/* * Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)com2.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #endif static const char rcsid[] = "$FreeBSD$"; #endif /* not lint */ #include "externs.h" wearit() /* synonyms = {sheathe, sheath} */ { int n; int firstnumber, value; firstnumber = wordnumber; while(wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS); while(wordnumber <= wordcount){ value = wordvalue[wordnumber]; for (n=0; objsht[value][n]; n++); switch(value){ case -1: puts("Wear what?"); return(firstnumber); default: printf("You can't wear%s%s!\n",(objsht[value][n-1] == 's' ? " " : " a "),objsht[value]); return(firstnumber); case KNIFE: /* case SHIRT: */ case ROBE: case LEVIS: /* wearable things */ case SWORD: case MAIL: case HELM: case SHOES: case PAJAMAS: case COMPASS: case LASER: case AMULET: case TALISMAN: case MEDALION: case ROPE: case RING: case BRACELET: case GRENADE: if (testbit(inven,value)){ clearbit(inven,value); setbit(wear,value); carrying -= objwt[value]; encumber -= objcumber[value]; gtime++; printf("You are now wearing %s %s.\n",(objsht[value][n-1] == 's' ? "the" : "a"), objsht[value]); } else if (testbit(wear,value)) printf("You are already wearing the %s.\n", objsht[value]); else printf("You aren't holding the %s.\n", objsht[value]); if (wordnumber < wordcount - 1 && wordvalue[++wordnumber] == AND) wordnumber++; else return(firstnumber); } /* end switch */ } /* end while */ puts("Don't be ridiculous."); return(firstnumber); } put() /* synonyms = {buckle, strap, tie} */ { if (wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == ON){ wordvalue[++wordnumber] = PUTON; return(cypher()); } if (wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == DOWN){ wordvalue[++wordnumber] = DROP; return(cypher()); } puts("I don't understand what you want to put."); return(-1); } draw() /* synonyms = {pull, carry} */ { return(take(wear)); } use() { while (wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS && wordnumber < wordcount); if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == AMULET && testbit(inven,AMULET) && position != FINAL){ puts("The amulet begins to glow."); if (testbit(inven,MEDALION)){ puts("The medallion comes to life too."); if (position == 114){ location[position].down = 160; whichway(location[position]); puts("The waves subside and it is possible to descend to the sea cave now."); gtime++; return(-1); } } puts("A light mist falls over your eyes and the sound of purling water trickles in"); puts("your ears. When the mist lifts you are standing beside a cool stream."); if (position == 229) position = 224; else position = 229; gtime++; notes[CANTSEE] = 0; return(0); } else if (position == FINAL) puts("The amulet won't work in here."); else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == COMPASS && testbit(inven,COMPASS)) printf("Your compass points %s.\n",truedirec(NORTH,'-')); else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == COMPASS) puts("You aren't holding the compass."); else if (wordvalue[wordnumber] == AMULET) puts("You aren't holding the amulet."); else puts("There is no apparent use."); return(-1); } murder() { int n; for (n=0; !((n == SWORD || n == KNIFE || n == TWO_HANDED || n == MACE || n == CLEAVER || n == BROAD || n == CHAIN || n == SHOVEL || n == HALBERD) && testbit(inven,n)) && n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++); if (n == NUMOFOBJECTS) puts("You don't have suitable weapons to kill."); else { printf("Your %s should do the trick.\n",objsht[n]); while (wordtype[++wordnumber] == ADJS); switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]){ case NORMGOD: if (testbit(location[position].objects,BATHGOD)){ puts("The goddess's head slices off. Her corpse floats in the water."); clearbit(location[position].objects,BATHGOD); setbit(location[position].objects,DEADGOD); power += 5; notes[JINXED]++; } else if (testbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD)){ puts("The goddess pleads but you strike her mercilessly. Her broken body lies in a\npool of blood."); clearbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD); setbit(location[position].objects,DEADGOD); power += 5; notes[JINXED]++; if (wintime) live(); } else puts("I dont see her anywhere."); break; case TIMER: if (testbit(location[position].objects,TIMER)){ puts("The old man offers no resistance."); clearbit(location[position].objects,TIMER); setbit(location[position].objects,DEADTIME); power++; notes[JINXED]++; } else puts("Who?"); break; case NATIVE: if (testbit(location[position].objects,NATIVE)){ puts("The girl screams as you cut her body to shreds. She is dead."); clearbit(location[position].objects,NATIVE); setbit(location[position].objects,DEADNATIVE); power += 5; notes[JINXED]++; } else puts("What girl?"); break; case MAN: if (testbit(location[position].objects,MAN)){ puts("You strike him to the ground, and he coughs up blood."); puts("Your fantasy is over."); die(); } case -1: puts("Kill what?"); break; default: if (wordtype[wordnumber] != NOUNS) puts("Kill what?"); else printf("You can't kill the %s!\n",objsht[wordvalue[wordnumber]]); } } } ravage() { while (wordtype[++wordnumber] != NOUNS && wordnumber <= wordcount); if (wordtype[wordnumber] == NOUNS && testbit(location[position].objects,wordvalue[wordnumber])){ gtime++; switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]){ case NORMGOD: puts("You attack the goddess, and she screams as you beat her. She falls down"); puts("crying and tries to hold her torn and bloodied dress around her."); power += 5; pleasure += 8; ego -= 10; wordnumber--; godready = -30000; murder(); win = -30000; break; case NATIVE: puts("The girl tries to run, but you catch her and throw her down. Her face is"); puts("bleeding, and she screams as you tear off her clothes."); power += 3; pleasure += 5; ego -= 10; wordnumber--; murder(); if (rnd(100) < 50){ puts("Her screams have attracted attention. I think we are surrounded."); setbit(location[ahead].objects,WOODSMAN); setbit(location[ahead].objects,DEADWOOD); setbit(location[ahead].objects,MALLET); setbit(location[back].objects,WOODSMAN); setbit(location[back].objects,DEADWOOD); setbit(location[back].objects,MALLET); setbit(location[left].objects,WOODSMAN); setbit(location[left].objects,DEADWOOD); setbit(location[left].objects,MALLET); setbit(location[right].objects,WOODSMAN); setbit(location[right].objects,DEADWOOD); setbit(location[right].objects,MALLET); } break; default: puts("You are perverted."); } } else puts("Who?"); } follow() { if (followfight == gtime){ puts("The Dark Lord leaps away and runs down secret tunnels and corridors."); puts("You chase him through the darkness and splash in pools of water."); puts("You have cornered him. His laser sword extends as he steps forward."); position = FINAL; fight(DARK,75); setbit(location[position].objects,TALISMAN); setbit(location[position].objects,AMULET); return(0); } else if (followgod == gtime){ puts("The goddess leads you down a steamy tunnel and into a high, wide chamber."); puts("She sits down on a throne."); position = 268; setbit(location[position].objects,NORMGOD); notes[CANTSEE] = 1; return(0); } else puts("There is no one to follow."); return(-1); }