#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # german holidays file 2001 / bundeseinheitliche Feiertage 2001 # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # last edit-date: [Wed Jan 10 13:24:19 2001] # # ref: http://hamburg.de/Services/ferien/ferien.htm # # This file is only of value for installations which are # using the german Telekom "T-ISDN XXL" tariff where calls # on sundays and holidays are free of charge. Additional # configuration of /etc/isdnd.rc has to take place to enable # support for this tariff, see output of "man isdnd.rc" and # search for keyword "valid". # # $FreeBSD$ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # same day/month each year # 1.1 Neujahr 1.5 1. Mai 3.10 Tag der deutschen Einheit 25.12 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag 26.12 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag # # different day/month each year # 13.4.2001 Karfreitag 16.4.2001 Ostermontag 24.5.2001 Himmelfahrt 4.6.2001 Pfingstmontag