.\" Author: Juli Mallett <jmallett@FreeBSD.org> .\" Date: June 04, 2003 .\" Description: .\" Manual page for libufs functions: .\" sbread(3) .\" sbwrite(3) .\" .\" This file is in the public domain. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd June 4, 2003 .Dt SBREAD 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm sbread , sbwrite .Nd read and write superblocks of a UFS file system .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libufs .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/param.h .In sys/mount.h .In ufs/ufs/ufsmount.h .In ufs/ufs/dinode.h .In ufs/ffs/fs.h .In libufs.h .Ft int .Fn sbread "struct uufsd *disk" .Ft int .Fn sbwrite "struct uufsd *disk" "int all" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Fn sbread and .Fn sbwrite functions provide superblock reads and writes for .Xr libufs 3 consumers. The .Fn sbread and .Fn sbwrite functions operate on the superblock field, .Va d_sb , associated with a given userland UFS disk structure. Additionally, the .Fn sbwrite function will write to all superblock locations if the .Fa all value is non-zero. .Sh RETURN VALUES .Rv -std sbread sbwrite .Sh ERRORS The function .Fn sbread may fail and set .Va errno for any of the errors specified for the library function .Xr bread 3 . Additionally, it may follow the .Xr libufs 3 error methodologies in situations where no usable superblock could be found. .Pp The function .Fn sbwrite may fail and set .Va errno for any of the errors specified for the library function .Xr bwrite 3 . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bread 3 , .Xr bwrite 3 , .Xr libufs 3 .Sh HISTORY These functions first appeared as part of .Xr libufs 3 in .Fx 5.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Juli Mallett Aq Mt jmallett@FreeBSD.org