#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Wolfram Schneider . Berlin. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # makewhatis -- update the whatis database in the man directories. # # $Id: makewhatis.perl,v 1.10 1996/05/22 00:57:42 wosch Exp $ sub usage { warn <) { push(@a, $_); } close A; } else { warn "$whatisdb: $!\n" if lstat($file) && $verbose; # } undef $file; } warn "Open $whatisdb\n" if $verbose; if (!open(A, "> $whatisdb")) { die "$whatisdb: $!\n" if $outfile; warn "$whatisdb: $!\n"; $err++; return 0; } select A; return 1; } sub close_output { local($success) = @_; local($w) = $whatisdb; local($counter) = 0; local($i, $last,@b); $w =~ s/\.tmp$//; if ($success) { # success # uniq warn "\n" if $verbose && $pointflag; warn "sort -u > $whatisdb\n" if $verbose; foreach $i (sort @a) { if ($i ne $last) { push(@b, $i); } $last =$i; } $counter = $#b + 1; print @b; close A; select STDOUT; if (!$outfile) { warn "Rename $whatisdb to $w\n" if $verbose; rename($whatisdb, $w) || warn "rename $whatisdb $w\n"; $counter_all += $counter; warn "$counter entries in $w\n" if $verbose; } else { $counter_all = $counter; } } else { # building whatisdb failed unlink($whatisdb); warn "building whatisdb: $whatisdb failed\n" if $verbose; } return 1; } sub parse_subdir { local($dir) = @_; local($file, $dev,$ino); warn "\n" if $pointflag; warn "traverse $dir\n" if $verbose; $pointflag = 0; if (!opendir(M, $dir)) { warn "$dir: $!\n"; $err++; return 0; } $| = 1 if $verbose; foreach $file (readdir(M)) { next if $file =~ /^(\.|\.\.)$/; ($dev, $ino) = ((stat("$dir/$file"))[01]); if (-f _) { if ($man_red{"$dev.$ino"}) { # Link print STDERR "+" if $verbose; $pointflag++ if $verbose; } else { &manual("$dir/$file"); } $man_red{"$dev.$ino"} = 1; } elsif (! -d _) { warn "Cannot find file: $dir/$file\n"; $err++; } } closedir M; return 1; } # read man directory sub parse_dir { local($dir) = @_; local($subdir, $file); # clean up, in case mandir and subdirs are called simultaneously # e. g.: ~/man/man1 ~/man/man2 ~/man #~/man/ man1 and ~/man/man2 are a subset of ~/man foreach $file (keys %man_red) { delete $man_red{$file}; } if ($dir =~ /man$/) { warn "\n" if $verbose && $pointflag; warn "open manpath directory ``$dir''\n" if $verbose; $pointflag = 0; if (!opendir(DIR, $dir)) { warn "opendir ``$dir'':$!\n"; $err = 1; return 0; } foreach $subdir (sort(readdir(DIR))) { if ($subdir =~ /^man\w+$/) { $subdir = "$dir/$subdir"; &parse_subdir($subdir); } } closedir DIR } elsif ($dir =~ /man\w+$/) { &parse_subdir($dir); } else { warn "Assume ``$dir'' is not a man directory.\n"; $err = 1; return 0; } return 1; } sub dir_redundant { local($dir) = @_; local ($dev,$ino) = (stat($dir))[0..1]; if ($dir_redundant{"$dev.$ino"}) { warn "$dir is equal to: $dir_redundant{\"$dev.$ino\"}\n" if $verbose; return 0; } $dir_redundant{"$dev.$ino"} = $dir; return 1; } # ``/usr/man/man1/foo.l'' -> ``l'' sub ext { local($filename) = @_; local($extension) = $filename; $extension =~ s/$ext$//g; # strip .gz $extension =~ s/.*\///g; # basename if ($extension !~ /\./) { # no dot $extension = $filename; #$extension =~ s|/[^/]+$||; $extension =~ s/.*(.)/$1/; # last character warn "\n" if $verbose && $pointflag; warn "$filename has no extension, try section ``$extension''\n" if $verbose; $pointflag = 0; } else { $extension =~ s/.*\.//g; # foo.bla.1 -> 1 } return "$extension"; } # ``/usr/man/man1/foo.1'' -> ``foo'' sub name { local($name) = @_; $name =~ s=.*/==; $name =~ s=$ext$==o; $name =~ s=\.[^\.]+$==; return "$name"; } # output sub out { local($list) = @_; local($delim) = " - "; $_ = $list; # delete italic etc. s/^\.[^ -]+[ -]+//; s/\\\((em|mi)//; s/\\f[IRBP]//g; s/\\\*p//g; s/\(OBSOLETED\)[ ]?//; s/\\&//g; s/^\@INDOT\@//; s/[\"\\]//g; #" s/[. \t-]+$//; s/ / - / unless / - /; ($man,$desc) = split(/ - /); $man = $name unless $man; $man =~ s/[,. ]+$//; $man =~ s/,/($extension),/g; $man .= "($extension)"; &manpagename; $desc =~ s/^[ \t]+//; for($i = length($man); $i < $indent && $desc; $i++) { $man .= ' '; } if ($desc) { push(@a, "$man$delim$desc\n"); } else { push(@a, "$man\n"); } } # The filename of manual page is not a keyword. # This is bad, because you don't find the manpage # whith: $ man
# # Add filename if a) filename is not a keyword and b) no keyword(s) # exist as file in same mansection # sub manpagename { foreach (split(/,\s+/, $man)) { s/\(.+//; # filename is keyword return if $name eq $_; } local($f) = $file; $f =~ s%/*[^/]+$%%; # dirname local($e) = $file; $e =~ s/$ext$//; $e =~ s%.*(\.[^.]+)$%$1%; # .1 foreach (split(/,\s+/, $man)) { s/\(.+//; # a keyword exist as file return if -e "$f/$_$e" || -e "$f/$_$e$ext"; } $man = "$name($extension), $man"; } # looking for NAME sub manual { local($file) = @_; local($list, $desc, $extension); local($ofile) = $file; # Compressed man pages if ($ofile =~ /$ext$/) { $ofile = "gzcat $file |"; print STDERR "*" if $verbose; } else { print STDERR "." if $verbose; } $pointflag++ if $verbose; if (!open(F, "$ofile")) { warn "Cannot open file: $ofile\n"; $err++; return 0; } # extension/section $extension = &ext($file); $name = &name($file); local($source) = 0; local($list); while() { # ``man'' style pages # &&: it takes you only half the user time, regexp is slow!!! if (/^\.SH/ && /^\.SH[ \t]+["]?(NAME|Name|NAMN)["]?/) { #while() { last unless /^\./ } # Skip #chop; $list = $_; while() { last if /^\.SH[ \t]/; chop; s/^\.[A-Z]+[ ]+[0-9]+$//; # delete commands s/^\.[A-Za-z]+[ \t]*//; # delete commands s/^\.\\".*$//; #" delete comments s/^[ \t]+//; if ($_) { $list .= $_; $list .= ' '; } } &out($list); close F; return 1; } elsif (/^\.Sh/ && /^\.Sh[ \t]+["]?(NAME|Name)["]?/) { # ``doc'' style pages local($flag) = 0; while() { last if /^\.Sh/; chop; s/^\.\\".*$//; #" delete comments if (/^\.Nm/) { s/^\.Nm[ \t]*//; s/ ,/,/g; s/[ \t]+$//; $list .= $_; $list .= ' '; } else { $list .= '- ' if (!$flag && !/-/); $flag++; s/^\.[A-Z][a-z][ \t]*//; s/[ \t]+$//; $list .= $_; $list .= ' '; } } &out($list); close F; return 1; } elsif(/^\.so/ && /^\.so[ \t]+man/) { close F; return 1; } } if (!$source && $verbose) { warn "\n" if $pointflag; warn "Maybe $file is not a manpage\n" ; $pointflag = 0; } return 0; } # make relative path to absolute path sub absolute_path { local(@dirlist) = @_; local($pwd, $dir, @a); $pwd = $ENV{'PWD'}; foreach $dir (@dirlist) { if ($dir !~ "^/") { chop($pwd = `pwd`) if (!$pwd || $pwd !~ /^\//); push(@a, "$pwd/$dir"); } else { push(@a, $dir); } } return @a; } # strip unused '/' # e.g.: //usr///home// -> /usr/home sub stripdir { local($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s|/+|/|g; # delete double '/' $dir =~ s|/$||; # delete '/' at end $dir =~ s|/(\.\/)+|/|g; # delete ././././ $dir =~ s|/+|/|g; # delete double '/' $dir =~ s|/$||; # delete '/' at end $dir =~ s|/\.$||; # delete /. at end return $dir if $dir ne ""; return '/'; } sub variables { $verbose = 0; # Verbose $indent = 24; # indent for description $outfile = 0; # Don't write to ./whatis $whatis_name = "whatis"; # Default name for DB $append = 0; # Don't delete old entries # if no argument for directories given @defaultmanpath = ( '/usr/share/man' ); $ext = '.gz'; # extension umask(022); $err = 0; # exit code $whatisdb = ''; $counter_all = 0; $dir_redundant = ''; # redundant directories $man_red = ''; # redundant man pages @a = (); # Array for output # Signals $SIG{'INT'} = 'Exit'; $SIG{'HUP'} = 'Exit'; $SIG{'TRAP'} = 'Exit'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'Exit'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'Exit'; $tmp = ''; # tmp file $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:$ENV{'PATH'}"; } sub Exit { unlink($tmp) if $tmp ne ""; # unlink if a filename die "$0: die on signal SIG@_\n"; } sub parse { local(@argv) = @_; local($i); while ($_ = $argv[0], /^-/) { shift @argv; last if /^--$/; if (/^--?(v|verbose)$/) { $verbose = 1 } elsif (/^--?(h|help|\?)$/) { &usage } elsif (/^--?(o|outfile)$/) { $outfile = $argv[0]; shift @argv } elsif (/^--?(f|format|i|indent)$/) { $i = $argv[0]; shift @argv } elsif (/^--?(n|name)$/) { $whatis_name = $argv[0];shift @argv } elsif (/^--?(a|append)$/) { $append = 1 } else { &usage } } if ($i ne "") { if ($i =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { $indent = $i; } else { warn "Ignoring wrong indent value: ``$i''\n"; } } return &absolute_path(@argv) if $#argv >= 0; return @defaultmanpath if $#defaultmanpath >= 0; warn "Missing directories\n"; &usage; } ## ## Main ## &variables; # allow colons in dir: ``makewhatis dir1:dir2:dir3'' @argv = &parse(split(/[: ]/, join($", @ARGV))); # " if ($outfile) { if(&open_output($outfile)){ foreach $dir (@argv) { $dir = &stripdir($dir); &dir_redundant($dir) && &parse_dir($dir); } } &close_output(1); } else { foreach $dir (@argv) { $dir = &stripdir($dir); &dir_redundant($dir) && &close_output(&open_output($dir) && &parse_dir($dir)); } } warn "Total entries: $counter_all\n" if $verbose && ($#argv > 0 || $outfile); exit $err;