/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* hack.read.c - version 1.0.3 */ /* $FreeBSD$ */ #include "hack.h" extern struct monst *makemon(); extern struct obj *mkobj_at(); int identify(); doread() { struct obj *scroll; boolean confused = (Confusion != 0); boolean known = FALSE; extern struct obj *some_armor(); scroll = getobj("?", "read"); if(!scroll) return(0); if(!scroll->dknown && Blind) { pline("Being blind, you cannot read the formula on the scroll."); return(0); } if(Blind) pline("As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears."); else pline("As you read the scroll, it disappears."); if(confused) pline("Being confused, you mispronounce the magic words ... "); switch(scroll->otyp) { #ifdef MAIL case SCR_MAIL: readmail(/* scroll */); break; #endif MAIL case SCR_ENCHANT_ARMOR: { struct obj *otmp = some_armor(); if(!otmp) { strange_feeling(scroll,"Your skin glows then fades."); return(1); } if(confused) { pline("Your %s glows silver for a moment.", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name); otmp->rustfree = 1; break; } if(otmp->spe > 3 && rn2(otmp->spe)) { pline("Your %s glows violently green for a while, then evaporates.", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name); useup(otmp); break; } pline("Your %s glows green for a moment.", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name); otmp->cursed = 0; otmp->spe++; break; } case SCR_DESTROY_ARMOR: if(confused) { struct obj *otmp = some_armor(); if(!otmp) { strange_feeling(scroll,"Your bones itch."); return(1); } pline("Your %s glows purple for a moment.", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name); otmp->rustfree = 0; break; } if(uarm) { pline("Your armor turns to dust and falls to the floor!"); useup(uarm); } else if(uarmh) { pline("Your helmet turns to dust and is blown away!"); useup(uarmh); } else if(uarmg) { pline("Your gloves vanish!"); useup(uarmg); selftouch("You"); } else { strange_feeling(scroll,"Your skin itches."); return(1); } break; case SCR_CONFUSE_MONSTER: if(confused) { pline("Your hands begin to glow purple."); Confusion += rnd(100); } else { pline("Your hands begin to glow blue."); u.umconf = 1; } break; case SCR_SCARE_MONSTER: { int ct = 0; struct monst *mtmp; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) { if(confused) mtmp->mflee = mtmp->mfroz = mtmp->msleep = 0; else mtmp->mflee = 1; ct++; } if(!ct) { if(confused) pline("You hear sad wailing in the distance."); else pline("You hear maniacal laughter in the distance."); } break; } case SCR_BLANK_PAPER: if(confused) pline("You see strange patterns on this scroll."); else pline("This scroll seems to be blank."); break; case SCR_REMOVE_CURSE: { struct obj *obj; if(confused) pline("You feel like you need some help."); else pline("You feel like someone is helping you."); for(obj = invent; obj ; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->owornmask) obj->cursed = confused; if(Punished && !confused) { Punished = 0; freeobj(uchain); unpobj(uchain); free((char *) uchain); uball->spe = 0; uball->owornmask &= ~W_BALL; uchain = uball = (struct obj *) 0; } break; } case SCR_CREATE_MONSTER: { int cnt = 1; if(!rn2(73)) cnt += rnd(4); if(confused) cnt += 12; while(cnt--) (void) makemon(confused ? PM_ACID_BLOB : (struct permonst *) 0, u.ux, u.uy); break; } case SCR_ENCHANT_WEAPON: if(uwep && confused) { pline("Your %s glows silver for a moment.", objects[uwep->otyp].oc_name); uwep->rustfree = 1; } else if(!chwepon(scroll, 1)) /* tests for !uwep */ return(1); break; case SCR_DAMAGE_WEAPON: if(uwep && confused) { pline("Your %s glows purple for a moment.", objects[uwep->otyp].oc_name); uwep->rustfree = 0; } else if(!chwepon(scroll, -1)) /* tests for !uwep */ return(1); break; case SCR_TAMING: { int i,j; int bd = confused ? 5 : 1; struct monst *mtmp; for(i = -bd; i <= bd; i++) for(j = -bd; j <= bd; j++) if(mtmp = m_at(u.ux+i, u.uy+j)) (void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *) 0); break; } case SCR_GENOCIDE: { extern char genocided[], fut_geno[]; char buf[BUFSZ]; struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2; pline("You have found a scroll of genocide!"); known = TRUE; if(confused) *buf = u.usym; else do { pline("What monster do you want to genocide (Type the letter)? "); getlin(buf); } while(strlen(buf) != 1 || !monstersym(*buf)); if(!index(fut_geno, *buf)) charcat(fut_geno, *buf); if(!index(genocided, *buf)) charcat(genocided, *buf); else { pline("Such monsters do not exist in this world."); break; } for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2){ mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon; if(mtmp->data->mlet == *buf) mondead(mtmp); } pline("Wiped out all %c's.", *buf); if(*buf == u.usym) { killer = "scroll of genocide"; u.uhp = -1; } break; } case SCR_LIGHT: if(!Blind) known = TRUE; litroom(!confused); break; case SCR_TELEPORTATION: if(confused) level_tele(); else { #ifdef QUEST int oux = u.ux, ouy = u.uy; tele(); if(dist(oux, ouy) > 100) known = TRUE; #else QUEST int uroom = inroom(u.ux, u.uy); tele(); if(uroom != inroom(u.ux, u.uy)) known = TRUE; #endif QUEST } break; case SCR_GOLD_DETECTION: /* Unfortunately this code has become slightly less elegant, now that gold and traps no longer are of the same type. */ if(confused) { struct trap *ttmp; if(!ftrap) { strange_feeling(scroll, "Your toes stop itching."); return(1); } else { for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap) if(ttmp->tx != u.ux || ttmp->ty != u.uy) goto outtrapmap; /* only under me - no separate display required */ pline("Your toes itch!"); break; outtrapmap: cls(); for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap) at(ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty, '$'); prme(); pline("You feel very greedy!"); } } else { struct gold *gtmp; if(!fgold) { strange_feeling(scroll, "You feel materially poor."); return(1); } else { known = TRUE; for(gtmp = fgold; gtmp; gtmp = gtmp->ngold) if(gtmp->gx != u.ux || gtmp->gy != u.uy) goto outgoldmap; /* only under me - no separate display required */ pline("You notice some gold between your feet."); break; outgoldmap: cls(); for(gtmp = fgold; gtmp; gtmp = gtmp->ngold) at(gtmp->gx, gtmp->gy, '$'); prme(); pline("You feel very greedy, and sense gold!"); } } /* common sequel */ more(); docrt(); break; case SCR_FOOD_DETECTION: { ct = 0, ctu = 0; struct obj *obj; char foodsym = confused ? POTION_SYM : FOOD_SYM; for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->olet == FOOD_SYM) { if(obj->ox == u.ux && obj->oy == u.uy) ctu++; else ct++; } if(!ct && !ctu) { strange_feeling(scroll,"Your nose twitches."); return(1); } else if(!ct) { known = TRUE; pline("You smell %s close nearby.", confused ? "something" : "food"); } else { known = TRUE; cls(); for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj->olet == foodsym) at(obj->ox, obj->oy, FOOD_SYM); prme(); pline("Your nose tingles and you smell %s!", confused ? "something" : "food"); more(); docrt(); } break; } case SCR_IDENTIFY: /* known = TRUE; */ if(confused) pline("You identify this as an identify scroll."); else pline("This is an identify scroll."); useup(scroll); objects[SCR_IDENTIFY].oc_name_known = 1; if(!confused) while( !ggetobj("identify", identify, rn2(5) ? 1 : rn2(5)) && invent ); return(1); case SCR_MAGIC_MAPPING: { struct rm *lev; int num, zx, zy; known = TRUE; pline("On this scroll %s a map!", confused ? "was" : "is"); for(zy = 0; zy < ROWNO; zy++) for(zx = 0; zx < COLNO; zx++) { if(confused && rn2(7)) continue; lev = &(levl[zx][zy]); if((num = lev->typ) == 0) continue; if(num == SCORR) { lev->typ = CORR; lev->scrsym = CORR_SYM; } else if(num == SDOOR) { lev->typ = DOOR; lev->scrsym = '+'; /* do sth in doors ? */ } else if(lev->seen) continue; #ifndef QUEST if(num != ROOM) #endif QUEST { lev->seen = lev->new = 1; if(lev->scrsym == ' ' || !lev->scrsym) newsym(zx,zy); else on_scr(zx,zy); } } break; } case SCR_AMNESIA: { int zx, zy; known = TRUE; for(zx = 0; zx < COLNO; zx++) for(zy = 0; zy < ROWNO; zy++) if(!confused || rn2(7)) if(!cansee(zx,zy)) levl[zx][zy].seen = 0; docrt(); pline("Thinking of Maud you forget everything else."); break; } case SCR_FIRE: { int num; struct monst *mtmp; known = TRUE; if(confused) { pline("The scroll catches fire and you burn your hands."); losehp(1, "scroll of fire"); } else { pline("The scroll erupts in a tower of flame!"); if(Fire_resistance) pline("You are uninjured."); else { num = rnd(6); u.uhpmax -= num; losehp(num, "scroll of fire"); } } num = (2*num + 1)/3; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) { if(dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) < 3) { mtmp->mhp -= num; if(index("FY", mtmp->data->mlet)) mtmp->mhp -= 3*num; /* this might well kill 'F's */ if(mtmp->mhp < 1) { killed(mtmp); break; /* primitive */ } } } break; } case SCR_PUNISHMENT: known = TRUE; if(confused) { pline("You feel guilty."); break; } pline("You are being punished for your misbehaviour!"); if(Punished){ pline("Your iron ball gets heavier."); uball->owt += 15; break; } Punished = INTRINSIC; setworn(mkobj_at(CHAIN_SYM, u.ux, u.uy), W_CHAIN); setworn(mkobj_at(BALL_SYM, u.ux, u.uy), W_BALL); uball->spe = 1; /* special ball (see save) */ break; default: impossible("What weird language is this written in? (%u)", scroll->otyp); } if(!objects[scroll->otyp].oc_name_known) { if(known && !confused) { objects[scroll->otyp].oc_name_known = 1; more_experienced(0,10); } else if(!objects[scroll->otyp].oc_uname) docall(scroll); } useup(scroll); return(1); } identify(otmp) /* also called by newmail() */ struct obj *otmp; { objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known = 1; otmp->known = otmp->dknown = 1; prinv(otmp); return(1); } litroom(on) boolean on; { num,zx,zy; /* first produce the text (provided he is not blind) */ if(Blind) goto do_it; if(!on) { if(u.uswallow || !xdnstair || levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ == CORR || !levl[u.ux][u.uy].lit) { pline("It seems even darker in here than before."); return; } else pline("It suddenly becomes dark in here."); } else { if(u.uswallow){ pline("%s's stomach is lit.", Monnam(u.ustuck)); return; } if(!xdnstair){ pline("Nothing Happens."); return; } #ifdef QUEST pline("The cave lights up around you, then fades."); return; #else QUEST if(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ == CORR) { pline("The corridor lights up around you, then fades."); return; } else if(levl[u.ux][u.uy].lit) { pline("The light here seems better now."); return; } else pline("The room is lit."); #endif QUEST } do_it: #ifdef QUEST return; #else QUEST if(levl[u.ux][u.uy].lit == on) return; if(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ == DOOR) { if(IS_ROOM(levl[u.ux][u.uy+1].typ)) zy = u.uy+1; else if(IS_ROOM(levl[u.ux][u.uy-1].typ)) zy = u.uy-1; else zy = u.uy; if(IS_ROOM(levl[u.ux+1][u.uy].typ)) zx = u.ux+1; else if(IS_ROOM(levl[u.ux-1][u.uy].typ)) zx = u.ux-1; else zx = u.ux; } else { zx = u.ux; zy = u.uy; } for(seelx = u.ux; (num = levl[seelx-1][zy].typ) != CORR && num != 0; seelx--); for(seehx = u.ux; (num = levl[seehx+1][zy].typ) != CORR && num != 0; seehx++); for(seely = u.uy; (num = levl[zx][seely-1].typ) != CORR && num != 0; seely--); for(seehy = u.uy; (num = levl[zx][seehy+1].typ) != CORR && num != 0; seehy++); for(zy = seely; zy <= seehy; zy++) for(zx = seelx; zx <= seehx; zx++) { levl[zx][zy].lit = on; if(!Blind && dist(zx,zy) > 2) { if(on) prl(zx,zy); else nosee(zx,zy); } } if(!on) seehx = 0; #endif QUEST } /* Test whether we may genocide all monsters with symbol ch */ monstersym(ch) /* arnold@ucsfcgl */ char ch; { struct permonst *mp; extern struct permonst pm_eel; /* * can't genocide certain monsters */ if (index("12 &:", ch)) return FALSE; if (ch == pm_eel.mlet) return TRUE; for (mp = mons; mp < &mons[CMNUM+2]; mp++) if (mp->mlet == ch) return TRUE; return FALSE; }