/*- * Copyright (c) 2014 Tycho Nightingale * Copyright (c) 2011 NetApp, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NETAPP, INC ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NETAPP, INC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vmm_ktr.h" #include "vatpic.h" #include "vioapic.h" #include "vatpit.h" static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_VATPIT, "atpit", "bhyve virtual atpit (8254)"); #define VATPIT_LOCK(vatpit) mtx_lock_spin(&((vatpit)->mtx)) #define VATPIT_UNLOCK(vatpit) mtx_unlock_spin(&((vatpit)->mtx)) #define VATPIT_LOCKED(vatpit) mtx_owned(&((vatpit)->mtx)) #define TIMER_SEL_MASK 0xc0 #define TIMER_RW_MASK 0x30 #define TIMER_MODE_MASK 0x0f #define TIMER_SEL_READBACK 0xc0 #define TIMER_STS_OUT 0x80 #define TIMER_STS_NULLCNT 0x40 #define TIMER_RB_LCTR 0x20 #define TIMER_RB_LSTATUS 0x10 #define TIMER_RB_CTR_2 0x08 #define TIMER_RB_CTR_1 0x04 #define TIMER_RB_CTR_0 0x02 #define TMR2_OUT_STS 0x20 #define PIT_8254_FREQ 1193182 #define TIMER_DIV(freq, hz) (((freq) + (hz) / 2) / (hz)) struct vatpit_callout_arg { struct vatpit *vatpit; int channel_num; }; struct channel { int mode; uint16_t initial; /* initial counter value */ sbintime_t now_sbt; /* uptime when counter was loaded */ uint8_t cr[2]; uint8_t ol[2]; bool slatched; /* status latched */ uint8_t status; int crbyte; int olbyte; int frbyte; struct callout callout; sbintime_t callout_sbt; /* target time */ struct vatpit_callout_arg callout_arg; }; struct vatpit { struct vm *vm; struct mtx mtx; sbintime_t freq_sbt; struct channel channel[3]; }; static void pit_timer_start_cntr0(struct vatpit *vatpit); static int vatpit_get_out(struct vatpit *vatpit, int channel) { struct channel *c; sbintime_t delta_ticks; int out; c = &vatpit->channel[channel]; switch (c->mode) { case TIMER_INTTC: delta_ticks = (sbinuptime() - c->now_sbt) / vatpit->freq_sbt; out = ((c->initial - delta_ticks) <= 0); break; default: out = 0; break; } return (out); } static void vatpit_callout_handler(void *a) { struct vatpit_callout_arg *arg = a; struct vatpit *vatpit; struct callout *callout; struct channel *c; vatpit = arg->vatpit; c = &vatpit->channel[arg->channel_num]; callout = &c->callout; VM_CTR1(vatpit->vm, "atpit t%d fired", arg->channel_num); VATPIT_LOCK(vatpit); if (callout_pending(callout)) /* callout was reset */ goto done; if (!callout_active(callout)) /* callout was stopped */ goto done; callout_deactivate(callout); if (c->mode == TIMER_RATEGEN) { pit_timer_start_cntr0(vatpit); } vatpic_pulse_irq(vatpit->vm, 0); vioapic_pulse_irq(vatpit->vm, 2); done: VATPIT_UNLOCK(vatpit); return; } static void pit_timer_start_cntr0(struct vatpit *vatpit) { struct channel *c; sbintime_t now, delta, precision; c = &vatpit->channel[0]; if (c->initial != 0) { delta = c->initial * vatpit->freq_sbt; precision = delta >> tc_precexp; c->callout_sbt = c->callout_sbt + delta; /* * Reset 'callout_sbt' if the time that the callout * was supposed to fire is more than 'c->initial' * ticks in the past. */ now = sbinuptime(); if (c->callout_sbt < now) c->callout_sbt = now + delta; callout_reset_sbt(&c->callout, c->callout_sbt, precision, vatpit_callout_handler, &c->callout_arg, C_ABSOLUTE); } } static uint16_t pit_update_counter(struct vatpit *vatpit, struct channel *c, bool latch) { uint16_t lval; sbintime_t delta_ticks; /* cannot latch a new value until the old one has been consumed */ if (latch && c->olbyte != 0) return (0); if (c->initial == 0) { /* * This is possibly an o/s bug - reading the value of * the timer without having set up the initial value. * * The original user-space version of this code set * the timer to 100hz in this condition; do the same * here. */ c->initial = TIMER_DIV(PIT_8254_FREQ, 100); c->now_sbt = sbinuptime(); c->status &= ~TIMER_STS_NULLCNT; } delta_ticks = (sbinuptime() - c->now_sbt) / vatpit->freq_sbt; lval = c->initial - delta_ticks % c->initial; if (latch) { c->olbyte = 2; c->ol[1] = lval; /* LSB */ c->ol[0] = lval >> 8; /* MSB */ } return (lval); } static int pit_readback1(struct vatpit *vatpit, int channel, uint8_t cmd) { struct channel *c; c = &vatpit->channel[channel]; /* * Latch the count/status of the timer if not already latched. * N.B. that the count/status latch-select bits are active-low. */ if (!(cmd & TIMER_RB_LCTR) && !c->olbyte) { (void) pit_update_counter(vatpit, c, true); } if (!(cmd & TIMER_RB_LSTATUS) && !c->slatched) { c->slatched = true; /* * For mode 0, see if the elapsed time is greater * than the initial value - this results in the * output pin being set to 1 in the status byte. */ if (c->mode == TIMER_INTTC && vatpit_get_out(vatpit, channel)) c->status |= TIMER_STS_OUT; else c->status &= ~TIMER_STS_OUT; } return (0); } static int pit_readback(struct vatpit *vatpit, uint8_t cmd) { int error; /* * The readback command can apply to all timers. */ error = 0; if (cmd & TIMER_RB_CTR_0) error = pit_readback1(vatpit, 0, cmd); if (!error && cmd & TIMER_RB_CTR_1) error = pit_readback1(vatpit, 1, cmd); if (!error && cmd & TIMER_RB_CTR_2) error = pit_readback1(vatpit, 2, cmd); return (error); } static int vatpit_update_mode(struct vatpit *vatpit, uint8_t val) { struct channel *c; int sel, rw, mode; sel = val & TIMER_SEL_MASK; rw = val & TIMER_RW_MASK; mode = val & TIMER_MODE_MASK; if (sel == TIMER_SEL_READBACK) return (pit_readback(vatpit, val)); if (rw != TIMER_LATCH && rw != TIMER_16BIT) return (-1); if (rw != TIMER_LATCH) { /* * Counter mode is not affected when issuing a * latch command. */ if (mode != TIMER_INTTC && mode != TIMER_RATEGEN && mode != TIMER_SQWAVE && mode != TIMER_SWSTROBE) return (-1); } c = &vatpit->channel[sel >> 6]; if (rw == TIMER_LATCH) pit_update_counter(vatpit, c, true); else { c->mode = mode; c->olbyte = 0; /* reset latch after reprogramming */ c->status |= TIMER_STS_NULLCNT; } return (0); } int vatpit_handler(void *vm, int vcpuid, bool in, int port, int bytes, uint32_t *eax) { struct vatpit *vatpit; struct channel *c; uint8_t val; int error; vatpit = vm_atpit(vm); if (bytes != 1) return (-1); val = *eax; if (port == TIMER_MODE) { if (in) { VM_CTR0(vatpit->vm, "vatpit attempt to read mode"); return (-1); } VATPIT_LOCK(vatpit); error = vatpit_update_mode(vatpit, val); VATPIT_UNLOCK(vatpit); return (error); } /* counter ports */ KASSERT(port >= TIMER_CNTR0 && port <= TIMER_CNTR2, ("invalid port 0x%x", port)); c = &vatpit->channel[port - TIMER_CNTR0]; VATPIT_LOCK(vatpit); if (in && c->slatched) { /* * Return the status byte if latched */ *eax = c->status; c->slatched = false; c->status = 0; } else if (in) { /* * The spec says that once the output latch is completely * read it should revert to "following" the counter. Use * the free running counter for this case (i.e. Linux * TSC calibration). Assuming the access mode is 16-bit, * toggle the MSB/LSB bit on each read. */ if (c->olbyte == 0) { uint16_t tmp; tmp = pit_update_counter(vatpit, c, false); if (c->frbyte) tmp >>= 8; tmp &= 0xff; *eax = tmp; c->frbyte ^= 1; } else *eax = c->ol[--c->olbyte]; } else { c->cr[c->crbyte++] = *eax; if (c->crbyte == 2) { c->status &= ~TIMER_STS_NULLCNT; c->frbyte = 0; c->crbyte = 0; c->initial = c->cr[0] | (uint16_t)c->cr[1] << 8; c->now_sbt = sbinuptime(); /* Start an interval timer for channel 0 */ if (port == TIMER_CNTR0) { c->callout_sbt = c->now_sbt; pit_timer_start_cntr0(vatpit); } if (c->initial == 0) c->initial = 0xffff; } } VATPIT_UNLOCK(vatpit); return (0); } int vatpit_nmisc_handler(void *vm, int vcpuid, bool in, int port, int bytes, uint32_t *eax) { struct vatpit *vatpit; vatpit = vm_atpit(vm); if (in) { VATPIT_LOCK(vatpit); if (vatpit_get_out(vatpit, 2)) *eax = TMR2_OUT_STS; else *eax = 0; VATPIT_UNLOCK(vatpit); } return (0); } struct vatpit * vatpit_init(struct vm *vm) { struct vatpit *vatpit; struct bintime bt; struct vatpit_callout_arg *arg; int i; vatpit = malloc(sizeof(struct vatpit), M_VATPIT, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); vatpit->vm = vm; mtx_init(&vatpit->mtx, "vatpit lock", NULL, MTX_SPIN); FREQ2BT(PIT_8254_FREQ, &bt); vatpit->freq_sbt = bttosbt(bt); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { callout_init(&vatpit->channel[i].callout, true); arg = &vatpit->channel[i].callout_arg; arg->vatpit = vatpit; arg->channel_num = i; } return (vatpit); } void vatpit_cleanup(struct vatpit *vatpit) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) callout_drain(&vatpit->channel[i].callout); free(vatpit, M_VATPIT); }