/* * $FreeBSD$ * From: $NetBSD: pal.s,v 1.12 1998/02/27 03:44:53 thorpej Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * The various OSF PALcode routines. * * The following code is originally derived from pages: (I) 6-5 - (I) 6-7 * and (III) 2-1 - (III) 2-25 of "Alpha Architecture Reference Manual" by * Richard L. Sites. * * Updates taken from pages: (II-B) 2-1 - (II-B) 2-33 of "Alpha AXP * Architecture Reference Manual, Second Edition" by Richard L. Sites * and Richard T. Witek. */ #include /*inc2: .stabs __FILE__,132,0,0,inc2; .loc 1 __LINE__*/ inc2: .stabs __FILE__,132,0,0,inc2 /* * alpha_rpcc: read process cycle counter (XXX INSTRUCTION, NOT PALcode OP) */ .text LEAF(alpha_rpcc,1) rpcc v0 RET END(alpha_rpcc) /* * alpha_mb: memory barrier (XXX INSTRUCTION, NOT PALcode OP) */ .text LEAF(alpha_mb,0) mb RET END(alpha_mb) /* * alpha_wmb: write memory barrier (XXX INSTRUCTION, NOT PALcode OP) */ .text LEAF(alpha_wmb,0) /* wmb XXX */ mb /* XXX */ RET END(alpha_wmb) /* * alpha_amask: read architecture features (XXX INSTRUCTION, NOT PALcode OP) * * Arguments: * a0 bitmask of features to test * * Returns: * v0 bitmask - bit is _cleared_ if feature is supported */ .text LEAF(alpha_amask,1) amask a0, v0 RET END(alpha_amask) /* * alpha_implver: read implementation version (XXX INSTRUCTION, NOT PALcode OP) * * Returns: * v0 implementation version - see */ .text LEAF(alpha_implver,0) #if 0 implver 0x1, v0 #else .long 0x47e03d80 /* XXX gas(1) does the Wrong Thing */ #endif RET END(alpha_implver) /* * alpha_pal_imb: I-Stream memory barrier. [UNPRIVILEGED] * (Makes instruction stream coherent with data stream.) */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_imb,0) call_pal PAL_imb RET END(alpha_pal_imb) /* * alpha_pal_cflush: Cache flush [PRIVILEGED] * * Flush the entire physical page specified by the PFN specified in * a0 from any data caches associated with the current processor. * * Arguments: * a0 page frame number of page to flush */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_cflush,1) call_pal PAL_cflush RET END(alpha_pal_cflush) /* * alpha_pal_draina: Drain aborts. [PRIVILEGED] */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_draina,0) call_pal PAL_draina RET END(alpha_pal_draina) /* * alpha_pal_halt: Halt the processor. [PRIVILEGED] */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_halt,0) call_pal PAL_halt br zero,alpha_pal_halt /* Just in case */ RET END(alpha_pal_halt) /* * alpha_pal_rdmces: Read MCES processor register. [PRIVILEGED] * * Return: * v0 current MCES value */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_rdmces,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdmces RET END(alpha_pal_rdmces) /* * alpha_pal_rdps: Read processor status. [PRIVILEGED] * * Return: * v0 current PS value */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_rdps,0) call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdps RET END(alpha_pal_rdps) /* * alpha_pal_rdusp: Read user stack pointer. [PRIVILEGED] * * Return: * v0 current user stack pointer */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_rdusp,0) call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdusp RET END(alpha_pal_rdusp) /* * alpha_pal_rdval: Read system value. [PRIVILEGED] * * Returns the sysvalue in v0, allowing access to a 64-bit * per-processor value for use by the operating system. * * Return: * v0 sysvalue */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_rdval,0) call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdval RET END(alpha_pal_rdval) /* * alpha_pal_swpipl: Swap Interrupt priority level. [PRIVILEGED] * _alpha_pal_swpipl: Same, from profiling code. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 new IPL * * Return: * v0 old IPL */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_swpipl,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl RET END(alpha_pal_swpipl) LEAF_NOPROFILE(_alpha_pal_swpipl,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl RET END(_alpha_pal_swpipl) /* * alpha_pal_tbi: Translation buffer invalidate. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 operation selector * a1 address to operate on (if necessary) */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_tbi,2) call_pal PAL_OSF1_tbi RET END(alpha_pal_tbi) /* * alpha_pal_whami: Who am I? [PRIVILEGED] * * Return: * v0 processor number */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_whami,0) call_pal PAL_OSF1_whami RET END(alpha_pal_whami) /* * alpha_pal_wrent: Write system entry address. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 new vector * a1 vector selector */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wrent,2) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrent RET END(alpha_pal_wrent) /* * alpha_pal_wrfen: Write floating-point enable. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 new enable value (val & 0x1 -> enable). */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wrfen,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrfen RET END(alpha_pal_wrfen) /* * alpha_pal_wripir: Write interprocessor interrupt request. [PRIVILEGED] * * Generate an interprocessor interrupt on the processor specified by * processor number in a0. * * Arguments: * a0 processor to interrupt */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wripir,1) call_pal PAL_ipir RET END(alpha_pal_wripir) /* * alpha_pal_wrusp: Write user stack pointer. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 new user stack pointer */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wrusp,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrusp RET END(alpha_pal_wrusp) /* * alpha_pal_wrvptptr: Write virtual page table pointer. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 new virtual page table pointer */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wrvptptr,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrvptptr RET END(alpha_pal_wrvptptr) /* * alpha_pal_wrmces: Write MCES processor register. [PRIVILEGED] * * Arguments: * a0 value to write to MCES */ .text LEAF(alpha_pal_wrmces,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrmces RET END(alpha_pal_wrmces) /* * alpha_pal_wrval: Write system value. [PRIVILEGED] * * Write the value passed in a0 to this processor's sysvalue. * * Arguments: * a0 value to write to sysvalue */ LEAF(alpha_pal_wrval,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrval RET END(alpha_pal_wrval) /* * alpha_pal_swpctx: Swap context. [PRIVILEGED] * * Switch to a new process context. * * Arguments: * a0 physical address of hardware PCB describing context * * Returns: * v0 physical address of hardware PCB describing previous context */ LEAF(alpha_pal_swpctx,1) call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpctx RET END(alpha_pal_swpctx)