/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: compress.c,v 2006/03/02 00:37:21 marka Exp $ */ /*! \file */ #define DNS_NAME_USEINLINE 1 #include <config.h> #include <isc/mem.h> #include <isc/string.h> #include <isc/util.h> #include <dns/compress.h> #include <dns/fixedname.h> #include <dns/rbt.h> #include <dns/result.h> #define CCTX_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('C', 'C', 'T', 'X') #define VALID_CCTX(x) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(x, CCTX_MAGIC) #define DCTX_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('D', 'C', 'T', 'X') #define VALID_DCTX(x) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(x, DCTX_MAGIC) /*** *** Compression ***/ isc_result_t dns_compress_init(dns_compress_t *cctx, int edns, isc_mem_t *mctx) { unsigned int i; REQUIRE(cctx != NULL); REQUIRE(mctx != NULL); /* See: rdataset.c:towiresorted(). */ cctx->allowed = 0; cctx->edns = edns; for (i = 0; i < DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE; i++) cctx->table[i] = NULL; cctx->mctx = mctx; cctx->count = 0; cctx->magic = CCTX_MAGIC; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } void dns_compress_invalidate(dns_compress_t *cctx) { dns_compressnode_t *node; unsigned int i; REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); cctx->magic = 0; for (i = 0; i < DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE; i++) { while (cctx->table[i] != NULL) { node = cctx->table[i]; cctx->table[i] = cctx->table[i]->next; if (node->count < DNS_COMPRESS_INITIALNODES) continue; isc_mem_put(cctx->mctx, node, sizeof(*node)); } } cctx->allowed = 0; cctx->edns = -1; } void dns_compress_setmethods(dns_compress_t *cctx, unsigned int allowed) { REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); cctx->allowed &= ~DNS_COMPRESS_ALL; cctx->allowed |= (allowed & DNS_COMPRESS_ALL); } unsigned int dns_compress_getmethods(dns_compress_t *cctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); return (cctx->allowed & DNS_COMPRESS_ALL); } void dns_compress_setsensitive(dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_boolean_t sensitive) { REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); if (sensitive) cctx->allowed |= DNS_COMPRESS_CASESENSITIVE; else cctx->allowed &= ~DNS_COMPRESS_CASESENSITIVE; } isc_boolean_t dns_compress_getsensitive(dns_compress_t *cctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); return (ISC_TF((cctx->allowed & DNS_COMPRESS_CASESENSITIVE) != 0)); } int dns_compress_getedns(dns_compress_t *cctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); return (cctx->edns); } #define NODENAME(node, name) \ do { \ (name)->length = (node)->r.length; \ (name)->labels = (node)->labels; \ (name)->ndata = (node)->r.base; \ (name)->attributes = DNS_NAMEATTR_ABSOLUTE; \ } while (0) /* * Find the longest match of name in the table. * If match is found return ISC_TRUE. prefix, suffix and offset are updated. * If no match is found return ISC_FALSE. */ isc_boolean_t dns_compress_findglobal(dns_compress_t *cctx, const dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *prefix, isc_uint16_t *offset) { dns_name_t tname, nname; dns_compressnode_t *node = NULL; unsigned int labels, hash, n; REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); REQUIRE(dns_name_isabsolute(name) == ISC_TRUE); REQUIRE(offset != NULL); if (cctx->count == 0) return (ISC_FALSE); labels = dns_name_countlabels(name); INSIST(labels > 0); dns_name_init(&tname, NULL); dns_name_init(&nname, NULL); for (n = 0; n < labels - 1; n++) { dns_name_getlabelsequence(name, n, labels - n, &tname); hash = dns_name_hash(&tname, ISC_FALSE) % DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE; for (node = cctx->table[hash]; node != NULL; node = node->next) { NODENAME(node, &nname); if ((cctx->allowed & DNS_COMPRESS_CASESENSITIVE) != 0) { if (dns_name_caseequal(&nname, &tname)) break; } else { if (dns_name_equal(&nname, &tname)) break; } } if (node != NULL) break; } /* * If node == NULL, we found no match at all. */ if (node == NULL) return (ISC_FALSE); if (n == 0) dns_name_reset(prefix); else dns_name_getlabelsequence(name, 0, n, prefix); *offset = node->offset; return (ISC_TRUE); } static inline unsigned int name_length(const dns_name_t *name) { isc_region_t r; dns_name_toregion(name, &r); return (r.length); } void dns_compress_add(dns_compress_t *cctx, const dns_name_t *name, const dns_name_t *prefix, isc_uint16_t offset) { dns_name_t tname; unsigned int start; unsigned int n; unsigned int count; unsigned int hash; dns_compressnode_t *node; unsigned int length; unsigned int tlength; isc_uint16_t toffset; REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); REQUIRE(dns_name_isabsolute(name)); dns_name_init(&tname, NULL); n = dns_name_countlabels(name); count = dns_name_countlabels(prefix); if (dns_name_isabsolute(prefix)) count--; start = 0; length = name_length(name); while (count > 0) { if (offset >= 0x4000) break; dns_name_getlabelsequence(name, start, n, &tname); hash = dns_name_hash(&tname, ISC_FALSE) % DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE; tlength = name_length(&tname); toffset = (isc_uint16_t)(offset + (length - tlength)); /* * Create a new node and add it. */ if (cctx->count < DNS_COMPRESS_INITIALNODES) node = &cctx->initialnodes[cctx->count]; else { node = isc_mem_get(cctx->mctx, sizeof(dns_compressnode_t)); if (node == NULL) return; } node->count = cctx->count++; node->offset = toffset; dns_name_toregion(&tname, &node->r); node->labels = (isc_uint8_t)dns_name_countlabels(&tname); node->next = cctx->table[hash]; cctx->table[hash] = node; start++; n--; count--; } } void dns_compress_rollback(dns_compress_t *cctx, isc_uint16_t offset) { unsigned int i; dns_compressnode_t *node; REQUIRE(VALID_CCTX(cctx)); for (i = 0; i < DNS_COMPRESS_TABLESIZE; i++) { node = cctx->table[i]; /* * This relies on nodes with greater offsets being * closer to the beginning of the list, and the * items with the greatest offsets being at the end * of the initialnodes[] array. */ while (node != NULL && node->offset >= offset) { cctx->table[i] = node->next; if (node->count >= DNS_COMPRESS_INITIALNODES) isc_mem_put(cctx->mctx, node, sizeof(*node)); cctx->count--; node = cctx->table[i]; } } } /*** *** Decompression ***/ void dns_decompress_init(dns_decompress_t *dctx, int edns, dns_decompresstype_t type) { REQUIRE(dctx != NULL); REQUIRE(edns >= -1 && edns <= 255); dctx->allowed = DNS_COMPRESS_NONE; dctx->edns = edns; dctx->type = type; dctx->magic = DCTX_MAGIC; } void dns_decompress_invalidate(dns_decompress_t *dctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_DCTX(dctx)); dctx->magic = 0; } void dns_decompress_setmethods(dns_decompress_t *dctx, unsigned int allowed) { REQUIRE(VALID_DCTX(dctx)); switch (dctx->type) { case DNS_DECOMPRESS_ANY: dctx->allowed = DNS_COMPRESS_ALL; break; case DNS_DECOMPRESS_NONE: dctx->allowed = DNS_COMPRESS_NONE; break; case DNS_DECOMPRESS_STRICT: dctx->allowed = allowed; break; } } unsigned int dns_decompress_getmethods(dns_decompress_t *dctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_DCTX(dctx)); return (dctx->allowed); } int dns_decompress_edns(dns_decompress_t *dctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_DCTX(dctx)); return (dctx->edns); } dns_decompresstype_t dns_decompress_type(dns_decompress_t *dctx) { REQUIRE(VALID_DCTX(dctx)); return (dctx->type); }