.TH curs_inch 3X "" .SH NAME \fBcurs_inch\fR: \fBinch\fR, \fBwinch\fR, \fBmvinch\fR, \fBmvwinch\fR - get a character and attributes from a \fBncurses\fR window .SH SYNOPSIS \fB#include \fR \fBchtype inch(void);\fR .br \fBchtype winch(WINDOW *win);\fR .br \fBchtype mvinch(int y, int x);\fR .br \fBchtype mvwinch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);\fR .br .SH DESCRIPTION These routines return the character, of type \fBchtype\fR, at the current position in the named window. If any attributes are set for that position, their values are OR-ed into the value returned. Constants defined in \fB\fR can be used with the \fB&\fR (logical AND) operator to extract the character or attributes alone. .SS Attributes The following bit-masks may be AND-ed with characters returned by \fBwinch\fR. .nf \fBA_CHARTEXT\fR Bit-mask to extract character \fBA_ATTRIBUTES\fR Bit-mask to extract attributes \fBA_COLOR\fR Bit-mask to extract color-pair field information .fi .SH NOTES Note that all of these routines may be macros. .SH SEE ALSO \fBncurses\fR(3X). .\"# .\"# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS .\"# Local Variables: .\"# mode:nroff .\"# fill-column:79 .\"# End: