#!/usr/bin/perl -w #-*-mode:perl-*- ############################################################################# # # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jason Evans <jasone@freebsd.org>. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as # the first lines of this file unmodified other than the possible # addition of one or more copyright notices. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################# # # Test harness. # # $FreeBSD$ # ############################################################################# # Shut off buffering. select(STDOUT); $| = 1; # # Parse command-line arguments. # use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::config("bundling"); # Allow -hv rather than forcing -h -v. # Set option defaults for optional arguments. $opt_help = 0; $opt_verbose = 0; $opt_quiet = 0; $opt_srcdir = "."; $opt_objdir = "."; $opt_ustats = 0; $opt_zero = 0; $opt_retval = &GetOptions("h|help" => \$opt_help, "v|verbose" => \$opt_verbose, "q|quiet" => \$opt_quiet, "s|srcdir=s" => \$opt_srcdir, "o|objdir=s" => \$opt_objdir, "u|ustats" => \$opt_ustats, "z|zero" => \$opt_zero ); if ($opt_help) { &usage(); exit(0); } if ($opt_retval == 0) { &usage(); exit 1; } if ($opt_verbose && $opt_quiet) { print STDERR "-v and -q are incompatible\n"; &usage(); exit 1; } if ($#ARGV + 1 == 0) { print STDERR "No tests specified\n"; &usage(); exit 1; } if ($opt_verbose) { print STDERR "Option values: h:$opt_help, v:$opt_verbose, " . "s:\"$opt_srcdir\", o:\"$opt_objdir\" " . "q:$opt_quiet, u:$opt_ustats, z:$opt_zero\n"; printf STDERR "Tests (%d total): @ARGV\n", $#ARGV + 1; } # # Create and print header. # @TSTATS = ( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", "Test c_user c_system c_total chng\n", " passed/FAILED h_user h_system h_total %% chng\n" ); if (!$opt_quiet) { foreach $line (@TSTATS) { printf STDOUT "$line"; } } # # Run sequence test(s). # $total_utime = 0.0; # Total user time. $total_stime = 0.0; # Total system time. $total_hutime = 0.0; # Total historical user time. $total_hstime = 0.0; # Total historical system time. $total_ntime = 0.0; # Total time for tests that have historical data. foreach $test (@ARGV) { # Strip out any whitespace in $test. $test =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; $okay = 1; if (-e "$opt_srcdir/$test.exp") { # Diff mode. ($okay, $utime, $stime) = &run_test($test); if (-e "$opt_objdir/$test.out") { `diff $opt_srcdir/$test.exp $opt_objdir/$test.out > $opt_objdir/$test.diff 2>&1`; if ($?) { # diff returns non-zero if there is a difference. $okay = 0; } } else { $okay = 0; if ($opt_verbose) { print STDERR "Nonexistent output file \"$opt_objdir/$test.out\"\n"; } } ($hutime, $hstime) = &print_stats($test, $okay, 0, 0, $utime, $stime); } else { # Sequence mode. ($okay, $utime, $stime) = &run_test($test); if (open (STEST_OUT, "<$opt_objdir/$test.out")) { $num_subtests = 0; $num_failed_subtests = 0; while (defined($line = <STEST_OUT>)) { if ($line =~ /1\.\.(\d+)/) { $num_subtests = $1; last; } } if ($num_subtests == 0) { $okay = 0; if ($opt_verbose) { print STDERR "Malformed or missing 1..n line\n"; } } else { for ($subtest = 1; $subtest <= $num_subtests; $subtest++) { while (defined($line = <STEST_OUT>)) { if ($line =~ /^not\s+ok\s+(\d+)?/) { $not = 1; $test_num = $1; last; } elsif ($line =~ /^ok\s+(\d+)?/) { $not = 0; $test_num = $1; last; } } if (defined($line)) { if (defined($test_num) && ($test_num != $subtest)) { # There was no output printed for one or more tests. for (; $subtest < $test_num; $subtest++) { $num_failed_subtests++; } } if ($not) { $num_failed_subtests++; } } else { for (; $subtest <= $num_subtests; $subtest++) { $num_failed_subtests++; } } } if (0 < $num_failed_subtests) { $okay = 0; } } } else { if (!$opt_quiet) { print STDERR "Cannot open output file \"$opt_objdir/$test.out\"\n"; } exit 1; } ($hutime, $hstime) = &print_stats($test, $okay, $num_failed_subtests, $num_subtests, $utime, $stime); } $total_hutime += $hutime; $total_hstime += $hstime; if ($okay) { $total_utime += $utime; $total_stime += $stime; } else { @FAILED_TESTS = (@FAILED_TESTS, $test); } # If there were historical data, add the run time to the total time to # compare against the historical run time. if (0 < ($hutime + $hstime)) { $total_ntime += $utime + $stime; } } # Print summary stats. $tt_str = sprintf ("%d / %d passed (%5.2f%%%%)", ($#ARGV + 1) - ($#FAILED_TESTS + 1), $#ARGV + 1, (($#ARGV + 1) - ($#FAILED_TESTS + 1)) / ($#ARGV + 1) * 100); $t_str = sprintf ("Totals %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f" . " %7.2f\n" . " %s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f%%%%\n", $total_utime, $total_stime, $total_utime + $total_stime, ($total_ntime - ($total_hutime + $total_hstime)), $tt_str . ' ' x (40 - length($tt_str)), $total_hutime, $total_hstime, $total_hutime + $total_hstime, ($total_hutime + $total_hstime == 0.0) ? 0.0 : (($total_ntime - ($total_hutime + $total_hstime)) / ($total_hutime + $total_hstime) * 100)); @TSTATS = ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n", $t_str, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); if (!$opt_quiet) { foreach $line (@TSTATS) { printf STDOUT "$line"; } } if ($#FAILED_TESTS >= 0) { # One or more tests failed, so return an error. exit 1; } # End of main execution. sub run_test { my ($test) = @_; my ($okay) = 1; my ($tutime, $tstime); my ($utime, $stime, $cutime, $cstime); my (@TSTATS, @TPATH); my ($t_str); my ($srcdir, $objdir); # Get the path component of $test, if any. @TPATH = split(/\//, $test); pop(@TPATH); $srcdir = join('/', ($opt_srcdir, @TPATH)); $objdir = join('/', ($opt_objdir, @TPATH)); @TSTATS = ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); $t_str = sprintf ("%s%s", $test, ' ' x (40 - length($test))); @TSTATS = (@TSTATS, $t_str); @STATS = (@STATS, @TSTATS); if (!$opt_quiet) { foreach $line (@TSTATS) { printf STDOUT "$line"; } } ($utime, $stime, $cutime, $cstime) = times; `$opt_objdir/$test $srcdir $objdir > $opt_objdir/$test.out 2>&1`; ($utime, $stime, $tutime, $tstime) = times; # Subtract the before time from the after time. $tutime -= $cutime; $tstime -= $cstime; if ($opt_zero) { if ($?) { $okay = 0; if ($opt_verbose) { print STDERR "\"$opt_objdir/$test > $opt_objdir/$test.out 2>&1\" returned $?\n"; } } } return ($okay, $tutime, $tstime); } sub print_stats { my ($test, $okay, $failed_subtests, $subtests, $utime, $stime) = @_; my ($hutime, $hstime); # my (TEST_PERF); my (@TSTATS); my ($t_str, $pass_str); $pass_str = $okay ? "passed" : "*** FAILED ***"; if ((0 != $subtests) && (!$okay)) { $pass_str = $pass_str . " ($failed_subtests/$subtests failed)"; } $pass_str = $pass_str . ' ' x (39 - length($pass_str)); if (-r "$test.perf") { if (!open (TEST_PERF, "<$opt_objdir/$test.perf")) { print STDERR "Unable to open \"$opt_objdir/$test.perf\"\n"; exit 1; } $_ = <TEST_PERF>; ($hutime, $hstime) = split; close TEST_PERF; $t_str = sprintf (" %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n" . " %s %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f%%%%\n", $utime, $stime, $utime + $stime, ($utime + $stime) - ($hutime + $hstime), $pass_str, $hutime, $hstime, $hutime + $hstime, (($hutime + $hstime) == 0.0) ? 0.0 : ((($utime + $stime) - ($hutime + $hstime)) / ($hutime + $hstime) * 100)); } else { $hutime = 0.0; $hstime = 0.0; $t_str = sprintf (" %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f \n" . " %s\n", $utime, $stime, $utime + $stime, $pass_str); } @TSTATS = ($t_str); if (!$opt_quiet) { foreach $line (@TSTATS) { printf STDOUT "$line"; } } if ($okay && $opt_ustats) { if (!open (TEST_PERF, ">$opt_objdir/$test.perf")) { if (!$opt_quiet) { print STDERR "Unable to update \"$opt_objdir/$test.perf\"\n"; } } else { print TEST_PERF "$utime $stime\n"; close TEST_PERF; } } return ($hutime, $hstime); } sub usage { print <<EOF; $0 usage: $0 [<options>] <test>+ Option | Description --------------+------------------------------------------------------------- -h --help | Print usage and exit. -v --verbose | Verbose (incompatible with quiet). -q --quiet | Quiet (incompatible with verbose). -s --srcdir | Path to source tree (default is "."). -o --objdir | Path to object tree (default is "."). -u --ustats | Update historical statistics (stored in "<test>.perf". -z --zero | Consider non-zero exit code to be an error. --------------+------------------------------------------------------------- If <test>.exp exists, <test>'s output is diff'ed with <test>.exp. Any difference is considered failure. If <test>.exp does not exist, output to stdout of the following form is expected: 1..<n> {not }ok[ 1] {not }ok[ 2] ... {not }ok[ n] 1 <= <n> < 2^31 Lines which do not match the patterns shown above are ignored. EOF }