//==- ProgramPoint.h - Program Points for Path-Sensitive Analysis --*- C++ -*-// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines the interface ProgramPoint, which identifies a // distinct location in a function. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #ifndef LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_PROGRAM_POINT #define LLVM_CLANG_ANALYSIS_PROGRAM_POINT #include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h" #include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h" #include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include <cassert> #include <utility> namespace clang { class LocationContext; class AnalysisContext; class FunctionDecl; class ProgramPoint { public: enum Kind { BlockEdgeKind, BlockEntranceKind, BlockExitKind, PreStmtKind, PostStmtKind, PreLoadKind, PostLoadKind, PreStoreKind, PostStoreKind, PostPurgeDeadSymbolsKind, PostStmtCustomKind, PostConditionKind, PostLValueKind, PostInitializerKind, CallEnterKind, CallExitKind, MinPostStmtKind = PostStmtKind, MaxPostStmtKind = CallExitKind }; private: std::pair<const void *, const void *> Data; Kind K; // The LocationContext could be NULL to allow ProgramPoint to be used in // context insensitive analysis. const LocationContext *L; const void *Tag; protected: ProgramPoint(const void* P, Kind k, const LocationContext *l, const void *tag = 0) : Data(P, static_cast<const void*>(NULL)), K(k), L(l), Tag(tag) {} ProgramPoint(const void* P1, const void* P2, Kind k, const LocationContext *l, const void *tag = 0) : Data(P1, P2), K(k), L(l), Tag(tag) {} protected: const void* getData1() const { return Data.first; } const void* getData2() const { return Data.second; } public: Kind getKind() const { return K; } const void *getTag() const { return Tag; } const LocationContext *getLocationContext() const { return L; } // For use with DenseMap. This hash is probably slow. unsigned getHashValue() const { llvm::FoldingSetNodeID ID; Profile(ID); return ID.ComputeHash(); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint*) { return true; } bool operator==(const ProgramPoint & RHS) const { return K == RHS.K && Data == RHS.Data && L == RHS.L && Tag == RHS.Tag; } bool operator!=(const ProgramPoint& RHS) const { return K != RHS.K || Data != RHS.Data || L != RHS.L || Tag != RHS.Tag; } void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const { ID.AddInteger((unsigned) K); ID.AddPointer(Data.first); ID.AddPointer(Data.second); ID.AddPointer(L); ID.AddPointer(Tag); } }; class BlockEntrance : public ProgramPoint { public: BlockEntrance(const CFGBlock* B, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : ProgramPoint(B, BlockEntranceKind, L, tag) {} const CFGBlock* getBlock() const { return reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()); } const CFGElement getFirstElement() const { const CFGBlock* B = getBlock(); return B->empty() ? CFGElement() : B->front(); } /// Create a new BlockEntrance object that is the same as the original /// except for using the specified tag value. BlockEntrance withTag(const void *tag) { return BlockEntrance(getBlock(), getLocationContext(), tag); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == BlockEntranceKind; } }; class BlockExit : public ProgramPoint { public: BlockExit(const CFGBlock* B, const LocationContext *L) : ProgramPoint(B, BlockExitKind, L) {} const CFGBlock* getBlock() const { return reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()); } const Stmt* getTerminator() const { return getBlock()->getTerminator(); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == BlockExitKind; } }; class StmtPoint : public ProgramPoint { public: StmtPoint(const Stmt *S, const void *p2, Kind k, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag) : ProgramPoint(S, p2, k, L, tag) {} const Stmt *getStmt() const { return (const Stmt*) getData1(); } template <typename T> const T* getStmtAs() const { return llvm::dyn_cast<T>(getStmt()); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { unsigned k = Location->getKind(); return k >= PreStmtKind && k <= MaxPostStmtKind; } }; class PreStmt : public StmtPoint { public: PreStmt(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag, const Stmt *SubStmt = 0) : StmtPoint(S, SubStmt, PreStmtKind, L, tag) {} const Stmt *getSubStmt() const { return (const Stmt*) getData2(); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PreStmtKind; } }; class PostStmt : public StmtPoint { protected: PostStmt(const Stmt* S, const void* data, Kind k, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag =0) : StmtPoint(S, data, k, L, tag) {} public: explicit PostStmt(const Stmt* S, Kind k, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : StmtPoint(S, NULL, k, L, tag) {} explicit PostStmt(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L,const void *tag = 0) : StmtPoint(S, NULL, PostStmtKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { unsigned k = Location->getKind(); return k >= MinPostStmtKind && k <= MaxPostStmtKind; } }; class PostStmtCustom : public PostStmt { public: PostStmtCustom(const Stmt* S, const std::pair<const void*, const void*>* TaggedData,\ const LocationContext *L) : PostStmt(S, TaggedData, PostStmtCustomKind, L) {} const std::pair<const void*, const void*>& getTaggedPair() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<const void*, const void*>*>(getData2()); } const void* getTag() const { return getTaggedPair().first; } const void* getTaggedData() const { return getTaggedPair().second; } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostStmtCustomKind; } }; // PostCondition represents the post program point of a branch condition. class PostCondition : public PostStmt { public: PostCondition(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : PostStmt(S, PostConditionKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostConditionKind; } }; class LocationCheck : public StmtPoint { protected: LocationCheck(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L, ProgramPoint::Kind K, const void *tag) : StmtPoint(S, NULL, K, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *location) { unsigned k = location->getKind(); return k == PreLoadKind || k == PreStoreKind; } }; class PreLoad : public LocationCheck { public: PreLoad(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : LocationCheck(S, L, PreLoadKind, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *location) { return location->getKind() == PreLoadKind; } }; class PreStore : public LocationCheck { public: PreStore(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : LocationCheck(S, L, PreStoreKind, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *location) { return location->getKind() == PreStoreKind; } }; class PostLoad : public PostStmt { public: PostLoad(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : PostStmt(S, PostLoadKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostLoadKind; } }; class PostStore : public PostStmt { public: PostStore(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : PostStmt(S, PostStoreKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostStoreKind; } }; class PostLValue : public PostStmt { public: PostLValue(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : PostStmt(S, PostLValueKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostLValueKind; } }; class PostPurgeDeadSymbols : public PostStmt { public: PostPurgeDeadSymbols(const Stmt* S, const LocationContext *L, const void *tag = 0) : PostStmt(S, PostPurgeDeadSymbolsKind, L, tag) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostPurgeDeadSymbolsKind; } }; class BlockEdge : public ProgramPoint { public: BlockEdge(const CFGBlock* B1, const CFGBlock* B2, const LocationContext *L) : ProgramPoint(B1, B2, BlockEdgeKind, L) {} const CFGBlock* getSrc() const { return static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()); } const CFGBlock* getDst() const { return static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData2()); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) { return Location->getKind() == BlockEdgeKind; } }; class PostInitializer : public ProgramPoint { public: PostInitializer(const CXXCtorInitializer *I, const LocationContext *L) : ProgramPoint(I, PostInitializerKind, L) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *Location) { return Location->getKind() == PostInitializerKind; } }; class CallEnter : public StmtPoint { public: CallEnter(const Stmt *stmt, const StackFrameContext *calleeCtx, const LocationContext *callerCtx) : StmtPoint(stmt, calleeCtx, CallEnterKind, callerCtx, 0) {} const Stmt *getCallExpr() const { return static_cast<const Stmt *>(getData1()); } const StackFrameContext *getCalleeContext() const { return static_cast<const StackFrameContext *>(getData2()); } static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *Location) { return Location->getKind() == CallEnterKind; } }; class CallExit : public StmtPoint { public: // CallExit uses the callee's location context. CallExit(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L) : StmtPoint(S, 0, CallExitKind, L, 0) {} static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *Location) { return Location->getKind() == CallExitKind; } }; } // end namespace clang namespace llvm { // Traits specialization for DenseMap template <> struct DenseMapInfo<clang::ProgramPoint> { static inline clang::ProgramPoint getEmptyKey() { uintptr_t x = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(DenseMapInfo<void*>::getEmptyKey()) & ~0x7; return clang::BlockEntrance(reinterpret_cast<clang::CFGBlock*>(x), 0); } static inline clang::ProgramPoint getTombstoneKey() { uintptr_t x = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(DenseMapInfo<void*>::getTombstoneKey()) & ~0x7; return clang::BlockEntrance(reinterpret_cast<clang::CFGBlock*>(x), 0); } static unsigned getHashValue(const clang::ProgramPoint& Loc) { return Loc.getHashValue(); } static bool isEqual(const clang::ProgramPoint& L, const clang::ProgramPoint& R) { return L == R; } }; template <> struct isPodLike<clang::ProgramPoint> { static const bool value = true; }; } // end namespace llvm #endif