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&os; &release.current; Release Notes The &os; Project $FreeBSD$ 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The &os; Documentation Project &tm-attrib.freebsd; &tm-attrib.ibm; &tm-attrib.ieee; &tm-attrib.intel; &tm-attrib.sparc; &tm-attrib.general; The release notes for &os; &release.current; contain a summary of the changes made to the &os; base system on the &release.branch; development line. This document lists applicable security advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the &os; kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented. Introduction This document contains the release notes for &os; &release.current;. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of &os;. It also provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of &os;. The &release.type; distribution to which these release notes apply represents the latest point along the &release.branch; development branch since &release.branch; was created. Information regarding pre-built, binary &release.type; distributions along this branch can be found at &release.url;. The &release.type; distribution to which these release notes apply represents a point along the &release.branch; development branch between &release.prev; and the future &release.next;. Information regarding pre-built, binary &release.type; distributions along this branch can be found at &release.url;. This distribution of &os; &release.current; is a &release.type; distribution. It can be found at &release.url; or any of its mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) &release.type; distributions of &os; can be found in the Obtaining &os; appendix to the &os; Handbook. All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing &os;. The errata document is updated with late-breaking information discovered late in the release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs, security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata for &os; &release.current; can be found on the &os; Web site. What's New This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in &os; since &release.prev;. Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after &release.prev;, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes, or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change made to &os; between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories, user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements. Security Advisories   Kernel Changes The vfs.zfs.zio.use_uma &man.sysctl.8; has been re-enabled. On multi-CPU machines with enough RAM, this can easily double &man.zfs.8; performance or reduce CPU usage in half. It was originally disabled due to memory and KVA exhaustion problem reports, which should be resolved due to several change in the VM subsystem. The &man.geom.4; RAID driver has been updated to support unmapped I/O. A new &man.sysctl.8;, kern.panic_reboot_wait_time, has been added, which allows controlling how long the system will wait after &man.panic.9; before rebooting. The &man.virtio_blk.4; driver has been updated to support unmapped I/O. The &man.virtio_scsi.4; driver has been updated to support unmapped I/O. The &man.vt.4; driver has been merged from &os;-CURRENT. To enable &man.vt.4;, enter set kern.vty=vt at the &man.loader.8; prompt during boot, or add kern.vty=vt to &man.loader.conf.5; and reboot the system. Support for MegaRAID Fury cards has been added to the &man.mfi.4; driver. The &man.aacraid.4; driver has been updated to version 3.2.5. Support for &man.hwpmc.4; has been added for &powerpc; 970 class processors. Support for ADT7460 and ADT7467 fan controllers found in newer PowerBooks™ and iBooks™ has been added to the &man.iicbus.4; driver. A panic triggered by removing a &man.urtwn.4; device has been fixed. The &man.mpr.4; device has been added, providing support for LSI Fusion-MPT 3 12Gb SCSI/SATA controllers. The &man.mrsas.4; driver has been added, providing support for LSI MegaRAID SAS controllers. The &man.mfi.4; driver will attach to the controller, by default. To enable &man.mrsas.4; add hw.mfi.mrsas_enable=1 to /boot/loader.conf, which turns off &man.mfi.4; device probing. At this time, the &man.mfiutil.8; utility and the &os; version of MegaCLI and StorCli do not work with &man.mrsas.4;. A kernel bug that inhibited proper functionality of the dev.cpu.0.freq &man.sysctl.8; on &intel; processors with Turbo Boost ™ enabled has been fixed. Virtualization support Support for µsoft; Hyper-V has been added to &os;/i386 as loadable modules, however not available in the GENERIC kernel configuration. The &man.bhyve.4; hypervisor now supports soft power-off functionality via the ACPI S5 state. ARM support The WANDBOARD kernel configuration file has been added. Boot Loader Changes A kernel selection menu has been added to &man.loader.8;. If the beastie menu is enabled, the kernel to boot may be selected from the kernel selection menu. Additional kernels may be listed in &man.loader.conf.5; as a comma- or space-separated list. By default, kernel and kernel.old are listed. Hardware Support   Multimedia Support   Network Interface Support Support for Ralink RT5370 and RT5372 chipsets has been added to the &man.run.4; driver. Firmware for the &man.run.4; driver has been updated to version 0.33. Support for the Ralink RT3593 chipset has been added to the &man.run.4; driver. The &man.nve.4; driver is now deprecated, and the &man.nfe.4; driver should be used instead. Support for the &man.axge.4; driver has been added. This driver supports the ASIX AX88178A and AX88179 USB ethernet adapters. The AX88178A supports USB 2.0, and the AX88179 supports USB 2.0 and 3.0. The &man.urndis.4; driver has been imported from OpenBSD. Network Protocols   Disks and Storage The &man.geom.8; label class is now aware of resized partitions. This corrects an issue where geom resize would resize the partition, but the label provider in /dev/gptid/ would not be resized. The &man.gmirror.8; utility now has a resize command, making it easier to resize the size of a mirror when all of its components have been replaced. Support for the disklabel64 partitioning scheme has been added to &man.gpart.8;. File Systems A new flag, -R, has been added to the &man.fsck.ffs.8; utility. When used, &man.fsck.ffs.8; will restart itself when too many critical errors have been detected. The &man.zfs.8; filesystem has been updated to implement bookmarks. See &man.zfs.8; for further details. Userland Changes A new flag is added to &man.camcontrol.8;, -b, which outputs the existing buses and their parents. The &man.newsyslog.8; utility has been updated to rotate files based on the actual file size instead of the blocks on disk. This matches the behavior documented in &man.newsyslog.conf.5;. The location of the &man.rctl.8; configuration file can now be overridden in &man.rc.conf.5;. To use a non-default location, set rctl_rules in &man.rc.conf.5; to the location of the file. The ATF test suite has been updated to version 0.20. The libucl library (Unified Configuration Library) has been merged from &os;-CURRENT. The &man.pkg.7; bootstrapping utility has been synced with the version in &os;-CURRENT. The &man.zfs.8; userland utility has been updated to include aliases for snapshot, which allows use of zfs list -t snap and zfs snap. The &man.zfs.8; userland utility has been updated to include a new flag to zfs list, -p, which when specified, prints the output in a parsable format. The &man.ps.1; utility has been updated to include the -J flag, used to filter output by matching &man.jail.8; IDs and names. Additionally, argument 0 can be used to -J to only list processes running on the host system. The &man.top.1; utility has been updated to filter by &man.jail.8; ID or name, in followup to the &man.ps.1; change in r265229. The &man.pmcstat.8; utility has been updated to include a new flag, -l, which ends event collection after the specified number of seconds. The default &man.newsyslog.conf.5; now includes files in the /etc/newsyslog.conf.d/ and /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/ directories by default for &man.newsyslog.8;. A new flag, onifconsole has been added to /etc/ttys. This allows the system to provide a login prompt via serial console if the device is an active kernel console, otherwise it is equivalent to off. The &man.mkimg.1; utility has been merged from &os;-CURRENT. <filename>/etc/rc.d</filename> Scripts   Contributed Software The timezone database has been updated to version tzdata2014a. The &man.xz.1; utility has been updated to a post-5.0.5 snapshot. The &man.lldb.1; debugging library has been updated to the r196322 snapshot. OpenSSH has been updated to version 6.6p1. Sendmail has been updated to 8.14.9. OpenSSL has been updated to version 1.0.1h. Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure   Release Engineering and Integration The &man.services.mkdb.8; utility has been updated to include endianness awareness, allowing the services.db database to be created as part of the release build, regardless of native- or cross-built releases. Documentation   Upgrading from Previous Releases of &os; Binary upgrades between RELEASE versions (and snapshots of the various security branches) are supported using the &man.freebsd-update.8; utility. The binary upgrade procedure will update unmodified userland utilities, as well as unmodified GENERIC or SMP kernels distributed as a part of an official &os; release. The &man.freebsd-update.8; utility requires that the host being upgraded have Internet connectivity. Source-based upgrades (those based on recompiling the &os; base system from source code) from previous versions are supported, according to the instructions in /usr/src/UPDATING. Upgrading &os; should only be attempted after backing up all data and configuration files.