.TH curs_insch 3X "" .SH NAME \fBcurs_insch\fR: \fBinsch\fR, \fBwinsch\fR, \fBmvinsch\fR, \fBmvwinsch\fR - insert a character before cursor in a \fBncurses\fR window .SH SYNOPSIS \fB#include <ncurses.h>\fR \fBint insch(chtype ch);\fR .br \fBint winsch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch);\fR .br \fBint mvinsch(int y, int x, chtype ch);\fR .br \fBint mvwinsch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch);\fR .br .SH DESCRIPTION These routines, insert the character \fIch\fR before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right of the cursor are moved one space to the right, with the possibility of the rightmost character on the line being lost. The insertion operation does not change the cursor position. .SH RETURN VALUE All routines return the integer \fBERR\fR upon failure and an integer value other than \fBERR\fR upon successful completion. .SH NOTES These routines do not necessarily imply use of a hardware insert character feature. Note that \fBinsch\fR, \fBmvinsch\fR, and \fBmvwinsch\fR may be macros. .SH SEE ALSO \fBncurses\fR(3X). .\"# .\"# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS .\"# Local Variables: .\"# mode:nroff .\"# fill-column:79 .\"# End: