The Curses Reference Manual Pavel Curtis 1982 Zeyd M. Ben-Halim 1993 Caveat Emptor: I'm slowly but surely updating the documentation of ncurses to reflect the current status of the code. The text below may refer to yet to be implemented functions or missing functionality. Description of functions may be missing or out of date. ncurses is aimed at being compatible with AT&T curses as defined in SysVR4. There is no ?roff sources for this document. I may one day go nuts and create one, but don't hold your breath :-) 1. Introduction Terminfo is a database describing many capabilities of over 150 different terminals. Curses is a subroutine package which presents a high level screen model to the programmer, while dealing with issues such as terminal differences and optimization of output to change one screenfull of text into another. Terminfo is based on Berkeley's termcap database, but con- tains a number of improvements and extensions. Parameterized strings are introduced, making it possible to describe such capabilities as video attributes, and to handle far more unusual terminals than possible with termcap. Curses is also based on Berkeley's curses package, with many improvements. The package makes use of the insert and delete line and character features of terminals so equipped, and determines how to optimally use these features with no help from the programmer. It allows arbitrary combinations of video attributes to be displayed, even on terminals that leave ``magic cookies'' on the screen to mark changes in attributes.+ 2. An Overview of the Package 2.1. Terminology In this document, the following terminology is kept to with reasonable consistency: window An internal representation containing an image of what a section of the terminal screen may look like at some point in time. This subsection can either encompass the entire terminal screen, or any smaller portion down to a single character within that screen. terminal Sometimes called terminal screen. The package's idea of what the terminal's screen currently looks like, i.e., what the user sees now. This is a special screen. screen This is a subset of windows which are as large as the terminal screen, i.e., they start at the upper left hand corner and encompass the lower right hand corner. One of these, stdscr, is automati- cally provided for the programmer. 2.2. Compiling Programs using the Package In order to use the library, it is necessary to have certain types and variables defined. Therefore, the pro- grammer must have a line: #include at the top of the program source. The screen package uses the Standard I/O library, so includes . Ncurses also includes , , or depending on your system. It is redundant (but harmless) for the programmer to do it, too. In linking with ncurses you need to have `-lncurses' in your LDFLAGS or on the command line. There is no need for any other libraries. 2.3. Updating the Screen In order to update the screen optimally, it is necessary for the routines to know what the screen currently looks like and what the programmer wants it to look like next. For this purpose, a data type (structure) named WINDOW is defined which describes a window image to the routines, including its starting position on the screen (the (y, x) coordinates of the upper left hand corner) and its size. One of these (called curscr, for current screen) is a screen image of what the terminal currently looks like. Another screen (called stdscr, for standard screen) is provided by default to make changes on. A window is a purely internal representation. It is used to build and store a potential image of a portion of the terminal. It doesn't bear any necessary relation to what is really on the terminal screen. It is more like an array of characters on which to make changes. When one has a window which describes what some part of the terminal screen should look like, the routine refresh() (or wrefresh() if the window is not stdscr) is called. Refresh() in the area covered by the window, look like that window. Note, therefore, that changing something on a win- dow does not change the terminal. Actual updates to the terminal screen are made only by calling refresh() or wre- fresh(). This allows the programmer to maintain several different ideas of what a portion of the terminal screen should look like. Also, changes can be made to windows in any order, without regard to motion efficiency. Then, at will, the programmer can effectively say ``make it look like this,'' and let the package worry about the best way to do this. 2.4. Naming Conventions As hinted above, the routines can use several windows, but two are automatically given: curscr, which knows what the terminal looks like, and stdscr, which is what the pro- grammer wants the terminal to look like next. The user should never really access curscr directly. Changes should be made to the appropriate screen, and then the routine refresh() (or wrefresh()) should be called. Many functions are set up to deal with stdscr as a default screen. For example, to add a character to stdscr, one calls addch() with the desired character. If a differ- ent window is to be used, the routine waddch() (for `w'indow-specific addch()) is provided. This convention of prepending function names with a ``w'' when they are to be applied to specific windows is consistent. The only rou- tines which do not do this are those to which a window must always be specified. In order to move the current (y, x) coordinates from one point to another, the routines move() and wmove() are provided. However, it is often desirable to first move and then perform some I/O operation. In order to avoid clumsy- ness, most I/O routines can be preceded by the prefix 'mv' and the desired (y, x) coordinates then can be added to the arguments to the function. For example, the calls move(y, x); addch(ch); can be replaced by mvaddch(y, x, ch); and wmove(win, y, x); waddch(win, ch); can be replaced by mvwaddch(win, y, x, ch); Note that the window description pointer (win) comes before the added (y, x) coordinates. If such pointers are need, they are always the first parameters passed. 3. Variables Many variables which are used to describe the terminal environment are available to the programmer. They are: type name description ------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDOW *curscr current version of the screen (terminal screen). WINDOW *stdscr standard screen. Most updates are done here. int LINES number of lines on the terminal int COLS number of columns on the terminal There are also several `#define' constants and types which are of general usefulness: bool boolean type, actually a `char' (e.g., bool doneit;) TRUE boolean `true' flag (1). FALSE boolean `false' flag (0). ERR -1 error flag returned by routines on a fail. OK 0 error flag returned by routines when things go right. 4. Usage This is a description of how to actually use the screen package. In it, we assume all updating, reading, etc. is applied to stdscr. All instructions will work on any win- dow, with changing the function name and parameters as men- tioned above. 4.1. Starting up In order to use the screen package, the routines must know about terminal characteristics, and the space for curscr and stdscr must be allocated. These functions are performed by initscr(). Since it must allocate space for the windows, it can overflow memory when attempting to do so. On this rather rare occasion, initscr() returns ERR. initscr() must always be called before any of the routines which affect windows are used. If it is not, the program will core dump as soon as either curscr or stdscr are referenced. However, it is usually best to wait to call it until after you are sure you will need it, like after checking for startup errors. Terminal status changing routines like nl() and cbreak() should be called after initscr(). Now that the screen windows have been allocated, you can set them up for the run. If you want to, say, allow the window to scroll, use scrollok(). If you want the cursor to be left after the last change, use leaveok(). If this isn't done, refresh() will move the cursor to the window's current (y, x) coordinates after updating it. New windows of your own can be created, too, by using the functions newwin(), derwin(), and subwin(). delwin() will allow you to get rid of old windows. 4.2. Output Now that we have set things up, we will want to actu- ally update the terminal. The basic functions used to change what will go on a window are addch() and move(). addch() adds a character at the current (y, x) coordinates, returning ERR if it would cause the window to illegally scroll, i.e., printing a character in the lower right-hand corner of a terminal which automatically scrolls if scrolling is not allowed. move() changes the current (y, x) coordinates to whatever you want them to be. It returns ERR if you try to move off the window. As mentioned above, you can combine the two into mvaddch() to do both things at once. The other output functions, such as addstr() and printw(), all call addch() to add characters to the window. After you have put on the window what you want there, when you want the portion of the terminal covered by the window to be made to look like it, you must call refresh(). In order to optimize finding changes, refresh() assumes that any part of the window not changed since the last refresh() of that window has not been changed on the terminal, i.e., that you have not refreshed a portion of the terminal with an overlapping window. If this is not the case, the routine touchwin() is provided to make it look like the entire win- dow has been changed, thus making refresh() check the whole subsection of the terminal for changes. If you call wrefresh() with curscr(), it will make the screen look like curscr thinks it looks like. This is use- ful for implementing a command which would redraw the screen in case it get messed up. 4.3. Input Input is essentially a mirror image of output. The complementary function to addch() is getch() which, if echo is set, will call addch() to echo the character. Since the screen package needs to know what is on the terminal at all times, if characters are to be echoed, the tty must be in raw or cbreak mode. Since initially the terminal has echo- ing enable and is in nocreak mode, one or the other has to changed before calling getch(). The result of not doing this is unpredictable output. 4.4. Miscellaneous A plethora of other functions exist for maintaining and changing information about the windows. For the most part, the descriptions in section 5 should suffice. 4.5. Finishing Up In order to do certain optimizations, and, on some ter- minals, to work at all, some things must be done before the screen routines start up. In order to clean up after the routines, the routine endwin() is provided. It restores tty modes to what they were when initscr() was first called, moves the cursor down to the lower-left corner, etc. Thus, anytime after the call to initscr, endwin() should be called before exiting. 5. Descriptions of the Functions This section describes all the functions available to the programmer in the curses package. For an alphabetical list, see the manual page ncurses(3). 5.1. Initialization These functions are called when initializing a program. initscr() The first function called should always be initscr. This will determine the terminal type and initialize curses data structures. initscr also arranges that the first call to refresh will clear the screen. If an error occurs a message is writen to standard error and the program exits. Otherwise it returns a pointer to stdscr. Some function may be called before initscr (slk_init, filter, ripofflines, use_env, and if you are using multiple terminals newterm.) endwin() A program should always call endwin before exiting or shelling out of the program. This function will restore tty modes, move the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen, reset the terminal into the proper nonvisual mode. Calling refresh() or doupdate() after a temporary escape from the program will restore the screen to its original status. newterm(type, ofp, ifp) A program which outputs to more than one terminal should use newterm instead of initscr. newterm should be called once for each terminal. It returns a variable of type SCREEN * which should be saved as a reference to that terminal. The arguments are the type of the terminal (a string) and FILE pointers for the output and input of the terminal. If type is NULL then the environment variable $TERM is used. endwin must called for each terminal opened using this function. set_term(new) This function is used to switch to a different terminal. The screen reference for the new terminal is passed as the parameter. The previous terminal is returned by the func- tion. All other calls affect only the current terminal. delscreen(sp) longname() This function returns a pointer to a static area containing a verbose description of the current terminal. It is defined only after a call to initscr or newterm. termattrs() termname() 5.2. Option Setting These functions set options within curses. In each case, win is the window affected, and bf is a boolean flag with value TRUE or FALSE indicating whether to enable or disable the option. All options are initially FALSE. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin. clearok(win,bf) If set, the next call to wrefresh with this window will clear the screen and redraw the entire screen. If win is curscr, the next call to wrefresh with any window will cause the screen to be cleared. This is useful when the contents of the screen are uncertain, or in some cases for a more pleasing visual effect. idlok(win,bf) If enabled, curses will consider using the hardware insert/delete line feature of terminals so equipped. If disabled, curses will not use this feature. Enable this option only if your application needs insert/delete line, for example, for a screen editor. It is disabled by default because insert/delete line is visually annoying when used in applications where it isn't really needed. idcok(win,bf) This option allows curses will use inset/delete character capabilities if any are defined. This option is on be default. immedok(win,bf) If this option is enabled any change in the window's image causes a call to wrefresh. Enabling this option can degrade performance; it is disabled by default. keypad(win,bf) This option enables the keypad of the users terminal. If enabled, the user can press a function key (such as an arrow key) and getch will return a single value representing the function key. If disabled, curses will not treat function keys specially. If the keypad in the terminal can be turned on (made to transmit) and off (made to work locally), turn- ing on this option will turn on the terminal keypad. All the possible function keys are defined in ncurses.h as KEY_*. leaveok(win,bf) Normally, the hardware cursor is left at the location of the window cursor being refreshed. This option allows the cur- sor to be left wherever the update happens to leave it. It is useful for applications where the cursor is not used, since it saves cursor motions. If possible, the cursor is made invisible when this option is enabled. meta(win,bf) If enabled, characters returned by getch are transmitted with all 8 bits, instead of stripping the highest bit. It is useful for extending the non-text command set in applica- tions where the terminal has a meta shift key, such as EMACS. NOTE: This function is currently unsupported. notimeout(win,bf) This option controls whether a timer is set when wgetch is trying to interpret an input sequence. See keypad. scrollok(win,bf) This option controls what happens when the cursor of a win- dow is moved off the edge of the window, either from a new- line on the bottom line, or typing the last character of the last line. If disabled, the cursor is left on the bottom line. If enabled, wrefresh is called on the window, and then the physical terminal and window are scrolled up one line. setscrreg(t,b) wsetscrreg(win,t,b) These functions allow the user to set a software scrolling region in a window win or stdscr. t and b are the line num- bers of the top and bottom margin of the scrolling region. (Line 0 is the top line of the screen.) If this option and scrollok are enabled, an attempt to move off the bottom mar- gin line will cause all lines in the scrolling region to scroll up one line. Note that this has nothing to do with use of a physical scrolling region capability in the termi- nal, like that in the VT100. Only the text of the window is scrolled. The scrolling region really acts as a sort of barrier, lim- iting the area of a window over which changes take place. For this reason, an attempt to create a scrolling region in an area of the screen which does not contain the current (y, x) coordinates for that window is an error. Similarly, attempts to move the (y, x) coordinates out of the region will also fail with an ERR return. When a scrolling region is in place, all changes are limited to the region. For example, erase() will only erase the area inside the region; insertln() will only shift lines down to the bottom of the region, etc. It is anticipated that this method of controlling the area of change will prove quite handy in a number of applications. To disable the scrolling region, once defined, simply rede- fine it to be the whole window. For example, to disable the scrolling region on stdscr, the following call would be used: setscrreg(0, LINES - 1) For other windows, the height of the window should be used instead of (LINES - 1). 5.3. Terminal Mode Setting These functions are used to set modes in the tty driver. The initial mode usually depends on the setting when the program was called: the initial modes documented here represenet the normal situation. cbreak() nocbreak() crmode() nocrmode() These functions put the terminal into and out of CBREAK mode. In this mode, characters typed by the user are immedi- ately available to the program. When out of this mode, the device driver will buffer characters typed until newline is typed. Interrupt and flow control characters are unaffected by this mode. Initially the terminal is not in CBREAK mode. Most interactive programs using curses will set this mode. The functions crmode() and nocrmode() are the result of an accident in the first version of curses and are retained solely for upward compatibility. crmode() is the same as cbreak() and nocrmode() is the same as nocbreak(). See 4.3 for a important note on using these functions. raw() noraw() These functions put the terminal into and out of RAW mode. RAW mode is just like CBREAK mode except that no special character processing is done (e.g. the interrupt character will be passed through to the program, uninterpreted, as will the kill character, etc.) and all 8 bits of the input character are retained; in CBREAK mode, the eighth bit is stripped off before it is given to the program. Because of the lack of interpretation of special characters, it is not recommended that programs use this mode. echo() noecho() These functions control whether characters typed by the user are echoed as typed. Initially, characters typed are echoed by the teletype driver. Authors of most interactive pro- grams prefer to do their own echoing in a controlled area of the screen, or not to echo at all, so they disable echoing. halfdelay(t) This options is similar to cbreak mode except that if after blocking for t tenth of a seconds no input is received ERR is returned. t must between 1 and 255. Use nocbreak to leave this mode. nodelay(win,bf) This option causes getch to be a non-blocking call. If no input is ready, getch will return ERR. If disabled, getch will hang until a key is pressed. timeout(t) wtimeout(win,t) These functions offer control over the blocking action of a read. If t is negative, reading will block until there is input. If t is zero, no blocking will occur, read returns ERR if no input is available. If t is posistive, the read will block for t milliseconds and return ERR if there is still no input. These routines offer better and finer control than nodelay() and halfdelay() and their use is recommended. nl() nonl() These functions control whether newline is translated into carriage return and linefeed on output, and whether return is translated into newline on input. Initially, the trans- lations do occur. By disabling these translations, curses is able to make better use of the linefeed capability, resulting in faster cursor motion. savetty() resetty() These functions save and restore the state of the tty modes. savetty saves the current state in a buffer, resetty restores the state to what it was at the last call to save- tty. 5.4. Window Manipulation newwin(num_lines, num_cols, begy, begx) Create a new window with the given number of lines and columns. The upper left corner of the window is at line begy column begx. If either num_lines or num_cols is zero, they will be defaulted to LINES-begy and COLS-begx. A new full-screen window is created by calling newwin(0,0,0,0). subwin(orig, num_lines, num_cols, begy, begx) Create a new window with the given number of lines and columns. The window is at position (begy, begx) on the screen. (It is relative to the screen, not orig.) The win- dow is made in the middle of the window orig, so that changes made to one window will affect both windows. When using this function, often it will be necessary to call touchwin before calling wrefresh. derwin(orig, num_lines, num_cols, begy, begx) Is similar to subwin only the new window is created relative to the original window, not the screen. delwin(win) Deletes the named window, freeing up all memory associated with it. In the case of sub-windows, they should be deleted before the main window. dupwin(win) mvderwin(win,y,x) syncok(win,bf) wsyncup(win) wcursyncup(win) wsyncdown(win) mvwin(win, by, bx) Move the window so that the upper left corner will be at position (by, bx). If the move would cause the window to be off the screen, it is an error and the window is not moved. touchline(win,start,count) touchwin(win) Throw away all optimization information about which parts of the window have been touched, by pretending the entire win- dow has been drawn on. This is sometimes necessary when using overlapping windows, since a change to one window will affect the other window, but the optimization records of the other window will not reflect the change. wtouchln(win,y,n,changed) Throw away optimization information, or mark as unchanged, n lines starting at y, depending on the value of changed. untouchwin(win) Mark the whole window as unchcnged since the lat wrefresh. is_linetouched(win,line) is_wintouched(win) These routines are used to check if the given line/window has been modified since the last wrefresh. They will return TRUE is that is the case, FALSE otherwise. is_linetouched will return ERR if there is no such line. overlay(win1, win2) overwrite(win1, win2) These functions overlay win1 on top of win2, that is, all text in win1 is copied into win2, after lining up the two windows' origins. The difference between the functions is that overlay is nondestructive (blanks are not copied) while overwrite is destructive. copywin(win,win,sminrow,smincol,dminrow,dmincol,dmaxrow, dmaxcol,overlay) Low level function used to implement overlay/overwrite. 5.5. Causing Output to the Terminal refresh() wrefresh(win) These functions must be called to actually get any output on the terminal, as other routines merely manipulate data structures. wrefresh copies the named window to the physi- cal terminal screen, taking into account what is already there in order to do optimizations. refresh is the same, using stdscr as a default screen. Unless leaveok has been enabled, the physical cursor of the terminal is left at the location of the window's cursor. doupdate() wnoutrefresh(win) These two functions allow multiple updates with more effi- ciency than wrefresh. To use them, it is important to understand how curses works. In addition to all the window structures, curses keeps two data structures representing the terminal screen: a physical screen, describing what is actually on the screen, and a virtual screen, describing what the programmer wants to have on the screen. wrefresh works by first copying the named window to the virtual screen (wnoutrefresh), and then calling the routine to update the screen (doupdate). If the programmer wishes to output several windows at once, a series of calls to wre- fresh will result in alternating calls to wnoutrefresh and doupdate, causing several bursts of output to the screen. By calling wnoutrefresh for each window, it is then possible to call doupdate once, resulting in only one burst of out- put, with probably fewer total characters transmitted. redrawwin(win) wredrawln(win,start,count) 5.6. Writing on Window Structures These routines are used to ``draw'' text on windows. In all cases, a missing win is taken to be stdscr. y and x are the row and column, respectively. The upper left corner is always (0, 0) not (1, 1). The mv functions imply a call to move before the call to the other function. 5.6.1. Moving the Cursor move(y, x) wmove(win, y, x) The cursor associated with the window is moved to the given location. This does not move the physical cursor of the terminal until refresh is called. 5.6.2. Writing One Character addch(ch) waddch(win, ch) mvaddch(y, x, ch) mvwaddch(win, y, x, ch) The character ch is put in the window at the current cursor position of the window. If ch is a tab, newline, or backspace, the cursor will be moved appropriately in the window. If ch is a different control character, it will be drawn in the ^X notation. The position of the window cursor is advanced. At the right margin, an automatic newline is performed. At the bottom of the scrolling region, if scrol- lok is enabled, the scrolling region will be scrolled up one line. 5.6.3. Writing a String addstr(str) addnstr(str,n) waddstr(win,str) waddnstr(win,str,n) mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvaddnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) mvwaddnstr(win,y,x,str,n) These functions write all the characters of the null termi- nated character string str on the given window. They are identical to a series of calls to addch. Routines with 'n' write n characters of str. If n is -1 then the entire string is written. addchstr(chstr) addchnstr(chstr,n) waddchstr(win,chstr) waddchnstr(win,chstr,n) mvaddchstr(y,x,chstr) mvaddchnstr(y,x,chstr,n) mvwaddchstr(win,y,x,chstr) mvwaddchnstr(win,y,x,chstr,n) These functions copy chstr onto the window image starting at the current cursor position. Routines with 'n' write at most n characters of chstr (as many as will fit on the line). If n is -1 then the entire string is written. The cursor is not advanced and no checking for control characters is done. These routines are faster than the addstr() group. chstr is a pointer to an array of chtype. 5.6.4. Clearing Areas of the Screen erase() werase(win) These functions copy blanks to every position in the window. clear() wclear(win) These functions are like erase and werase but they also call clearok, arranging that the screen will be cleared on the next refresh. The result can visually annoying. clrtobot() wclrtobot(win) All lines below the cursor in this window are erased. Also, the current line to the right of the cursor is erased. clrtoeol() wclrtoeol(win) The current line to the right of the cursor is erased. 5.6.5. Inserting and Deleting Text delch() wdelch(win) mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(win,y,x) The character under the cursor in the window is deleted. All characters to the right on the same line are moved to the left one position. This does not imply use of the hard- ware delete character feature. deleteln() wdeleteln(win) The line under the cursor in the window is deleted. All lines below the current line are moved up one line. The bottom line of the window is cleared. This does not imply use of the hardware delete line feature. insch(c) winsch(win, c) mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) The character c is inserted before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right are moved one space to the right, possibly losing the rightmost character on the line. This does not imply use of the hardware insert char- acter feature. insertln() winsertln(win) A blank line is inserted above the current line. The bottom line is lost. This does not imply use of the hardware insert line feature. 5.6.6. Formatted Output printw(fmt, ...) wprintw(win, fmt, ...) mvprintw(y, x, fmt, ...) mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt, ...) vwprintw(win, fmt, va_list) These functions correspond to printf. The characters which would be output by printf are instead output using waddch on the given window. vwprintw() acts like vprintf(). 5.6.7. Line drawing Borders are drawn inside a window and not around it. border(ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br) wborder(win, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br) box(win, vert, hor) A border is drawn around the edges of the window. ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, and br are the character and attribute to draw the left side, right side, top side, bottom side, top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right respec- tively. If any of these are 0, the follwing defaults are used: ACS_VLINE. ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE, ACS_HLINE, ACS_ULCORNER, ACS_URCORNER, ACS_LLCORNER, ACS_LRCORNER. box is shorthand for wborder(win, vert, vert, hor, hor, 0, 0, 0, 0). vline(ch,n) wvline(win,ch,n) These functions draw a vertical line starting at the current cursor position using ch for n characters or as many as will fit on the window. The cursor position is not advanced. hline(ch,n) whline(win,ch,n) These functions draw a horizontal line starting at the current cursor position using ch for n characters or as many as will fit on the window. The cursor position is not advanced. 5.6.8 Scrolling Scrolling only works if enabled via scrollok(). The cursor position is unchanged by these functions. As an optimization the physical screen is scrolled if the window in question is covering the entire screen. scroll(win) The window is scrolled up one line. This involves moving the lines in the window data structure. scrl(n) wscrl(win,n) These functions scroll thw window up/down n lines depending on the sign on n (+ for up, - for down). 5.7. Querying the Contents of a Window getyx(win,y,x) The cursor position of the window is placed in the two integer variables y and x. Since this is a macro, no & is necessary. inch() winch(win) mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(win,y,x) The character at the current position in the named window is returned. 5.8. Input from the Terminal getch() wgetch(win) mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(win,y,x) A character is read from the terminal associated with the window. In nodelay mode, if there is no input waiting, the value -1 is returned. In delay mode, the program will hang until a character is typed. If keypad mode is enabled, and a function key is pressed, the code for that function key will be returned instead of the raw characters. Possible function keys are defined with integers beginning with 0401, whose names begin with KEY_, defined in . If a character is received that could be the beginning of a function key (such as escape), curses will set a one second timer. If the remainder of the sequence does not come in within one second, the character will be passed through, otherwise the function key value will be returned. For this reason, on many terminals, there will be a one second delay after a user presses the escape key. (Use by a programmer of the escape key for a single character function is discouraged.) The one second delay can be turned off using the notimeout() function. getstr(str) wgetstr(win,str) mvgetstr(y,x,str) mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) A series of calls to getch is made, until a newline is received. The resulting value is placed in the area pointed at by the character pointer str. The users erase and kill characters are interpreted, and the string is echoed. scanw(fmt, ...) wscanw(win, fmt, ...) mvscanw(y, x, fmt, ...) mvwscanw(win, y, x, fmt, ...) vwscanw(win,fmt,va_list) These functions corresponds to scanf. wgetstr is called on the window, and the resulting line is used as input for the scan. 5.9. Video Attributes attroff(at) wattroff(win, attrs) attron(at) wattron(win, attrs) attrset(at) wattrset(win, attrs) standout() standend() wstandout(win) wstandend(win) These functions set the current attributes of the named win- dow. These attributes can be any combination of A_STANDOUT, A_REVERSE, A_BOLD, A_DIM, A_BLINK, A_BLANK, A_UNDERLINE, A_PROTECT, A_INVIS, and A_ALTCHARSET. These constants are defined in and can be combined with the C | (or) operator. The current attributes of a window are applied to all characters that are written into the window. Attributes are a property of the character, and move with the char- acter through any scrolling and insert/delete line/character operations. To the extent possible on the particular terminal, they will be displayed as the graphic rendition of characters put on the screen. attrset(at) sets the current attributes of the given window to at. attroff(at) turns off the named attributes without affecting any other attributes. attron(at) turns on the named attributes without affecting any others. standout is the same as attrset(A_STANDOUT), standend is the same as attrset(0), that is, it turns off all attributes. 5.10. Color Manipulation Ncurses provides support for the use of color on terminals that are capable of display it. Note the BSD and older SYSV curses don't support color. Color support in the PC version is not compatible with SYSR4. has_colors() this function returns TRUE if the terminal supports color, FALSE otherwise. Other color handling funtions will return ERR if has_colors() is FALSE. You should always check before using color and use other video attributes to replace color. can_change_color() This function returns TRUE if the terminal is capable of redefining colors using the init_color function, FALSE if it can't. Don't use init_color and color_content if it returns FALSE. start_color() This function must be called before any other color handling function is called. It initializes the 8 basic colors (see appendix I) and sets the global variables COLORS and COLOR_ PAIRS to the maximum number of colors and color-pairs a terminal can handle. init_pair(pair, fg, bg) This function changes the definition of a color-pair, pair. Each pair has a foregroung color fg, and a background color bg. Both values must be between 0 and COLORS-1. pair must be between 1 and COLOR_PAIRS-1. [If a pair is changed from a previous definition, the screen is refreshed and all occurances of the color-pair are changed to reflect the change.] pair_content(pair, f, b) This function stores the foreground and background colors of the color-pair pair into the variables pointed to by f, b. pair should be between 1 and COLOR_PAIRS-1. init_color(color, r, g, b) This function changes the value of a given color. A color is defined by its red, green, and blue components, r, g, and b. These values must be between 0 and 1000. color should be between 0 and COLORS-1. color_content(color, r, g, b) This function puts the red, green, and blue components of color into the variable pointed to by r, g, b respectively. color should be between 0 and COLORS-1. 5.11. Pads 5.12. Soft Labels 5.13. Bells and Flashing Lights beep() flash() These functions are used to signal the programmer. beep will sound the audible alarm on the terminal, if possible, and if not, will flash the screen (visible bell), if that is possible. flash will flash the screen, and if that is not possible, will sound the audible signal. If neither signal is possible, nothing will happen. Nearly all terminals have an audible signal (bell or beep) but only some can flash the screen. 5.14. Portability Functions These functions do not have anything to do with terminal dependent character output, but tend to be needed by pro- grams that use curses. Unfortunately, their implemention varies from one version of UNIX* to another. They have been included here to enhance the portability of programs using curses. baudrate() baudrate returns the output speed of the terminal. The num- ber returned is the integer baud rate, for example, 9600, rather than a table index such as B9600. erasechar() The erase character chosen by the user is returned. This is the character typed by the user to erase the character just typed. killchar() The line kill character chosen by the user is returned. This is the character typed by the user to forget the entire line being typed. flushinp() flushinp throws away any typeahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been read by the program. 5.15. Debugging These functions are useful when debugging a program with curses. unctrl(ch) This macro expands to a character string which is a print- able representation of the character ch. The program must include the file . Control characters are dis- played in the ^x notation. Printing characters are displayed as is. traceoff() traceon() It is possible to compile a debugging version of curses with tracing turned on, and with the -g option for gdb. This library may be available on your system as -ldcurses. When using this version, the file ``trace'' will be created each time the program is run, containing verbose information showing each step done by curses. This output is useful for finding bugs in curses, and may be useful for finding bugs in user programs. Since the output is so verbose, with any bug that cannot be easily and quickly reproduced, it may be necessary to turn the debugging output off in some parts of the program. These functions can be used to turn tracing off and back on. When initscr is first called, tracing is automatically turned on. You should use -DTRACE when compiling programs that use tracing. _tracef() This function can be used to output your own debugging info- rmation. It is only available only if you compile with the -DTRACE flag and linking with -ldcurses. It can be used the same way as printf, only it outputs a newline after the end of arguments. 6. Lower Level Functions These functions are provided for programs not needing the screen optimization capabilities of curses. Programs are discouraged from working at this level, since they must han- dle various glitches in certain terminals. However, a pro- gram can be smaller if it only brings in the low level rou- tines. gettmode() setterm(type) These two initialization routines are provided for upward compatibility with the old curses. gettmode does nothing. setterm results in a call to setupterm with appropriate arguments. def_prog_mode() def_shell_mode() These functions define "program" mode and "shell" mode. The first describes the status of a terminal while in curses, the second the status outside curses. reset_prog_mode() reset_shell_mode() These functions restore a terminal to "program" mode after shelling out, or to "shell" mode before shelling out. fixterm() resetterm() These functions are obselete and have been replaced by reset_prog_mode() and reset_prog_mode() respectively. saveterm() This fucntion is obselete and is replaced by def_prog_mode(). mvcur(oldrow, oldcol, newrow, newcol) This routine optimally moves the cursor from (oldrow, old- col) to (newrow, newcol). The user program is expected to keep track of the current cursor position. Note that unless a full screen image is kept, curses will have to make pes- simistic assumptions, sometimes resulting in less than opti- mal cursor motion. For example, moving the cursor a few spaces to the right can be done by transmitting the charac- ters being moved over, but if curses does not have access to the screen image, it doesn't know what these characters are. If either of oldcol or oldrow are negative, mvcur() will refrain from using any relative motions. This is handy for occasions when a program is unsure as to the current cursor location. 7. Terminfo Level These routines are called by low level programs that need access to specific capabilities of terminfo. A program working at this level should include both and . After a call to setupterm, the capabilities will be available with macro names defined in . See ter- minfo(5) for a detailed description of the capabilies. If the program only needs to handle one terminal, the defini- tion -DSINGLE can be passed to the C compiler, resulting in static references to capabilities instead of dynamic refer- ences. This can result in smaller code, but prevents use of more than one terminal at a time. Very few programs use more than one terminal, so almost all programs can use this flag. setupterm(term, filenum, errret) This routine is called to initialize a terminal. term is the character string representing the name of the terminal being used. filenum is the UNIX file descriptor of the ter- minal being used for output. errret is a pointer to an integer, in which a success or failure indication is returned. The values returned can be 1 (all is well), 0 (no such terminal), or -1 (some problem locating the terminfo database). The value of term can be given as 0, which will cause the value of TERM in the environment to be used. The errret pointer can also be given as 0, meaning no error code is wanted. If errret is defaulted, and something goes wrong, setupterm will print an appropriate error message and exit, rather than returning. Thus, a simple program can call setupterm(0, 1, 0) and not worry about initialization errors. setupterm will check the tty driver mode bits, and change any that might prevent the correct operation of other low level routines. Currently, the mode that expands tabs into spaces is disabled, because the tab character is sometimes used for different functions by different terminals. (Some terminals use it to move right one space. Others use it to address the cursor to row or column 9.) If the system is expanding tabs, setupterm will remove the definition of the tab and backtab functions, assuming that since the user is not using hardware tabs, they may not be properly set in the terminal. After the call to setupterm, the global variable cur_term is set to point to the current structure of terminal capabili- ties. By calling setupterm for each terminal, and saving and restoring cur_term, it is possible for a program to use two or more terminals at once. Setupterm also stores the names section of the terminal description in the global character array ttytype[]. Subsequent calls to setupterm will overwrite this array, so you'll have to save it your- self if need be. The mode that turns newlines into CRLF on output is not dis- abled. Programs that use cud1 or ind should avoid these capabilities if their value is linefeed unless they disable this mode. setupterm calls fixterm after any changes it makes. vidattr(newmode) vidputs(newmode, outc) newmode is any combination of attributes, defined in . The proper string to put the terminal in the given video mode is output. The routine vidattr() sends the output characters to putchar; vidputs sends them to the given routine outc, one character at a time. That routine should therefore expect one char parameter. The previous mode is remembered by this routine. tparm(instring, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) tparm is used to instantiate a parameterized string. The character string returned is suitable for tputs. Up to 9 parameters can be passed, in addition to the parameterized string. tputs(cp, affcnt, outc) A string capability, possibly containing padding informa- tion, is processed. Enough padding characters to delay for the specified time replace the padding specification, and the resulting string is passed, one character at a time, to the routine outc, which should expect one character parame- ter. (This routine often just calls putchar.) cp is the capability string. affcnt is the number of units affected by the capability, which varies with the particular capabil- ity. (For example, the affcnt for insert_line is the number of lines below the inserted line on the screen, that is, the number of lines that will have to be moved by the terminal.) affcnt is used by the padding information of some terminals as a multiplication factor. If the capability does not have a factor, the value 1 should be passed. putp(str) This is a convenient function to output a capability with no affcnt. The string is output to putchar with an affcnt of 1. It can be used in simple applications that do not need to process the output of tputs. 8. Termcap Emulation Appendix I: Attributes ---------------------- Attributes are used with wattron(), wattroff(), wattrset(), or or'ed with the character passed to waddch(). They are defined in A_ATTRIBUTES mask chtype for attributes A_NORMAL reset all attributes A_STANDOUT best highlighting mode A_UNDERLINE underline A_REVERSE reverse video, background and foreground reversed A_BLINK blinking A_DIM dim or half bright A_BOLD bold or extra bright A_ALTCHARSET use alternate character set A_INVIS invisible, background same as foreground A_PROTECT I haven't a clue A_CHARTEXT mask chtype for actual character A_COLOR mask for color COLOR_PAIR(n) set color-pair to that stored in n PAIR_NUMBER(a) get color-pair stored in attribute a Appendix II: COLORS ------------------- Colors are defined in are used with init_pair(). COLOR_BLACK 0 COLOR_RED 1 COLOR_GREEN 2 COLOR_YELLOW 3 COLOR_BLUE 4 COLOR_MAGENTA 5 COLOR_CYAN 6 COLOR_WHITE 7 Appendix III: Alternative character sets ---------------------------------------- ACS variables are used to add line-drawing capability to ncurses on terminals that support it. When defined for a given terminal (using acs) the A_ALTCHARSET attribute is set for that variable, otherwise the default value is used. ACS_ULCORNER + ACS_LLCORNER + ACS_URCORNER + ACS_LRCORNER + ACS_RTEE + ACS_LTEE + ACS_BTEE + ACS_TTEE + ACS_HLINE - ACS_VLINE | ACS_PLUS + ACS_S1 ~ /* scan line 1 */ ACS_S9 _ /* scan line 9 */ ACS_DIAMOND + /* diamond */ ACS_CKBOARD : /* checker board (stipple) */ ACS_DEGREE ' /* degree symbol */ ACS_PLMINUS # /* plus/minus */ ACS_BULLET 0 /* bullet */ ACS_LARROW < /* arrow pointing left */ ACS_RARROW > /* arrow pointing right */ ACS_DARROW v /* arrow pointing down */ ACS_UARROW ^ /* arrow pointing up */ ACS_BOARD # /* board of squares */ ACS_LANTERN # /* lantern symbol */ ACS_BLOCK # /* solid square block */ Appendix IV: Function keys, their codes, and their definition ------------------------------------------------------------- Function keys can return their respective codes if keypad() is enabled and they are defined in the terminal's terminfo description (assuming the terminal transmits unique sequences for the key. They are defined in KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */ KEY_DOWN 0402 /* The four arrow keys ... */ KEY_UP 0403 KEY_LEFT 0404 KEY_RIGHT 0405 /* ... */ KEY_HOME 0406 /* Home key (upward+left arrow) */ KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* backspace (unreliable) */ KEY_F0 0410 /* Function keys. Space for 64 */ KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /* keys is reserved. */ KEY_DL 0510 /* Delete line */ KEY_IL 0511 /* Insert line */ KEY_DC 0512 /* Delete character */ KEY_IC 0513 /* Insert char or enter insert mode */ KEY_EIC 0514 /* Exit insert char mode */ KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Clear screen */ KEY_EOS 0516 /* Clear to end of screen */ KEY_EOL 0517 /* Clear to end of line */ KEY_SF 0520 /* Scroll 1 line forward */ KEY_SR 0521 /* Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse) */ KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Next page */ KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Previous page */ KEY_STAB 0524 /* Set tab */ KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Clear tab */ KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Clear all tabs */ KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter or send (unreliable) */ KEY_SRESET 0530 /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */ KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */ KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */ KEY_LL 0533 /* home down or bottom (lower left) */ /* The keypad is arranged like this: */ /* a1 up a3 */ /* left b2 right */ /* c1 down c3 */ KEY_A1 0534 /* Upper left of keypad */ KEY_A3 0535 /* Upper right of keypad */ KEY_B2 0536 /* Center of keypad */ KEY_C1 0537 /* Lower left of keypad */ KEY_C3 0540 /* Lower right of keypad */ KEY_BTAB 0541 /* Back tab key */ KEY_BEG 0542 /* beg(inning) key */ KEY_CANCEL 0543 /* cancel key */ KEY_CLOSE 0544 /* close key */ KEY_COMMAND 0545 /* cmd (command) key */ KEY_COPY 0546 /* copy key */ KEY_CREATE 0547 /* create key */ KEY_END 0550 /* end key */ KEY_EXIT 0551 /* exit key */ KEY_FIND 0552 /* find key */ KEY_HELP 0553 /* help key */ KEY_MARK 0554 /* mark key */ KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /* message key */ KEY_MOVE 0556 /* move key */ KEY_NEXT 0557 /* next object key */ KEY_OPEN 0560 /* open key */ KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /* options key */ KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /* previous object key */ KEY_REDO 0563 /* redo key */ KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /* ref(erence) key */ KEY_REFRESH 0565 /* refresh key */ KEY_REPLACE 0566 /* replace key */ KEY_RESTART 0567 /* restart key */ KEY_RESUME 0570 /* resume key */ KEY_SAVE 0571 /* save key */ KEY_SBEG 0572 /* shifted beginning key */ KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /* shifted cancel key */ KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /* shifted command key */ KEY_SCOPY 0575 /* shifted copy key */ KEY_SCREATE 0576 /* shifted create key */ KEY_SDC 0577 /* shifted delete char key */ KEY_SDL 0600 /* shifted delete line key */ KEY_SELECT 0601 /* select key */ KEY_SEND 0602 /* shifted end key */ KEY_SEOL 0603 /* shifted clear line key */ KEY_SEXIT 0604 /* shifted exit key */ KEY_SFIND 0605 /* shifted find key */ KEY_SHELP 0606 /* shifted help key */ KEY_SHOME 0607 /* shifted home key */ KEY_SIC 0610 /* shifted input key */ KEY_SLEFT 0611 /* shifted left arrow key */ KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /* shifted message key */ KEY_SMOVE 0613 /* shifted move key */ KEY_SNEXT 0614 /* shifted next key */ KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /* shifted options key */ KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /* shifted prev key */ KEY_SPRINT 0617 /* shifted print key */ KEY_SREDO 0620 /* shifted redo key */ KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /* shifted replace key */ KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /* shifted right arrow */ KEY_SRSUME 0623 /* shifted resume key */ KEY_SSAVE 0624 /* shifted save key */ KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /* shifted suspend key */ KEY_SUNDO 0626 /* shifted undo key */ KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /* suspend key */ KEY_UNDO 0630 /* undo key */ KEY_MAX 0777 /* Maximum curses key */