/* * battle.c - original author: Bruce Holloway * mods by: Chuck A DeGaul */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OTHER 1-turn char numbers[] = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"; char carrier[] = "Aircraft Carrier"; char battle[] = "Battleship"; char sub[] = "Submarine"; char destroy[] = "Destroyer"; char ptboat[] = "PT Boat"; char name[40]; char dftname[] = "Stranger"; struct _ships { char *name; char symbol; char length; char start; /* Coordinates - 0,0=0; 10,10=100. */ char dir; /* Direction - 0 = right; 1 = down. */ char hits; /* How many times has this ship been hit? (-1==sunk) */ }; struct _ships plyship[] = { { carrier,'A',5,0,0,0 }, { battle,'B',4,0,0,0 }, { destroy,'D',3,0,0,0 }, { sub,'S',3,0,0,0 }, { ptboat,'P',2,0,0,0 }, }; struct _ships cpuship[] = { { carrier,'A',5,0,0,0 }, { battle,'B',4,0,0,0 }, { destroy,'D',3,0,0,0 }, { sub,'S',3,0,0,0 }, { ptboat,'P',2,0,0,0 }, }; char hits[2][100], board[2][100]; /* "Hits" board, and main board. */ int srchstep; int cpuhits; int cstart, cdir; int plywon=0, cpuwon=0; /* How many games has each won? */ int turn; /* 0=player, 1=computer */ int huntoffs; /* Offset on search strategy */ int salvo, blitz, ask, seemiss; /* options */ void intro(void); void initgame(void); int rnd(int); void plyplace(struct _ships *); int getdir(void); void placeship(struct _ships *, int, int); int checkplace(struct _ships *, int, int); void error(char *); void prompt(void); char getcoord(void); void cpuplace(struct _ships *); int awinna(void); int plyturn(void); int hitship(int); int cputurn(void); int playagain(void); void uninitgame(); int sgetc(char *); int do_options(int, char *[]); int scount(int); int main(int argc, char **argv) { do_options(argc, argv); intro(); do { initgame(); while(awinna() == -1) { if (!blitz) { if (!salvo) { if (turn) cputurn(); else plyturn(); } else { register int i; i = scount(turn); while (i--) { if (turn) if (cputurn()) if (awinna() != -1) i = 0; else if(plyturn()) if (awinna() != -1) i = 0; } } } else { while((turn) ? cputurn() : plyturn()); } turn = OTHER; } } while(playagain()); uninitgame(); exit(0); } #define PR addstr void intro() { char *tmpname; srand(time(0L)); /* Kick the random number generator */ signal(SIGINT,uninitgame); if(signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGQUIT,uninitgame); #if 1 /* for some bizzare reason, getlogin or cuserid cause havoc with the terminal */ if ((tmpname = getlogin()) != NULL) { strcpy(name, tmpname); } else #endif strcpy(name,dftname); name[0] = toupper(name[0]); initscr(); savetty(); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); clear(); mvaddstr(4,29,"Welcome to Battleship!"); move(8,0); PR(" \\\n"); PR(" \\ \\ \\\n"); PR(" \\ \\ \\ \\ \\_____________\n"); PR(" \\ \\ \\_____________ \\ \\/ |\n"); PR(" \\ \\/ \\ \\/ |\n"); PR(" \\/ \\_____/ |__\n"); PR(" ________________/ |\n"); PR(" \\ S.S. Penguin |\n"); PR(" \\ /\n"); PR(" \\___________________________________________________/\n"); mvaddstr(20,27,"Hit any key to continue..."); refresh(); getch(); } void initgame() { int i; clear(); mvaddstr(0,35,"BATTLESHIP"); mvaddstr(4,12,"Main Board"); mvaddstr(6,0,numbers); move(7,0); for(i=0; i<10; ++i){ printw("%c . . . . . . . . . . %c\n",i+'A',i+'A'); } mvaddstr(17,0,numbers); mvaddstr(4,55,"Hit/Miss Board"); mvaddstr(6,45,numbers); for(i=0; i<10; ++i){ mvprintw(7+i,45,"%c . . . . . . . . . . %c",i+'A',i+'A'); } mvaddstr(17,45,numbers); for(turn=0; turn<2; ++turn) for(i=0; i<100; ++i){ hits[turn][i] = board[turn][i] = 0; } for(turn=0; turn<2; ++turn){ for(i=0; i<5; ++i) if (!turn) plyplace(&plyship[i]); else cpuplace(&cpuship[i]); } turn = rnd(2); cstart = cdir = -1; cpuhits = 0; srchstep = 3; huntoffs = rnd(srchstep); } int rnd(int n) { return(((rand() & 0x7FFF) % n)); } void plyplace(ss) struct _ships *ss; { int c, d; do { prompt(); printw("Place your %s (ex.%c%d) ? ",ss->name,rnd(10)+'A',rnd(10)); c = getcoord(); d = getdir(); } while(!checkplace(ss,c,d)); placeship(ss,c,d); } int getdir() { prompt(); addstr("What direction (0=right, 1=down) ? "); return(sgetc("01")-'0'); } void placeship(ss,c,d) struct _ships *ss; int c, d; { int x, y, l, i; for(l=0; llength; ++l){ i = c + l * ((d) ? 10 : 1); board[turn][i] = ss->symbol; x = (i % 10) * 3 + 3; y = (i / 10) + 7; if(!turn) mvaddch(y,x,ss->symbol); } ss->start = c; ss->dir = d; ss->hits = 0; } int checkplace(ss,c,d) struct _ships *ss; int c, d; { int x, y, l; x = c%10; y = c/10; if(((x+ss->length) > 10 && !d) || ((y+ss->length) > 10 && d==1)){ if(!turn) switch(rnd(3)){ case 0: error("Ship is hanging from the edge of the world"); break; case 1: error("Try fitting it on the board"); break; case 2: error("Figure I won't find it if you put it there?"); break; } return(0); } for(l=0; llength; ++l){ x = c + l * ((d) ? 10 : 1); if(board[turn][x]){ if(!turn) switch(rnd(3)){ case 0: error("There's already a ship there"); break; case 1: error("Collision alert! Aaaaaagh!"); break; case 2: error("Er, Admiral, what about the other ship?"); break; } return(0); } } return(1); } void error(s) char *s; { prompt(); beep(); printw("%s -- hit any key to continue --",s); refresh(); getch(); } void prompt(){ move(22,0); clrtoeol(); } char getcoord() { int ch, x, y; redo: y = sgetc("ABCDEFGHIJ"); do { ch = getch(); if (ch == 0x7F || ch == 8) { addstr("\b \b"); refresh(); goto redo; } } while(ch < '0' || ch > '9'); addch(x = ch); refresh(); return((y-'A')*10+x-'0'); } void cpuplace(ss) struct _ships *ss; { int c, d; do{ c = rnd(100); d = rnd(2); } while(!checkplace(ss,c,d)); placeship(ss,c,d); } int awinna() { int i, j; struct _ships *ss; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ss = (i) ? cpuship : plyship; for(j=0; j<5; ++j, ++ss) if(ss->length != ss->hits) break; if(j == 5) return(OTHER); } return(-1); } int plyturn() { int c, res; char *m; prompt(); addstr("Where do you want to shoot? "); c = getcoord(); if(!(res = hits[turn][c])){ hits[turn][c] = res = (board[OTHER][c]) ? 'H' : 'M'; mvaddch(7+c/10,48+3*(c%10),(res=='H') ? 'H' : 'o'); if(c = hitship(c)){ prompt(); switch(rnd(3)){ case 0: m = "You sank my %s!"; break; case 1: m = "I have this sinking feeling about my %s...."; break; case 2: m = "Have some mercy for my %s!"; break; } move(23,0); clrtoeol(); beep(); printw(m,cpuship[c-1].name); refresh(); return(awinna() == -1); } } prompt(); move(23,0); clrtoeol(); printw("You %s.",(res=='M')?"missed":"scored a hit"); refresh(); return(res == 'H'); } int hitship(c) int c; { struct _ships *ss; int sym, i, j; ss = (turn) ? plyship : cpuship; if (!(sym = board[OTHER][c])) return(0); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i, ++ss) if (ss->symbol == sym) { j = ss->hits; ++j; ss->hits = j; if (j == ss->length) return(i+1); return(0); } } int cputurn() { int c, res, x, y, i, d; redo: if (cstart == -1){ if (cpuhits){ for(i=0, c=rnd(100); i<100; ++i, c = (c+1) % 100) if(hits[turn][c] == 'H') break; if(i != 100){ cstart = c; cdir = -1; goto fndir; } } do { i = 0; do{ while(hits[turn][c=rnd(100)]); x = c % 10; y = c / 10; if(++i == 1000) break; } while(((x+huntoffs) % srchstep) != (y % srchstep)); if(i == 1000) --srchstep; } while(i == 1000); } else if(cdir == -1){ fndir: for(i=0, d=rnd(4); i++ < 4; d = (d+1) % 4){ x = cstart%10; y = cstart/10; switch(d){ case 0: ++x; break; case 1: ++y; break; case 2: --x; break; case 3: --y; break; } if(x<0 || x>9 || y<0 || y>9) continue; if(hits[turn][c=y*10+x]) continue; cdir = -2; break; } if(i == 4){ cstart = -1; goto redo; } } else{ x = cstart%10; y = cstart/10; switch(cdir){ case 0: ++x; break; case 1: ++y; break; case 2: --x; break; case 3: --y; break; } if(x<0 || x>9 || y<0 || y>9 || hits[turn][y*10+x]){ cdir = (cdir+2) % 4; for(;;){ switch(cdir){ case 0: ++x; break; case 1: ++y; break; case 2: --x; break; case 3: --y; break; } if(x<0 || x>9 || y<0 || y>9){ cstart = -1; goto redo; } if(!hits[turn][y*10+x]) break; } } c = y*10 + x; } if (!ask) { res = (board[OTHER][c]) ? 'H' : 'M'; move(21,0); clrtoeol(); printw("I shoot at %c%d. I %s!",c/10+'A',c%10,(res=='H')?"hit":"miss"); } else { for(;;){ prompt(); printw("I shoot at %c%d. Do I (H)it or (M)iss? ",c/10+'A',c%10); res = sgetc("HM"); if((res=='H' && !board[OTHER][c]) || (res=='M' && board[OTHER][c])){ error("You lie!"); continue; } break; } addch(res); } hits[turn][c] = res; if(res == 'H') { ++cpuhits; if(cstart == -1) cdir = -1; cstart = c; if(cdir == -2) cdir = d; mvaddch(7+(c/10),3+3*(c%10),'*'); if (blitz && !ask) { refresh(); sleep(1); } } else { if (seemiss) { mvaddch(7+(c/10),3+3*(c%10),' '); } else { if(cdir == -2) cdir = -1; } } if(c=hitship(c)){ cstart = -1; cpuhits -= plyship[c-1].length; x = plyship[c-1].start; d = plyship[c-1].dir; y = plyship[c-1].length; for(i=0; i= 10) ++i; if(cpuwon >= 10) ++i; mvprintw(2,(80-i)/2,"%s: %d Computer: %d",name,plywon,cpuwon); prompt(); printw((awinna()) ? "Want to be humiliated again, %s? " : "Going to give me a chance for revenge, %s? ",name); return(sgetc("YN") == 'Y'); } void uninitgame(int sig) { refresh(); endwin(); exit(0); } int sgetc(s) char *s; { char *s1; int ch; refresh(); for (;;) { ch = toupper(getch()); for (s1 = s; *s1 && ch != *s1; ++s1); if (*s1) { addch(ch); refresh(); return(ch); } } } /* * I should use getopts() from libc.a, but I'm leary that other UNIX * systems might not have it, although I'd love to use it. */ int do_options(c,op) int c; char *op[]; { register int i; if (c > 1) { for (i=1; ihits == (char) -1 || sp->hits >= sp->length) { continue; /* dead ship */ } else { shots++; } } return(shots); }