/* * Copyright (c) 1999, Boris Popov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Boris Popov. * 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <strings.h> #include <netncp/ncp_lib.h> #include <netncp/ncp_file.h> #include <fs/nwfs/nwfs.h> int ncp_read(NWCONN_HANDLE connid, ncp_fh *fh, off_t offset, size_t count, char *target) { int result; struct ncp_rw rwrq; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, NCP_CONN_READ); rwrq.nrw_fh = *fh; rwrq.nrw_base = target; rwrq.nrw_cnt = count; rwrq.nrw_offset = offset; ncp_add_mem(conn, &rwrq, sizeof(rwrq)); if ((result = ncp_conn_request(connid, conn)) < 0) return -1; return result; } int ncp_write(NWCONN_HANDLE connid, ncp_fh *fh, off_t offset, size_t count, char *source) { int result; struct ncp_rw rwrq; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, NCP_CONN_WRITE); rwrq.nrw_fh = *fh; rwrq.nrw_base = source; rwrq.nrw_cnt = count; rwrq.nrw_offset = offset; ncp_add_mem(conn, &rwrq, sizeof(rwrq)); if ((result = ncp_conn_request(connid, conn)) < 0) return -1; return result; } int ncp_geteinfo(char *path, struct nw_entry_info *fi) { int d, error; if ((d = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return errno; if ((error = ioctl(d, NWFSIOC_GETEINFO, fi)) != 0) return errno; close(d); return 0; } int ncp_AllocTempDirHandle(char *path, NWDIR_HANDLE *pdh) { int d; if ((d = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) return errno; *pdh = d; return 0; } int ncp_DeallocateDirHandle(NWDIR_HANDLE dh) { close(dh); return 0; } int ncp_GetNSEntryInfo(NWDIR_HANDLE dh, struct nw_entry_info *fi, int *ns) { int error; if ((error = ioctl(dh, NWFSIOC_GETEINFO, fi)) != 0) return errno; if ((error = ioctl(dh, NWFSIOC_GETNS, ns)) != 0) return errno; return 0; } NWCCODE ncp_ScanForDeletedFiles(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, pnuint32 iterHandle, pnuint32 volNum, pnuint32 dirBase, nuint8 ns, NWDELETED_INFO *entryInfo) { int error; struct nw_entry_info *pfi; DECLARE_RQ; #define UNITEDT(d,t) (((d) << 16) | (t)) bzero(entryInfo, sizeof(NWDELETED_INFO)); ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, 16); ncp_add_byte(conn, ns); ncp_add_byte(conn, 0); /* data stream */ ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, IM_ALL & ~(IM_SPACE_ALLOCATED | IM_TOTAL_SIZE | IM_EA | IM_DIRECTORY)); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, *iterHandle); ncp_add_byte(conn, *volNum); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, *dirBase); ncp_add_byte(conn, NCP_HF_DIRBASE); /* dirBase */ ncp_add_byte(conn, 0); /* no component */ if ((error = ncp_request(cH, 87, conn)) != 0) { return error; } if (conn->rpsize < 0x61) { return EBADRPC; /* EACCES ? */ } *iterHandle = entryInfo->sequence = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, 0x00); entryInfo->deletedTime = ncp_reply_word_lh(conn, 0x04); entryInfo->deletedDateAndTime = UNITEDT(ncp_reply_word_lh(conn, 0x06), entryInfo->deletedTime); entryInfo->deletorID = ncp_reply_dword_hl(conn, 0x08); *volNum = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, 0x0C); *dirBase = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, 0x10); entryInfo->parent = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, 0x10); pfi = (struct nw_entry_info*) ncp_reply_data(conn, 0x14); entryInfo->nameLength = pfi->nameLen; memcpy(entryInfo->name, pfi->entryName, pfi->nameLen); return error; } NWCCODE ncp_PurgeDeletedFile(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, nuint32 iterHandle, nuint32 volNum, nuint32 dirBase, nuint8 ns) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, 18); ncp_add_byte(conn, ns); ncp_add_byte(conn, 0); /* reserved */ ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, iterHandle); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, volNum); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, dirBase); return ncp_request(cH, 87, conn); } static void ncp_extract_entryInfo(char *data, NW_ENTRY_INFO *entry) { u_char l; const int info_struct_size = sizeof(NW_ENTRY_INFO) - 257; memcpy(entry, data, info_struct_size); data += info_struct_size; l = *data++; entry->nameLen = l; memcpy(entry->entryName, data, l); entry->entryName[l] = '\0'; return; } NWCCODE ncp_ScanNSEntryInfo(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, nuint8 namSpc, nuint16 attrs, SEARCH_SEQUENCE *seq, pnstr8 searchPattern, nuint32 retInfoMask, NW_ENTRY_INFO *entryInfo) { int error, l; DECLARE_RQ; if (seq->searchDirNumber == -1) { seq->searchDirNumber = 0; ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, 2); ncp_add_byte(conn, namSpc); ncp_add_byte(conn, 0); ncp_add_handle_path(conn, seq->volNumber, seq->dirNumber, NCP_HF_DIRBASE, NULL); error = ncp_request(cH, 87, conn); if (error) return error; memcpy(seq, ncp_reply_data(conn, 0), 9); } ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, 3); ncp_add_byte(conn, namSpc); ncp_add_byte(conn, 0); /* dataStream */ ncp_add_word_lh(conn, attrs); /* SearchAttributes */ ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, retInfoMask); ncp_add_mem(conn, seq, sizeof(*seq)); l = strlen(searchPattern); ncp_add_byte(conn, l); ncp_add_mem(conn, searchPattern, l); error = ncp_request(cH, 87, conn); if (error) return error; memcpy(seq, ncp_reply_data(conn, 0), sizeof(*seq)); ncp_extract_entryInfo(ncp_reply_data(conn, 10), entryInfo); return 0; } int ncp_NSEntryInfo(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, nuint8 ns, nuint8 vol, nuint32 dirent, NW_ENTRY_INFO *entryInfo) { DECLARE_RQ; int error; ncp_init_request(conn); ncp_add_byte(conn, 6); ncp_add_byte(conn, ns); ncp_add_byte(conn, ns); /* DestNameSpace */ ncp_add_word_lh(conn, htons(0xff00)); /* get all */ ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, IM_ALL); ncp_add_handle_path(conn, vol, dirent, NCP_HF_DIRBASE, NULL); error = ncp_request(cH, 87, conn); if (error) return error; ncp_extract_entryInfo(ncp_reply_data(conn, 0), entryInfo); return 0; } NWCCODE NWGetVolumeName(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, u_char volume, char *name) { int error, len; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 44); ncp_add_byte(conn, volume); error = ncp_request(cH, 22, conn); if (error) return error; len = ncp_reply_byte(conn, 29); if (len == 0) return ENOENT; bcopy(ncp_reply_data(conn, 30), name, len); name[len] = 0; return 0; }