//===--- InitPreprocessor.cpp - PP initialization code. ---------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the clang::InitializePreprocessor function. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Frontend/InitPreprocessor.h" #include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h" #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/System/Path.h" namespace clang { // Append a #define line to Buf for Macro. Macro should be of the form XXX, // in which case we emit "#define XXX 1" or "XXX=Y z W" in which case we emit // "#define XXX Y z W". To get a #define with no value, use "XXX=". static void DefineBuiltinMacro(std::vector &Buf, const char *Macro) { const char *Command = "#define "; Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Command, Command+strlen(Command)); if (const char *Equal = strchr(Macro, '=')) { // Turn the = into ' '. Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Macro, Equal); Buf.push_back(' '); // Per GCC -D semantics, the macro ends at \n if it exists. const char *End = strpbrk(Equal, "\n\r"); if (End) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: macro '%s' contains embedded newline, text " "after the newline is ignored.\n", std::string(Macro, Equal).c_str()); } else { End = Equal+strlen(Equal); } Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Equal+1, End); } else { // Push "macroname 1". Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Macro, Macro+strlen(Macro)); Buf.push_back(' '); Buf.push_back('1'); } Buf.push_back('\n'); } // Append a #undef line to Buf for Macro. Macro should be of the form XXX // and we emit "#undef XXX". static void UndefineBuiltinMacro(std::vector &Buf, const char *Macro) { // Push "macroname". const char *Command = "#undef "; Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Command, Command+strlen(Command)); Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Macro, Macro+strlen(Macro)); Buf.push_back('\n'); } /// Add the quoted name of an implicit include file. static void AddQuotedIncludePath(std::vector &Buf, const std::string &File) { // Implicit include paths should be resolved relative to the current // working directory first, and then use the regular header search // mechanism. The proper way to handle this is to have the // predefines buffer located at the current working directory, but // it has not file entry. For now, workaround this by using an // absolute path if we find the file here, and otherwise letting // header search handle it. llvm::sys::Path Path(File); Path.makeAbsolute(); if (!Path.exists()) Path = File; // Escape double quotes etc. Buf.push_back('"'); std::string EscapedFile = Lexer::Stringify(Path.str()); Buf.insert(Buf.end(), EscapedFile.begin(), EscapedFile.end()); Buf.push_back('"'); } /// AddImplicitInclude - Add an implicit #include of the specified file to the /// predefines buffer. static void AddImplicitInclude(std::vector &Buf, const std::string &File) { const char *Inc = "#include "; Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Inc, Inc+strlen(Inc)); AddQuotedIncludePath(Buf, File); Buf.push_back('\n'); } static void AddImplicitIncludeMacros(std::vector &Buf, const std::string &File) { const char *Inc = "#__include_macros "; Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Inc, Inc+strlen(Inc)); AddQuotedIncludePath(Buf, File); Buf.push_back('\n'); // Marker token to stop the __include_macros fetch loop. const char *Marker = "##\n"; // ##? Buf.insert(Buf.end(), Marker, Marker+strlen(Marker)); } /// AddImplicitIncludePTH - Add an implicit #include using the original file /// used to generate a PTH cache. static void AddImplicitIncludePTH(std::vector &Buf, Preprocessor &PP, const std::string& ImplicitIncludePTH) { PTHManager *P = PP.getPTHManager(); assert(P && "No PTHManager."); const char *OriginalFile = P->getOriginalSourceFile(); if (!OriginalFile) { assert(!ImplicitIncludePTH.empty()); fprintf(stderr, "error: PTH file '%s' does not designate an original " "source header file for -include-pth\n", ImplicitIncludePTH.c_str()); exit (1); } AddImplicitInclude(Buf, OriginalFile); } /// PickFP - This is used to pick a value based on the FP semantics of the /// specified FP model. template static T PickFP(const llvm::fltSemantics *Sem, T IEEESingleVal, T IEEEDoubleVal, T X87DoubleExtendedVal, T PPCDoubleDoubleVal, T IEEEQuadVal) { if (Sem == (const llvm::fltSemantics*)&llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle) return IEEESingleVal; if (Sem == (const llvm::fltSemantics*)&llvm::APFloat::IEEEdouble) return IEEEDoubleVal; if (Sem == (const llvm::fltSemantics*)&llvm::APFloat::x87DoubleExtended) return X87DoubleExtendedVal; if (Sem == (const llvm::fltSemantics*)&llvm::APFloat::PPCDoubleDouble) return PPCDoubleDoubleVal; assert(Sem == (const llvm::fltSemantics*)&llvm::APFloat::IEEEquad); return IEEEQuadVal; } static void DefineFloatMacros(std::vector &Buf, const char *Prefix, const llvm::fltSemantics *Sem) { const char *DenormMin, *Epsilon, *Max, *Min; DenormMin = PickFP(Sem, "1.40129846e-45F", "4.9406564584124654e-324", "3.64519953188247460253e-4951L", "4.94065645841246544176568792868221e-324L", "6.47517511943802511092443895822764655e-4966L"); int Digits = PickFP(Sem, 6, 15, 18, 31, 33); Epsilon = PickFP(Sem, "1.19209290e-7F", "2.2204460492503131e-16", "1.08420217248550443401e-19L", "4.94065645841246544176568792868221e-324L", "1.92592994438723585305597794258492732e-34L"); int HasInifinity = 1, HasQuietNaN = 1; int MantissaDigits = PickFP(Sem, 24, 53, 64, 106, 113); int Min10Exp = PickFP(Sem, -37, -307, -4931, -291, -4931); int Max10Exp = PickFP(Sem, 38, 308, 4932, 308, 4932); int MinExp = PickFP(Sem, -125, -1021, -16381, -968, -16381); int MaxExp = PickFP(Sem, 128, 1024, 16384, 1024, 16384); Min = PickFP(Sem, "1.17549435e-38F", "2.2250738585072014e-308", "3.36210314311209350626e-4932L", "2.00416836000897277799610805135016e-292L", "3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L"); Max = PickFP(Sem, "3.40282347e+38F", "1.7976931348623157e+308", "1.18973149535723176502e+4932L", "1.79769313486231580793728971405301e+308L", "1.18973149535723176508575932662800702e+4932L"); char MacroBuf[100]; sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_DENORM_MIN__=%s", Prefix, DenormMin); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_DIG__=%d", Prefix, Digits); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_EPSILON__=%s", Prefix, Epsilon); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_HAS_INFINITY__=%d", Prefix, HasInifinity); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_HAS_QUIET_NAN__=%d", Prefix, HasQuietNaN); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MANT_DIG__=%d", Prefix, MantissaDigits); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MAX_10_EXP__=%d", Prefix, Max10Exp); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MAX_EXP__=%d", Prefix, MaxExp); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MAX__=%s", Prefix, Max); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MIN_10_EXP__=(%d)", Prefix, Min10Exp); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MIN_EXP__=(%d)", Prefix, MinExp); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_MIN__=%s", Prefix, Min); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__%s_HAS_DENORM__=1", Prefix); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); } /// DefineTypeSize - Emit a macro to the predefines buffer that declares a macro /// named MacroName with the max value for a type with width 'TypeWidth' a /// signedness of 'isSigned' and with a value suffix of 'ValSuffix' (e.g. LL). static void DefineTypeSize(const char *MacroName, unsigned TypeWidth, const char *ValSuffix, bool isSigned, std::vector &Buf) { char MacroBuf[60]; long long MaxVal; if (isSigned) MaxVal = (1LL << (TypeWidth - 1)) - 1; else MaxVal = ~0LL >> (64-TypeWidth); // FIXME: Switch to using raw_ostream and avoid utostr(). sprintf(MacroBuf, "%s=%s%s", MacroName, llvm::utostr(MaxVal).c_str(), ValSuffix); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); } static void DefineType(const char *MacroName, TargetInfo::IntType Ty, std::vector &Buf) { char MacroBuf[60]; sprintf(MacroBuf, "%s=%s", MacroName, TargetInfo::getTypeName(Ty)); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); } static void InitializePredefinedMacros(const TargetInfo &TI, const LangOptions &LangOpts, std::vector &Buf) { char MacroBuf[60]; // Compiler version introspection macros. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__llvm__=1"); // LLVM Backend DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__clang__=1"); // Clang Frontend // Currently claim to be compatible with GCC 4.2.1-5621. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUC_MINOR__=2"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__=1"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUC__=4"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GXX_ABI_VERSION=1002"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__VERSION__=\"4.2.1 Compatible Clang Compiler\""); // Initialize language-specific preprocessor defines. // These should all be defined in the preprocessor according to the // current language configuration. if (!LangOpts.Microsoft) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STDC__=1"); if (LangOpts.AsmPreprocessor) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__ASSEMBLER__=1"); if (!LangOpts.CPlusPlus) { if (LangOpts.C99) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STDC_VERSION__=199901L"); else if (!LangOpts.GNUMode && LangOpts.Digraphs) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STDC_VERSION__=199409L"); } // Standard conforming mode? if (!LangOpts.GNUMode) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STRICT_ANSI__=1"); if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus0x) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__"); if (LangOpts.Freestanding) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STDC_HOSTED__=0"); else DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__STDC_HOSTED__=1"); if (LangOpts.ObjC1) { DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__OBJC__=1"); if (LangOpts.ObjCNonFragileABI) { DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__OBJC2__=1"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "OBJC_ZEROCOST_EXCEPTIONS=1"); } if (LangOpts.getGCMode() != LangOptions::NonGC) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__OBJC_GC__=1"); if (LangOpts.NeXTRuntime) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__NEXT_RUNTIME__=1"); } // darwin_constant_cfstrings controls this. This is also dependent // on other things like the runtime I believe. This is set even for C code. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__CONSTANT_CFSTRINGS__=1"); if (LangOpts.ObjC2) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "OBJC_NEW_PROPERTIES"); if (LangOpts.PascalStrings) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__PASCAL_STRINGS__"); if (LangOpts.Blocks) { DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__block=__attribute__((__blocks__(byref)))"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__BLOCKS__=1"); } if (LangOpts.Exceptions) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__EXCEPTIONS=1"); if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus) { DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__DEPRECATED=1"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUG__=4"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GXX_WEAK__=1"); if (LangOpts.GNUMode) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__cplusplus=1"); else // C++ [cpp.predefined]p1: // The name_ _cplusplusis defined to the value199711Lwhen compiling a // C++ translation unit. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__cplusplus=199711L"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__private_extern__=extern"); // Ugly hack to work with GNU libstdc++. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "_GNU_SOURCE=1"); } if (LangOpts.Microsoft) { // Filter out some microsoft extensions when trying to parse in ms-compat // mode. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__int8=__INT8_TYPE__"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__int16=__INT16_TYPE__"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__int32=__INT32_TYPE__"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__int64=__INT64_TYPE__"); // Work around some issues with Visual C++ headerws. if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus) { // Since we define wchar_t in C++ mode. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "_WCHAR_T_DEFINED=1"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED=1"); // FIXME: This should be temporary until we have a __pragma // solution, to avoid some errors flagged in VC++ headers. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_NAMES=0"); } } if (LangOpts.Optimize) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__OPTIMIZE__=1"); if (LangOpts.OptimizeSize) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__OPTIMIZE_SIZE__=1"); // Initialize target-specific preprocessor defines. // Define type sizing macros based on the target properties. assert(TI.getCharWidth() == 8 && "Only support 8-bit char so far"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__CHAR_BIT__=8"); unsigned IntMaxWidth; const char *IntMaxSuffix; if (TI.getIntMaxType() == TargetInfo::SignedLongLong) { IntMaxWidth = TI.getLongLongWidth(); IntMaxSuffix = "LL"; } else if (TI.getIntMaxType() == TargetInfo::SignedLong) { IntMaxWidth = TI.getLongWidth(); IntMaxSuffix = "L"; } else { assert(TI.getIntMaxType() == TargetInfo::SignedInt); IntMaxWidth = TI.getIntWidth(); IntMaxSuffix = ""; } DefineTypeSize("__SCHAR_MAX__", TI.getCharWidth(), "", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__SHRT_MAX__", TI.getShortWidth(), "", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__INT_MAX__", TI.getIntWidth(), "", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__LONG_MAX__", TI.getLongWidth(), "L", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__LONG_LONG_MAX__", TI.getLongLongWidth(), "LL", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__WCHAR_MAX__", TI.getWCharWidth(), "", true, Buf); DefineTypeSize("__INTMAX_MAX__", IntMaxWidth, IntMaxSuffix, true, Buf); DefineType("__INTMAX_TYPE__", TI.getIntMaxType(), Buf); DefineType("__UINTMAX_TYPE__", TI.getUIntMaxType(), Buf); DefineType("__PTRDIFF_TYPE__", TI.getPtrDiffType(0), Buf); DefineType("__INTPTR_TYPE__", TI.getIntPtrType(), Buf); DefineType("__SIZE_TYPE__", TI.getSizeType(), Buf); DefineType("__WCHAR_TYPE__", TI.getWCharType(), Buf); DefineType("__WINT_TYPE__", TI.getWIntType(), Buf); DefineFloatMacros(Buf, "FLT", &TI.getFloatFormat()); DefineFloatMacros(Buf, "DBL", &TI.getDoubleFormat()); DefineFloatMacros(Buf, "LDBL", &TI.getLongDoubleFormat()); // Define a __POINTER_WIDTH__ macro for stdint.h. sprintf(MacroBuf, "__POINTER_WIDTH__=%d", (int)TI.getPointerWidth(0)); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); if (!LangOpts.CharIsSigned) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__CHAR_UNSIGNED__"); // Define fixed-sized integer types for stdint.h assert(TI.getCharWidth() == 8 && "unsupported target types"); assert(TI.getShortWidth() == 16 && "unsupported target types"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__INT8_TYPE__=char"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__INT16_TYPE__=short"); if (TI.getIntWidth() == 32) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__INT32_TYPE__=int"); else { assert(TI.getLongLongWidth() == 32 && "unsupported target types"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__INT32_TYPE__=long long"); } // 16-bit targets doesn't necessarily have a 64-bit type. if (TI.getLongLongWidth() == 64) DefineType("__INT64_TYPE__", TI.getInt64Type(), Buf); // Add __builtin_va_list typedef. { const char *VAList = TI.getVAListDeclaration(); Buf.insert(Buf.end(), VAList, VAList+strlen(VAList)); Buf.push_back('\n'); } if (const char *Prefix = TI.getUserLabelPrefix()) { sprintf(MacroBuf, "__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__=%s", Prefix); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); } // Build configuration options. FIXME: these should be controlled by // command line options or something. DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__FINITE_MATH_ONLY__=0"); if (LangOpts.GNUInline) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__=1"); else DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__GNUC_STDC_INLINE__=1"); if (LangOpts.NoInline) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__NO_INLINE__=1"); if (unsigned PICLevel = LangOpts.PICLevel) { sprintf(MacroBuf, "__PIC__=%d", PICLevel); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__pic__=%d", PICLevel); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); } // Macros to control C99 numerics and DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__FLT_EVAL_METHOD__=0"); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__FLT_RADIX__=2"); sprintf(MacroBuf, "__DECIMAL_DIG__=%d", PickFP(&TI.getLongDoubleFormat(), -1/*FIXME*/, 17, 21, 33, 36)); DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, MacroBuf); if (LangOpts.getStackProtectorMode() == LangOptions::SSPOn) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__SSP__=1"); else if (LangOpts.getStackProtectorMode() == LangOptions::SSPReq) DefineBuiltinMacro(Buf, "__SSP_ALL__=2"); // Get other target #defines. TI.getTargetDefines(LangOpts, Buf); } /// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the /// environment ready to process a single file. This returns true on error. /// bool InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP, const PreprocessorInitOptions& InitOpts) { std::vector PredefineBuffer; const char *LineDirective = "# 1 \"\" 3\n"; PredefineBuffer.insert(PredefineBuffer.end(), LineDirective, LineDirective+strlen(LineDirective)); // Install things like __POWERPC__, __GNUC__, etc into the macro table. InitializePredefinedMacros(PP.getTargetInfo(), PP.getLangOptions(), PredefineBuffer); // Add on the predefines from the driver. Wrap in a #line directive to report // that they come from the command line. LineDirective = "# 1 \"\" 1\n"; PredefineBuffer.insert(PredefineBuffer.end(), LineDirective, LineDirective+strlen(LineDirective)); // Process #define's and #undef's in the order they are given. for (PreprocessorInitOptions::macro_iterator I = InitOpts.macro_begin(), E = InitOpts.macro_end(); I != E; ++I) { if (I->second) // isUndef UndefineBuiltinMacro(PredefineBuffer, I->first.c_str()); else DefineBuiltinMacro(PredefineBuffer, I->first.c_str()); } // If -imacros are specified, include them now. These are processed before // any -include directives. for (PreprocessorInitOptions::imacro_iterator I = InitOpts.imacro_begin(), E = InitOpts.imacro_end(); I != E; ++I) AddImplicitIncludeMacros(PredefineBuffer, *I); // Process -include directives. for (PreprocessorInitOptions::include_iterator I = InitOpts.include_begin(), E = InitOpts.include_end(); I != E; ++I) { if (I->second) // isPTH AddImplicitIncludePTH(PredefineBuffer, PP, I->first); else AddImplicitInclude(PredefineBuffer, I->first); } // Null terminate PredefinedBuffer and add it. PredefineBuffer.push_back(0); PP.setPredefines(&PredefineBuffer[0]); // Once we've read this, we're done. return false; } } // namespace clang