/* This work is copyrighted. See COPYRIGHT.OLD & COPYRIGHT.NEW for * * details. If they are missing then this copy is in violation of * * the copyright conditions. */ /* * lib_kernel.c * * Misc. low-level routines: * reset_prog_mode() * reset_shell_mode() * baudrate() * erasechar() * killchar() * flushinp() * savetty() * resetty() * * */ #include "curses.priv.h" #include "terminfo.h" int wattron(WINDOW *win, chtype at) { T(("wattron(%x,%s) current = %s", win, _traceattr(at), _traceattr(win->_attrs))); if (PAIR_NUMBER(at) > 0x00) { win->_attrs = (win->_attrs & ~A_COLOR) | at ; T(("new attribute is %s", _traceattr(win->_attrs))); } else { win->_attrs |= at; T(("new attribute is %s", _traceattr(win->_attrs))); } return OK; } int wattroff(WINDOW *win, chtype at) { #define IGNORE_COLOR_OFF FALSE T(("wattroff(%x,%s) current = %s", win, _traceattr(at), _traceattr(win->_attrs))); if (IGNORE_COLOR_OFF == TRUE) { if (PAIR_NUMBER(at) == 0xff) /* turn off color */ win->_attrs &= ~at; else /* leave color alone */ win->_attrs &= ~(at|~A_COLOR); } else { if (PAIR_NUMBER(at) > 0x00) /* turn off color */ win->_attrs &= ~at; else /* leave color alone */ win->_attrs &= ~(at|~A_COLOR); } T(("new attribute is %s", _traceattr(win->_attrs))); return OK; } #ifndef MYTINFO int reset_prog_mode() { T(("reset_prog_mode() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS tcsetattr(cur_term->Filedes, TCSANOW, &cur_term->Nttyb); #else stty(cur_term->Filedes, &cur_term->Nttyb); #endif return OK; } int reset_shell_mode() { T(("reset_shell_mode() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS tcsetattr(cur_term->Filedes, TCSANOW, &cur_term->Ottyb); #else stty(cur_term->Filedes, &cur_term->Ottyb); #endif return OK; } #endif int curs_set(int vis) { int cursor = SP->_cursor; T(("curs_set(%d)", vis)); if (vis < 0 || vis > 2) return ERR; switch(vis) { case 2: if (cursor_visible) putp(cursor_visible); break; case 1: if (cursor_normal) putp(cursor_normal); break; case 0: if (cursor_invisible) putp(cursor_invisible); break; } SP->_cursor = vis; return cursor; } int delay_output(int ms) { int speed; T(("delay_output(%d) called", ms)); if (!no_pad_char && (speed = baudrate()) == ERR) return(ERR); else { register int nullcount; if (!no_pad_char) for (nullcount = ms * 1000 / speed; nullcount > 0; nullcount--) putc(*pad_char, SP->_ofp); (void) fflush(SP->_ofp); if (no_pad_char) napms(ms); } return OK; } /* * erasechar() * * Return erase character as given in cur_term->Ottyb. * */ char erasechar() { T(("erasechar() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS return(cur_term->Ottyb.c_cc[VERASE]); #else return(cur_term->Ottyb.sg_erase); #endif } /* * killchar() * * Return kill character as given in cur_term->Ottyb. * */ char killchar() { T(("killchar() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS return(cur_term->Ottyb.c_cc[VKILL]); #else return(cur_term->Ottyb.sg_kill); #endif } /* * flushinp() * * Flush any input on cur_term->Filedes * */ int flushinp() { T(("flushinp() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS tcflush(cur_term->Filedes, TCIFLUSH); #else ioctl(cur_term->Filedes, TIOCFLUSH, 0); #endif if (SP) { SP->_fifohead = -1; SP->_fifotail = 0; SP->_fifopeek = 0; } return OK; } /* * int * baudrate() * * Returns the current terminal's baud rate. * */ #ifndef TERMIOS struct speed { speed_t s; int sp; }; static struct speed speeds[] = { {B0, 0}, {B50, 50}, {B75, 75}, {B110, 110}, {B134, 134}, {B150, 150}, {B200, 200}, {B300, 300}, {B600, 600}, {B1200, 1200}, {B1800, 1800}, {B2400, 2400}, {B4800, 4800}, {B9600, 9600} #define MAX_BAUD B9600 #ifdef B19200 #undef MAX_BAUD #define MAX_BAUD B19200 ,{B19200, 19200} #endif #ifdef B38400 #undef MAX_BAUD #define MAX_BAUD B38400 ,{B38400, 38400} #endif #ifdef B57600 #undef MAX_BAUD #define MAX_BAUD B57600 ,{B57600, 57600} #endif #ifdef B115200 #undef MAX_BAUD #define MAX_BAUD B115200 ,{B115200, 115200} #endif }; #endif int baudrate() { #ifndef TERMIOS int i, ret; #endif T(("baudrate() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS return cfgetospeed(&cur_term->Nttyb); #else ret = cur_term->Nttyb.sg_ospeed; if(ret < 0 || ret > MAX_BAUD) return ERR; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(speeds) / sizeof(struct speed)); i++) if (speeds[i].s == ret) return speeds[i].sp; return ERR; #endif } /* ** savetty() and resetty() ** */ static TTY buf; int savetty() { T(("savetty() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS tcgetattr(cur_term->Filedes, &buf); #else gtty(cur_term->Filedes, &buf); #endif return OK; } int resetty() { T(("resetty() called")); #ifdef TERMIOS tcsetattr(cur_term->Filedes, TCSANOW, &buf); #else stty(cur_term->Filedes, &buf); #endif return OK; }