/**************************************************************************** NAME ncurses.c --- ncurses library exerciser SYNOPSIS ncurses DESCRIPTION An interactive test module for the ncurses library. AUTHOR This software is Copyright (C) 1993 by Eric S. Raymond, all rights reserved. It is issued with ncurses under the same terms and conditions as the ncurses library source. ***************************************************************************/ /*LINTLIBRARY */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define P(s) printw("%s\n", s) #ifndef CTRL #define CTRL(x) ((x) & 0x1f) #endif /**************************************************************************** * * Character input test * ****************************************************************************/ static void getch_test(void) /* test the keypad feature */ { char buf[BUFSIZ]; unsigned int c; int incount = 0, firsttime = 0; bool blocking = TRUE; refresh(); (void) printw("Delay in 10ths of a second ( for blocking input)? "); echo(); getstr(buf); noecho(); if (isdigit(buf[0])) { timeout(atoi(buf) * 100); blocking = FALSE; } c = '?'; for (;;) { if (firsttime++) { printw("Key pressed: %04o ", c); if (c >= KEY_MIN) { (void) addstr(keyname(c)); addch('\n'); } else if (c > 0x80) { if (isprint(c & ~0x80)) (void) printw("M-%c", c); else (void) printw("M-%s", unctrl(c)); addstr(" (high-half character)\n"); } else { if (isprint(c)) (void) printw("%c (ASCII printable character)\n", c); else (void) printw("%s (ASCII control character)\n", unctrl(c)); } } if (c == 'x' || c == 'q') break; if (c == '?') addstr("Type any key to see its keypad value, `q' to quit, `?' for help.\n"); while ((c = getch()) == ERR) if (!blocking) (void) printw("%05d: input timed out\n", incount++); } timeout(-1); erase(); endwin(); } static void attr_test(void) /* test text attributes */ { refresh(); mvaddstr(0, 20, "Character attribute test display"); mvaddstr(2,8,"This is STANDOUT mode: "); attron(A_STANDOUT); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_STANDOUT); mvaddstr(4,8,"This is REVERSE mode: "); attron(A_REVERSE); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_REVERSE); mvaddstr(6,8,"This is BOLD mode: "); attron(A_BOLD); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(8,8,"This is UNDERLINE mode: "); attron(A_UNDERLINE); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_UNDERLINE); mvaddstr(10,8,"This is DIM mode: "); attron(A_DIM); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_DIM); mvaddstr(12,8,"This is BLINK mode: "); attron(A_BLINK); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_BLINK); mvaddstr(14,8,"This is BOLD UNDERLINE BLINK mode: "); attron(A_BOLD|A_BLINK|A_UNDERLINE); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); attroff(A_BOLD|A_BLINK|A_UNDERLINE); attrset(A_NORMAL); mvaddstr(16,8,"This is NORMAL mode: "); addstr("abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy x"); refresh(); move(LINES - 1, 0); addstr("Press any key to continue... "); (void) getch(); erase(); endwin(); } /**************************************************************************** * * Color support tests * ****************************************************************************/ static char *colors[] = { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" }; static void color_test(void) /* generate a color test pattern */ { int i; refresh(); (void) printw("There are %d color pairs\n", COLOR_PAIRS); (void) mvprintw(1, 0, "%dx%d matrix of foreground/background colors, bright *off*\n", COLORS, COLORS); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) mvaddstr(2, (i+1) * 8, colors[i]); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) mvaddstr(3 + i, 0, colors[i]); for (i = 1; i < COLOR_PAIRS; i++) { init_pair(i, i % COLORS, i / COLORS); attron(COLOR_PAIR(i)); mvaddstr(3 + (i / COLORS), (i % COLORS + 1) * 8, "Hello"); attrset(A_NORMAL); } (void) mvprintw(COLORS + 4, 0, "%dx%d matrix of foreground/background colors, bright *on*\n", COLORS, COLORS); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) mvaddstr(5 + COLORS, (i+1) * 8, colors[i]); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) mvaddstr(6 + COLORS + i, 0, colors[i]); for (i = 1; i < COLOR_PAIRS; i++) { init_pair(i, i % COLORS, i / COLORS); attron(COLOR_PAIR(i) | A_BOLD); mvaddstr(6 + COLORS + (i / COLORS), (i % COLORS + 1) * 8, "Hello"); attrset(A_NORMAL); } move(LINES - 1, 0); addstr("Press any key to continue... "); (void) getch(); erase(); endwin(); } static void color_edit(void) /* display the color test pattern, without trying to edit colors */ { int i, c, value = 0, current = 0, field = 0, usebase = 0; refresh(); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) init_pair(i, COLOR_WHITE, i); do { short red, green, blue; attron(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(0, 20, "Color RGB Value Editing"); attroff(A_BOLD); for (i = 0; i < COLORS; i++) { mvprintw(2 + i, 0, "%c %-8s:", (i == current ? '>' : ' '), (i < sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]) ? colors[i] : "")); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(i)); addstr(" "); attrset(A_NORMAL); /* * Note: this refresh should *not* be necessary! It works around * a bug in attribute handling that apparently causes the A_NORMAL * attribute sets to interfere with the actual emission of the * color setting somehow. This needs to be fixed. */ refresh(); color_content(i, &red, &green, &blue); addstr(" R = "); if (current == i && field == 0) attron(A_STANDOUT); printw("%04d", red); if (current == i && field == 0) attrset(A_NORMAL); addstr(", G = "); if (current == i && field == 1) attron(A_STANDOUT); printw("%04d", green); if (current == i && field == 1) attrset(A_NORMAL); addstr(", B = "); if (current == i && field == 2) attron(A_STANDOUT); printw("%04d", blue); if (current == i && field == 2) attrset(A_NORMAL); attrset(A_NORMAL); addstr(")"); } mvaddstr(COLORS + 3, 0, "Use up/down to select a color, left/right to change fields."); mvaddstr(COLORS + 4, 0, "Modify field by typing nnn=, nnn-, or nnn+. ? for help."); move(2 + current, 0); switch (c = getch()) { case KEY_UP: current = (current == 0 ? (COLORS - 1) : current - 1); value = 0; break; case KEY_DOWN: current = (current == (COLORS - 1) ? 0 : current + 1); value = 0; break; case KEY_RIGHT: field = (field == 2 ? 0 : field + 1); value = 0; break; case KEY_LEFT: field = (field == 0 ? 2 : field - 1); value = 0; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': do { value = value * 10 + (c - '0'); c = getch(); } while (isdigit(c)); if (c != '+' && c != '-' && c != '=') beep(); else ungetch(c); break; case '+': usebase = 1; goto changeit; case '-': value = -value; usebase = 1; goto changeit; case '=': usebase = 0; changeit: color_content(current, &red, &green, &blue); if (field == 0) red = red * usebase + value; else if (field == 1) green = green * usebase + value; else if (field == 2) blue = blue * usebase + value; init_color(current, red, green, blue); break; case '?': erase(); P(" RGB Value Editing Help"); P(""); P("You are in the RGB value editor. Use the arrow keys to select one of"); P("the fields in one of the RGB triples of the current colors; the one"); P("currently selected will be reverse-video highlighted."); P(""); P("To change a field, enter the digits of the new value; they won't be"); P("echoed. Finish by typing `='; the change will take effect instantly."); P("To increment or decrement a value, use the same procedure, but finish"); P("with a `+' or `-'."); P(""); P("To quit, do `x' or 'q'"); move(LINES - 1, 0); addstr("Press any key to continue... "); (void) getch(); erase(); break; case 'x': case 'q': break; default: beep(); break; } } while (c != 'x' && c != 'q'); erase(); endwin(); } /**************************************************************************** * * Soft-key label test * ****************************************************************************/ static void slk_test(void) /* exercise the soft keys */ { int c, fmt = 1; char buf[9]; c = CTRL('l'); do { switch(c) { case CTRL('l'): erase(); attron(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(0, 20, "Soft Key Exerciser"); attroff(A_BOLD); move(2, 0); P("Available commands are:"); P(""); P("^L -- refresh screen"); P("a -- activate or restore soft keys"); P("d -- disable soft keys"); P("c -- set centered format for labels"); P("l -- set left-justified format for labels"); P("r -- set right-justified format for labels"); P("[12345678] -- set label; labels are numbered 1 through 8"); P("e -- erase stdscr (should not erase labels)"); P("s -- test scrolling of shortened screen"); P("x, q -- return to main menu"); P(""); P("Note: if activating the soft keys causes your terminal to"); P("scroll up one line, your terminal auto-scrolls when anything"); P("is written to the last screen position. The ncurses code"); P("does not yet handle this gracefully."); refresh(); /* fall through */ case 'a': slk_restore(); break; case 'e': wclear(stdscr); break; case 's': move(20, 0); while ((c = getch()) != 'Q') addch(c); break; case 'd': slk_clear(); break; case 'l': fmt = 0; break; case 'c': fmt = 1; break; case 'r': fmt = 2; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': (void) mvaddstr(20, 0, "Please enter the label value: "); wgetnstr(stdscr, buf, 8); slk_set((c - '0'), buf, fmt); slk_refresh(); break; case 'x': case 'q': goto done; default: beep(); } } while ((c = getch()) != EOF); done: erase(); endwin(); } /**************************************************************************** * * Alternate character-set stuff * ****************************************************************************/ static void acs_display() /* display the ACS character set */ { int i, j; erase(); attron(A_BOLD); mvaddstr(0, 20, "Display of the ACS Character Set"); attroff(A_BOLD); refresh(); #define ACSY 2 mvaddstr(ACSY + 0, 0, "ACS_ULCORNER: "); addch(ACS_ULCORNER); mvaddstr(ACSY + 1, 0, "ACS_LLCORNER: "); addch(ACS_LLCORNER); mvaddstr(ACSY + 2, 0, "ACS_URCORNER: "); addch(ACS_URCORNER); mvaddstr(ACSY + 3, 0, "ACS_LRCORNER: "); addch(ACS_LRCORNER); mvaddstr(ACSY + 4, 0, "ACS_RTEE: "); addch(ACS_RTEE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 5, 0, "ACS_LTEE: "); addch(ACS_LTEE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 6, 0, "ACS_BTEE: "); addch(ACS_BTEE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 7, 0, "ACS_TTEE: "); addch(ACS_TTEE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 8, 0, "ACS_HLINE: "); addch(ACS_HLINE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 9, 0, "ACS_VLINE: "); addch(ACS_VLINE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 10,0, "ACS_PLUS: "); addch(ACS_PLUS); mvaddstr(ACSY + 11,0, "ACS_S1: "); addch(ACS_S1); mvaddstr(ACSY + 12,0, "ACS_S9: "); addch(ACS_S9); mvaddstr(ACSY + 0, 40, "ACS_DIAMOND: "); addch(ACS_DIAMOND); mvaddstr(ACSY + 1, 40, "ACS_CKBOARD: "); addch(ACS_CKBOARD); mvaddstr(ACSY + 2, 40, "ACS_DEGREE: "); addch(ACS_DEGREE); mvaddstr(ACSY + 3, 40, "ACS_PLMINUS: "); addch(ACS_PLMINUS); mvaddstr(ACSY + 4, 40, "ACS_BULLET: "); addch(ACS_BULLET); mvaddstr(ACSY + 5, 40, "ACS_LARROW: "); addch(ACS_LARROW); mvaddstr(ACSY + 6, 40, "ACS_RARROW: "); addch(ACS_RARROW); mvaddstr(ACSY + 7, 40, "ACS_DARROW: "); addch(ACS_DARROW); mvaddstr(ACSY + 8, 40, "ACS_UARROW: "); addch(ACS_UARROW); mvaddstr(ACSY + 9, 40, "ACS_BOARD: "); addch(ACS_BOARD); mvaddstr(ACSY + 10,40, "ACS_LANTERN: "); addch(ACS_LANTERN); mvaddstr(ACSY + 11,40, "ACS_BLOCK: "); addch(ACS_BLOCK); #define HYBASE (ACSY + 13) mvprintw(HYBASE + 1, 0, "High-half characters via echochar:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { move(HYBASE + i + 3, 24); for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) echochar(128 + 32 * i + j); } move(LINES - 1, 0); addstr("Press any key to continue... "); (void) getch(); erase(); endwin(); } /**************************************************************************** * * Windows and scrolling tester. * ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { int y, x; } pair; static void report(void) /* report on the cursor's current position, then restore it */ { int y, x; getyx(stdscr, y, x); move(LINES - 1, COLS - 17); printw("Y = %2d X = %2d", y, x); move(y, x); } static pair *selectcell(uli, ulj, lri, lrj) /* arrows keys move cursor, return location at current on non-arrow key */ int uli, ulj, lri, lrj; /* co-ordinates of corners */ { static pair res; /* result cell */ int si = lri - uli + 1; /* depth of the select area */ int sj = lrj - ulj + 1; /* width of the select area */ int i = 0, j = 0; /* offsets into the select area */ for (;;) { move(LINES - 1, COLS - 17); printw("Y = %2d X = %2d", uli + i, ulj + j); move(uli + i, ulj + j); switch(getch()) { case KEY_UP: i += si - 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: i++; break; case KEY_LEFT: j += sj - 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: j++; break; case '\004': return((pair *)NULL); default: res.y = uli + i; res.x = ulj + j; return(&res); } i %= si; j %= sj; } } static WINDOW *getwindow(void) /* Ask user for a window definition */ { WINDOW *rwindow, *bwindow; pair ul, lr, *tmp; move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); addstr("Use arrows to move cursor, anything else to mark corner 1"); refresh(); if ((tmp = selectcell(1, 0, LINES-1, COLS-1)) == (pair *)NULL) return((WINDOW *)NULL); memcpy(&ul, tmp, sizeof(pair)); addch(ACS_ULCORNER); move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); addstr("Use arrows to move cursor, anything else to mark corner 2"); refresh(); if ((tmp = selectcell(ul.y, ul.x, LINES-1, COLS-1)) == (pair *)NULL) return((WINDOW *)NULL); memcpy(&lr, tmp, sizeof(pair)); rwindow = newwin(lr.y - ul.y + 1, lr.x - ul.x + 1, ul.y, ul.x); bwindow = newwin(lr.y - ul.y + 3, lr.x - ul.x + 3, ul.y - 1, ul.x - 1); wborder(bwindow, ACS_VLINE, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE, ACS_HLINE, 0, 0, 0, 0); wrefresh(bwindow); delwin(bwindow); scrollok(rwindow, TRUE); /* immedok(rwindow); */ wrefresh(rwindow); return(rwindow); } static void acs_and_scroll() /* Demonstrate windows */ { int c; struct frame { struct frame *next, *last; WINDOW *wind; } *oldw = (struct frame *)NULL, *current = (struct frame *)NULL, *neww; refresh(); mvaddstr(LINES - 2, 0, "F1 = make new window, F2 = next window, F3 = previous window, Ctrl-D = exit"); mvaddstr(LINES - 1, 0, "All other characters are echoed, windows should scroll."); c = KEY_F(1); do { report(); if (current) wrefresh(current->wind); switch(c) { case KEY_F(1): neww = (struct frame *) malloc(sizeof(struct frame)); if ((neww->wind = getwindow()) == (WINDOW *)NULL) goto breakout; if (oldw == NULL) /* First element, */ { neww->next = neww; /* so point it at itself */ neww->last = neww; current = neww; } else { neww->last = oldw; oldw->next = neww; neww->next = current; current->last = neww; } oldw = neww; keypad(neww->wind, TRUE); break; case KEY_F(2): current = current->next; break; case KEY_F(3): current = current->last; break; case KEY_F(4): /* undocumented --- use this to test area clears */ selectcell(0, 0, LINES - 1, COLS - 1); clrtobot(); refresh(); break; case '\r': c = '\n'; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: waddch(current->wind, c); break; } report(); wrefresh(current->wind); } while ((c = wgetch(current->wind)) != '\004'); breakout: erase(); endwin(); } #define GRIDSIZE 5 static void panner(WINDOW *pad, int iy, int ix, int (*pgetc)(void)) { static int porty, portx, basex = 0, basey = 0; int pxmax, pymax, c; WINDOW *vscroll = (WINDOW *)NULL, *hscroll = (WINDOW *)NULL; porty = iy; portx = ix; getmaxyx(pad, pymax, pxmax); if (pymax > porty) vscroll = newwin(porty - (pxmax > ix), 1, 0, portx - (pymax > iy)); if (pxmax > portx) hscroll = newwin(1, portx - (pymax > iy), porty - (pxmax > ix), 0); c = KEY_REFRESH; do { switch(c) { case KEY_REFRESH: /* do nothing */ break; case KEY_IC: if (portx >= pxmax || portx >= ix) beep(); else { mvwin(vscroll, 0, ++portx - 1); delwin(hscroll); hscroll = newwin(1, portx - (pymax > porty), porty - (pxmax > portx), 0); } break; case KEY_IL: if (porty >= pymax || porty >= iy) beep(); else { mvwin(hscroll, ++porty - 1, 0); delwin(vscroll); vscroll = newwin(porty - (pxmax > portx), 1, 0, portx - (pymax > porty)); } break; case KEY_DC: if (portx <= 0) beep(); else { mvwin(vscroll, 0, --portx - 1); delwin(hscroll); hscroll = newwin(1, portx - (pymax > porty), porty - (pxmax > portx), 0); } break; case KEY_DL: if (porty <= 0) beep(); else { mvwin(hscroll, --porty - 1, 0); delwin(vscroll); vscroll = newwin(porty - (pxmax > portx), 1, 0, portx - (pymax > porty)); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (basex > 0) basex--; else beep(); break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (basex + portx < pxmax) basex++; else beep(); break; case KEY_UP: if (basey > 0) basey--; else beep(); break; case KEY_DOWN: if (basey + porty < pymax) basey++; else beep(); break; } prefresh(pad, basey, basex, 0, 0, porty - (hscroll != (WINDOW *)NULL) - 1, portx - (vscroll != (WINDOW *)NULL) - 1); if (vscroll) { int lowend, i, highend; lowend = basey * ((float)porty / (float)pymax); highend = (basey + porty) * ((float)porty / (float)pymax); touchwin(vscroll); for (i = 0; i < lowend; i++) mvwaddch(vscroll, i, 0, ACS_VLINE); wattron(vscroll, A_REVERSE); for (i = lowend; i <= highend; i++) mvwaddch(vscroll, i, 0, ' '); wattroff(vscroll, A_REVERSE); for (i = highend + 1; i < porty; i++) mvwaddch(vscroll, i, 0, ACS_VLINE); wrefresh(vscroll); } if (hscroll) { int lowend, j, highend; lowend = basex * ((float)portx / (float)pxmax); highend = (basex + portx) * ((float)portx / (float)pxmax); touchwin(hscroll); for (j = 0; j < lowend; j++) mvwaddch(hscroll, 0, j, ACS_HLINE); wattron(hscroll, A_REVERSE); for (j = lowend; j <= highend; j++) mvwaddch(hscroll, 0, j, ' '); wattroff(hscroll, A_REVERSE); for (j = highend + 1; j < portx; j++) mvwaddch(hscroll, 0, j, ACS_HLINE); wrefresh(hscroll); } mvaddch(porty - 1, portx - 1, ACS_LRCORNER); } while ((c = pgetc()) != KEY_EXIT); } int padgetch(void) { int c; switch(c = getch()) { case 'u': return(KEY_UP); case 'd': return(KEY_DOWN); case 'r': return(KEY_RIGHT); case 'l': return(KEY_LEFT); case '+': return(KEY_IL); case '-': return(KEY_DL); case '>': return(KEY_IC); case '<': return(KEY_DC); default: return(c); } } static void demo_pad(void) /* Demonstrate pads. */ { int i, j, gridcount = 0; WINDOW *panpad = newpad(200, 200); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 200; j++) if (i % GRIDSIZE == 0 && j % GRIDSIZE == 0) { if (i == 0 || j == 0) waddch(panpad, '+'); else waddch(panpad, 'A' + (gridcount++ % 26)); } else if (i % GRIDSIZE == 0) waddch(panpad, '-'); else if (j % GRIDSIZE == 0) waddch(panpad, '|'); else waddch(panpad, ' '); } mvprintw(LINES - 3, 0, "Use arrow keys to pan over the test pattern"); mvprintw(LINES - 2, 0, "Use +,- to grow/shrink the panner vertically."); mvprintw(LINES - 1, 0, "Use <,> to grow/shrink the panner horizontally."); panner(panpad, LINES - 4, COLS, padgetch); endwin(); erase(); } /**************************************************************************** * * Tests from John Burnell's PDCurses tester * ****************************************************************************/ static void Continue (WINDOW *win) { wmove(win, 10, 1); mvwaddstr(win, 10, 1, " Press any key to continue"); wrefresh(win); wgetch(win); } static void input_test(WINDOW *win) /* Input test, adapted from John Burnell's PDCurses tester */ { int w, h, bx, by, sw, sh, i; WINDOW *subWin; wclear (win); #ifdef FOO char buffer [80]; int num; #endif /* FOO */ w = win->_maxx; h = win->_maxy; bx = win->_begx; by = win->_begy; sw = w / 3; sh = h / 3; if((subWin = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + h - sh - 2, bx + w - sw - 2)) == NULL) return; #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) { init_pair(2,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLUE); wattrset(subWin, COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD); } else wattrset(subWin, A_BOLD); #else wattrset(subWin, A_BOLD); #endif box(subWin, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE); #ifdef FOO mvwaddstr(subWin, 2, 1, "This is a subwindow"); #endif /* FOO */ wrefresh(win); nocbreak(); mvwaddstr(win, 1, 1, "Type random keys for 5 seconds."); mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "These should be discarded (not echoed) after the subwindow goes away."); wrefresh(win); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { mvwprintw (subWin, 1, 1, "Time = %d", i); wrefresh(subWin); sleep(1); flushinp(); } delwin (subWin); werase(win); flash(); wrefresh(win); sleep(1); mvwaddstr(win, 2, 1, "Press a key"); wmove(win, 9, 10); wrefresh(win); echo(); wgetch(win); flushinp(); mvwaddstr(win, 12, 0, "If you see any key other than what you typed, flushinp() is broken."); Continue(win); wmove(win, 9, 10); wdelch(win); wrefresh(win); wmove(win, 12, 0); clrtoeol(); waddstr(win, "What you typed should now have been deleted; if not, wdelch() failed."); Continue(win); #ifdef FOO /* * This test won't be portable until vsscanf() is */ mvwaddstr(win, 6, 2, "Enter a number then a string separated by space"); echo(); mvwscanw(win, 7, 6, "%d %s", &num,buffer); mvwprintw(win, 8, 6, "String: %s Number: %d", buffer,num); #endif /* FOO */ Continue(win); } /**************************************************************************** * * Main sequence * ****************************************************************************/ bool do_single_test(const char c) /* perform a single specified test */ { switch (c) { case 'a': getch_test(); return(TRUE); case 'b': attr_test(); return(TRUE); case 'c': if (!has_colors()) (void) printf("This %s terminal does not support color.\n", getenv("TERM")); else color_test(); return(TRUE); case 'd': if (!has_colors()) (void) printf("This %s terminal does not support color.\n", getenv("TERM")); else if (!can_change_color()) (void) printf("This %s terminal has hardwired color values.\n", getenv("TERM")); else color_edit(); return(TRUE); case 'e': slk_test(); return(TRUE); case 'f': acs_display(); return(TRUE); case 'g': acs_and_scroll(); return(TRUE); case 'p': demo_pad(); return(TRUE); case 'i': input_test(stdscr); return(TRUE); case '?': (void) puts("This is the ncurses capability tester."); (void) puts("You may select a test from the main menu by typing the"); (void) puts("key letter of the choice (the letter to left of the =)"); (void) puts("at the > prompt. The commands `x' or `q' will exit."); return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* enable debugging */ trace(TRACE_ORDINARY); /* tell it we're going to play with soft keys */ slk_init(1); /* we must initialize the curses data structure only once */ initscr(); /* tests, in general, will want these modes */ start_color(); cbreak(); noecho(); scrollok(stdscr, TRUE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* * Return to terminal mode, so we're guaranteed of being able to * select terminal commands even if the capabilities are wrong. */ endwin(); (void) puts("Welcome to ncurses. Press ? for help."); do { (void) puts("This is the ncurses main menu"); (void) puts("a = character input test"); (void) puts("b = character attribute test"); (void) puts("c = color test pattern"); (void) puts("d = edit RGB color values"); (void) puts("e = exercise soft keys"); (void) puts("f = display ACS characters"); (void) puts("g = display windows and scrolling"); (void) puts("p = exercise pad features"); (void) puts("i = subwindow input test"); (void) puts("? = get help"); (void) fputs("> ", stdout); (void) fflush(stdout); /* necessary under SVr4 curses */ (void) fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin); if (do_single_test(buf[0])) { clear(); refresh(); endwin(); continue; } } while (buf[0] != 'q' && buf[0] != 'x'); exit(0); } /* ncurses.c ends here */