/* ALPHA interface for CHESS Revision: 4-25-88 Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (c) 1988 John Stanback This file is part of CHESS. CHESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the CHESS General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute CHESS, but only under the conditions described in the CHESS General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with CHESS so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gnuchess.h" #ifdef NEWMOVE #include "move.h" #endif #include "pathnames.h" struct tms tmbuf1,tmbuf2; void TerminateSearch(),Die(); #define scanz fflush(stdout),scanw #define printz printw Initialize() { signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die); initscr(); crmode(); } ExitChess() { nocrmode(); endwin(); exit(0); } void Die() { char s[80]; signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN); ShowMessage("Abort? "); scanz("%s",s); if (strcmp(s,"yes") == 0) ExitChess(); signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die); } void TerminateSearch() { signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN); timeout = true; bothsides = false; signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die); } InputCommand() /* Process the users command. If easy mode is OFF (the computer is thinking on opponents time) and the program is out of book, then make the 'hint' move on the board and call SelectMove() to find a response. The user terminates the search by entering ^C (quit siqnal) before entering a command. If the opponent does not make the hint move, then set Sdepth to zero. */ { short ok,i,tmp; long cnt,rate,t1,t2; unsigned short mv; char s[80]; ok = quit = false; player = opponent; ShowSidetomove(); ft = 0; if (hint > 0 && !easy && Book == NULL) { fflush(stdout); time0 = time((long *)0); algbr(hint>>8,hint & 0xFF,false); strcpy(s,mvstr1); tmp = epsquare; if (VerifyMove(s,1,&mv)) { PromptForMove(); SelectMove(computer,2); VerifyMove(mvstr1,2,&mv); if (Sdepth > 0) Sdepth--; } ft = time((time_t *)0) - time0; epsquare = tmp; } signal(SIGINT,Die); signal(SIGQUIT,Die); while (!(ok || quit)) { PromptForMove(); scanz("%s",s); player = opponent; ok = VerifyMove(s,0,&mv); if (ok && mv != hint) { Sdepth = 0; ft = 0; } if (strcmp(s,"bd") == 0) { ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } if (strcmp(s,"quit") == 0) quit = true; if (strcmp(s,"post") == 0) post = !post; if (strcmp(s,"edit") == 0) EditBoard(); if (strcmp(s,"go") == 0) ok = true; if (strcmp(s,"help") == 0) help(); if (strcmp(s,"force") == 0) force = !force; if (strcmp(s,"book") == 0) Book = NULL; if (strcmp(s,"undo") == 0 && GameCnt >= 0) Undo(); if (strcmp(s,"new") == 0) NewGame(); if (strcmp(s,"list") == 0) ListGame(); if (strcmp(s,"level") == 0) SelectLevel(); if (strcmp(s,"hash") == 0) hashflag = !hashflag; if (strcmp(s,"beep") == 0) beep = !beep; if (strcmp(s,"Awindow") == 0) ChangeAlphaWindow(); if (strcmp(s,"Bwindow") == 0) ChangeBetaWindow(); if (strcmp(s,"hint") == 0) GiveHint(); if (strcmp(s,"both") == 0) { bothsides = !bothsides; Sdepth = 0; SelectMove(opponent,1); ok = true; } if (strcmp(s,"reverse") == 0) { reverse = !reverse; ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } if (strcmp(s,"switch") == 0) { computer = otherside[computer]; opponent = otherside[opponent]; force = false; Sdepth = 0; ok = true; } if (strcmp(s,"white") == 0) { computer = white; opponent = black; ok = true; force = false; Sdepth = 0; } if (strcmp(s,"black") == 0) { computer = black; opponent = white; ok = true; force = false; Sdepth = 0; } if (strcmp(s,"remove") == 0 && GameCnt >= 1) { Undo(); Undo(); } if (strcmp(s,"get") == 0) GetGame(); if (strcmp(s,"save") == 0) SaveGame(); if (strcmp(s,"depth") == 0) ChangeSearchDepth(); if (strcmp(s,"random") == 0) dither = 6; if (strcmp(s,"easy") == 0) easy = !easy; if (strcmp(s,"contempt") == 0) SetContempt(); if (strcmp(s,"xwndw") == 0) ChangeXwindow(); if (strcmp(s,"test") == 0) { t1 = time(0); cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { MoveList(opponent,2); cnt += TrPnt[3] - TrPnt[2]; } t2 = time(0); rate = cnt / (t2-t1); gotoXY(50,24); printz("cnt= %ld rate= %ld",cnt,rate); ClrEoln(); } if (strcmp(s,"p") == 0) ShowPostnValues(); if (strcmp(s,"debug") == 0) DoDebug(); } ClearMessage(); ElapsedTime(1); if (force) { computer = opponent; opponent = otherside[computer]; } (void) times(&tmbuf1); signal(SIGINT,TerminateSearch); signal(SIGQUIT,TerminateSearch); } EditBoard() /* Set up a board position. Pieces are entered by typing the piece followed by the location. For example, Nf3 will place a knight on square f3. */ { short a,r,c,sq; char s[80]; ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); gotoXY(50,2); printz(". Exit to main"); gotoXY(50,3); printz("# Clear board"); gotoXY(49,5); printz("Enter piece & location: "); a = white; do { gotoXY(73,5); ClrEoln(); scanz("%s",s); if (s[0] == '#') { for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { board[sq] = no_piece; color[sq] = neutral; } UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } if (s[0] == 'c' || s[0] == 'C') a = otherside[a]; c = s[1]-'a'; r = s[2]-'1'; if ((c >= 0) && (c < 8) && (r >= 0) && (r < 8)) { sq = locn[r][c]; color[sq] = a; if (s[0] == 'p') board[sq] = pawn; else if (s[0] == 'n') board[sq] = knight; else if (s[0] == 'b') board[sq] = bishop; else if (s[0] == 'r') board[sq] = rook; else if (s[0] == 'q') board[sq] = queen; else if (s[0] == 'k') board[sq] = king; else { board[sq] = no_piece; color[sq] = neutral; } DrawPiece(sq); } } while (s[0] != '.'); if (board[4] != king) kingmoved[white] = 10; if (board[60] != king) kingmoved[black] = 10; GameCnt = -1; Game50 = 0; Sdepth = 0; InitializeStats(); ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } help() { ClrScreen(); gotoXY(28,1); printz("CHESS command summary"); gotoXY(1,3); printz("g1f3 move from g1 to f3"); gotoXY(1,4); printz("nf3 move knight to f3"); gotoXY(1,5); printz("o-o castle king side"); gotoXY(1,6); printz("o-o-o castle queen side"); gotoXY(1,7); printz("edit edit board"); gotoXY(1,8); printz("switch sides with computer"); gotoXY(1,9); printz("white computer plays white"); gotoXY(1,10); printz("black computer plays black"); gotoXY(1,11); printz("reverse board display"); gotoXY(1,12); printz("both computer match"); gotoXY(1,13); printz("random randomize play"); gotoXY(1,14); printz("undo undo last move"); gotoXY(42,3); printz("level change level"); gotoXY(42,4); printz("depth set search depth"); gotoXY(42,5); printz("post principle variation"); gotoXY(42,6); printz("hint suggest a move"); gotoXY(42,7); printz("bd redraw board"); gotoXY(42,8); printz("force enter game moves"); gotoXY(42,9); printz("list game to chess.lst"); gotoXY(42,10); printz("save game to file"); gotoXY(42,11); printz("get game from file"); gotoXY(42,12); printz("new start new game"); gotoXY(42,13); printz("quit exit CHESS"); gotoXY(10,21); printz("Computer: "); if (computer == white) printz("WHITE"); else printz("BLACK"); gotoXY(10,22); printz("Opponent: "); if (opponent == white) printz("WHITE"); else printz("BLACK"); gotoXY(10,23); printz("Level: %ld",Level," sec."); gotoXY(10,24); printz("Easy mode: "); if (easy) printz("ON"); else printz("OFF"); gotoXY(40,21); printz("Depth: %d",MaxSearchDepth); gotoXY(40,22); printz("Random: "); if (dither) printz("ON"); else printz("OFF"); gotoXY(40,23); printz("Transposition table: "); if (hashflag) printz("ON"); else printz("OFF"); refresh(); while (getchar() != 27); ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } ShowDepth(ch) char ch; { gotoXY(50,4); printz("Depth= %d%c ",Sdepth,ch); ClrEoln(); } ShowResults(score,bstline,ch) short score; unsigned short bstline[]; char ch; { short d,e,ply; if (post && player == computer) { e = lpost; gotoXY(50,5); printz("Score= %d",score); ClrEoln(); d = 8; gotoXY(50,d); ClrEoln(); for (ply = 1; bstline[ply] > 0; ply++) { algbr(bstline[ply] >> 8,bstline[ply] & 0xFF,false); if (ply == 5 || ply == 9 || ply == 13 || ply == 17) { gotoXY(50,++d); ClrEoln(); } printz("%5s ",mvstr1); } ClrEoln(); lpost = d; while (++d <= e) { gotoXY(50,d); ClrEoln(); } } } SearchStartStuff(side) short side; { short i; signal(SIGINT,TerminateSearch); signal(SIGQUIT,TerminateSearch); if (player == computer) for (i = 5; i < 14; i++) { gotoXY(50,i); ClrEoln(); } } OutputMove() { if (root->flags & epmask) UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); else UpdateDisplay(root->f,root->t,0,root->flags & cstlmask); gotoXY(50,17); printz("My move is: %s",mvstr1); if (beep) putchar(7); ClrEoln(); gotoXY(50,24); if (root->flags & draw) printz("Draw game!"); else if (root->score == -9999) printz("opponent mates!"); else if (root->score == 9998) printz("computer mates!"); else if (root->score < -9000) printz("opponent will soon mate!"); else if (root->score > 9000) printz("computer will soon mate!"); ClrEoln(); if (post) { gotoXY(50,22); printz("Nodes= %6ld",NodeCnt); ClrEoln(); gotoXY(50,23); printz("Nodes/Sec= %4ld",evrate); ClrEoln(); } } ElapsedTime(iop) /* Determine the time that has passed since the search was started. If the elapsed time exceeds the target (ResponseTime+ExtraTime) then set timeout to true which will terminate the search. */ short iop; { et = time((time_t *)0) - time0; if (et < 0) et = 0; ETnodes += 50; if (et > et0 || iop == 1) { if (et > ResponseTime+ExtraTime && Sdepth > 1) timeout = true; et0 = et; if (iop == 1) { time0 = time((time_t *)0); et0 = 0; } (void) times(&tmbuf2); cputimer = 100*(tmbuf2.tms_utime - tmbuf1.tms_utime) / HZ; if (cputimer > 0) evrate = (100*NodeCnt)/(cputimer+100*ft); else evrate = 0; ETnodes = NodeCnt + 50; UpdateClocks(); } } UpdateClocks() { short m,s; m = et/60; s = (et - 60*m); if (TCflag) { m = (TimeControl.clock[player] - et) / 60; s = TimeControl.clock[player] - et - 60*m; } if (m < 0) m = 0; if (s < 0) s = 0; if (player == white) if (reverse) gotoXY(20,2); else gotoXY(20,23); else if (reverse) gotoXY(20,23); else gotoXY(20,2); printz("%d:%2d ",m,s); if (post) { gotoXY(50,22); printz("Nodes= %6ld",NodeCnt); gotoXY(50,23); printz("Nodes/Sec= %4ld",evrate); } refresh(); } SetTimeControl() { if (TCflag) { TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = TCmoves; TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = 60*(long)TCminutes; } else { TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = 0; TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = 0; Level = 60*(long)TCminutes; } et = 0; ElapsedTime(1); } gotoXY(x,y) short x,y; { move(y-1,x-1); } ClrScreen() { clear(); refresh(); } ClrEoln() { clrtoeol(); refresh(); } DrawPiece(sq) short sq; { short r,c; char x; if (reverse) r = 7-row[sq]; else r = row[sq]; if (reverse) c = 7-column[sq]; else c = column[sq]; if (color[sq] == black) x = '*'; else x = ' '; gotoXY(5+5*c,5+2*(7-r)); printz("%c%c ",x,pxx[board[sq]]); } UpdateDisplay(f,t,flag,iscastle) short f,t,flag,iscastle; { short i,l,z; if (flag) { gotoXY(56,2); printz("CHESS"); i = 3; gotoXY(3,++i); printz("|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|"); while (i<19) { gotoXY(1,++i); if (reverse) z = (i/2)-1; else z = 10-(i/2); printz("%d | | | | | | | | |",z); gotoXY(3,++i); if (i < 19) printz("+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+"); } printz("|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|"); gotoXY(3,21); if (reverse) printz(" h g f e d c b a"); else printz(" a b c d e f g h"); if (reverse) gotoXY(5,23); else gotoXY(5,2); if (computer == black) printz("Computer"); else printz("Human "); if (reverse) gotoXY(5,2); else gotoXY(5,23); if (computer == white) printz("Computer"); else printz("Human "); for (l = 0; l < 64; l++) DrawPiece(l); } else { DrawPiece(f); DrawPiece(t); if (iscastle) if (t > f) { DrawPiece(f+3); DrawPiece(t-1); } else { DrawPiece(f-4); DrawPiece(t+1); } } refresh(); } GetOpenings() /* Read in the Opening Book file and parse the algebraic notation for a move into an unsigned integer format indicating the from and to square. Create a linked list of opening lines of play, with entry->next pointing to the next line and entry->move pointing to a chunk of memory containing the moves. More Opening lines of up to 256 half moves may be added to gnuchess.book. */ { FILE *fd; int c,i,j,side; struct BookEntry *entry; unsigned short mv,*mp,tmp[100]; if ((fd = fopen(_PATH_CHESSBOOK,"r")) != NULL) { Book = NULL; i = 0; side = white; while ((c = parse(fd,&mv,side)) >= 0) if (c == 1) { tmp[++i] = mv; side = otherside[side]; } else if (c == 0 && i > 0) { entry = (struct BookEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct BookEntry)); mp = (unsigned short *)malloc((i+1)*sizeof(unsigned short)); entry->mv = mp; entry->next = Book; Book = entry; for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) *(mp++) = tmp[j]; *mp = 0; i = 0; side = white; } fclose(fd); } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nchess: can't read %s.\n", _PATH_CHESSBOOK); exit(1); } } int parse(fd,mv,side) FILE *fd; unsigned short *mv; short side; { int c,i,r1,r2,c1,c2; char s[100]; while ((c = getc(fd)) == ' '); i = 0; s[0] = c; while (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != EOF) s[++i] = c = getc(fd); s[++i] = '\0'; if (c == EOF) return(-1); if (s[0] == '!' || i < 3) { while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) c = getc(fd); return(0); } if (s[4] == 'o') if (side == black) *mv = 0x3C3A; else *mv = 0x0402; else if (s[0] == 'o') if (side == black) *mv = 0x3C3E; else *mv = 0x0406; else { c1 = s[0] - 'a'; r1 = s[1] - '1'; c2 = s[2] - 'a'; r2 = s[3] - '1'; *mv = (locn[r1][c1]<<8) + locn[r2][c2]; } return(1); } GetGame() { FILE *fd; char fname[40]; int c; short sq; unsigned short m; ShowMessage("File name: "); scanz("%s",fname); if (fname[0] == '\0') strcpy(fname,"chess.000"); if ((fd = fopen(fname,"r")) != NULL) { fscanf(fd,"%hd%hd%hd",&computer,&opponent,&Game50); fscanf(fd,"%hd%hd%hd%hd", &castld[white],&castld[black], &kingmoved[white],&kingmoved[black]); fscanf(fd,"%hd%hd",&TCflag,&OperatorTime); fscanf(fd,"%ld%ld%hd%hd", &TimeControl.clock[white],&TimeControl.clock[black], &TimeControl.moves[white],&TimeControl.moves[black]); for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { fscanf(fd,"%hd",&m); board[sq] = (m >> 8); color[sq] = (m & 0xFF); if (color[sq] == 0) color[sq] = neutral; else --color[sq]; } GameCnt = -1; c = '?'; while (c != EOF) { ++GameCnt; c = fscanf(fd,"%hd%hd%hd%ld%hd%hd%hd",&GameList[GameCnt].gmove, &GameList[GameCnt].score,&GameList[GameCnt].depth, &GameList[GameCnt].nodes,&GameList[GameCnt].time, &GameList[GameCnt].piece,&GameList[GameCnt].color); if (GameList[GameCnt].color == 0) GameList[GameCnt].color = neutral; else --GameList[GameCnt].color; } GameCnt--; if (TimeControl.clock[white] > 0) TCflag = true; computer--; opponent--; } fclose(fd); InitializeStats(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); Sdepth = 0; } SaveGame() { FILE *fd; char fname[40]; short sq,i,c; ShowMessage("File name: "); scanz("%s",fname); if (fname[0] == '\0' || access(fname,W_OK) == -1) strcpy(fname,"chess.000"); fd = fopen(fname,"w"); fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d\n",computer+1,opponent+1,Game50); fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d %d\n", castld[white],castld[black],kingmoved[white],kingmoved[black]); fprintf(fd,"%d %d\n",TCflag,OperatorTime); fprintf(fd,"%ld %ld %d %d\n", TimeControl.clock[white],TimeControl.clock[black], TimeControl.moves[white],TimeControl.moves[black]); for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { if (color[sq] == neutral) c = 0; else c = color[sq]+1; fprintf(fd,"%d\n",256*board[sq] + c); } for (i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++) { if (GameList[i].color == neutral) c = 0; else c = GameList[i].color + 1; fprintf(fd,"%d %d %d %ld %d %d %d\n", GameList[i].gmove,GameList[i].score,GameList[i].depth, GameList[i].nodes,GameList[i].time, GameList[i].piece,c); } fclose(fd); } ListGame() { FILE *fd; short i,f,t; fd = fopen("chess.lst","w"); fprintf(fd,"\n"); fprintf(fd," score depth nodes time "); fprintf(fd," score depth nodes time\n"); for (i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++) { f = GameList[i].gmove>>8; t = (GameList[i].gmove & 0xFF); algbr(f,t,false); if ((i % 2) == 0) fprintf(fd,"\n"); else fprintf(fd," "); fprintf(fd,"%5s %5d %2d %6ld %5d",mvstr1, GameList[i].score,GameList[i].depth, GameList[i].nodes,GameList[i].time); } fprintf(fd,"\n\n"); fclose(fd); } Undo() /* Undo the most recent half-move. */ { short f,t; f = GameList[GameCnt].gmove>>8; t = GameList[GameCnt].gmove & 0xFF; if (board[t] == king && distance(t,f) > 1) castle(GameList[GameCnt].color,f,t,2); else { board[f] = board[t]; color[f] = color[t]; board[t] = GameList[GameCnt].piece; color[t] = GameList[GameCnt].color; if (board[f] == king) --kingmoved[color[f]]; } if (TCflag) ++TimeControl.moves[color[f]]; GameCnt--; mate = false; Sdepth = 0; UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); InitializeStats(); } ShowMessage(s) char *s; { gotoXY(50,24); printz("%s",s); ClrEoln(); } ClearMessage() { gotoXY(50,24); ClrEoln(); } ShowSidetomove() { gotoXY(50,14); if (player == white) printz("%2d: WHITE",1+(GameCnt+1)/2); else printz("%2d: BLACK",1+(GameCnt+1)/2); ClrEoln(); } PromptForMove() { gotoXY(50,19); printz("Your move is? "); ClrEoln(); } ShowCurrentMove(pnt,f,t) short pnt,f,t; { algbr(f,t,false); gotoXY(50,7); printz("(%2d) %4s",pnt,mvstr1); } ChangeAlphaWindow() { ShowMessage("window: "); scanz("%hd",&Awindow); } ChangeBetaWindow() { ShowMessage("window: "); scanz("%hd",&Bwindow); } GiveHint() { char s[40]; algbr((short)(hint>>8),(short)(hint & 0xFF),false); strcpy(s,"try "); strcat(s,mvstr1); ShowMessage(s); } ChangeSearchDepth() { ShowMessage("depth= "); scanz("%hd",&MaxSearchDepth); } SetContempt() { ShowMessage("contempt= "); scanz("%hd",&contempt); } ChangeXwindow() { ShowMessage("xwndw= "); scanz("%hd",&xwndw); } SelectLevel() { ClrScreen(); gotoXY(32,2); printz("CHESS"); gotoXY(20,4); printz(" 1. 60 moves in 5 minutes"); gotoXY(20,5); printz(" 2. 60 moves in 15 minutes"); gotoXY(20,6); printz(" 3. 60 moves in 30 minutes"); gotoXY(20,7); printz(" 4. 40 moves in 30 minutes"); gotoXY(20,8); printz(" 5. 40 moves in 60 minutes"); gotoXY(20,9); printz(" 6. 40 moves in 120 minutes"); gotoXY(20,10); printz(" 7. 40 moves in 240 minutes"); gotoXY(20,11); printz(" 8. 1 move in 15 minutes"); gotoXY(20,12); printz(" 9. 1 move in 60 minutes"); gotoXY(20,13); printz("10. 1 move in 600 minutes"); OperatorTime = 0; TCmoves = 60; TCminutes = 5; gotoXY(20,17); printz("Enter Level: "); refresh(); scanz("%ld",&Level); switch (Level) { case 1 : TCmoves = 60; TCminutes = 5; break; case 2 : TCmoves = 60; TCminutes = 15; break; case 3 : TCmoves = 60; TCminutes = 30; break; case 4 : TCmoves = 40; TCminutes = 30; break; case 5 : TCmoves = 40; TCminutes = 60; break; case 6 : TCmoves = 40; TCminutes = 120; break; case 7 : TCmoves = 40; TCminutes = 240; break; case 8 : TCmoves = 1; TCminutes = 15; break; case 9 : TCmoves = 1; TCminutes = 60; break; case 10 : TCmoves = 1; TCminutes = 600; break; } TCflag = (TCmoves > 1); SetTimeControl(); ClrScreen(); UpdateDisplay(0,0,1,0); } ShowPostnValues() { short i,r,c; ExaminePosition(); for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (reverse) r = 7-row[i]; else r = row[i]; if (reverse) c = 7-column[i]; else c = column[i]; gotoXY(4+5*c,5+2*(7-r)); c1 = color[i]; c2 = otherside[c1]; PC1 = PawnCnt[c1]; PC2 = PawnCnt[c2]; atk1 = atak[c1]; atk2 = atak[c2]; if (color[i] == neutral) printz(" "); else printz("%3d ",SqValue(i,opponent)); } ScorePosition(opponent,&i); gotoXY(50,24); printz("Score= %d",i); ClrEoln(); } DoDebug() { short k,p,i,r,c,tp,tc; char s[40]; ExaminePosition(); ShowMessage("Enter piece: "); scanz("%s",s); if (s[0] == 'w') k = white; else k = black; if (s[1] == 'p') p = pawn; else if (s[1] == 'n') p = knight; else if (s[1] == 'b') p = bishop; else if (s[1] == 'r') p = rook; else if (s[1] == 'q') p = queen; else if (s[1] == 'k') p = king; else p = no_piece; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (reverse) r = 7-row[i]; else r = row[i]; if (reverse) c = 7-column[i]; else c = column[i]; gotoXY(4+5*c,5+2*(7-r)); tp = board[i]; tc = color[i]; board[i] = p; color[i] = k; c1 = k; c2 = otherside[c1]; PC1 = PawnCnt[c1]; PC2 = PawnCnt[c2]; atk1 = atak[c1]; atk2 = atak[c2]; printz("%3d ",SqValue(i,opponent)); board[i] = tp; color[i] = tc; } ScorePosition(opponent,&i); gotoXY(50,24); printz("Score= %d",i); ClrEoln(); }