/* io.c			 Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.
 *	Below are the functions in this file:
 *	setupvt100() 	Subroutine to set up terminal in correct mode for game
 *	clearvt100()  	Subroutine to clean up terminal when the game is over
 *	getchar() 		Routine to read in one character from the terminal
 *	scbr()			Function to set cbreak -echo for the terminal
 *	sncbr()			Function to set -cbreak echo for the terminal
 *	newgame() 		Subroutine to save the initial time and seed rnd()
 *	lprintf(format,args . . .)	printf to the output buffer
 *	lprint(integer)				send binary integer to output buffer
 *	lwrite(buf,len)				write a buffer to the output buffer
 *	lprcat(str)					sent string to output buffer
 *	FILE OUTPUT MACROS (in header.h)
 *	lprc(character)				put the character into the output buffer
 *	long lgetc()				read one character from input buffer
 *	long lrint()				read one integer from input buffer
 *	lrfill(address,number)		put input bytes into a buffer
 *	char *lgetw()				get a whitespace ended word from input
 *	char *lgetl()				get a \n or EOF ended line from input
 *	lcreat(filename)			create a new file for write
 *	lopen(filename)				open a file for read
 *	lappend(filename)			open for append to an existing file
 *	lrclose()					close the input file
 *	lwclose()					close output file
 *	lflush()					flush the output buffer
 *	Other Routines
 *	cursor(x,y)					position cursor at [x,y]
 *	cursors()					position cursor at [1,24] (saves memory)
 *  cl_line(x,y)         		Clear line at [1,y] and leave cursor at [x,y]
 *  cl_up(x,y)    				Clear screen from [x,1] to current line.
 *  cl_dn(x,y) 					Clear screen from [1,y] to end of display.
 *  standout(str)	 			Print the string in standout mode.
 *  set_score_output() 			Called when output should be literally printed.
 ** putchar(ch)					Print one character in decoded output buffer.
 ** flush_buf()					Flush buffer with decoded output.
 ** init_term()					Terminal initialization -- setup termcap info
 **	char *tmcapcnv(sd,ss)  		Routine to convert VT100 \33's to termcap format
 *	beep()		Routine to emit a beep if enabled (see no-beep in .larnopts)
 * Note: ** entries are available only in termcap mode.

#include "header.h"

#ifdef SYSV	/* system III or system V */
#include <termio.h>
#define sgttyb termio
#define stty(_a,_b) ioctl(_a,TCSETA,_b)
#define gtty(_a,_b) ioctl(_a,TCGETA,_b)
static int rawflg = 0;
static char saveeof,saveeol;
#define doraw(_a) if(!rawflg){++rawflg;saveeof=_a.c_cc[VMIN];saveeol=_a.c_cc[VTIME];}\
    _a.c_cc[VMIN]=1;_a.c_cc[VTIME]=1;_a.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHONL)
#define unraw(_a) _a.c_cc[VMIN]=saveeof;_a.c_cc[VTIME]=saveeol;_a.c_lflag |= ICANON|ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHONL

#else not SYSV

#ifndef BSD
#define CBREAK RAW		/* V7 has no CBREAK */

#define doraw(_a) (_a.sg_flags |= CBREAK,_a.sg_flags &= ~ECHO)
#define unraw(_a) (_a.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK,_a.sg_flags |= ECHO)
#include <sgtty.h>
#endif not SYSV

#ifndef NOVARARGS	/* if we have varargs */
#include <varargs.h>
#else NOVARARGS	/* if we don't have varargs */
typedef char *va_list;
#define va_dcl int va_alist;
#define va_start(plist) plist = (char *) &va_alist
#define va_end(plist)
#define va_arg(plist,mode) ((mode *)(plist += sizeof(mode)))[-1]

#define LINBUFSIZE 128		/* size of the lgetw() and lgetl() buffer		*/
int lfd;					/*  output file numbers							*/
int fd;						/*  input file numbers							*/
static struct sgttyb ttx;	/* storage for the tty modes					*/
static int ipoint=MAXIBUF,iepoint=MAXIBUF;	/*  input buffering pointers    */
static char lgetwbuf[LINBUFSIZE];	/* get line (word) buffer				*/

 *	setupvt100() 		Subroutine to set up terminal in correct mode for game
 *	Attributes off, clear screen, set scrolling region, set tty mode
	clear();  setscroll();  scbr(); /* system("stty cbreak -echo"); */

 *	clearvt100() 	 	Subroutine to clean up terminal when the game is over
 *	Attributes off, clear screen, unset scrolling region, restore tty mode
	resetscroll();  clear();  sncbr(); /* system("stty -cbreak echo"); */

 *	getchar() 		Routine to read in one character from the terminal
	char byt;
#ifdef EXTRA
	lflush();		/* be sure output buffer is flushed */
	read(0,&byt,1); 	/* get byte from terminal */

 *	scbr()		Function to set cbreak -echo for the terminal
 *	like: system("stty cbreak -echo")
	gtty(0,&ttx);		doraw(ttx);		stty(0,&ttx);

 *	sncbr()		Function to set -cbreak echo for the terminal
 *	like: system("stty -cbreak echo")
	gtty(0,&ttx);		unraw(ttx);		stty(0,&ttx);

 *	newgame() 		Subroutine to save the initial time and seed rnd()
	register long *p,*pe;
	for (p=c,pe=c+100; p<pe; *p++ =0);
	time(&initialtime);             srandomdev();
	lcreat((char*)0);	/* open buffering for output to terminal */

 *	lprintf(format,args . . .)		printf to the output buffer
 *		char *format;
 *		??? args . . .
 *	Enter with the format string in "format", as per printf() usage
 *		and any needed arguments following it
 *	Note: lprintf() only supports %s, %c and %d, with width modifier and left
 *		or right justification.
 *	No correct checking for output buffer overflow is done, but flushes
 *		are done beforehand if needed.
 *	Returns nothing of value.
#ifdef lint
	char *str;
	char *str2;
	str2 = str;
	str = str2; /* to make lint happy */
	char *str;
	char *str2;
	str2 = str;
	str = str2; /* to make lint happy */
#else lint
	va_list ap;	/* pointer for variable argument list */
	register char *fmt;
	register char *outb,*tmpb;
	register long wide,left,cont,n;		/* data for lprintf	*/
	char db[12];			/* %d buffer in lprintf	*/

	va_start(ap);	/* initialize the var args pointer */
	fmt = va_arg(ap, char *);	/* pointer to format string */
	if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush();
	outb = lpnt;
	for ( ; ; )
		while (*fmt != '%')
			if (*fmt) *outb++ = *fmt++;  else { lpnt=outb;  return; }
		wide = 0;	left = 1;	cont=1;
		while (cont)
			case 'd':	n = va_arg(ap, long);
						if (n<0) { n = -n;  *outb++ = '-';  if (wide) --wide; }
						tmpb = db+11;	*tmpb = (char)(n % 10 + '0');
						while (n>9)  *(--tmpb) = (char)((n /= 10) % 10 + '0');
						if (wide==0)  while (tmpb < db+12) *outb++ = *tmpb++;
							wide -= db-tmpb+12;
							if (left)  while (wide-- > 0) *outb++ = ' ';
							while (tmpb < db+12) *outb++ = *tmpb++;
							if (left==0)  while (wide-- > 0) *outb++ = ' ';
						cont=0;	break;

			case 's':	tmpb = va_arg(ap, char *);
						if (wide==0)  { while (*outb++ = *tmpb++);  --outb; }
							n = wide - strlen(tmpb);
							if (left)  while (n-- > 0) *outb++ = ' ';
							while (*outb++ = *tmpb++);  --outb;
							if (left==0)  while (n-- > 0) *outb++ = ' ';
						cont=0;	break;

			case 'c':	*outb++ = va_arg(ap, int);	cont=0;  break;

			case '0':
			case '1':
			case '2':
			case '3':
			case '4':
			case '5':
			case '6':
			case '7':
			case '8':
			case '9':	wide = 10*wide + *fmt - '0';	break;

			case '-':	left = 0;	break;

			default:	*outb++ = *fmt;  cont=0;	break;
#endif lint

 *	lprint(long-integer)				send binary integer to output buffer
 *		long integer;
 *		+---------+---------+---------+---------+
 *		|	high  |			|		  |	  low	|
 *		|  order  |			|		  |  order	|
 *		|   byte  |			|		  |	  byte	|
 *		+---------+---------+---------+---------+
 *	   31  ---  24 23 --- 16 15 ---  8 7  ---   0
 *	The save order is low order first, to high order (4 bytes total)
 *		and is written to be system independent.
 *	No checking for output buffer overflow is done, but flushes if needed!
 *	Returns nothing of value.
	register long x;
	if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush();
	*lpnt++ =  255 & x;			*lpnt++ =  255 & (x>>8);
	*lpnt++ =  255 & (x>>16);	*lpnt++ =  255 & (x>>24);

 *	lwrite(buf,len)					write a buffer to the output buffer
 *		char *buf;
 *		int len;
 *	Enter with the address and number of bytes to write out
 *	Returns nothing of value
    register char *buf;
    int len;
	register char *str;
	register int num2;
	if (len > 399)  /* don't copy data if can just write it */
#ifdef EXTRA
		c[BYTESOUT] += len;

#ifndef VT100
		for (str=buf;  len>0; --len)
#else VT100
#endif VT100
	else while (len)
		if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush();	/* if buffer is full flush it	*/
		num2 = lpbuf+BUFBIG-lpnt;	/*	# bytes left in output buffer	*/
		if (num2 > len) num2=len;
		str = lpnt;  len -= num2;
		while (num2--)  *str++ = *buf++;	/* copy in the bytes */
		lpnt = str;

 *	long lgetc()				Read one character from input buffer
 *  Returns 0 if EOF, otherwise the character
long lgetc()
    register int i;
    if (ipoint != iepoint)  return(inbuffer[ipoint++]);
    if (iepoint!=MAXIBUF)   return(0);
    if ((i=read(fd,inbuffer,MAXIBUF))<=0)
        if (i!=0)  write(1,"error reading from input file\n",30);
		iepoint = ipoint = 0;		return(0);
    ipoint=1;  iepoint=i;  return(*inbuffer);

 *	long lrint()			Read one integer from input buffer
 *		+---------+---------+---------+---------+
 *		|	high  |			|		  |	  low	|
 *		|  order  |			|		  |  order	|
 *		|   byte  |			|		  |	  byte	|
 *		+---------+---------+---------+---------+
 *	   31  ---  24 23 --- 16 15 ---  8 7  ---   0
 *	The save order is low order first, to high order (4 bytes total)
 *	Returns the int read
long lrint()
	register unsigned long i;
	i  = 255 & lgetc();				i |= (255 & lgetc()) << 8;
	i |= (255 & lgetc()) << 16;		i |= (255 & lgetc()) << 24;

 *	lrfill(address,number)			put input bytes into a buffer
 *		char *address;
 *		int number;
 *	Reads "number" bytes into the buffer pointed to by "address".
 *	Returns nothing of value
	register char *adr;
	int num;
	register char *pnt;
	register int num2;
	while (num)
		if (iepoint == ipoint)
			if (num>5) /* fast way */
				if (read(fd,adr,num) != num)
					write(2,"error reading from input file\n",30);
			else { *adr++ = lgetc();  --num; }
			num2 = iepoint-ipoint;	/*	# of bytes left in the buffer	*/
			if (num2 > num) num2=num;
			pnt = inbuffer+ipoint;	num -= num2;  ipoint += num2;
			while (num2--)  *adr++ = *pnt++;

 *	char *lgetw()			Get a whitespace ended word from input
 *	Returns pointer to a buffer that contains word.  If EOF, returns a NULL
char *lgetw()
	register char *lgp,cc;
	register int n=LINBUFSIZE,quote=0;
	lgp = lgetwbuf;
	do cc=lgetc();  while ((cc <= 32) && (cc > NULL));  /* eat whitespace */
	for ( ; ; --n,cc=lgetc())
		if ((cc==NULL) && (lgp==lgetwbuf))  return(NULL);	/* EOF */
		if ((n<=1) || ((cc<=32) && (quote==0))) { *lgp=NULL; return(lgetwbuf); }
		if (cc != '"') *lgp++ = cc;   else quote ^= 1;

 *	char *lgetl()		Function to read in a line ended by newline or EOF
 *	Returns pointer to a buffer that contains the line.  If EOF, returns NULL
char *lgetl()
	register int i=LINBUFSIZE,ch;
	register char *str=lgetwbuf;
	for ( ; ; --i)
		if ((*str++ = ch = lgetc()) == NULL)
			if (str == lgetwbuf+1)  return(NULL); /* EOF */
		ot:	*str = NULL;	return(lgetwbuf);	/* line ended by EOF */
		if ((ch=='\n') || (i<=1))  goto ot; /* line ended by \n */

 *	lcreat(filename)			Create a new file for write
 *		char *filename;
 *	lcreat((char*)0); means to the terminal
 *	Returns -1 if error, otherwise the file descriptor opened.
	char *str;
	lpnt = lpbuf;	lpend = lpbuf+BUFBIG;
	if (str==NULL) return(lfd=1);
	if ((lfd=creat(str,0644)) < 0)
		lfd=1; lprintf("error creating file <%s>\n",str); lflush(); return(-1);

 *	lopen(filename)			Open a file for read
 *		char *filename;
 *	lopen(0) means from the terminal
 *	Returns -1 if error, otherwise the file descriptor opened.
	char *str;
	ipoint = iepoint = MAXIBUF;
	if (str==NULL) return(fd=0);
	if ((fd=open(str,0)) < 0)
		lwclose(); lfd=1; lpnt=lpbuf; return(-1);

 *	lappend(filename)		Open for append to an existing file
 *		char *filename;
 *	lappend(0) means to the terminal
 *	Returns -1 if error, otherwise the file descriptor opened.
	char *str;
	lpnt = lpbuf;	lpend = lpbuf+BUFBIG;
	if (str==NULL) return(lfd=1);
	if ((lfd=open(str,2)) < 0)
		lfd=1; return(-1);
	lseek(lfd,0,2);	/* seek to end of file */

 *	lrclose()						close the input file
 *	Returns nothing of value.
	if (fd > 0) close(fd);

 *	lwclose()						close output file flushing if needed
 *	Returns nothing of value.
	lflush();	if (lfd > 2) close(lfd);

 *	lprcat(string)					append a string to the output buffer
 *								    avoids calls to lprintf (time consuming)
    register char *str;
	register char *str2;
	if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush();
	str2 = lpnt;
	while (*str2++ = *str++);
	lpnt = str2 - 1;

#ifdef VT100
 *	cursor(x,y) 		Subroutine to set the cursor position
 *	x and y are the cursor coordinates, and lpbuff is the output buffer where
 *	escape sequence will be placed.
static char *y_num[]= { "\33[","\33[","\33[2","\33[3","\33[4","\33[5","\33[6",
	"\33[23","\33[24" };

static char *x_num[]= { "H","H",";2H",";3H",";4H",";5H",";6H",";7H",";8H",";9H",
	";80H" };

	int x,y;
	register char *p;
	if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush();

	p = y_num[y];	/* get the string to print */
	while (*p) *lpnt++ = *p++;	/* print the string */

	p = x_num[x];	/* get the string to print */
	while (*p) *lpnt++ = *p++;	/* print the string */
#else VT100
 * cursor(x,y)	  Put cursor at specified coordinates staring at [1,1] (termcap)
cursor (x,y)
	int x,y;
	if (lpnt >= lpend) lflush ();

	*lpnt++ = CURSOR;		*lpnt++ = x;		*lpnt++ = y;
#endif VT100

 *	Routine to position cursor at beginning of 24th line

#ifndef VT100
 * Warning: ringing the bell is control code 7. Don't use in defines.
 * Don't change the order of these defines.
 * Also used in helpfiles. Codes used in helpfiles should be \E[1 to \E[7 with
 * obvious meanings.

static char cap[256];
char *CM, *CE, *CD, *CL, *SO, *SE, *AL, *DL;/* Termcap capabilities */
static char *outbuf=0;	/* translated output buffer */

int putchar ();

 * init_term()		Terminal initialization -- setup termcap info
	char termbuf[1024];
	char *capptr = cap+10;
	char *term;
	struct sgttyb tt;
	extern short ospeed;

	switch (tgetent(termbuf, term = getenv("TERM")))
		case -1:
			write(2, "Cannot open termcap file.\n", 26); exit(1);
		case 0:
			write(2, "Cannot find entry of ", 21);
			write(2, term, strlen (term));
			write(2, " in termcap\n", 12);

	if (gtty(0, &tt) == 0)
		ospeed = tt.sg_ospeed;

	CM = tgetstr("cm", &capptr);  /* Cursor motion */
	CE = tgetstr("ce", &capptr);  /* Clear to eoln */
	CL = tgetstr("cl", &capptr);  /* Clear screen */

	AL = tgetstr("al", &capptr);  /* Insert line */
	DL = tgetstr("dl", &capptr);  /* Delete line */
	SO = tgetstr("so", &capptr);  /* Begin standout mode */
	SE = tgetstr("se", &capptr);  /* End standout mode */
	CD = tgetstr("cd", &capptr);  /* Clear to end of display */

	if (!CM)	/* can't find cursor motion entry */
		write(2, "Sorry, for a ",13);		write(2, term, strlen(term));
		write(2, ", I can't find the cursor motion entry in termcap\n",50);
	if (!CE)	/* can't find clear to end of line entry */
		write(2, "Sorry, for a ",13);		write(2, term, strlen(term));
		write(2,", I can't find the clear to end of line entry in termcap\n",57);
	if (!CL)	/* can't find clear entire screen entry */
		write(2, "Sorry, for a ",13);		write(2, term, strlen(term));
		write(2, ", I can't find the clear entire screen entry in termcap\n",56);
	if ((outbuf=malloc(BUFBIG+16))==0) /* get memory for decoded output buffer*/
		write(2,"Error malloc'ing memory for decoded output buffer\n",50);
		died(-285);	/* malloc() failure */
#endif VT100

 * cl_line(x,y)  Clear the whole line indicated by 'y' and leave cursor at [x,y]
	int x,y;
#ifdef VT100
	cursor(x,y);		lprcat("\33[2K");
#else VT100
	cursor(1,y);		*lpnt++ = CL_LINE;		cursor(x,y);
#endif VT100

 * cl_up(x,y) Clear screen from [x,1] to current position. Leave cursor at [x,y]
	register int x,y;
#ifdef VT100
	cursor(x,y);  lprcat("\33[1J\33[2K");
#else VT100
	register int i;
	for (i=1; i<=y; i++)   { *lpnt++ = CL_LINE;  *lpnt++ = '\n'; }
#endif VT100

 * cl_dn(x,y) 	Clear screen from [1,y] to end of display. Leave cursor at [x,y]
	register int x,y;
#ifdef VT100
	cursor(x,y); lprcat("\33[J\33[2K");
#else VT100
	register int i;
	if (!CD)
		*lpnt++ = CL_LINE;
		for (i=y; i<=24; i++) { *lpnt++ = CL_LINE;  if (i!=24) *lpnt++ = '\n'; }
		*lpnt++ = CL_DOWN;
#endif VT100

 * standout(str)	Print the argument string in inverse video (standout mode).
	register char *str;
#ifdef VT100
	while (*str)
		*lpnt++ = *str++;
#else VT100
	*lpnt++ = ST_START;
	while (*str)
		*lpnt++ = *str++;
	*lpnt++ = ST_END;
#endif VT100

 * set_score_output() 	Called when output should be literally printed.
	enable_scroll = -1;

 *	lflush()						Flush the output buffer
 *	Returns nothing of value.
 *	for termcap version: Flush output in output buffer according to output
 *							status as indicated by `enable_scroll'
#ifndef VT100
static int scrline=18; /* line # for wraparound instead of scrolling if no DL */
lflush ()
	register int lpoint;
	register char *str;
	static int curx = 0;
	static int cury = 0;

	if ((lpoint = lpnt - lpbuf) > 0)
#ifdef EXTRA
		c[BYTESOUT] += lpoint;
		if (enable_scroll <= -1)
        	if (write(lfd,lpbuf,lpoint) != lpoint)
				write(2,"error writing to output file\n",29);
			lpnt = lpbuf;	/* point back to beginning of buffer */
		for (str = lpbuf; str < lpnt; str++)
			if (*str>=32)	{ putchar (*str); curx++; }
			else switch (*str)
				case CLEAR:		tputs (CL, 0, putchar);		curx = cury = 0;

				case CL_LINE:	tputs (CE, 0, putchar);

				case CL_DOWN:	tputs (CD, 0, putchar);

				case ST_START:	tputs (SO, 0, putchar);

				case ST_END:	tputs (SE, 0, putchar);

				case CURSOR:	curx = *++str - 1;		cury = *++str - 1;
								tputs (tgoto (CM, curx, cury), 0, putchar);

				case '\n':		if ((cury == 23) && enable_scroll)
								  if (!DL || !AL) /* wraparound or scroll? */
									if (++scrline > 23) scrline=19;

									if (++scrline > 23) scrline=19;
									tputs (tgoto (CM, 0, scrline), 0, putchar);
									tputs (CE, 0, putchar);

									if (--scrline < 19) scrline=23;
									tputs (tgoto (CM, 0, scrline), 0, putchar);
									tputs (CE, 0, putchar);
									tputs (tgoto (CM, 0, 19), 0, putchar);
									tputs (DL, 0, putchar);
									tputs (tgoto (CM, 0, 23), 0, putchar);
								/*	tputs (AL, 0, putchar); */
								  putchar ('\n');		cury++;
								curx = 0;

				default:		putchar (*str); curx++;
	lpnt = lpbuf;
	flush_buf();	/* flush real output buffer now */
#else VT100
 *	lflush()						flush the output buffer
 *	Returns nothing of value.
	register int lpoint;
	if ((lpoint = lpnt - lpbuf) > 0)
#ifdef EXTRA
		c[BYTESOUT] += lpoint;
        if (write(lfd,lpbuf,lpoint) != lpoint)
			write(2,"error writing to output file\n",29);
	lpnt = lpbuf;	/* point back to beginning of buffer */
#endif VT100

#ifndef VT100
static int pindex=0;
 * putchar(ch)		Print one character in decoded output buffer.
int putchar(c)
int c;
	outbuf[pindex++] = c;
	if (pindex >= BUFBIG)  flush_buf();

 * flush_buf()			Flush buffer with decoded output.
	if (pindex) write(lfd, outbuf, pindex);
	pindex = 0;

 *	char *tmcapcnv(sd,ss)  Routine to convert VT100 escapes to termcap format
 *	Processes only the \33[#m sequence (converts . files for termcap use
char *tmcapcnv(sd,ss)
	register char *sd,*ss;
	register int tmstate=0;	/* 0=normal, 1=\33 2=[ 3=# */
	char tmdigit=0;	/* the # in \33[#m */
	while (*ss)
			case 0:	if (*ss=='\33')  { tmstate++; break; }
			  ign:  *sd++ = *ss;
			  ign2: tmstate = 0;
			case 1: if (*ss!='[') goto ign;
			case 2: if (isdigit(*ss)) { tmdigit= *ss-'0'; tmstate++; break; }
					if (*ss == 'm') { *sd++ = ST_END; goto ign2; }
					goto ign;
			case 3: if (*ss == 'm')
						if (tmdigit) *sd++ = ST_START;
							else *sd++ = ST_END;
						goto ign2;
			default: goto ign;
	*sd=0; /* NULL terminator */
#endif VT100

 *	beep()		Routine to emit a beep if enabled (see no-beep in .larnopts)
	if (!nobeep) *lpnt++ = '\7';