.\" $Id$ .\" @(#)rstat_svc.8c 2.2 88/08/03 4.0 RPCSRC; from 1.10 87/09/09 SMI .TH RSTAT_SVC 8 "24 November 1987" .SH NAME rstat_svc \- kernel statistics server .SH SYNOPSIS .B /etc/rstat_svc .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B rstat_svc is a server which returns performance statistics obtained from the kernel. These statistics are graphically displayed by the Sun Microsystems program, .BR perfmeter (1). The .B rstat_svc daemon is normally invoked at boot time through /etc/rc.local. .PP .B rstat_svc uses an RPC protocol defined in /usr/include/rpcsvc/rstat.x. .\" .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" .BR rstat (1),