# # $Id: Makefile,v 1.11 1998/12/27 17:25:27 bde Exp $ # GPPDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../contrib/libg++ .PATH: ${GPPDIR}/libstdc++ ${GPPDIR}/libstdc++/stl ${GPPDIR}/libio \ ${GPPDIR}/libiberty LIB= stdc++ SHLIB_MAJOR= 2 SHLIB_MINOR= 0 CFLAGS+= -I${GPPDIR}/include -I${DESTDIR}/usr/include/g++ -I. CXXFLAGS+= -I${GPPDIR}/include -I${GPPDIR}/libio -I${GPPDIR}/libstdc++ CXXFLAGS+= -fno-implicit-templates LDADD+= -lm DPADD+= ${LIBM} DIR= ${GPPDIR}/libstdc++ HDRS= cassert cctype cerrno cfloat ciso646 climits clocale cmath complex \ csetjmp csignal cstdarg cstddef cstdio cstdlib cstring ctime \ cwchar cwctype new stddef string exception stdexcept typeinfo \ algorithm deque list map queue set stack vector utility functional \ iterator memory numeric \ complex.h new.h stl.h SHDRS= bastring.cc bastring.h cassert.h cctype.h cerrno.h cfloat.h cinst.h \ ciso646.h climits.h clocale.h cmath.h complex.h complext.cc \ complext.h csetjmp.h csignal.h cstdarg.h cstddef.h cstdio.h \ cstdlib.h cstring.h ctime.h cwchar.h cwctype.h dcomplex.h exception.h \ fcomplex.h ldcomplex.h new.h sinst.h stddef.h stdexcept.h straits.h \ string.h typeinfo.h STLHDRS=algo.h algobase.h bool.h bvector.h defalloc.h deque.h faralloc.h \ fdeque.h flist.h fmap.h fmultmap.h fmultset.h fset.h function.h \ hdeque.h heap.h hlist.h hmap.h hmultmap.h hmultset.h hset.h \ hugalloc.h hvector.h iterator.h lbvector.h ldeque.h list.h llist.h \ lmap.h lmultmap.h lmultset.h lngalloc.h lset.h map.h multimap.h \ multiset.h neralloc.h nmap.h nmultmap.h nmultset.h nset.h pair.h \ projectn.h set.h stack.h tempbuf.h tree.h vector.h SRCS+= newi.cc cstringi.cc stddefi.cc typeinfoi.cc exceptioni.cc \ stdexcepti.cc cstdlibi.cc cmathi.cc # stl sources. SRCS+= tempbuf.cc tree.cc random.cc # "standard" C parts of libiberty (strerror is a superset of the libc version) SRCS+= insque.c strerror.c # Headers for iostream IHDRS= PlotFile.h SFile.h builtinbuf.h editbuf.h floatio.h fstream.h \ indstream.h iolibio.h iomanip.h iostdio.h iostream.h iostreamP.h \ istream.h libio.h libioP.h ostream.h parsestream.h pfstream.h \ procbuf.h stdiostream.h stream.h streambuf.h strfile.h strstream.h # C++ parts of iostream SRCS+= PlotFile.cc SFile.cc builtinbuf.cc editbuf.cc filebuf.cc fstream.cc \ indstream.cc ioassign.cc ioextend.cc iomanip.cc iostream.cc \ isgetline.cc isgetsb.cc isscan.cc osform.cc parsestream.cc \ pfstream.cc procbuf.cc sbform.cc sbgetline.cc sbscan.cc \ stdiostream.cc stdstrbufs.cc stdstreams.cc stream.cc streambuf.cc \ strstream.cc # C parts of iostream SRCS+= cleanup.c filedoalloc.c fileops.c floatconv.c genops.c iofclose.c \ iofgetpos.c iofread.c iofscanf.c iofsetpos.c iogetdelim.c iogetline.c \ ioignore.c iopadn.c iopopen.c ioprims.c ioprintf.c ioseekoff.c \ ioseekpos.c iostrerror.c ioungetc.c iovfprintf.c iovfscanf.c \ outfloat.c strops.c SRCS+= config.h CLEANFILES+= config.h config.h: touch config.h beforeinstall: ${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 \ ${.CURDIR}/_G_config.h \ ${HDRS:S;^;${GPPDIR}/libstdc++/;} \ ${IHDRS:S;^;${GPPDIR}/libio/;} \ ${STLHDRS:S;^;${GPPDIR}/libstdc++/stl/;} \ ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/g++ ${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 \ ${SHDRS:S;^;${GPPDIR}/libstdc++/std/;} \ ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/g++/std # Lots of special cases # ======== typeinfoi.o, stdexcepti.o ======== .for file in typeinfoi stdexcepti CLEANFILES+= ${file}.o.tmp ${file}.po.tmp ${file}.so.tmp ${file}.o: ${file}.cc ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -frtti -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -x -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} ${file}.So: ${file}.cc ${CXX} ${PICFLAG} -DPIC ${CXXFLAGS} -frtti -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -x -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} ${file}.po: ${file}.cc ${CXX} -p ${CXXFLAGS} -frtti -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -X -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} .endfor # ======== exceptioni.o ======== .for file in exceptioni CLEANFILES+= ${file}.o.tmp ${file}.po.tmp ${file}.so.tmp ${file}.o: ${file}.cc ${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -O0 -frtti -fhandle-exceptions -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -x -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} ${file}.So: ${file}.cc ${CXX} ${PICFLAG} -DPIC ${CXXFLAGS} -O0 -frtti -fhandle-exceptions -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -x -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} ${file}.po: ${file}.cc ${CXX} -p ${CXXFLAGS} -O0 -frtti -fhandle-exceptions -c ${DIR}/${file}.cc -o ${.TARGET} @${LD} -o ${.TARGET}.tmp -X -r ${.TARGET} @mv ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET} .endfor # ======== cstrmain.o ======== SRCS+= cstrmain.cc CLEANFILES+= cstrmain.cc cstrmain.cc: sinst.cc echo "#define C 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in REP MAIN TRAITS ADDSS ADDPS ADDCS ADDSP ADDSC EQSS EQPS EQSP NESS \ NEPS NESP LTSS LTPS LTSP GTSS GTPS GTSP LESS LEPS LESP GESS GEPS GESP echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== cstrio.o ======== SRCS+= cstrio.cc CLEANFILES+= cstrio.cc cstrio.cc: sinst.cc echo "#define C 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in EXTRACT INSERT GETLINE echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== fcomplex.o ======= SRCS+= fcomplex.cc CLEANFILES+= fcomplex.cc fcomplex.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define F 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in MAIN ADDCC ADDCF ADDFC SUBCC SUBCF SUBFC MULCC MULCF MULFC DIVCC \ DIVCF DIVFC PLUS MINUS EQCC EQCF EQFC NECC NECF NEFC ABS ARG POLAR \ CONJ NORM COS COSH EXP LOG POWCC POWCF POWCI POWFC SIN SINH SQRT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== fcomio.o ======= SRCS+= fcomio.cc CLEANFILES+= fcomio.cc fcomio.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define F 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in EXTRACT INSERT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== dcomplex.o ======= SRCS+= dcomplex.cc CLEANFILES+= dcomplex.cc dcomplex.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define D 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in MAIN ADDCC ADDCF ADDFC SUBCC SUBCF SUBFC MULCC MULCF MULFC DIVCC \ DIVCF DIVFC PLUS MINUS EQCC EQCF EQFC NECC NECF NEFC ABS ARG POLAR \ CONJ NORM COS COSH EXP LOG POWCC POWCF POWCI POWFC SIN SINH SQRT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== dcomio.o ======= SRCS+= dcomio.cc CLEANFILES+= dcomio.cc dcomio.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define D 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in EXTRACT INSERT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== ldcomplex.o ======= SRCS+= ldcomplex.cc CLEANFILES+= ldcomplex.cc ldcomplex.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define LD 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in MAIN ADDCC ADDCF ADDFC SUBCC SUBCF SUBFC MULCC MULCF MULFC DIVCC \ DIVCF DIVFC PLUS MINUS EQCC EQCF EQFC NECC NECF NEFC ABS ARG POLAR \ CONJ NORM COS COSH EXP LOG POWCC POWCF POWCI POWFC SIN SINH SQRT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} # ======== ldcomio.o ======= SRCS+= ldcomio.cc CLEANFILES+= ldcomio.cc ldcomio.cc: cinst.cc echo "#define LD 1" > ${.TARGET} .for i in EXTRACT INSERT echo "#define $i 1" >> ${.TARGET} .endfor cat ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET} .include