/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: dispatch.c,v 2007/08/28 07:20:04 tbox Exp $ */ /*! \file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef ISC_LIST(dns_dispentry_t) dns_displist_t; typedef struct dns_nsid { isc_uint16_t nsid_state; isc_uint16_t *nsid_vtable; isc_uint16_t *nsid_pool; isc_uint16_t nsid_a1, nsid_a2, nsid_a3; isc_uint16_t nsid_c1, nsid_c2, nsid_c3; isc_uint16_t nsid_state2; isc_boolean_t nsid_usepool; } dns_nsid_t; typedef struct dns_qid { unsigned int magic; unsigned int qid_nbuckets; /*%< hash table size */ unsigned int qid_increment; /*%< id increment on collision */ isc_mutex_t lock; dns_nsid_t nsid; dns_displist_t *qid_table; /*%< the table itself */ } dns_qid_t; struct dns_dispatchmgr { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_acl_t *blackhole; dns_portlist_t *portlist; /* Locked by "lock". */ isc_mutex_t lock; unsigned int state; ISC_LIST(dns_dispatch_t) list; /* locked by buffer lock */ dns_qid_t *qid; isc_mutex_t buffer_lock; unsigned int buffers; /*%< allocated buffers */ unsigned int buffersize; /*%< size of each buffer */ unsigned int maxbuffers; /*%< max buffers */ /* Locked internally. */ isc_mutex_t pool_lock; isc_mempool_t *epool; /*%< memory pool for events */ isc_mempool_t *rpool; /*%< memory pool for replies */ isc_mempool_t *dpool; /*%< dispatch allocations */ isc_mempool_t *bpool; /*%< memory pool for buffers */ isc_entropy_t *entropy; /*%< entropy source */ }; #define MGR_SHUTTINGDOWN 0x00000001U #define MGR_IS_SHUTTINGDOWN(l) (((l)->state & MGR_SHUTTINGDOWN) != 0) #define IS_PRIVATE(d) (((d)->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_PRIVATE) != 0) struct dns_dispentry { unsigned int magic; dns_dispatch_t *disp; dns_messageid_t id; unsigned int bucket; isc_sockaddr_t host; isc_task_t *task; isc_taskaction_t action; void *arg; isc_boolean_t item_out; ISC_LIST(dns_dispatchevent_t) items; ISC_LINK(dns_dispentry_t) link; }; #define INVALID_BUCKET (0xffffdead) struct dns_dispatch { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; /*%< magic */ dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; /*%< dispatch manager */ isc_task_t *task; /*%< internal task */ isc_socket_t *socket; /*%< isc socket attached to */ isc_sockaddr_t local; /*%< local address */ unsigned int maxrequests; /*%< max requests */ isc_event_t *ctlevent; /*% Locked by mgr->lock. */ ISC_LINK(dns_dispatch_t) link; /* Locked by "lock". */ isc_mutex_t lock; /*%< locks all below */ isc_sockettype_t socktype; unsigned int attributes; unsigned int refcount; /*%< number of users */ dns_dispatchevent_t *failsafe_ev; /*%< failsafe cancel event */ unsigned int shutting_down : 1, shutdown_out : 1, connected : 1, tcpmsg_valid : 1, recv_pending : 1; /*%< is a recv() pending? */ isc_result_t shutdown_why; unsigned int requests; /*%< how many requests we have */ unsigned int tcpbuffers; /*%< allocated buffers */ dns_tcpmsg_t tcpmsg; /*%< for tcp streams */ dns_qid_t *qid; }; #define QID_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('Q', 'i', 'd', ' ') #define VALID_QID(e) ISC_MAGIC_VALID((e), QID_MAGIC) #define RESPONSE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D', 'r', 's', 'p') #define VALID_RESPONSE(e) ISC_MAGIC_VALID((e), RESPONSE_MAGIC) #define DISPATCH_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D', 'i', 's', 'p') #define VALID_DISPATCH(e) ISC_MAGIC_VALID((e), DISPATCH_MAGIC) #define DNS_DISPATCHMGR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D', 'M', 'g', 'r') #define VALID_DISPATCHMGR(e) ISC_MAGIC_VALID((e), DNS_DISPATCHMGR_MAGIC) #define DNS_QID(disp) ((disp)->socktype == isc_sockettype_tcp) ? \ (disp)->qid : (disp)->mgr->qid /* * Statics. */ static dns_dispentry_t *bucket_search(dns_qid_t *, isc_sockaddr_t *, dns_messageid_t, unsigned int); static isc_boolean_t destroy_disp_ok(dns_dispatch_t *); static void destroy_disp(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); static void udp_recv(isc_task_t *, isc_event_t *); static void tcp_recv(isc_task_t *, isc_event_t *); static void startrecv(dns_dispatch_t *); static dns_messageid_t dns_randomid(dns_nsid_t *); static isc_uint32_t dns_hash(dns_qid_t *, isc_sockaddr_t *, dns_messageid_t); static void free_buffer(dns_dispatch_t *disp, void *buf, unsigned int len); static void *allocate_udp_buffer(dns_dispatch_t *disp); static inline void free_event(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispatchevent_t *ev); static inline dns_dispatchevent_t *allocate_event(dns_dispatch_t *disp); static void do_cancel(dns_dispatch_t *disp); static dns_dispentry_t *linear_first(dns_qid_t *disp); static dns_dispentry_t *linear_next(dns_qid_t *disp, dns_dispentry_t *resp); static void dispatch_free(dns_dispatch_t **dispp); static isc_result_t dispatch_createudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int attributes, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); static isc_boolean_t destroy_mgr_ok(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr); static void destroy_mgr(dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp); static isc_result_t qid_allocate(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, isc_boolean_t usepool, dns_qid_t **qidp); static void qid_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_qid_t **qidp); static isc_uint16_t nsid_next(dns_nsid_t *nsid); static isc_result_t nsid_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_nsid_t *nsid, isc_boolean_t usepool); static void nsid_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_nsid_t *nsid); #define LVL(x) ISC_LOG_DEBUG(x) static void mgr_log(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); static void mgr_log(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { char msgbuf[2048]; va_list ap; if (! isc_log_wouldlog(dns_lctx, level)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); isc_log_write(dns_lctx, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DISPATCH, DNS_LOGMODULE_DISPATCH, level, "dispatchmgr %p: %s", mgr, msgbuf); } static void dispatch_log(dns_dispatch_t *disp, int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); static void dispatch_log(dns_dispatch_t *disp, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { char msgbuf[2048]; va_list ap; if (! isc_log_wouldlog(dns_lctx, level)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); isc_log_write(dns_lctx, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DISPATCH, DNS_LOGMODULE_DISPATCH, level, "dispatch %p: %s", disp, msgbuf); } static void request_log(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispentry_t *resp, int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(4, 5); static void request_log(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispentry_t *resp, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { char msgbuf[2048]; char peerbuf[256]; va_list ap; if (! isc_log_wouldlog(dns_lctx, level)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (VALID_RESPONSE(resp)) { isc_sockaddr_format(&resp->host, peerbuf, sizeof(peerbuf)); isc_log_write(dns_lctx, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DISPATCH, DNS_LOGMODULE_DISPATCH, level, "dispatch %p response %p %s: %s", disp, resp, peerbuf, msgbuf); } else { isc_log_write(dns_lctx, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DISPATCH, DNS_LOGMODULE_DISPATCH, level, "dispatch %p req/resp %p: %s", disp, resp, msgbuf); } } /* * Return an unpredictable message ID. */ static dns_messageid_t dns_randomid(dns_nsid_t *nsid) { isc_uint32_t id; id = nsid_next(nsid); return ((dns_messageid_t)id); } /* * Return a hash of the destination and message id. */ static isc_uint32_t dns_hash(dns_qid_t *qid, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, dns_messageid_t id) { unsigned int ret; ret = isc_sockaddr_hash(dest, ISC_TRUE); ret ^= id; ret %= qid->qid_nbuckets; INSIST(ret < qid->qid_nbuckets); return (ret); } /* * Find the first entry in 'qid'. Returns NULL if there are no entries. */ static dns_dispentry_t * linear_first(dns_qid_t *qid) { dns_dispentry_t *ret; unsigned int bucket; bucket = 0; while (bucket < qid->qid_nbuckets) { ret = ISC_LIST_HEAD(qid->qid_table[bucket]); if (ret != NULL) return (ret); bucket++; } return (NULL); } /* * Find the next entry after 'resp' in 'qid'. Return NULL if there are * no more entries. */ static dns_dispentry_t * linear_next(dns_qid_t *qid, dns_dispentry_t *resp) { dns_dispentry_t *ret; unsigned int bucket; ret = ISC_LIST_NEXT(resp, link); if (ret != NULL) return (ret); bucket = resp->bucket; bucket++; while (bucket < qid->qid_nbuckets) { ret = ISC_LIST_HEAD(qid->qid_table[bucket]); if (ret != NULL) return (ret); bucket++; } return (NULL); } /* * The dispatch must be locked. */ static isc_boolean_t destroy_disp_ok(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { if (disp->refcount != 0) return (ISC_FALSE); if (disp->recv_pending != 0) return (ISC_FALSE); if (disp->shutting_down == 0) return (ISC_FALSE); return (ISC_TRUE); } /* * Called when refcount reaches 0 (and safe to destroy). * * The dispatcher must not be locked. * The manager must be locked. */ static void destroy_disp(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; isc_boolean_t killmgr; INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_DISPATCHCONTROL); UNUSED(task); disp = event->ev_arg; mgr = disp->mgr; LOCK(&mgr->lock); ISC_LIST_UNLINK(mgr->list, disp, link); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "shutting down; detaching from sock %p, task %p", disp->socket, disp->task); isc_socket_detach(&disp->socket); isc_task_detach(&disp->task); isc_event_free(&event); dispatch_free(&disp); killmgr = destroy_mgr_ok(mgr); UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); if (killmgr) destroy_mgr(&mgr); } /* * Find an entry for query ID 'id' and socket address 'dest' in 'qid'. * Return NULL if no such entry exists. */ static dns_dispentry_t * bucket_search(dns_qid_t *qid, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, dns_messageid_t id, unsigned int bucket) { dns_dispentry_t *res; REQUIRE(bucket < qid->qid_nbuckets); res = ISC_LIST_HEAD(qid->qid_table[bucket]); while (res != NULL) { if ((res->id == id) && isc_sockaddr_equal(dest, &res->host)) return (res); res = ISC_LIST_NEXT(res, link); } return (NULL); } static void free_buffer(dns_dispatch_t *disp, void *buf, unsigned int len) { INSIST(buf != NULL && len != 0); switch (disp->socktype) { case isc_sockettype_tcp: INSIST(disp->tcpbuffers > 0); disp->tcpbuffers--; isc_mem_put(disp->mgr->mctx, buf, len); break; case isc_sockettype_udp: LOCK(&disp->mgr->buffer_lock); INSIST(disp->mgr->buffers > 0); INSIST(len == disp->mgr->buffersize); disp->mgr->buffers--; isc_mempool_put(disp->mgr->bpool, buf); UNLOCK(&disp->mgr->buffer_lock); break; default: INSIST(0); break; } } static void * allocate_udp_buffer(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { void *temp; LOCK(&disp->mgr->buffer_lock); temp = isc_mempool_get(disp->mgr->bpool); if (temp != NULL) disp->mgr->buffers++; UNLOCK(&disp->mgr->buffer_lock); return (temp); } static inline void free_event(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispatchevent_t *ev) { if (disp->failsafe_ev == ev) { INSIST(disp->shutdown_out == 1); disp->shutdown_out = 0; return; } isc_mempool_put(disp->mgr->epool, ev); } static inline dns_dispatchevent_t * allocate_event(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { dns_dispatchevent_t *ev; ev = isc_mempool_get(disp->mgr->epool); if (ev == NULL) return (NULL); ISC_EVENT_INIT(ev, sizeof(*ev), 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return (ev); } /* * General flow: * * If I/O result == CANCELED or error, free the buffer. * * If query, free the buffer, restart. * * If response: * Allocate event, fill in details. * If cannot allocate, free buffer, restart. * find target. If not found, free buffer, restart. * if event queue is not empty, queue. else, send. * restart. */ static void udp_recv(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *ev_in) { isc_socketevent_t *ev = (isc_socketevent_t *)ev_in; dns_dispatch_t *disp = ev_in->ev_arg; dns_messageid_t id; isc_result_t dres; isc_buffer_t source; unsigned int flags; dns_dispentry_t *resp; dns_dispatchevent_t *rev; unsigned int bucket; isc_boolean_t killit; isc_boolean_t queue_response; dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; dns_qid_t *qid; isc_netaddr_t netaddr; int match; UNUSED(task); LOCK(&disp->lock); mgr = disp->mgr; qid = mgr->qid; dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "got packet: requests %d, buffers %d, recvs %d", disp->requests, disp->mgr->buffers, disp->recv_pending); if (ev->ev_type == ISC_SOCKEVENT_RECVDONE) { /* * Unless the receive event was imported from a listening * interface, in which case the event type is * DNS_EVENT_IMPORTRECVDONE, receive operation must be pending. */ INSIST(disp->recv_pending != 0); disp->recv_pending = 0; } if (disp->shutting_down) { /* * This dispatcher is shutting down. */ free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); isc_event_free(&ev_in); ev = NULL; killit = destroy_disp_ok(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); if (killit) isc_task_send(disp->task, &disp->ctlevent); return; } if (ev->result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); if (ev->result != ISC_R_CANCELED) dispatch_log(disp, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "odd socket result in udp_recv(): %s", isc_result_totext(ev->result)); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); isc_event_free(&ev_in); return; } /* * If this is from a blackholed address, drop it. */ isc_netaddr_fromsockaddr(&netaddr, &ev->address); if (disp->mgr->blackhole != NULL && dns_acl_match(&netaddr, NULL, disp->mgr->blackhole, NULL, &match, NULL) == ISC_R_SUCCESS && match > 0) { if (isc_log_wouldlog(dns_lctx, LVL(10))) { char netaddrstr[ISC_NETADDR_FORMATSIZE]; isc_netaddr_format(&netaddr, netaddrstr, sizeof(netaddrstr)); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(10), "blackholed packet from %s", netaddrstr); } free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto restart; } /* * Peek into the buffer to see what we can see. */ isc_buffer_init(&source, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); isc_buffer_add(&source, ev->n); dres = dns_message_peekheader(&source, &id, &flags); if (dres != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(10), "got garbage packet"); goto restart; } dispatch_log(disp, LVL(92), "got valid DNS message header, /QR %c, id %u", ((flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR) ? '1' : '0'), id); /* * Look at flags. If query, drop it. If response, * look to see where it goes. */ queue_response = ISC_FALSE; if ((flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR) == 0) { /* query */ free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto restart; } dns_dispatch_hash(&ev->timestamp, sizeof(&ev->timestamp)); dns_dispatch_hash(ev->region.base, ev->region.length); /* response */ bucket = dns_hash(qid, &ev->address, id); LOCK(&qid->lock); resp = bucket_search(qid, &ev->address, id, bucket); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "search for response in bucket %d: %s", bucket, (resp == NULL ? "not found" : "found")); if (resp == NULL) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto unlock; } /* * Now that we have the original dispatch the query was sent * from check that the address and port the response was * sent to make sense. */ if (disp != resp->disp) { isc_sockaddr_t a1; isc_sockaddr_t a2; /* * Check that the socket types and ports match. */ if (disp->socktype != resp->disp->socktype || isc_sockaddr_getport(&disp->local) != isc_sockaddr_getport(&resp->disp->local)) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto unlock; } /* * If both dispatches are bound to an address then fail as * the addresses can't be equal (enforced by the IP stack). * * Note under Linux a packet can be sent out via IPv4 socket * and the response be received via a IPv6 socket. * * Requests sent out via IPv6 should always come back in * via IPv6. */ if (isc_sockaddr_pf(&resp->disp->local) == PF_INET6 && isc_sockaddr_pf(&disp->local) != PF_INET6) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto unlock; } isc_sockaddr_anyofpf(&a1, isc_sockaddr_pf(&resp->disp->local)); isc_sockaddr_anyofpf(&a2, isc_sockaddr_pf(&disp->local)); if (!isc_sockaddr_eqaddr(&a1, &resp->disp->local) && !isc_sockaddr_eqaddr(&a2, &disp->local)) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto unlock; } } queue_response = resp->item_out; rev = allocate_event(resp->disp); if (rev == NULL) { free_buffer(disp, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); goto unlock; } /* * At this point, rev contains the event we want to fill in, and * resp contains the information on the place to send it to. * Send the event off. */ isc_buffer_init(&rev->buffer, ev->region.base, ev->region.length); isc_buffer_add(&rev->buffer, ev->n); rev->result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; rev->id = id; rev->addr = ev->address; rev->pktinfo = ev->pktinfo; rev->attributes = ev->attributes; if (queue_response) { ISC_LIST_APPEND(resp->items, rev, ev_link); } else { ISC_EVENT_INIT(rev, sizeof(*rev), 0, NULL, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCH, resp->action, resp->arg, resp, NULL, NULL); request_log(disp, resp, LVL(90), "[a] Sent event %p buffer %p len %d to task %p", rev, rev->buffer.base, rev->buffer.length, resp->task); resp->item_out = ISC_TRUE; isc_task_send(resp->task, ISC_EVENT_PTR(&rev)); } unlock: UNLOCK(&qid->lock); /* * Restart recv() to get the next packet. */ restart: startrecv(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); isc_event_free(&ev_in); } /* * General flow: * * If I/O result == CANCELED, EOF, or error, notify everyone as the * various queues drain. * * If query, restart. * * If response: * Allocate event, fill in details. * If cannot allocate, restart. * find target. If not found, restart. * if event queue is not empty, queue. else, send. * restart. */ static void tcp_recv(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *ev_in) { dns_dispatch_t *disp = ev_in->ev_arg; dns_tcpmsg_t *tcpmsg = &disp->tcpmsg; dns_messageid_t id; isc_result_t dres; unsigned int flags; dns_dispentry_t *resp; dns_dispatchevent_t *rev; unsigned int bucket; isc_boolean_t killit; isc_boolean_t queue_response; dns_qid_t *qid; int level; char buf[ISC_SOCKADDR_FORMATSIZE]; UNUSED(task); REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); qid = disp->qid; dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "got TCP packet: requests %d, buffers %d, recvs %d", disp->requests, disp->tcpbuffers, disp->recv_pending); LOCK(&disp->lock); INSIST(disp->recv_pending != 0); disp->recv_pending = 0; if (disp->refcount == 0) { /* * This dispatcher is shutting down. Force cancelation. */ tcpmsg->result = ISC_R_CANCELED; } if (tcpmsg->result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { switch (tcpmsg->result) { case ISC_R_CANCELED: break; case ISC_R_EOF: dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "shutting down on EOF"); do_cancel(disp); break; case ISC_R_CONNECTIONRESET: level = ISC_LOG_INFO; goto logit; default: level = ISC_LOG_ERROR; logit: isc_sockaddr_format(&tcpmsg->address, buf, sizeof(buf)); dispatch_log(disp, level, "shutting down due to TCP " "receive error: %s: %s", buf, isc_result_totext(tcpmsg->result)); do_cancel(disp); break; } /* * The event is statically allocated in the tcpmsg * structure, and destroy_disp() frees the tcpmsg, so we must * free the event *before* calling destroy_disp(). */ isc_event_free(&ev_in); disp->shutting_down = 1; disp->shutdown_why = tcpmsg->result; /* * If the recv() was canceled pass the word on. */ killit = destroy_disp_ok(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); if (killit) isc_task_send(disp->task, &disp->ctlevent); return; } dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "result %d, length == %d, addr = %p", tcpmsg->result, tcpmsg->buffer.length, tcpmsg->buffer.base); /* * Peek into the buffer to see what we can see. */ dres = dns_message_peekheader(&tcpmsg->buffer, &id, &flags); if (dres != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { dispatch_log(disp, LVL(10), "got garbage packet"); goto restart; } dispatch_log(disp, LVL(92), "got valid DNS message header, /QR %c, id %u", ((flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR) ? '1' : '0'), id); /* * Allocate an event to send to the query or response client, and * allocate a new buffer for our use. */ /* * Look at flags. If query, drop it. If response, * look to see where it goes. */ queue_response = ISC_FALSE; if ((flags & DNS_MESSAGEFLAG_QR) == 0) { /* * Query. */ goto restart; } dns_dispatch_hash(tcpmsg->buffer.base, tcpmsg->buffer.length); /* * Response. */ bucket = dns_hash(qid, &tcpmsg->address, id); LOCK(&qid->lock); resp = bucket_search(qid, &tcpmsg->address, id, bucket); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "search for response in bucket %d: %s", bucket, (resp == NULL ? "not found" : "found")); if (resp == NULL) goto unlock; queue_response = resp->item_out; rev = allocate_event(disp); if (rev == NULL) goto unlock; /* * At this point, rev contains the event we want to fill in, and * resp contains the information on the place to send it to. * Send the event off. */ dns_tcpmsg_keepbuffer(tcpmsg, &rev->buffer); disp->tcpbuffers++; rev->result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; rev->id = id; rev->addr = tcpmsg->address; if (queue_response) { ISC_LIST_APPEND(resp->items, rev, ev_link); } else { ISC_EVENT_INIT(rev, sizeof(*rev), 0, NULL, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCH, resp->action, resp->arg, resp, NULL, NULL); request_log(disp, resp, LVL(90), "[b] Sent event %p buffer %p len %d to task %p", rev, rev->buffer.base, rev->buffer.length, resp->task); resp->item_out = ISC_TRUE; isc_task_send(resp->task, ISC_EVENT_PTR(&rev)); } unlock: UNLOCK(&qid->lock); /* * Restart recv() to get the next packet. */ restart: startrecv(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); isc_event_free(&ev_in); } /* * disp must be locked. */ static void startrecv(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { isc_result_t res; isc_region_t region; if (disp->shutting_down == 1) return; if ((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0) return; if (disp->recv_pending != 0) return; if (disp->mgr->buffers >= disp->mgr->maxbuffers) return; switch (disp->socktype) { /* * UDP reads are always maximal. */ case isc_sockettype_udp: region.length = disp->mgr->buffersize; region.base = allocate_udp_buffer(disp); if (region.base == NULL) return; res = isc_socket_recv(disp->socket, ®ion, 1, disp->task, udp_recv, disp); if (res != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { free_buffer(disp, region.base, region.length); disp->shutdown_why = res; disp->shutting_down = 1; do_cancel(disp); return; } INSIST(disp->recv_pending == 0); disp->recv_pending = 1; break; case isc_sockettype_tcp: res = dns_tcpmsg_readmessage(&disp->tcpmsg, disp->task, tcp_recv, disp); if (res != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { disp->shutdown_why = res; disp->shutting_down = 1; do_cancel(disp); return; } INSIST(disp->recv_pending == 0); disp->recv_pending = 1; break; default: INSIST(0); break; } } /* * Mgr must be locked when calling this function. */ static isc_boolean_t destroy_mgr_ok(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr) { mgr_log(mgr, LVL(90), "destroy_mgr_ok: shuttingdown=%d, listnonempty=%d, " "epool=%d, rpool=%d, dpool=%d", MGR_IS_SHUTTINGDOWN(mgr), !ISC_LIST_EMPTY(mgr->list), isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->epool), isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->rpool), isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->dpool)); if (!MGR_IS_SHUTTINGDOWN(mgr)) return (ISC_FALSE); if (!ISC_LIST_EMPTY(mgr->list)) return (ISC_FALSE); if (isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->epool) != 0) return (ISC_FALSE); if (isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->rpool) != 0) return (ISC_FALSE); if (isc_mempool_getallocated(mgr->dpool) != 0) return (ISC_FALSE); return (ISC_TRUE); } /* * Mgr must be unlocked when calling this function. */ static void destroy_mgr(dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp) { isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; mgr = *mgrp; *mgrp = NULL; mctx = mgr->mctx; mgr->magic = 0; mgr->mctx = NULL; DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->lock); mgr->state = 0; isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->epool); isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->rpool); isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->dpool); isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->bpool); DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->pool_lock); if (mgr->entropy != NULL) isc_entropy_detach(&mgr->entropy); if (mgr->qid != NULL) qid_destroy(mctx, &mgr->qid); DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); if (mgr->blackhole != NULL) dns_acl_detach(&mgr->blackhole); if (mgr->portlist != NULL) dns_portlist_detach(&mgr->portlist); isc_mem_put(mctx, mgr, sizeof(dns_dispatchmgr_t)); isc_mem_detach(&mctx); } static isc_result_t create_socket(isc_socketmgr_t *mgr, isc_sockaddr_t *local, isc_socket_t **sockp) { isc_socket_t *sock; isc_result_t result; sock = NULL; result = isc_socket_create(mgr, isc_sockaddr_pf(local), isc_sockettype_udp, &sock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); #ifndef ISC_ALLOW_MAPPED isc_socket_ipv6only(sock, ISC_TRUE); #endif result = isc_socket_bind(sock, local); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_socket_detach(&sock); return (result); } *sockp = sock; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } /* * Publics. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *entropy, dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp) { dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(mctx != NULL); REQUIRE(mgrp != NULL && *mgrp == NULL); mgr = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(dns_dispatchmgr_t)); if (mgr == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); mgr->mctx = NULL; isc_mem_attach(mctx, &mgr->mctx); mgr->blackhole = NULL; mgr->portlist = NULL; result = isc_mutex_init(&mgr->lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto deallocate; result = isc_mutex_init(&mgr->buffer_lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto kill_lock; result = isc_mutex_init(&mgr->pool_lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto kill_buffer_lock; mgr->epool = NULL; if (isc_mempool_create(mgr->mctx, sizeof(dns_dispatchevent_t), &mgr->epool) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_pool_lock; } mgr->rpool = NULL; if (isc_mempool_create(mgr->mctx, sizeof(dns_dispentry_t), &mgr->rpool) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_epool; } mgr->dpool = NULL; if (isc_mempool_create(mgr->mctx, sizeof(dns_dispatch_t), &mgr->dpool) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_rpool; } isc_mempool_setname(mgr->epool, "dispmgr_epool"); isc_mempool_setfreemax(mgr->epool, 1024); isc_mempool_associatelock(mgr->epool, &mgr->pool_lock); isc_mempool_setname(mgr->rpool, "dispmgr_rpool"); isc_mempool_setfreemax(mgr->rpool, 1024); isc_mempool_associatelock(mgr->rpool, &mgr->pool_lock); isc_mempool_setname(mgr->dpool, "dispmgr_dpool"); isc_mempool_setfreemax(mgr->dpool, 1024); isc_mempool_associatelock(mgr->dpool, &mgr->pool_lock); mgr->buffers = 0; mgr->buffersize = 0; mgr->maxbuffers = 0; mgr->bpool = NULL; mgr->entropy = NULL; mgr->qid = NULL; mgr->state = 0; ISC_LIST_INIT(mgr->list); mgr->magic = DNS_DISPATCHMGR_MAGIC; if (entropy != NULL) isc_entropy_attach(entropy, &mgr->entropy); *mgrp = mgr; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); kill_rpool: isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->rpool); kill_epool: isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->epool); kill_pool_lock: DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->pool_lock); kill_buffer_lock: DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); kill_lock: DESTROYLOCK(&mgr->lock); deallocate: isc_mem_put(mctx, mgr, sizeof(dns_dispatchmgr_t)); isc_mem_detach(&mctx); return (result); } void dns_dispatchmgr_setblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, dns_acl_t *blackhole) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); if (mgr->blackhole != NULL) dns_acl_detach(&mgr->blackhole); dns_acl_attach(blackhole, &mgr->blackhole); } dns_acl_t * dns_dispatchmgr_getblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); return (mgr->blackhole); } void dns_dispatchmgr_setblackportlist(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, dns_portlist_t *portlist) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); if (mgr->portlist != NULL) dns_portlist_detach(&mgr->portlist); if (portlist != NULL) dns_portlist_attach(portlist, &mgr->portlist); } dns_portlist_t * dns_dispatchmgr_getblackportlist(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); return (mgr->portlist); } static isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_setudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment) { isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); REQUIRE(buffersize >= 512 && buffersize < (64 * 1024)); REQUIRE(maxbuffers > 0); REQUIRE(buckets < 2097169); /* next prime > 65536 * 32 */ REQUIRE(increment > buckets); /* * Keep some number of items around. This should be a config * option. For now, keep 8, but later keep at least two even * if the caller wants less. This allows us to ensure certain * things, like an event can be "freed" and the next allocation * will always succeed. * * Note that if limits are placed on anything here, we use one * event internally, so the actual limit should be "wanted + 1." * * XXXMLG */ if (maxbuffers < 8) maxbuffers = 8; LOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); if (mgr->bpool != NULL) { isc_mempool_setmaxalloc(mgr->bpool, maxbuffers); mgr->maxbuffers = maxbuffers; UNLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } if (isc_mempool_create(mgr->mctx, buffersize, &mgr->bpool) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { UNLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } isc_mempool_setname(mgr->bpool, "dispmgr_bpool"); isc_mempool_setmaxalloc(mgr->bpool, maxbuffers); isc_mempool_associatelock(mgr->bpool, &mgr->pool_lock); result = qid_allocate(mgr, buckets, increment, ISC_TRUE, &mgr->qid); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; mgr->buffersize = buffersize; mgr->maxbuffers = maxbuffers; UNLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: isc_mempool_destroy(&mgr->bpool); UNLOCK(&mgr->buffer_lock); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } void dns_dispatchmgr_destroy(dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp) { dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; isc_boolean_t killit; REQUIRE(mgrp != NULL); REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(*mgrp)); mgr = *mgrp; *mgrp = NULL; LOCK(&mgr->lock); mgr->state |= MGR_SHUTTINGDOWN; killit = destroy_mgr_ok(mgr); UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); mgr_log(mgr, LVL(90), "destroy: killit=%d", killit); if (killit) destroy_mgr(&mgr); } static isc_boolean_t blacklisted(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socket_t *sock) { isc_sockaddr_t sockaddr; isc_result_t result; if (mgr->portlist == NULL) return (ISC_FALSE); result = isc_socket_getsockname(sock, &sockaddr); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (ISC_FALSE); if (mgr->portlist != NULL && dns_portlist_match(mgr->portlist, isc_sockaddr_pf(&sockaddr), isc_sockaddr_getport(&sockaddr))) return (ISC_TRUE); return (ISC_FALSE); } #define ATTRMATCH(_a1, _a2, _mask) (((_a1) & (_mask)) == ((_a2) & (_mask))) static isc_boolean_t local_addr_match(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *addr) { isc_sockaddr_t sockaddr; isc_result_t result; if (addr == NULL) return (ISC_TRUE); /* * Don't match wildcard ports against newly blacklisted ports. */ if (disp->mgr->portlist != NULL && isc_sockaddr_getport(addr) == 0 && isc_sockaddr_getport(&disp->local) == 0 && blacklisted(disp->mgr, disp->socket)) return (ISC_FALSE); /* * Check if we match the binding . * Wildcard ports match/fail here. */ if (isc_sockaddr_equal(&disp->local, addr)) return (ISC_TRUE); if (isc_sockaddr_getport(addr) == 0) return (ISC_FALSE); /* * Check if we match a bound wildcard port . */ if (!isc_sockaddr_eqaddr(&disp->local, addr)) return (ISC_FALSE); result = isc_socket_getsockname(disp->socket, &sockaddr); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (ISC_FALSE); return (isc_sockaddr_equal(&sockaddr, addr)); } /* * Requires mgr be locked. * * No dispatcher can be locked by this thread when calling this function. * * * NOTE: * If a matching dispatcher is found, it is locked after this function * returns, and must be unlocked by the caller. */ static isc_result_t dispatch_find(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_sockaddr_t *local, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; isc_result_t result; /* * Make certain that we will not match a private dispatch. */ attributes &= ~DNS_DISPATCHATTR_PRIVATE; mask |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_PRIVATE; disp = ISC_LIST_HEAD(mgr->list); while (disp != NULL) { LOCK(&disp->lock); if ((disp->shutting_down == 0) && ATTRMATCH(disp->attributes, attributes, mask) && local_addr_match(disp, local)) break; UNLOCK(&disp->lock); disp = ISC_LIST_NEXT(disp, link); } if (disp == NULL) { result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND; goto out; } *dispp = disp; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; out: return (result); } static isc_result_t qid_allocate(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, isc_boolean_t usepool, dns_qid_t **qidp) { dns_qid_t *qid; unsigned int i; isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); REQUIRE(buckets < 2097169); /* next prime > 65536 * 32 */ REQUIRE(increment > buckets); REQUIRE(qidp != NULL && *qidp == NULL); qid = isc_mem_get(mgr->mctx, sizeof(*qid)); if (qid == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); qid->qid_table = isc_mem_get(mgr->mctx, buckets * sizeof(dns_displist_t)); if (qid->qid_table == NULL) { isc_mem_put(mgr->mctx, qid, sizeof(*qid)); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } result = nsid_init(mgr->mctx, &qid->nsid, usepool); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_mem_put(mgr->mctx, qid->qid_table, buckets * sizeof(dns_displist_t)); isc_mem_put(mgr->mctx, qid, sizeof(*qid)); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } result = isc_mutex_init(&qid->lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { nsid_destroy(mgr->mctx, &qid->nsid); isc_mem_put(mgr->mctx, qid->qid_table, buckets * sizeof(dns_displist_t)); isc_mem_put(mgr->mctx, qid, sizeof(*qid)); return (result); } for (i = 0; i < buckets; i++) ISC_LIST_INIT(qid->qid_table[i]); qid->qid_nbuckets = buckets; qid->qid_increment = increment; qid->magic = QID_MAGIC; *qidp = qid; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static void qid_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_qid_t **qidp) { dns_qid_t *qid; REQUIRE(qidp != NULL); qid = *qidp; REQUIRE(VALID_QID(qid)); *qidp = NULL; qid->magic = 0; nsid_destroy(mctx, &qid->nsid); isc_mem_put(mctx, qid->qid_table, qid->qid_nbuckets * sizeof(dns_displist_t)); DESTROYLOCK(&qid->lock); isc_mem_put(mctx, qid, sizeof(*qid)); } /* * Allocate and set important limits. */ static isc_result_t dispatch_allocate(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, unsigned int maxrequests, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; isc_result_t result; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); REQUIRE(dispp != NULL && *dispp == NULL); /* * Set up the dispatcher, mostly. Don't bother setting some of * the options that are controlled by tcp vs. udp, etc. */ disp = isc_mempool_get(mgr->dpool); if (disp == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); disp->magic = 0; disp->mgr = mgr; disp->maxrequests = maxrequests; disp->attributes = 0; ISC_LINK_INIT(disp, link); disp->refcount = 1; disp->recv_pending = 0; memset(&disp->local, 0, sizeof(disp->local)); disp->shutting_down = 0; disp->shutdown_out = 0; disp->connected = 0; disp->tcpmsg_valid = 0; disp->shutdown_why = ISC_R_UNEXPECTED; disp->requests = 0; disp->tcpbuffers = 0; disp->qid = NULL; result = isc_mutex_init(&disp->lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto deallocate; disp->failsafe_ev = allocate_event(disp); if (disp->failsafe_ev == NULL) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_lock; } disp->magic = DISPATCH_MAGIC; *dispp = disp; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); /* * error returns */ kill_lock: DESTROYLOCK(&disp->lock); deallocate: isc_mempool_put(mgr->dpool, disp); return (result); } /* * MUST be unlocked, and not used by anthing. */ static void dispatch_free(dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(*dispp)); disp = *dispp; *dispp = NULL; mgr = disp->mgr; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); if (disp->tcpmsg_valid) { dns_tcpmsg_invalidate(&disp->tcpmsg); disp->tcpmsg_valid = 0; } INSIST(disp->tcpbuffers == 0); INSIST(disp->requests == 0); INSIST(disp->recv_pending == 0); isc_mempool_put(mgr->epool, disp->failsafe_ev); disp->failsafe_ev = NULL; if (disp->qid != NULL) qid_destroy(mgr->mctx, &disp->qid); disp->mgr = NULL; DESTROYLOCK(&disp->lock); disp->magic = 0; isc_mempool_put(mgr->dpool, disp); } isc_result_t dns_dispatch_createtcp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socket_t *sock, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { isc_result_t result; dns_dispatch_t *disp; UNUSED(maxbuffers); UNUSED(buffersize); REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); REQUIRE(isc_socket_gettype(sock) == isc_sockettype_tcp); REQUIRE((attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP) != 0); REQUIRE((attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP) == 0); attributes |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_PRIVATE; /* XXXMLG */ LOCK(&mgr->lock); /* * dispatch_allocate() checks mgr for us. * qid_allocate() checks buckets and increment for us. */ disp = NULL; result = dispatch_allocate(mgr, maxrequests, &disp); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); return (result); } result = qid_allocate(mgr, buckets, increment, ISC_FALSE, &disp->qid); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto deallocate_dispatch; disp->socktype = isc_sockettype_tcp; disp->socket = NULL; isc_socket_attach(sock, &disp->socket); disp->task = NULL; result = isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &disp->task); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto kill_socket; disp->ctlevent = isc_event_allocate(mgr->mctx, disp, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCHCONTROL, destroy_disp, disp, sizeof(isc_event_t)); if (disp->ctlevent == NULL) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_task; } isc_task_setname(disp->task, "tcpdispatch", disp); dns_tcpmsg_init(mgr->mctx, disp->socket, &disp->tcpmsg); disp->tcpmsg_valid = 1; disp->attributes = attributes; /* * Append it to the dispatcher list. */ ISC_LIST_APPEND(mgr->list, disp, link); UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); mgr_log(mgr, LVL(90), "created TCP dispatcher %p", disp); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "created task %p", disp->task); *dispp = disp; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); /* * Error returns. */ kill_task: isc_task_detach(&disp->task); kill_socket: isc_socket_detach(&disp->socket); deallocate_dispatch: dispatch_free(&disp); UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); return (result); } isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, unsigned int buffersize, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int buckets, unsigned int increment, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { isc_result_t result; dns_dispatch_t *disp; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); REQUIRE(sockmgr != NULL); REQUIRE(localaddr != NULL); REQUIRE(taskmgr != NULL); REQUIRE(buffersize >= 512 && buffersize < (64 * 1024)); REQUIRE(maxbuffers > 0); REQUIRE(buckets < 2097169); /* next prime > 65536 * 32 */ REQUIRE(increment > buckets); REQUIRE(dispp != NULL && *dispp == NULL); REQUIRE((attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP) == 0); result = dns_dispatchmgr_setudp(mgr, buffersize, maxbuffers, buckets, increment); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); LOCK(&mgr->lock); /* * First, see if we have a dispatcher that matches. */ disp = NULL; result = dispatch_find(mgr, localaddr, attributes, mask, &disp); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { disp->refcount++; if (disp->maxrequests < maxrequests) disp->maxrequests = maxrequests; if ((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) == 0 && (attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0) { disp->attributes |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN; if (disp->recv_pending != 0) isc_socket_cancel(disp->socket, disp->task, ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV); } UNLOCK(&disp->lock); UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); *dispp = disp; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } /* * Nope, create one. */ result = dispatch_createudp(mgr, sockmgr, taskmgr, localaddr, maxrequests, attributes, &disp); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); return (result); } UNLOCK(&mgr->lock); *dispp = disp; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } /* * mgr should be locked. */ #ifndef DNS_DISPATCH_HELD #define DNS_DISPATCH_HELD 20U #endif static isc_result_t dispatch_createudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_socketmgr_t *sockmgr, isc_taskmgr_t *taskmgr, isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, unsigned int maxrequests, unsigned int attributes, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { isc_result_t result; dns_dispatch_t *disp; isc_socket_t *sock = NULL; isc_socket_t *held[DNS_DISPATCH_HELD]; unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; /* * dispatch_allocate() checks mgr for us. */ disp = NULL; result = dispatch_allocate(mgr, maxrequests, &disp); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); /* * Try to allocate a socket that is not on the blacklist. * Hold up to DNS_DISPATCH_HELD sockets to prevent the OS * from returning the same port to us too quickly. */ memset(held, 0, sizeof(held)); getsocket: result = create_socket(sockmgr, localaddr, &sock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto deallocate_dispatch; if (isc_sockaddr_getport(localaddr) == 0 && blacklisted(mgr, sock)) { if (held[i] != NULL) isc_socket_detach(&held[i]); held[i++] = sock; sock = NULL; if (i == DNS_DISPATCH_HELD) i = 0; if (j++ == 0xffffU) { mgr_log(mgr, ISC_LOG_ERROR, "avoid-v%s-udp-ports: " "unable to allocate a non-blacklisted port", isc_sockaddr_pf(localaddr) == AF_INET ? "4" : "6"); result = ISC_R_FAILURE; goto deallocate_dispatch; } goto getsocket; } disp->socktype = isc_sockettype_udp; disp->socket = sock; disp->local = *localaddr; disp->task = NULL; result = isc_task_create(taskmgr, 0, &disp->task); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto kill_socket; disp->ctlevent = isc_event_allocate(mgr->mctx, disp, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCHCONTROL, destroy_disp, disp, sizeof(isc_event_t)); if (disp->ctlevent == NULL) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto kill_task; } isc_task_setname(disp->task, "udpdispatch", disp); attributes &= ~DNS_DISPATCHATTR_TCP; attributes |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP; disp->attributes = attributes; /* * Append it to the dispatcher list. */ ISC_LIST_APPEND(mgr->list, disp, link); mgr_log(mgr, LVL(90), "created UDP dispatcher %p", disp); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "created task %p", disp->task); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "created socket %p", disp->socket); *dispp = disp; goto cleanheld; /* * Error returns. */ kill_task: isc_task_detach(&disp->task); kill_socket: isc_socket_detach(&disp->socket); deallocate_dispatch: dispatch_free(&disp); cleanheld: for (i = 0; i < DNS_DISPATCH_HELD; i++) if (held[i] != NULL) isc_socket_detach(&held[i]); return (result); } void dns_dispatch_attach(dns_dispatch_t *disp, dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); REQUIRE(dispp != NULL && *dispp == NULL); LOCK(&disp->lock); disp->refcount++; UNLOCK(&disp->lock); *dispp = disp; } /* * It is important to lock the manager while we are deleting the dispatch, * since dns_dispatch_getudp will call dispatch_find, which returns to * the caller a dispatch but does not attach to it until later. _getudp * locks the manager, however, so locking it here will keep us from attaching * to a dispatcher that is in the process of going away. */ void dns_dispatch_detach(dns_dispatch_t **dispp) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; isc_boolean_t killit; REQUIRE(dispp != NULL && VALID_DISPATCH(*dispp)); disp = *dispp; *dispp = NULL; LOCK(&disp->lock); INSIST(disp->refcount > 0); disp->refcount--; killit = ISC_FALSE; if (disp->refcount == 0) { if (disp->recv_pending > 0) isc_socket_cancel(disp->socket, disp->task, ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV); disp->shutting_down = 1; } dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "detach: refcount %d", disp->refcount); killit = destroy_disp_ok(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); if (killit) isc_task_send(disp->task, &disp->ctlevent); } isc_result_t dns_dispatch_addresponse(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *dest, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_messageid_t *idp, dns_dispentry_t **resp) { dns_dispentry_t *res; unsigned int bucket; dns_messageid_t id; int i; isc_boolean_t ok; dns_qid_t *qid; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); REQUIRE(task != NULL); REQUIRE(dest != NULL); REQUIRE(resp != NULL && *resp == NULL); REQUIRE(idp != NULL); LOCK(&disp->lock); if (disp->shutting_down == 1) { UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return (ISC_R_SHUTTINGDOWN); } if (disp->requests >= disp->maxrequests) { UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return (ISC_R_QUOTA); } /* * Try somewhat hard to find an unique ID. */ qid = DNS_QID(disp); LOCK(&qid->lock); id = dns_randomid(&qid->nsid); bucket = dns_hash(qid, dest, id); ok = ISC_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (bucket_search(qid, dest, id, bucket) == NULL) { ok = ISC_TRUE; break; } id += qid->qid_increment; id &= 0x0000ffff; bucket = dns_hash(qid, dest, id); } if (!ok) { UNLOCK(&qid->lock); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return (ISC_R_NOMORE); } res = isc_mempool_get(disp->mgr->rpool); if (res == NULL) { UNLOCK(&qid->lock); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } disp->refcount++; disp->requests++; res->task = NULL; isc_task_attach(task, &res->task); res->disp = disp; res->id = id; res->bucket = bucket; res->host = *dest; res->action = action; res->arg = arg; res->item_out = ISC_FALSE; ISC_LIST_INIT(res->items); ISC_LINK_INIT(res, link); res->magic = RESPONSE_MAGIC; ISC_LIST_APPEND(qid->qid_table[bucket], res, link); UNLOCK(&qid->lock); request_log(disp, res, LVL(90), "attached to task %p", res->task); if (((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_UDP) != 0) || ((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_CONNECTED) != 0)) startrecv(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); *idp = id; *resp = res; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } void dns_dispatch_starttcp(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); dispatch_log(disp, LVL(90), "starttcp %p", disp->task); LOCK(&disp->lock); disp->attributes |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_CONNECTED; startrecv(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); } void dns_dispatch_removeresponse(dns_dispentry_t **resp, dns_dispatchevent_t **sockevent) { dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr; dns_dispatch_t *disp; dns_dispentry_t *res; dns_dispatchevent_t *ev; unsigned int bucket; isc_boolean_t killit; unsigned int n; isc_eventlist_t events; dns_qid_t *qid; REQUIRE(resp != NULL); REQUIRE(VALID_RESPONSE(*resp)); res = *resp; *resp = NULL; disp = res->disp; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); mgr = disp->mgr; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCHMGR(mgr)); qid = DNS_QID(disp); if (sockevent != NULL) { REQUIRE(*sockevent != NULL); ev = *sockevent; *sockevent = NULL; } else { ev = NULL; } LOCK(&disp->lock); INSIST(disp->requests > 0); disp->requests--; INSIST(disp->refcount > 0); disp->refcount--; killit = ISC_FALSE; if (disp->refcount == 0) { if (disp->recv_pending > 0) isc_socket_cancel(disp->socket, disp->task, ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV); disp->shutting_down = 1; } bucket = res->bucket; LOCK(&qid->lock); ISC_LIST_UNLINK(qid->qid_table[bucket], res, link); UNLOCK(&qid->lock); if (ev == NULL && res->item_out) { /* * We've posted our event, but the caller hasn't gotten it * yet. Take it back. */ ISC_LIST_INIT(events); n = isc_task_unsend(res->task, res, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCH, NULL, &events); /* * We had better have gotten it back. */ INSIST(n == 1); ev = (dns_dispatchevent_t *)ISC_LIST_HEAD(events); } if (ev != NULL) { REQUIRE(res->item_out == ISC_TRUE); res->item_out = ISC_FALSE; if (ev->buffer.base != NULL) free_buffer(disp, ev->buffer.base, ev->buffer.length); free_event(disp, ev); } request_log(disp, res, LVL(90), "detaching from task %p", res->task); isc_task_detach(&res->task); /* * Free any buffered requests as well */ ev = ISC_LIST_HEAD(res->items); while (ev != NULL) { ISC_LIST_UNLINK(res->items, ev, ev_link); if (ev->buffer.base != NULL) free_buffer(disp, ev->buffer.base, ev->buffer.length); free_event(disp, ev); ev = ISC_LIST_HEAD(res->items); } res->magic = 0; isc_mempool_put(disp->mgr->rpool, res); if (disp->shutting_down == 1) do_cancel(disp); else startrecv(disp); killit = destroy_disp_ok(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); if (killit) isc_task_send(disp->task, &disp->ctlevent); } static void do_cancel(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { dns_dispatchevent_t *ev; dns_dispentry_t *resp; dns_qid_t *qid; if (disp->shutdown_out == 1) return; qid = DNS_QID(disp); /* * Search for the first response handler without packets outstanding. */ LOCK(&qid->lock); for (resp = linear_first(qid); resp != NULL && resp->item_out != ISC_FALSE; /* Empty. */) resp = linear_next(qid, resp); /* * No one to send the cancel event to, so nothing to do. */ if (resp == NULL) goto unlock; /* * Send the shutdown failsafe event to this resp. */ ev = disp->failsafe_ev; ISC_EVENT_INIT(ev, sizeof(*ev), 0, NULL, DNS_EVENT_DISPATCH, resp->action, resp->arg, resp, NULL, NULL); ev->result = disp->shutdown_why; ev->buffer.base = NULL; ev->buffer.length = 0; disp->shutdown_out = 1; request_log(disp, resp, LVL(10), "cancel: failsafe event %p -> task %p", ev, resp->task); resp->item_out = ISC_TRUE; isc_task_send(resp->task, ISC_EVENT_PTR(&ev)); unlock: UNLOCK(&qid->lock); } isc_socket_t * dns_dispatch_getsocket(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); return (disp->socket); } isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getlocaladdress(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *addrp) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); REQUIRE(addrp != NULL); if (disp->socktype == isc_sockettype_udp) { *addrp = disp->local; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } return (ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED); } void dns_dispatch_cancel(dns_dispatch_t *disp) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); LOCK(&disp->lock); if (disp->shutting_down == 1) { UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return; } disp->shutdown_why = ISC_R_CANCELED; disp->shutting_down = 1; do_cancel(disp); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); return; } void dns_dispatch_changeattributes(dns_dispatch_t *disp, unsigned int attributes, unsigned int mask) { REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); /* XXXMLG * Should check for valid attributes here! */ LOCK(&disp->lock); if ((mask & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0) { if ((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0 && (attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) == 0) { disp->attributes &= ~DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN; startrecv(disp); } else if ((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) == 0 && (attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0) { disp->attributes |= DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN; if (disp->recv_pending != 0) isc_socket_cancel(disp->socket, disp->task, ISC_SOCKCANCEL_RECV); } } disp->attributes &= ~mask; disp->attributes |= (attributes & mask); UNLOCK(&disp->lock); } void dns_dispatch_importrecv(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_event_t *event) { void *buf; isc_socketevent_t *sevent, *newsevent; REQUIRE(VALID_DISPATCH(disp)); REQUIRE((disp->attributes & DNS_DISPATCHATTR_NOLISTEN) != 0); REQUIRE(event != NULL); sevent = (isc_socketevent_t *)event; INSIST(sevent->n <= disp->mgr->buffersize); newsevent = (isc_socketevent_t *) isc_event_allocate(disp->mgr->mctx, NULL, DNS_EVENT_IMPORTRECVDONE, udp_recv, disp, sizeof(isc_socketevent_t)); if (newsevent == NULL) return; buf = allocate_udp_buffer(disp); if (buf == NULL) { isc_event_free(ISC_EVENT_PTR(&newsevent)); return; } memcpy(buf, sevent->region.base, sevent->n); newsevent->region.base = buf; newsevent->region.length = disp->mgr->buffersize; newsevent->n = sevent->n; newsevent->result = sevent->result; newsevent->address = sevent->address; newsevent->timestamp = sevent->timestamp; newsevent->pktinfo = sevent->pktinfo; newsevent->attributes = sevent->attributes; isc_task_send(disp->task, ISC_EVENT_PTR(&newsevent)); } #if 0 void dns_dispatchmgr_dump(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr) { dns_dispatch_t *disp; char foo[1024]; disp = ISC_LIST_HEAD(mgr->list); while (disp != NULL) { isc_sockaddr_format(&disp->local, foo, sizeof(foo)); printf("\tdispatch %p, addr %s\n", disp, foo); disp = ISC_LIST_NEXT(disp, link); } } #endif /* * Allow the user to pick one of two ID randomization algorithms. * * The first algorithm is an adaptation of the sequence shuffling * algorithm discovered by Carter Bays and S. D. Durham [ACM Trans. Math. * Software 2 (1976), 59-64], as documented as Algorithm B in Chapter * 3.2.2 in Volume 2 of Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming". We use * a randomly selected linear congruential random number generator with a * modulus of 2^16, whose increment is a randomly picked odd number, and * whose multiplier is picked from a set which meets the following * criteria: * Is of the form 8*n+5, which ensures "high potency" according to * principle iii in the summary chapter 3.6. This form also has a * gcd(a-1,m) of 4 which is good according to principle iv. * * Is between 0.01 and 0.99 times the modulus as specified by * principle iv. * * Passes the spectral test "with flying colors" (ut >= 1) in * dimensions 2 through 6 as calculated by Algorithm S in Chapter * 3.3.4 and the ratings calculated by formula 35 in section E. * * Of the multipliers that pass this test, pick the set that is * best according to the theoretical bounds of the serial * correlation test. This was calculated using a simplified * version of Knuth's Theorem K in Chapter 3.3.3. * * These criteria may not be important for this use, but we might as well * pick from the best generators since there are so many possible ones and * we don't have that many random bits to do the picking. * * We use a modulus of 2^16 instead of something bigger so that we will * tend to cycle through all the possible IDs before repeating any, * however the shuffling will perturb this somewhat. Theoretically there * is no minimimum interval between two uses of the same ID, but in * practice it seems to be >64000. * * Our adaptatation of Algorithm B mixes the hash state which has * captured various random events into the shuffler to perturb the * sequence. * * One disadvantage of this algorithm is that if the generator parameters * were to be guessed, it would be possible to mount a limited brute force * attack on the ID space since the IDs are only shuffled within a limited * range. * * The second algorithm uses the same random number generator to populate * a pool of 65536 IDs. The hash state is used to pick an ID from a window * of 4096 IDs in this pool, then the chosen ID is swapped with the ID * at the beginning of the window and the window position is advanced. * This means that the interval between uses of the ID will be no less * than 65536-4096. The ID sequence in the pool will become more random * over time. * * For both algorithms, two more linear congruential random number generators * are selected. The ID from the first part of algorithm is used to seed * the first of these generators, and its output is used to seed the second. * The strategy is use these generators as 1 to 1 hashes to obfuscate the * properties of the generator used in the first part of either algorithm. * * The first algorithm may be suitable for use in a client resolver since * its memory requirements are fairly low and it's pretty random out of * the box. It is somewhat succeptible to a limited brute force attack, * so the second algorithm is probably preferable for a longer running * program that issues a large number of queries and has time to randomize * the pool. */ #define NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE 100 /* Suggested by Knuth */ /* * Pick one of the next 4096 IDs in the pool. * There is a tradeoff here between randomness and how often and ID is reused. */ #define NSID_LOOKAHEAD 4096 /* Must be a power of 2 */ #define NSID_SHUFFLE_ONLY 1 /* algorithm 1 */ #define NSID_USE_POOL 2 /* algorithm 2 */ #define NSID_HASHSHIFT 3 #define NSID_HASHROTATE(v) \ (((v) << NSID_HASHSHIFT) | ((v) >> ((sizeof(v) * 8) - NSID_HASHSHIFT))) static isc_uint32_t nsid_hash_state; /* * Keep a running hash of various bits of data that we'll use to * stir the ID pool or perturb the ID generator */ static void nsid_hash(void *data, size_t len) { unsigned char *p = data; /* * Hash function similar to the one we use for hashing names. * We don't fold case or toss the upper bit here, though. * This hash doesn't do much interesting when fed binary zeros, * so there may be a better hash function. * This function doesn't need to be very strong since we're * only using it to stir the pool, but it should be reasonably * fast. */ /* * We don't care about locking access to nsid_hash_state. * In fact races make the result even more non deteministic. */ while (len-- > 0U) { nsid_hash_state = NSID_HASHROTATE(nsid_hash_state); nsid_hash_state += *p++; } } /* * Table of good linear congruential multipliers for modulus 2^16 * in order of increasing serial correlation bounds (so trim from * the end). */ static const isc_uint16_t nsid_multiplier_table[] = { 17565, 25013, 11733, 19877, 23989, 23997, 24997, 25421, 26781, 27413, 35901, 35917, 35973, 36229, 38317, 38437, 39941, 40493, 41853, 46317, 50581, 51429, 53453, 53805, 11317, 11789, 12045, 12413, 14277, 14821, 14917, 18989, 19821, 23005, 23533, 23573, 23693, 27549, 27709, 28461, 29365, 35605, 37693, 37757, 38309, 41285, 45261, 47061, 47269, 48133, 48597, 50277, 50717, 50757, 50805, 51341, 51413, 51581, 51597, 53445, 11493, 14229, 20365, 20653, 23485, 25541, 27429, 29421, 30173, 35445, 35653, 36789, 36797, 37109, 37157, 37669, 38661, 39773, 40397, 41837, 41877, 45293, 47277, 47845, 49853, 51085, 51349, 54085, 56933, 8877, 8973, 9885, 11365, 11813, 13581, 13589, 13613, 14109, 14317, 15765, 15789, 16925, 17069, 17205, 17621, 17941, 19077, 19381, 20245, 22845, 23733, 24869, 25453, 27213, 28381, 28965, 29245, 29997, 30733, 30901, 34877, 35485, 35613, 36133, 36661, 36917, 38597, 40285, 40693, 41413, 41541, 41637, 42053, 42349, 45245, 45469, 46493, 48205, 48613, 50861, 51861, 52877, 53933, 54397, 55669, 56453, 56965, 58021, 7757, 7781, 8333, 9661, 12229, 14373, 14453, 17549, 18141, 19085, 20773, 23701, 24205, 24333, 25261, 25317, 27181, 30117, 30477, 34757, 34885, 35565, 35885, 36541, 37957, 39733, 39813, 41157, 41893, 42317, 46621, 48117, 48181, 49525, 55261, 55389, 56845, 7045, 7749, 7965, 8469, 9133, 9549, 9789, 10173, 11181, 11285, 12253, 13453, 13533, 13757, 14477, 15053, 16901, 17213, 17269, 17525, 17629, 18605, 19013, 19829, 19933, 20069, 20093, 23261, 23333, 24949, 25309, 27613, 28453, 28709, 29301, 29541, 34165, 34413, 37301, 37773, 38045, 38405, 41077, 41781, 41925, 42717, 44437, 44525, 44613, 45933, 45941, 47077, 50077, 50893, 52117, 5293, 55069, 55989, 58125, 59205, 6869, 14685, 15453, 16821, 17045, 17613, 18437, 21029, 22773, 22909, 25445, 25757, 26541, 30709, 30909, 31093, 31149, 37069, 37725, 37925, 38949, 39637, 39701, 40765, 40861, 42965, 44813, 45077, 45733, 47045, 50093, 52861, 52957, 54181, 56325, 56365, 56381, 56877, 57013, 5741, 58101, 58669, 8613, 10045, 10261, 10653, 10733, 11461, 12261, 14069, 15877, 17757, 21165, 23885, 24701, 26429, 26645, 27925, 28765, 29197, 30189, 31293, 39781, 39909, 40365, 41229, 41453, 41653, 42165, 42365, 47421, 48029, 48085, 52773, 5573, 57037, 57637, 58341, 58357, 58901, 6357, 7789, 9093, 10125, 10709, 10765, 11957, 12469, 13437, 13509, 14773, 15437, 15773, 17813, 18829, 19565, 20237, 23461, 23685, 23725, 23941, 24877, 25461, 26405, 29509, 30285, 35181, 37229, 37893, 38565, 40293, 44189, 44581, 45701, 47381, 47589, 48557, 4941, 51069, 5165, 52797, 53149, 5341, 56301, 56765, 58581, 59493, 59677, 6085, 6349, 8293, 8501, 8517, 11597, 11709, 12589, 12693, 13517, 14909, 17397, 18085, 21101, 21269, 22717, 25237, 25661, 29189, 30101, 31397, 33933, 34213, 34661, 35533, 36493, 37309, 40037, 4189, 42909, 44309, 44357, 44389, 4541, 45461, 46445, 48237, 54149, 55301, 55853, 56621, 56717, 56901, 5813, 58437, 12493, 15365, 15989, 17829, 18229, 19341, 21013, 21357, 22925, 24885, 26053, 27581, 28221, 28485, 30605, 30613, 30789, 35437, 36285, 37189, 3941, 41797, 4269, 42901, 43293, 44645, 45221, 46893, 4893, 50301, 50325, 5189, 52109, 53517, 54053, 54485, 5525, 55949, 56973, 59069, 59421, 60733, 61253, 6421, 6701, 6709, 7101, 8669, 15797, 19221, 19837, 20133, 20957, 21293, 21461, 22461, 29085, 29861, 30869, 34973, 36469, 37565, 38125, 38829, 39469, 40061, 40117, 44093, 47429, 48341, 50597, 51757, 5541, 57629, 58405, 59621, 59693, 59701, 61837, 7061, 10421, 11949, 15405, 20861, 25397, 25509, 25893, 26037, 28629, 28869, 29605, 30213, 34205, 35637, 36365, 37285, 3773, 39117, 4021, 41061, 42653, 44509, 4461, 44829, 4725, 5125, 52269, 56469, 59085, 5917, 60973, 8349, 17725, 18637, 19773, 20293, 21453, 22533, 24285, 26333, 26997, 31501, 34541, 34805, 37509, 38477, 41333, 44125, 46285, 46997, 47637, 48173, 4925, 50253, 50381, 50917, 51205, 51325, 52165, 52229, 5253, 5269, 53509, 56253, 56341, 5821, 58373, 60301, 61653, 61973, 62373, 8397, 11981, 14341, 14509, 15077, 22261, 22429, 24261, 28165, 28685, 30661, 34021, 34445, 39149, 3917, 43013, 43317, 44053, 44101, 4533, 49541, 49981, 5277, 54477, 56357, 57261, 57765, 58573, 59061, 60197, 61197, 62189, 7725, 8477, 9565, 10229, 11437, 14613, 14709, 16813, 20029, 20677, 31445, 3165, 31957, 3229, 33541, 36645, 3805, 38973, 3965, 4029, 44293, 44557, 46245, 48917, 4909, 51749, 53709, 55733, 56445, 5925, 6093, 61053, 62637, 8661, 9109, 10821, 11389, 13813, 14325, 15501, 16149, 18845, 22669, 26437, 29869, 31837, 33709, 33973, 34173, 3677, 3877, 3981, 39885, 42117, 4421, 44221, 44245, 44693, 46157, 47309, 5005, 51461, 52037, 55333, 55693, 56277, 58949, 6205, 62141, 62469, 6293, 10101, 12509, 14029, 17997, 20469, 21149, 25221, 27109, 2773, 2877, 29405, 31493, 31645, 4077, 42005, 42077, 42469, 42501, 44013, 48653, 49349, 4997, 50101, 55405, 56957, 58037, 59429, 60749, 61797, 62381, 62837, 6605, 10541, 23981, 24533, 2701, 27333, 27341, 31197, 33805, 3621, 37381, 3749, 3829, 38533, 42613, 44381, 45901, 48517, 51269, 57725, 59461, 60045, 62029, 13805, 14013, 15461, 16069, 16157, 18573, 2309, 23501, 28645, 3077, 31541, 36357, 36877, 3789, 39429, 39805, 47685, 47949, 49413, 5485, 56757, 57549, 57805, 58317, 59549, 62213, 62613, 62853, 62933, 8909, 12941, 16677, 20333, 21541, 24429, 26077, 26421, 2885, 31269, 33381, 3661, 40925, 42925, 45173, 4525, 4709, 53133, 55941, 57413, 57797, 62125, 62237, 62733, 6773, 12317, 13197, 16533, 16933, 18245, 2213, 2477, 29757, 33293, 35517, 40133, 40749, 4661, 49941, 62757, 7853, 8149, 8573, 11029, 13421, 21549, 22709, 22725, 24629, 2469, 26125, 2669, 34253, 36709, 41013, 45597, 46637, 52285, 52333, 54685, 59013, 60997, 61189, 61981, 62605, 62821, 7077, 7525, 8781, 10861, 15277, 2205, 22077, 28517, 28949, 32109, 33493, 4661, 49941, 62757, 7853, 8149, 8573, 11029, 13421, 21549, 22709, 22725, 24629, 2469, 26125, 2669, 34253, 36709, 41013, 45597, 46637, 52285, 52333, 54685, 59013, 60997, 61189, 61981, 62605, 62821, 7077, 7525, 8781, 10861, 15277, 2205, 22077, 28517, 28949, 32109, 33493, 3685, 39197, 39869, 42621, 44997, 48565, 5221, 57381, 61749, 62317, 63245, 63381, 23149, 2549, 28661, 31653, 33885, 36341, 37053, 39517, 42805, 45853, 48997, 59349, 60053, 62509, 63069, 6525, 1893, 20181, 2365, 24893, 27397, 31357, 32277, 33357, 34437, 36677, 37661, 43469, 43917, 50997, 53869, 5653, 13221, 16741, 17893, 2157, 28653, 31789, 35301, 35821, 61613, 62245, 12405, 14517, 17453, 18421, 3149, 3205, 40341, 4109, 43941, 46869, 48837, 50621, 57405, 60509, 62877, 8157, 12933, 12957, 16501, 19533, 3461, 36829, 52357, 58189, 58293, 63053, 17109, 1933, 32157, 37701, 59005, 61621, 13029, 15085, 16493, 32317, 35093, 5061, 51557, 62221, 20765, 24613, 2629, 30861, 33197, 33749, 35365, 37933, 40317, 48045, 56229, 61157, 63797, 7917, 17965, 1917, 1973, 20301, 2253, 33157, 58629, 59861, 61085, 63909, 8141, 9221, 14757, 1581, 21637, 26557, 33869, 34285, 35733, 40933, 42517, 43501, 53653, 61885, 63805, 7141, 21653, 54973, 31189, 60061, 60341, 63357, 16045, 2053, 26069, 33997, 43901, 54565, 63837, 8949, 17909, 18693, 32349, 33125, 37293, 48821, 49053, 51309, 64037, 7117, 1445, 20405, 23085, 26269, 26293, 27349, 32381, 33141, 34525, 36461, 37581, 43525, 4357, 43877, 5069, 55197, 63965, 9845, 12093, 2197, 2229, 32165, 33469, 40981, 42397, 8749, 10853, 1453, 18069, 21693, 30573, 36261, 37421, 42533 }; #define NSID_MULT_TABLE_SIZE \ ((sizeof nsid_multiplier_table)/(sizeof nsid_multiplier_table[0])) #define NSID_RANGE_MASK (NSID_LOOKAHEAD - 1) #define NSID_POOL_MASK 0xFFFF /* used to wrap the pool index */ #define NSID_SHUFFLE_ONLY 1 #define NSID_USE_POOL 2 static isc_uint16_t nsid_next(dns_nsid_t *nsid) { isc_uint16_t id, compressed_hash; isc_uint16_t j; compressed_hash = ((nsid_hash_state >> 16) ^ (nsid_hash_state)) & 0xFFFF; if (nsid->nsid_usepool) { isc_uint16_t pick; pick = compressed_hash & NSID_RANGE_MASK; pick = (nsid->nsid_state + pick) & NSID_POOL_MASK; id = nsid->nsid_pool[pick]; if (pick != 0) { /* Swap two IDs to stir the pool */ nsid->nsid_pool[pick] = nsid->nsid_pool[nsid->nsid_state]; nsid->nsid_pool[nsid->nsid_state] = id; } /* increment the base pointer into the pool */ if (nsid->nsid_state == 65535) nsid->nsid_state = 0; else nsid->nsid_state++; } else { /* * This is the original Algorithm B * j = ((u_long) NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE * nsid_state2) >> 16; * * We'll perturb it with some random stuff ... */ j = ((isc_uint32_t) NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE * (nsid->nsid_state2 ^ compressed_hash)) >> 16; nsid->nsid_state2 = id = nsid->nsid_vtable[j]; nsid->nsid_state = (((isc_uint32_t) nsid->nsid_a1 * nsid->nsid_state) + nsid->nsid_c1) & 0xFFFF; nsid->nsid_vtable[j] = nsid->nsid_state; } /* Now lets obfuscate ... */ id = (((isc_uint32_t) nsid->nsid_a2 * id) + nsid->nsid_c2) & 0xFFFF; id = (((isc_uint32_t) nsid->nsid_a3 * id) + nsid->nsid_c3) & 0xFFFF; return (id); } static isc_result_t nsid_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_nsid_t *nsid, isc_boolean_t usepool) { isc_time_t now; pid_t mypid; isc_uint16_t a1ndx, a2ndx, a3ndx, c1ndx, c2ndx, c3ndx; int i; isc_time_now(&now); mypid = getpid(); /* Initialize the state */ memset(nsid, 0, sizeof(*nsid)); nsid_hash(&now, sizeof now); nsid_hash(&mypid, sizeof mypid); /* * Select our random number generators and initial seed. * We could really use more random bits at this point, * but we'll try to make a silk purse out of a sows ear ... */ /* generator 1 */ a1ndx = ((isc_uint32_t) NSID_MULT_TABLE_SIZE * (nsid_hash_state & 0xFFFF)) >> 16; nsid->nsid_a1 = nsid_multiplier_table[a1ndx]; c1ndx = (nsid_hash_state >> 9) & 0x7FFF; nsid->nsid_c1 = 2 * c1ndx + 1; /* generator 2, distinct from 1 */ a2ndx = ((isc_uint32_t) (NSID_MULT_TABLE_SIZE - 1) * ((nsid_hash_state >> 10) & 0xFFFF)) >> 16; if (a2ndx >= a1ndx) a2ndx++; nsid->nsid_a2 = nsid_multiplier_table[a2ndx]; c2ndx = nsid_hash_state % 32767; if (c2ndx >= c1ndx) c2ndx++; nsid->nsid_c2 = 2*c2ndx + 1; /* generator 3, distinct from 1 and 2 */ a3ndx = ((isc_uint32_t) (NSID_MULT_TABLE_SIZE - 2) * ((nsid_hash_state >> 20) & 0xFFFF)) >> 16; if (a3ndx >= a1ndx || a3ndx >= a2ndx) a3ndx++; if (a3ndx >= a1ndx && a3ndx >= a2ndx) a3ndx++; nsid->nsid_a3 = nsid_multiplier_table[a3ndx]; c3ndx = nsid_hash_state % 32766; if (c3ndx >= c1ndx || c3ndx >= c2ndx) c3ndx++; if (c3ndx >= c1ndx && c3ndx >= c2ndx) c3ndx++; nsid->nsid_c3 = 2*c3ndx + 1; nsid->nsid_state = ((nsid_hash_state >> 16) ^ (nsid_hash_state)) & 0xFFFF; nsid->nsid_usepool = usepool; if (nsid->nsid_usepool) { nsid->nsid_pool = isc_mem_get(mctx, 0x10000 * sizeof(isc_uint16_t)); if (nsid->nsid_pool == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); for (i = 0; ; i++) { nsid->nsid_pool[i] = nsid->nsid_state; nsid->nsid_state = (((u_long) nsid->nsid_a1 * nsid->nsid_state) + nsid->nsid_c1) & 0xFFFF; if (i == 0xFFFF) break; } } else { nsid->nsid_vtable = isc_mem_get(mctx, NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE * (sizeof(isc_uint16_t)) ); if (nsid->nsid_vtable == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); for (i = 0; i < NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { nsid->nsid_vtable[i] = nsid->nsid_state; nsid->nsid_state = (((isc_uint32_t) nsid->nsid_a1 * nsid->nsid_state) + nsid->nsid_c1) & 0xFFFF; } nsid->nsid_state2 = nsid->nsid_state; } return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static void nsid_destroy(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_nsid_t *nsid) { if (nsid->nsid_usepool) isc_mem_put(mctx, nsid->nsid_pool, 0x10000 * sizeof(isc_uint16_t)); else isc_mem_put(mctx, nsid->nsid_vtable, NSID_SHUFFLE_TABLE_SIZE * (sizeof(isc_uint16_t)) ); memset(nsid, 0, sizeof(*nsid)); } void dns_dispatch_hash(void *data, size_t len) { nsid_hash(data, len); }