//===- SourceMgr.h - Manager for Source Buffers & Diagnostics ---*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares the SMLoc, SMDiagnostic and SourceMgr classes.  This
// provides a simple substrate for diagnostics, #include handling, and other low
// level things for simple parsers.


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

namespace llvm {
  class MemoryBuffer;
  class SourceMgr;
  class SMDiagnostic;
  class raw_ostream;
class SMLoc {
  const char *Ptr;
  SMLoc() : Ptr(0) {}
  SMLoc(const SMLoc &RHS) : Ptr(RHS.Ptr) {}
  bool isValid() const { return Ptr != 0; }

  bool operator==(const SMLoc &RHS) const { return RHS.Ptr == Ptr; }
  bool operator!=(const SMLoc &RHS) const { return RHS.Ptr != Ptr; }

  const char *getPointer() const { return Ptr; }
  static SMLoc getFromPointer(const char *Ptr) {
    SMLoc L;
    L.Ptr = Ptr;
    return L;

/// SourceMgr - This owns the files read by a parser, handles include stacks,
/// and handles diagnostic wrangling.
class SourceMgr {
  struct SrcBuffer {
    /// Buffer - The memory buffer for the file.
    MemoryBuffer *Buffer;
    /// IncludeLoc - This is the location of the parent include, or null if at
    /// the top level.
    SMLoc IncludeLoc;
  /// Buffers - This is all of the buffers that we are reading from.
  std::vector<SrcBuffer> Buffers;
  // IncludeDirectories - This is the list of directories we should search for
  // include files in.
  std::vector<std::string> IncludeDirectories;
  /// LineNoCache - This is a cache for line number queries, its implementation
  /// is really private to SourceMgr.cpp.
  mutable void *LineNoCache;
  SourceMgr(const SourceMgr&);    // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
  void operator=(const SourceMgr&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
  SourceMgr() : LineNoCache(0) {}
  void setIncludeDirs(const std::vector<std::string> &Dirs) {
    IncludeDirectories = Dirs;
  const SrcBuffer &getBufferInfo(unsigned i) const {
    assert(i < Buffers.size() && "Invalid Buffer ID!");
    return Buffers[i];

  const MemoryBuffer *getMemoryBuffer(unsigned i) const {
    assert(i < Buffers.size() && "Invalid Buffer ID!");
    return Buffers[i].Buffer;
  SMLoc getParentIncludeLoc(unsigned i) const {
    assert(i < Buffers.size() && "Invalid Buffer ID!");
    return Buffers[i].IncludeLoc;
  unsigned AddNewSourceBuffer(MemoryBuffer *F, SMLoc IncludeLoc) {
    SrcBuffer NB;
    NB.Buffer = F;
    NB.IncludeLoc = IncludeLoc;
    return Buffers.size()-1;
  /// AddIncludeFile - Search for a file with the specified name in the current
  /// directory or in one of the IncludeDirs.  If no file is found, this returns
  /// ~0, otherwise it returns the buffer ID of the stacked file.
  unsigned AddIncludeFile(const std::string &Filename, SMLoc IncludeLoc);
  /// FindBufferContainingLoc - Return the ID of the buffer containing the
  /// specified location, returning -1 if not found.
  int FindBufferContainingLoc(SMLoc Loc) const;
  /// FindLineNumber - Find the line number for the specified location in the
  /// specified file.  This is not a fast method.
  unsigned FindLineNumber(SMLoc Loc, int BufferID = -1) const;
  /// PrintMessage - Emit a message about the specified location with the
  /// specified string.
  /// @param Type - If non-null, the kind of message (e.g., "error") which is
  /// prefixed to the message.
  void PrintMessage(SMLoc Loc, const std::string &Msg, const char *Type) const;
  /// GetMessage - Return an SMDiagnostic at the specified location with the
  /// specified string.
  /// @param Type - If non-null, the kind of message (e.g., "error") which is
  /// prefixed to the message.
  SMDiagnostic GetMessage(SMLoc Loc,
                          const std::string &Msg, const char *Type) const;
  void PrintIncludeStack(SMLoc IncludeLoc, raw_ostream &OS) const;

/// SMDiagnostic - Instances of this class encapsulate one diagnostic report,
/// allowing printing to a raw_ostream as a caret diagnostic.
class SMDiagnostic {
  std::string Filename;
  int LineNo, ColumnNo;
  std::string Message, LineContents;
  SMDiagnostic() : LineNo(0), ColumnNo(0) {}
  SMDiagnostic(const std::string &FN, int Line, int Col,
               const std::string &Msg, const std::string &LineStr)
    : Filename(FN), LineNo(Line), ColumnNo(Col), Message(Msg),
      LineContents(LineStr) {}

  void Print(const char *ProgName, raw_ostream &S);
}  // end llvm namespace
