FreeBSD ?.?.? (UNKNOWN) Welcome to FreeBSD! You will find security advisories and updated errata information for all releases at http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/releases/ Before asking for technical assistance: 1. Consult the ERRATA section for your release at the URL above. 2. Search the Handbook, FAQ, and mail archives at http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/search.html. If the doc distribution is installed on this machine, you will also find the formatted FAQ and Handbook documents in /usr/share/doc/ 3. If you still have a question or problem, collect the output of `uname -a' along with error messages from whatever part of the system you are having problems with and email it as a question to the questions@FreeBSD.ORG mailing list. You may also use `/stand/sysinstall' to re-enter the installation and configuration utility. Edit /etc/motd to change this login announcement.