULONGLONG; /* * The following ARC types conflict with ! * They are not used in the ARC wrapper functions or ARC structs * currently, and thus may be left alone for now. In case the * wrappers or structs are converted to use them, it is suggested * to prefix them with "arc" to avoid type clashes (if linking * against libstand.a which expects the FreeBSD declarations). */ typedef u_int32_t size_t; typedef int64_t clock_t; typedef int64_t off_t; typedef int32_t time_t; #endif /* 0 */ typedef struct { int32_t adr; } arcptr; typedef struct { u_int32_t SPBSignature; u_int32_t SPBLength; u_int16_t Version; u_int16_t Revision; arcptr RestartBlockP; arcptr DebugBlockP; arcptr GEVectorP; arcptr ULTBMissVectorP; u_int32_t FirmwareVectorLength; arcptr FirmwareVectorP; u_int32_t PrivateVectorLength; arcptr PrivateVectorP; u_int32_t AdapterCount; struct { u_int32_t AdapterType; u_int32_t AdapterVectorLength; arcptr AdapterVectorP; } Adapters[1]; } SPB; /* ARC function specific data types */ typedef enum{ SystemClass, ProcessorClass, CacheClass, AdapterClass, ControllerClass, PeripheralClass, MemoryClass, MaximumClass } CONFIGURATION_CLASS; typedef enum { ArcSystem, CentralProcessor, FloatingPointProcessor, PrimaryIcache, PrimaryDcache, SecondaryIcache, SecondaryDcache, SecondaryCache, EisaAdapter, TcAdapter, ScsiAdapter, DtiAdapter, MultiFunctionAdapter, DiskController, TapeController, CdromController, WormController, SerialController, NetworkController, DisplayController, ParallelController, PointerController, KeyboardController, AudioController, OtherController, DiskPeripheral, FloppyDiskPeripheral, TapePeripheral, ModemPeripheral, MonitorPeripheral, PrinterPeripheral, PointerPeripheral, KeyboardPeripheral, TerminalPeripheral, OtherPeripheral, LinePeripheral, NetworkPeripheral, SystemMemory, MaximumType } CONFIGURATION_TYPE, *PCONFIGURATION_TYPE; typedef enum { Failed = 0x01, ReadOnly = 0x02, Removable = 0x04, ConsoleIn = 0x08, ConsoleOut = 0x10, Input = 0x20, Output = 0x40 } IDENTIFIERFLAG; typedef struct { CONFIGURATION_CLASS Class; CONFIGURATION_TYPE Type; IDENTIFIERFLAG Flags; u_int16_t Version; u_int16_t Revision; u_int32_t Key; u_int32_t AffinityMask; u_int32_t ConfigurationDataLength; u_int32_t IdentifierLength; arcptr Identifier; } CONFIGURATION_COMPONENT, *PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT; typedef struct { int8_t VendorId[8]; int8_t ProductId[8]; } SYSTEM_ID; typedef enum { MemoryExceptionBlock, MemorySystemBlock, MemoryFree, MemoryBad, MemoryLoadedProgram, MemoryFirmwareTemporary, MemoryFirmwarePermanent, MemoryFreeContiguous, MemorySpecialMemory, MemoryMaximum } MEMORY_TYPE; typedef struct { MEMORY_TYPE Type; u_int32_t BasePage; u_int32_t PageCount; } MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR; typedef struct _TIME_FIELDS{ u_int16_t Year; /* 1601 .. */ u_int16_t Month; /* 1 .. 12 */ u_int16_t Day; /* 1 .. 31 */ u_int16_t Hour; /* 0 .. 23 */ u_int16_t Minute; /* 0 .. 59 */ u_int16_t Second; /* 0 .. 59 */ u_int16_t Milliseconds; /* 0 .. 999 */ u_int16_t Weekday; /* 0 .. 6 = Sunday .. Saturday */ } TIME_FIELDS, *PTIME_FIELDS; #define StandardIn 0 #define StandardOut 1 #define ReadOnlyFile 0x01 #define HiddenFile 0x02 #define SystemFile 0x04 #define ArchiveFile 0x08 #define DirectoryFile 0x10 #define DeleteFile 0x20 typedef struct { u_int32_t FileNameLength; u_int8_t FileAttribute; int8_t FileName[32]; } DIRECTORY_ENTRY; typedef enum { OpenReadOnly, OpenWriteOnly, OpenReadWrite, CreateWriteOnly, CreateReadWrite, SupersedeWriteOnly, SupersedeReadWrite, OpenDirectory, CreateDirectory, OpenMaximumMode } OPEN_MODE; typedef enum { SeekAbsolute, SeekRelative, SeekMaximum } SEEK_MODE; typedef enum { MountLoadMedia, MountUnloadMedia, MountMaximum } MOUNT_OPERATION; typedef struct { fpos_t StartingAddress; fpos_t EndingAddress; fpos_t CurrentAddress; CONFIGURATION_TYPE Type; u_int32_t FileNameLength; u_int8_t Attributes; int8_t FileName[32]; } FILE_INFORMATION; typedef struct { u_int16_t CursorXPosition; u_int16_t CursorYPosition; u_int16_t CursorMaxXPosition; u_int16_t CursorMaxYPosition; u_int8_t ForegroundColor; u_int8_t BackgroundColor; BOOLEAN HighIntensity; BOOLEAN Underscored; BOOLEAN ReverseVideo; } ARC_DISPLAY_STATUS; /* vendor function specific data types */ typedef struct { u_int32_t ProcessorId; u_int32_t ProcessorRevision; u_int32_t ProcessorPageSize; u_int32_t NumberOfPhysicalAddressBits; u_int32_t MaximumAddressSpaceNumber; u_int32_t ProcessorCycleCounterPeriod; u_int32_t SystemRevision; u_int8_t SystemSerialNumber[16]; u_int8_t FirmwareVersion[16]; u_int8_t FirmwareBuildTimeStamp[12]; } EXTENDED_SYSTEM_INFORMATION, *PEXTENDED_SYSTEM_INFORMATION; #endif /* _ARC_TYPES_H_ */