.\" Author: Juli Mallett <jmallett@FreeBSD.org> .\" Date: June 04, 2003 .\" Description: .\" Manual page for libufs functions: .\" ufs_disk_close(3) .\" ufs_disk_fillout(3) .\" ufs_disk_fillout_blank(3) .\" ufs_disk_write(3) .\" .\" This file is in the public domain. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd June 4, 2003 .Dt UFS_DISK_CLOSE 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm ufs_disk_close , ufs_disk_fillout , ufs_disk_fillout_blank, ufs_disk_write .Nd open and close userland UFS disks .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libufs .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/param.h .In sys/mount.h .In ufs/ufs/ufsmount.h .In ufs/ufs/dinode.h .In ufs/ffs/fs.h .In libufs.h .Ft int .Fn ufs_disk_close "struct uufsd *disk" .Ft int .Fn ufs_disk_fillout "struct uufsd *disk" "const char *name" .Ft int .Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank "struct uufsd *disk" "const char *name" .Ft int .Fn ufs_disk_write "struct uufsd *disk" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Fn ufs_disk_close function closes a disk and frees internal memory related to it. It does not free the .Fa disk structure. .Pp The .Fn ufs_disk_fillout and .Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank functions open a disk specified by .Fa name and populate the structure pointed to by .Fa disk . The disk is opened read-only. The specified .Fa name may be either a mountpoint, a device name or a filesystem image. The .Fn ufs_disk_fillout function assumes there is a valid superblock and will fail if not, whereas the .Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank function makes no assumptions of that sort. .Pp The .Fn ufs_disk_write function attempts to re-open a disk as writable if it is not currently. .Sh ERRORS The function .Fn ufs_disk_close has no failure points. .Pp The function .Fn ufs_disk_fillout may fail for any of the reasons .Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank might, as well as for any reason .Xr sbread 3 might. .Pp The .Fn ufs_disk_fillout_blank may fail and set .Va errno for any of the errors specified for the library functions .Xr open 2 , .Xr strdup 3 . Additionally, it may follow the .Xr libufs 3 error methodologies in situations where no device could be found to open. .Pp The function .Fn ufs_disk_write may fail and set .Va errno for any of the errors specified for the library functions .Xr open 2 and .Xr stat 2 . Namely, it will fail if the disk in question may not be written to. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr open 2 , .Xr getfsfile 3 , .Xr libufs 3 , .Xr sbread 3 .Sh HISTORY These functions first appeared as part of .Xr libufs 3 in .Fx 5.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Juli Mallett Aq jmallett@FreeBSD.org