/* * The new sysinstall program. * * This is probably the last attempt in the `sysinstall' line, the next * generation being slated to essentially a complete rewrite. * * $FreeBSD$ * * Copyright (c) 1995 * Jordan Hubbard. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer, * verbatim and that no modifications are made prior to this * point in the file. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JORDAN HUBBARD ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JORDAN HUBBARD OR HIS PETS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, LIFE OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* These routines deal with getting things off of network media */ #include "sysinstall.h" #include #include #include #include #include static Boolean networkInitialized; static pid_t startPPP(Device *devp); static pid_t pppPID; Boolean mediaInitNetwork(Device *dev) { int i; char *rp; char *cp, ifconfig[255]; WINDOW *w; if (!RunningAsInit || networkInitialized) return TRUE; if (isDebug()) msgDebug("Init routine called for network device %s.\n", dev->name); if (!file_readable("/etc/resolv.conf")) { if (DITEM_STATUS(configResolv(NULL)) == DITEM_FAILURE) { msgConfirm("Can't seem to write out /etc/resolv.conf. Net cannot be used."); return FALSE; } } /* Old PPP process lying around? */ if (pppPID) { msgNotify("Killing previous PPP process %d.", pppPID); kill(pppPID, SIGTERM); pppPID = 0; } if (!strncmp("ppp", dev->name, 3)) { /* PPP? */ if (!(pppPID = startPPP(dev))) { msgConfirm("Unable to start PPP! This installation method cannot be used."); return FALSE; } networkInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } else if (!strncmp("sl", dev->name, 2)) { /* SLIP? */ char *val; char attach[256]; w = savescr(); dialog_clear_norefresh(); /* Cheesy slip attach */ snprintf(attach, 256, "slattach -a -h -l -s 9600 %s", dev->devname); val = msgGetInput(attach, "Warning: SLIP is rather poorly supported in this revision\n" "of the installation due to the lack of a dialing utility.\n" "If you can use PPP for this instead then you're much better\n" "off doing so, otherwise SLIP works fairly well for *hardwired*\n" "links. Please edit the following slattach command for\n" "correctness (default here is: VJ compression, Hardware flow-\n" "control, ignore carrier and 9600 baud data rate). When you're\n" "ready, press [ENTER] to execute it."); if (!val) { msgConfirm("slattach command was empty. Try again!"); restorescr(w); return FALSE; } else SAFE_STRCPY(attach, val); /* * Doing this with vsystem() is actually bogus since we should be storing the pid of slattach * for later killing. It's just too convenient to call vsystem(), however, rather than * constructing a proper argument for exec() so we punt on doing slip right for now. */ if (vsystem(attach)) { msgConfirm("slattach returned a bad status! Please verify that\n" "the command is correct and try this operation again."); restorescr(w); return FALSE; } restorescr(w); } snprintf(ifconfig, 255, "%s%s", VAR_IFCONFIG, dev->name); cp = variable_get(ifconfig); if (!cp) { msgConfirm("The %s device is not configured. You will need to do so\n" "in the Networking configuration menu before proceeding.", dev->name); return FALSE; } else if (!strcmp(cp, "DHCP")) goto bail; msgNotify("ifconfig %s %s", dev->name, cp); i = vsystem("ifconfig %s %s", dev->name, cp); if (i) { msgConfirm("Unable to configure the %s interface!\n" "This installation method cannot be used.", dev->name); return FALSE; } rp = variable_get(VAR_GATEWAY); if (!rp || *rp == '0') { msgConfirm("No gateway has been set. You may be unable to access hosts\n" "not on your local network"); } else { msgNotify("Adding default route to %s.", rp); vsystem("route -n add default %s", rp); } bail: if (isDebug()) msgDebug("Network initialized successfully.\n"); networkInitialized = TRUE; return TRUE; } void mediaShutdownNetwork(Device *dev) { char *cp; if (!RunningAsInit || !networkInitialized) return; msgDebug("Shutdown called for network device %s\n", dev->name); /* Not a serial device? */ if (strncmp("sl", dev->name, 2) && strncmp("ppp", dev->name, 3)) { int i; char ifconfig[255]; snprintf(ifconfig, 255, "%s%s", VAR_IFCONFIG, dev->name); cp = variable_get(ifconfig); if (!cp) return; msgNotify("ifconfig %s down", dev->name); i = vsystem("ifconfig %s down", dev->name); if (i) msgConfirm("Warning: Unable to down the %s interface properly", dev->name); cp = variable_get(VAR_GATEWAY); if (cp) { msgNotify("Deleting default route."); vsystem("route -n delete default"); } } else if (pppPID) { msgNotify("Killing previous PPP process %d.", pppPID); kill(pppPID, SIGTERM); pppPID = 0; } networkInitialized = FALSE; } /* Start PPP on the 3rd screen */ static pid_t startPPP(Device *devp) { int fd2, pulse; FILE *fp; char *val; pid_t pid = 0; char myaddr[16], provider[16], speed[16], authname[32], authkey[16]; char phone[16]; WINDOW *w = savescr(); /* These are needed to make ppp work */ Mkdir("/var/log"); Mkdir("/var/run"); Mkdir("/var/spool/lock"); Mkdir("/etc/ppp"); dialog_clear_norefresh(); if (!variable_get(VAR_SERIAL_SPEED)) variable_set2(VAR_SERIAL_SPEED, "115200", 0); /* Get any important user values */ val = variable_get_value(VAR_SERIAL_SPEED, "Enter the baud rate for your modem - this can be higher than the actual\n" "maximum data rate since most modems can talk at one speed to the\n" "computer and at another speed to the remote end.\n\n" "If you're not sure what to put here, just select the default.", 0); SAFE_STRCPY(speed, (val && *val) ? val : "115200"); val = variable_get(VAR_GATEWAY); SAFE_STRCPY(provider, (val && *val) ? val : "0"); dialog_clear_norefresh(); val = msgGetInput(provider, "Enter the IP address of your service provider or 0 if you\n" "don't know it and would prefer to negotiate it dynamically."); SAFE_STRCPY(provider, (val && *val) ? val : "0"); if (devp->private && ((DevInfo *)devp->private)->ipaddr[0]) SAFE_STRCPY(myaddr, ((DevInfo *)devp->private)->ipaddr); else strcpy(myaddr, "0"); if (!Fake) fp = fopen("/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup", "w"); else fp = fopen("/dev/stderr", "w"); if (fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "MYADDR:\n"); fprintf(fp, " delete ALL\n"); fprintf(fp, " add 0 0 HISADDR\n"); fchmod(fileno(fp), 0755); fclose(fp); } if (!Fake) fd2 = open("/etc/ppp/ppp.secret", O_CREAT); else fd2 = -1; if (fd2 != -1) { fchmod(fd2, 0700); close(fd2); } if (!Fake) fp = fopen("/etc/ppp/ppp.conf", "a"); else fp = fopen("/dev/stderr", "w"); if (!fp) { msgConfirm("Couldn't open /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file! This isn't going to work"); restorescr(w); return 0; } authname[0] = '\0'; pulse = 0; dialog_clear_norefresh(); if (!dialog_yesno("", "Does your ISP support PAP or CHAP ppp logins?", -1, -1)) { val = msgGetInput(NULL, "Enter the name you use to login to your provider."); SAFE_STRCPY(authname, val); dialog_clear_norefresh(); val = msgGetInput(NULL, "Enter the password you use to login to your provider."); SAFE_STRCPY(authkey, val); dialog_clear_norefresh(); val = msgGetInput(NULL, "Enter the your provider's login phone number."); SAFE_STRCPY(phone, val); dialog_clear_norefresh(); pulse = dialog_yesno("", "Does your telephone line support tone dialing?", -1, -1); } fprintf(fp, "\ninstall:\n"); fprintf(fp, " set speed %s\n", speed); fprintf(fp, " set device %s\n", devp->devname); fprintf(fp, " set ifaddr %s %s\n", myaddr, provider); fprintf(fp, " set timeout 0\n"); fprintf(fp, " enable dns\n"); fprintf(fp, " set log local phase\n"); if(authname[0] != '\0'){ fprintf(fp, " set dial \"ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\\\\sCARRIER TIMEOUT 5 \\\"\\\" AT OK-AT-OK ATE1Q0 OK \\\\dATD%c\\\\T TIMEOUT 40 CONNECT\"\n", pulse ? 'P' : 'T'); fprintf(fp, " set login\n"); fprintf(fp, " set authname %s\n", authname); fprintf(fp, " set authkey %s\n", authkey); fprintf(fp, " set phone %s\n", phone); } if (fchmod(fileno(fp), 0600) != 0) msgConfirm("Warning: Failed to fix permissions on /etc/ppp/ppp.conf !"); fclose(fp); /* Make the ppp config persistent */ variable_set2(VAR_PPP_ENABLE, "YES", 0); variable_set2(VAR_PPP_PROFILE, "install", 0); if (!Fake && !file_readable("/dev/tun0") && mknod("/dev/tun0", 0600 | S_IFCHR, makedev(52, 0))) { msgConfirm("Warning: No /dev/tun0 device. PPP will not work!"); restorescr(w); return 0; } if (isDebug()) msgDebug("About to start PPP on device %s @ %s baud. Provider = %s\n", devp->devname, speed, provider); if (!Fake && !(pid = fork())) { int i, fd; struct termios foo; extern int login_tty(int); for (i = getdtablesize(); i >= 0; i--) close(i); /* We're going over to VTY2 */ fd = open("/dev/ttyv2", O_RDWR); ioctl(0, TIOCSCTTY, &fd); dup2(0, 1); dup2(0, 2); DebugFD = 2; if (login_tty(fd) == -1) msgDebug("ppp: Can't set the controlling terminal.\n"); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); if (tcgetattr(fd, &foo) != -1) { foo.c_cc[VERASE] = '\010'; if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &foo) == -1) msgDebug("ppp: Unable to set the erase character.\n"); } else msgDebug("ppp: Unable to get the terminal attributes!\n"); execlp("ppp", "ppp", "install", (char *)NULL); msgDebug("PPP process failed to exec!\n"); exit(1); } else { dialog_clear_norefresh(); msgConfirm("NOTICE: The PPP command is now started on VTY3 (type ALT-F3 to\n" "interact with it, ALT-F1 to switch back here). If you are using\n" "a PAP or CHAP login simply enter \"dial\", otherwise you'll need\n" "to use the \"term\" command which starts a terminal emulator\n" "which you can use to talk to your modem and dial the service\n" "provider. Once you're connected, come back to this screen and\n" "press return.\n\n" "DO NOT PRESS [ENTER] HERE UNTIL THE CONNECTION IS FULLY\n" "ESTABLISHED!"); } restorescr(w); return pid; }